Traffic research | Publications

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Below, you can find all my self-written papers:

Journal Papers and Articles

My h-index is 11 with 12 cites/paper; 39 cites/year for my top-cited paper (706 in total). My Erdős number is 4.

  • Maerivoet S. et al, Infrastructure-Assisted Automated Driving in Transition Areas, in Cooperative Intelligent Systems: Towards High-Level Automated Driving, 2019
  • Akkermans L., Carlier K., Maerivoet S., A Study on Co-modality and Eco-driving Mobility, in Science, Society and New Technologies Series, Research for Innovative Transports Set, Volume 1, Energy and Environment, ISTE & Wiley, eds. Michel André and Zissis Samaras, Chapter 19, Pages 20-22, June 2016
  • Maerivoet S. et al., A Field Trial on Smart Mobility, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences (15th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation), Nr. 54, Pages 926-935, 2012

Conference Papers

  • Maerivoet S., Boerma S., Overvoorde R., Mylonas C., Tzanis D., Vega C., Dani E., Hyksova M., Pereira A.M., Mazzeschi V., Paruscio V., The New Mobility Data and Solutions Toolkit (nuMIDAS), paper accepted to 30th ITS World Congress, Dubai, UAE, 16-20 September 2024
  • Maerivoet S., Boerma S., Overvoorde R., Mylonas C., Tzanis D., Vega C., Dani E., Hyksova M., Pereira A.M., Mazzeschi V., Paruscio V, The New Mobility Data and Solutions Toolkit (nuMIDAS), 10th Transport Research Arena (TRA) 2024, Dublin, Ireland, 15-18 April 2024
  • Mehrabani B.B., Sgambi L., Maerivoet S., and Snelder M., Development, Calibration, and Validation of a Large-Scale Traffic Simulation Model: Belgium Road Network, BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Day, Leuven, Belgium, 1-2 June 2023
  • Kulmala R., Kotilainen I., Shladover S.E., Maerivoet S., Provision of Operational Design Domain (ODD) awareness for Automated Driving Systems (ADS) and road operators, 15th ITS European Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, 22-24 May 2023
  • Delhaye E., De Ceuster G., Vanhove F., and Maerivoet S., Internalisation of External Costs of Transport in Flanders, Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2017: Towards an Autonomous and Interconnected Transport Future, Eds. Mario Cools and Sabine Limbourg, Pages 224-239, Liège, Belgium, 18-19 May 2017
  • Maerivoet S., Traffic at SISTA, SYSTeMS Seminar, Universiteit Gent, Belgium, May 2004

Project Reports

  • Maerivoet S. et al., Traffic management in light of transition areas for connected and autonomous vehicles, Horizon 2020 TransAID project, Transport & Mobility Leuven, 2018
  • Maerivoet S. et al., HoPE: Holistic Personal public Eco-mobility, Final report for the EC, FP7 project, Transport & Mobility Leuven, February 2018
  • Maerivoet S. and Delhaye E., Performance Metrics and Predictive Models: Multi-scale representation of ATM performance indicators, Deliverable for Horizon 2020 INTUIT project, Transport & Mobility Leuven, April 2018
  • Akkermans L. and Maerivoet S., Environmental Modelling for automated Driving and Active Safety (EMDAS): Operational Safety for Autonomous Vehicles, final report for Flanders' MAKE, ICON EMDAS project, Transport & Mobility Leuven, September 2017
  • Maerivoet S. et al., MODUM: Model for Optimising Dynamic Urban Mobility, Final report for the EC, FP7 project, Transport & Mobility Leuven, March 2017
  • Maerivoet S., TransMob: Transport Data via the Use of a Mobility Card, final report for the Flemish Institute for Mobility (VIM), Transport & Mobility Leuven, February 2017
  • Maerivoet S, Mobiliteitsonderzoek ISVAG (update), final report for ISVAG, Transport & Mobility Leuven, October 2016
  • Maerivoet S., Het analyseren van datasets in het kader van het project "ShopMob: mobiliteit en spitsmijden bij winkelen", final report for the Flemish Institute for Mobility (VIM), Transport & Mobility Leuven, September 2016
  • Akkermans L., Breemersch T., Maerivoet S., Passenger mobility and road traffic statistics, report for Eurostat, Sogeti and Transport & Mobility Leuven, January 2016
  • Maerivoet S., Gebruiksheffing Infrabel, supporting database queries for Infrabel, Transport & Mobility Leuven, July 2014
  • Maerivoet S., Supporting the Whitebook Spatial Planning Flanders, Transport & Mobility Leuven, April 2013
  • Engels D. and Maerivoet S., coordinating the parking policy study for Antwerp, 2013
  • Maerivoet S., De ontwikkeling van een methodologie voor de beoordeling van projecten naar hun bijdrage tot de strategische doelstellingen van VIM (onderdeel mobiliteit), final report for the Flemish Institute for Mobility (VIM), Transport & Mobility Leuven, Mei 2012
  • Maerivoet S. and Strobbe D., Supporting the Drafting of an ITS Action Plan for Flanders, final report (confidential) for ITS Belgium and Flanders Traffic Centre, Transport & Mobility Leuven and Technum, November 2014
  • Delhaye E., and Maerivoet S., Betaalbare en rendabele taxi's in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, final report (confidential) for RebelGroupAdvisory, Transport & Mobility Leuven, May 2013
  • Maerivoet S., Parkeeronderzoek Grote Markt Blankenberge: Parkeerbalans en parkeerduuronderzoek, final report (confidential) for Franki Construct NV, Transport & Mobility Leuven, May 2013
  • Akkermans L., Carlier K., and Maerivoet S., A study on co-modality and mobility with eco driving: continuation, final report (confidential) for Toyota Motor Europe, Transport & Mobility Leuven, October 2012
  • Carlier K. and Maerivoet S., Mobiliteitsstudie recreatiecluster Moerelei, final report (confidential) for City of Antwerp, Transport & Mobility Leuven, August 2012
  • Carlier K., Maerivoet S., and Yperman I., Mobiliteitsstudie met betrekking tot de toegankelijkheid van de parking op de site Carrefour Herstal, final report (confidential) for Carrefour Group Belgium, Transport & Mobility Leuven, August 2012
  • Maerivoet S. et al., De ontwikkeling van een methodologie voor de beoordeling van projecten naar hun bijdrage tot de strategische doelstellingen van VIM, final report (confidential) for Vlaams Instituut voor Mobiliteit (VIM), May 2012
  • Akkermans L., Carlier K., and Maerivoet S., A study on co-modality and mobility with eco driving, final report (confidential) for Toyota Motor Europe, Transport & Mobility Leuven, December 2011
  • Akkermans L., Carlier K., and Maerivoet S., Akkermans L., De Ceuster G., and Maerivoet S., Impact EU ITS directive: Sanity check on investments in the ITS sector, final report (confidential) for ITS Belgium, Transport & Mobility Leuven, October 2011
  • Akkermans L., Breemersch T., Maerivoet S. et al., Etude des impacts économiques, environnementaux et sur le trafic en Région wallonne d'une interdiction de circulation des poids lourds le dimanche, Final report (confidential) for Service public de Wallonie (SPW), Transport & Mobility Leuven, September 2010
  • Maerivoet S., Bepaling Tarieven Showcase Rekeningrijden+eCall Leuven, Technical note, Transport & Mobility Leuven, April 2010
  • Maerivoet S., Studie Toekomst ISVAG: Analyse Transportstromen, Final report (confidential) for ISVAG, Transport & Mobility Leuven, April 2010
  • Maerivoet S., Statistische analyse van SMS en contante betalingstransacties van parkeerautomaten in de Stad Leuven, Final report (confidential), Transport & Mobility Leuven, March 2010
  • Maerivoet S. and Yperman I., Traffic Circulation Parking Carrefour in Korbeek-Lo, Final report (confidential) for Carrefour Group Belgium, Transport & Mobility Leuven, August 2009
  • Maerivoet S. and Yperman I., Support and Development for an Expert System for Traffic Data, Final report (confidential) for Flanders' Traffic Centre, Transport & Mobility Leuven, July 2009
  • Maerivoet S. and Yperman I., Expert System for Traffic Data: Clusteranalysis in MATLAB, Report (confidential) for Flanders' Traffic Centre, Transport & Mobility Leuven, June 2009
  • Maerivoet S. and Yperman I., Analyse van de Congestie in België, Final report for the Federal Public Service Mobility & Transportation, Transport & Mobility Leuven, October 2008
  • Maerivoet S., Verkeersgegevens Vlaamse Ruit, Technical note (confidential) for the Kennisinstituut voor Mobiliteit, Transport & Mobility Leuven, February 2008
  • Maerivoet S., A Statistical Comparison of the NDPII and FREDERIK Model Results for Oslo, Technical note (confidential) for the Network Design Problem, in cooperation with TØI (Norway), Transport & Mobility Leuven, January 2007
  • Logghe S. and Maerivoet S., Validation of Travel Times based on Cellular Floating Vehicle Data, Final report (confidential) to TC-Matix, Transport & Mobility Leuven, December 2006

University Internal Reports

  • Maerivoet S. and De Moor B., Data Quality, Travel Time Estimation, and Reliability (see PhD dissertation, Chapter 6), Internal Report 06-030, ESAT-SCD (SISTA), K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), March 2006
  • Maerivoet S. and De Moor B., Traffic Flow Theory, Internal Report 05-154, ESAT-SCD (SISTA), K.U.Leuven (Leuven, Belgium), July 2005

University Abstracts

Master's Thesis


Doctoral Log Jump to top of page

My personal doctoral log contains detailed descriptions of my PhD research progress, over a course of four years. It contains entries for every day about research results, discussions of papers, ... The original idea to keep such a log, stemmed from the fact that, in our research group, our promotor requires us to give him updates in the form of weekly reports. I exaggerated a bit...

Note that this doctoral log is written in Dutch.
It was last modified at 02/12/2004; from then on, I started writing my dissertation.

Download doctoral log (PDF, 46 MB).

Electronic Papers Database Jump to top of page

All papers in my possession are stored in a BibTeX database once they are indexed (BIB, 566 KiB, last modified at 27/04/2015).

Click here for a list of available papers.