Papers database | List of available papers
Refer to the table below for a complete list of all available papers.
Key | Author(s) | Title |
ABBOTT:01 | Robert Abbott | Ext3 vs. ReiserFS |
ABLAMOWICZ:03 | Rafal Ablamowicz | A Graduate Student's Guide to LaTeX and AMS-LaTeX |
ABRAHAMSSON:98 | Torgil Abrahamsson | Estimation of Origin-Destination Matrices Using Traffic Counts: A Literature Survey |
ABRAMOWITZ:72 | Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun | Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables |
ACHADAZA:94 | Jorge A. Acha-Daza and Fred L. Hall | Application of catastrophe theory to traffic flow variables |
ACQUISTO:95 | Pietro Acquisto and Eduard Gröller | A Distortion Camera for Ray Tracing |
AGRAWAL:02 | Manindra Agrawal and Neeraj Kayal and Nitin Saxena | PRIMES is in P |
AHMED:99 | Kazi Iftekhar Ahmed | Modeling Driver's Acceleration and Lane Changing Behavior |
AHN:04 | Soyoung Ahn and Michael J. Cassidy and Jorge Andrés Laval | Verification of a simplified car-following theory |
AHO:74 | A.V. Aho and J.E. Hopcroft and J.D. Ullman | The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms |
AKCELIK:07 | Rahmi Akcelik | A Review of Gap-Acceptance Capacity Models |
AKCELIK:91 | R. Akçelik | Travel time functions for transport planning purposes: Davidson's function, its time-dependent form and an alternative travel time function |
AKELEY:02 | Kurt Akeley and David Kirk and Larry Seiler and Philipp Slusallek and Brad Grantham | When Will Ray Tracing Replace Rasterization? |
AKKERMANS:01 | Michel Akkermans | Virtual Finance - Gastcollege |
ALBEVERIO | S. Albeverio and M. Schreckenberg | Connexion and completion of traffic data recorded unevenly in space and time |
ALEXANDER:03 | Kate Alexander | Investigation of a New Macroscopic Model of Traffic Flow |
ALGER | Michael Alger | Real-Time traffic monitoring using mobile phone data |
ALGERS:98 | Staffan Algers and Eric Bernauer and Marco Boero and Laurent Breheret and Carlo Di Taranto | Simulation Modelling Applied to Road Transport European Scheme Tests (SMARTEST) - Review of Micro-Simulation Models |
ALICANDRI:94 | Elizabeth Alicandri | HYSIM: The Next Best Thing to Being on the Road |
ALLOUCHE:01 | J.-P. Allouche and M. Courbage and G. Skordev | Notes on cellular automata |
ALTEPETER:04 | Joseph B. Altepeter | The Emergent Behaviour of Traffic |
ALTMAN:03 | Eitan Altman and Laura Wynter | Equilibrium, games, and pricing in transportation and telecommunication networks |
ALVAREZ:04 | Luis Alvarez-Icaza and Laura Muñoz and Xiaotian Sun and Roberto Horowitz | Adaptive Observer for Traffic Density Estimation |
ALZATE:09 | Carlos Alzate | Support Vector Methods for Unsupervised Learning |
AMANNA | Ashwin Amanna | The Smart Road - General Information |
AMANNAb | Ashwin Amanna and Charles Crawford | Virginia's Smart Road : An Intelligent Transportations Systems Research Facility |
AMMERAAL:89 | Leen Ammeraal | Turbo C |
ANGEL:05 | Omer Angel and Alexander E. Holroyd and James B. Martin | The Jammed Phase of the Biham-Middleton-Levine Traffic Model |
ANSORGE:90 | Rainer Ansorge | What does the entropy solution mean in traffic flow theory? |
ANTHONY:97 | Doctor Anthony | Fermat's Last Theorem: Explanation |
ANTONI:03 | Mickaël Antoni and Raffaele Cafiero | Dynamical phases and hysteresis in a simple one-lane traffic model |
APOSTOL:07 | Tom Apostol | A Visual Approach to Calculus Problems |
APS:01 | Unknown | APS Compuscript Guide for REVTeX 4 |
APS:01b | Unknown | REVTeX 4 Author's Guide |
ARCHER:05 | Jeffery Archer | Indicators for traffic safety assessment and prediction and their application in micro-simulation modelling |
ARENTZE:00 | Theo Arentze and Harry Timmermans | ALBATROSS: A Learning BAsed TRansportation Oriented Simulation System |
ARGILE:96 | A. Argile and E. Peytchev and A. Bargiela and I. Kosonen | DIME - A shared memory environment for distributed simulation, monitoring and control of urban areas |
ARNOTT:01 | Richard Arnott | The Economic Theory of Urban Traffic Congestion - A Microscopic Research Agenda |
ARNOTT:94 | Richard Arnott and Kenneth Small | The Economics of Traffic Congestion |
ARNOTT:94b | Richard Arnott | Alleviating Traffic Congestion: Alternatives to Road Pricing |
ARNOTT:98 | Richard Arnott and André de Palma and Robin Lindsey | Recent developments in the bottleneck model |
ARROYO:05 | Santiago Arroyo and Alain L. Kornhauser | Modeling Travel Time Distributions on a Road Network |
ARVO:86 | James Arvo | Backward Ray Tracing |
ASTARITA:02 | V. Astarita | Node and Link Models for Network Traffic Flow Simulation |
AVENT | Sean R. Avent | Time Series Analysis - An Introduction |
AVNET:00 | Jeremy Avnet | Theory of Cellular Automata |
AW:00 | A. Aw and M. Rascle | Resurrection of ``Second Order'' Models of Traffic Flow? |
AWAZU:99 | Akinori Awazu | Cellular automaton rule 184 + + C. A simple model for the complex dynamics of various particles flow |
AWV:04 | Administratie Wegen en Verkeer | Het wegenpatrimonium in cijfers |
AWV:06 | Administratie Wegen en Verkeer, Departement Leefmilieu en Infrastructuur (LIN) van het Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap | Knelpunten en `missing links' |
AXHAUSEN:00 | K.W. Axhausen | Activity-based modelling: Research directions and possibilities |
BABONNEAU:06 | Frédéric Babonneau | Solving the multicommodity flow problem with the analytic center cutting plane method |
BACH:03 | Martin Bach | Working in the Sixth Dimension |
BACKELJAUW:09 | Franky Backeljauw | A Contribution to the Reliable Evaluation of Mathematical Functions |
BACKX | Ton Backx and Okko Bosgra and Wolfgang Marquardt | Integration of model predictive control and optimization of procesesses |
BACKX:99 | Ton Backx and Jobert Ludlage and Anton Koenraads | Model Based Process Control ensures predictable process operation |
BACKXb | Ton Backx and Okko Bosgra and Wolfgang Marquardt | Towards Intentional Dynamics in Supply Chain Conscious Process Operations |
BACKXc | Ton Backx and Jobert Ludlage and Anton Koenraads | Application of model predictive control for quality control fo glass melting processes |
BADGER:91 | Joseph E. Badger | Just how critical is critical speed? |
BAEZ | John Baez | How Many Fundamentals Constants Are There? |
BAEZ:01 | John C. Baez | The Octonions |
BAEZ:99 | John Baez | Renormalization Made Easy |
BAGNERINI:03 | P. Bagnerini and M. Rascle | A Multi-Class Homogenized Hyperbolic Model of Traffic Flow |
BAGNERINI:05 | Patrizia Bagnerini and Rinaldo M. Colombo and Andrea Corli | On the role of source terms in continuum traffic flow models |
BAJWA:03 | S. Bajwa and E. Chung and M. Kuwahara | Sensitivity Analysis of Short-Term Travel Time Prediction Model's Parameters |
BAK:88 | P. Bak and C. Tang and K. Wiesenfeld | Self-organized criticality |
BAKER:02 | Mark Baker and Rajkumar Buyya and Domenico Laforenza | Grids and Grid technologies for wide-area distributed computing |
BALAKRISHNA:02 | Ramachandran Balakrishna | Calibration of the Demand Simulator in a Dynamic Traffic Assignment System |
BALENOVIC:98 | M. Balenovic and J.H.B.J. Hoebink and A.C.P.M. Backx and A.J.L. Nievergeld | Modeling of an automotive exhaust gas converter at low temperatures, aiming at control application |
BALMER:04 | Michael Balmer and Kai Nagel and Bryan Raney | Large-Scale Multi-Agent Simulations for Transportation Applications |
BALMER:04b | Michael Balmer and Bryan Raney and Kai Nagel | Coupling activity-based demand generation to a truly agent-based traffic simulation - activity time allocation |
BALMER:04c | Michael Balmer and Nurhan Cetin and Kai Nagel and Bryan Raney | Towards truly agent-based traffic and mobility simulations |
BALMER:05 | Michael Balmer and Marcel Rieser and Arnd Vogel and Kay W. Axhausen and Kai Nagel | Generating Day Plans Based on Origin-Destination Matrices |
BALMER:06 | Michael Balmer and Kay W. Axhausen and Kai Nagel | A Demand Generation Framework for Large Scale Micro Simulations |
BANDO:95 | M. Bando and K. Hasebe and A. Nakayama and A. Shibata and Y. Sugiyama | Dynamic model of traffic congestion and numerical simulation |
BANDO:98 | M. Bando and K. Hasebe and K. Nakanishi and A. Nakayama | Analysis of optimal velocity model with explicit delay |
BARCELO:02 | J. Barceló and D. Van Vliet | Traffic Study: from Static through Dynamic to Simulation |
BARCELO:02b | Jaime Barceló and Jordi Casas | Heuristic Dynamic Assignment based on Microscopic Traffic Simulation |
BARCELO:02c | J. Barceló | Microscopic Traffic Simulation: A tool for the Analysis and Assessment of ITS Systems |
BARCELO:98 | J. Barceló and J.L. Ferrer and D. García and R. Grau | Microscopic Traffic Simulation for ATT Systems Analysis - A Parallel Computing Version |
BARGERA:10 | Hillel Bar-Gera | Traffic assignment by paired alternative segments |
BARLOVIC:02 | Robert Barlović and Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg | Random walk theory of jamming in a cellular automaton model for traffic flow |
BARLOVIC:02b | Robert Barlović and Torsten Huisinga and Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg | Open boundaries in a cellular automaton model for traffic flow with metastable states |
BARLOVIC:03 | Robert Barlović | Traffic Jams - Cluster formation in low-dimensional cellular automata models for highway and city traffic |
BARLOVIC:98 | R. Barlović and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg | Metastable States in Cellular Automata for Traffic Flow |
BARLOVIC:98b | Robert Barlović | Metastabile Zustände im Zellularautomatenmodell für den Straßenverkehr |
BARLOVIC:99 | R. Barlović and J. Esser and K. Froese and W. Knospe and L. Neubat and M. Schreckenberg and J. Wahle | Online Traffic Simulation with Cellular Automata |
BARR:84 | Alan H. Barr | Global and local deformations of solid primitives |
BARRETT:95 | Christopher L. Barrett and Steven Eubank and Kai Nagel and Steen Rasmussen and Jason Riordan and Murray Wolinsky | Issues in the representation of traffic using multi-resolution cellular automata |
BARRO:99 | Roberto J. Barro and Xavier Sala-i-Martin | Economic Growth |
BASILE:04 | F. Basile and C. Carbone and P. Chiacchio and R. Boel and C. Avram | A hybrid model for urban traffic control |
BASTIN:95 | G. Bastin and J. F. Van Impe | Nonlinear and Adaptive Control in Biotechnology: A Tutorial |
BATLEY | Richard Batley and Tony Fowkes and David Watling and Gerard Whelan and Andrew Daly and Eiji Hato | Models for analysing route choice |
BATLEY:01 | Richard P. Batley and Richard G. Clegg | Driver Route and Departure Time Choices: The Evidence and the Models |
BBCNEWS:00 | BBC News | Wormholes take on a new dimension |
BECK:98 | Kent Beck and Erich Gamma | JUnit Test Infected - Programmers Love Writing Tests |
BECKER:03 | Dan Becker | Java: Add MP3 capabilities to Java Sound with SPI |
BECKMANN:55 | Martin Beckmann and Charles Bartlett McGuire and Christopher B. Winsten | Studies in the Economics of Transportation |
BEKAERT | Robert Bekaert | The Use of Mathematical Modelling and Simulation Techniques at the Sidmar Steel Plant |
BELL:91 | Michael G.H. Bell | The Estimation of Origin-Destination Matrices by Constrained Generalised Least Squares |
BELL:91b | Michael G.H. Bell | The Real Time Estimation of Origin-Destination Flows in the Presence of Platoon Dispersion |
BELLEMANS:00 | Tom Bellemans and Bart De Schutter and Bart De Moor | Data acquisition, interfacing and pre-processing of highway traffic data |
BELLEMANS:01 | Tom Bellemans | Technische systemen voor verkeersmanagement |
BELLEMANS:01b | Tom Bellemans and Bart De Schutter and Bart De Moor | An improved first-order macroscopic flow model for highway traffic simulation |
BELLEMANS:01c | Tom Bellemans and Bart De Schutter and Bart De Moor | Models for traffic control |
BELLEMANS:03 | Tom Bellemans | Traffic Control on Motorways |
BELLEMANS:99 | Tom Bellemans and Bart De Schutter and Bart De Moor | On data acquisition, modelling and simulation of highway traffic |
BELLOVIN:03 | Steven M. Bellovin | A Technique for Counting NATted Hosts |
BELOMESTNY:03 | D. Belomestny and H.Siegel | On the Stochastic and Self-Similar Nature of Highway Traffic Data |
BENAKIVA:02 | Moshe E. Ben-Akiva and Angus Davol and Tomer Toledo and Haris N. Koutsopoulos and Wilco Burghout and Ingmar Andréasson and Tobias Johansson | Calibration and Evaluation of MITSIMLab in Stockholm |
BENAKIVA:85 | M.E. Ben-Akiva and S.R. Lerman | Discrete Choice Analysis: Theory and Application to Travel Demand |
BENAKIVA:96 | Moshe Ben-Akiva and Michel Bierlaire and H.N. Koutsopoulos and R. G. Mishalani | DynaMIT: Dynamic network assignment for the management of information to travelers |
BENAKIVA:98 | Moshe Ben-Akiva and Michel Bierlaire and H.N. Koutsopoulos and R. G. Mishalani | DynaMIT: a simulation-based system for traffic prediction |
BENAKIVA:99 | M. Ben-Akiva and M. Bierlaire | Discrete choice methods and their applications to short term travel decisions |
BENARTZI:03 | Matania Ben-Artzi and Joseph Falcovitz | Generalized Riemann Problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics |
BENENSON:04 | Itzhak Benenson and Paul M. Torrens | Geosimulation: Automata-based Modeling of Urban Phenomena |
BENJAAFAR | Saifallah Benjaafar and Kevin Dooley and Wibowo Setyawan | Cellular Automata for Traffic Flow Modeling |
BENJAMIN:96 | Simon C. Benjamin and Neil F. Johnson and P.M. Hui | Cellular automata models of traffic flow along a highway containing a junction |
BENJAMIN:96 | Simon C. Benjamin and Neil F. Johnson and P.M. Hui | Cellular automata models of traffic flow along a highway containing a junction |
BENNAIM:01 | E. Ben-Naim and P.L. Krapivsky | Kinetic Theory of Traffic Flows |
BENNAIM:99 | E. Ben-Naim and P.L. Krapivsky | Maxwell Model of Traffic Flows |
BENYOUSSEF:03 | A. Benyoussef and H. Chakib and H.Ez-Zahraouy | Anisotropic effect on two-dimensional cellular automaton traffic flow with periodic and open boundaries |
BERNSTEIN:99 | Dennis R. Bernstein | A Student's Guide to Research |
BERRY:68 | James R. Berry | 40 Years in the Future |
BERTELSONS:95 | Boris Bertelsons and Mathias Rach | PC Underground |
BERTINI | Robert L. Bertini | Congestion and its extent |
BERTINI:02 | Robert L. Bertini and Michael J. Cassidy | Some Observed Queue Discharge Features at a Freeway Bottleneck Downstream of a Merge |
BERTINI:03 | R.L. Bertini | Toward the Systematic Diagnosis of Freeway Bottleneck Activation |
BERTINI:04 | Robert L. Bertini and James Strathman and Sutti Tantiyanugulchai and Shazia Malik and Ahmed El-Geneidy | Multimodal ITS Data Integration and Performance Measurement in Portland, Oregon |
BERTINI:05 | Robert L. Bertini and Roger V. Lindgren and Dirk Helbing and Martin Schonhof | Empirical Observations of Dynamic Traffic Flow Phenomena on a German Autobahn |
BERTINI:05b | Robert L. Bertini and Aaron M. Myton | Using PeMS Data to Empirically Diagnose Freeway Bottleneck Locations in Orange County, California |
BERTINI:11 | Robert Bertini | 75 Years of the Fundamental Diagram for Traffic Flow Theory: Greenshields Symposium |
BERTINI:99 | Robert Lawrence Bertini | Time-Dependent Traffic Flow Features at a Freeway Bottleneck Downstream of a Merge |
BETHLEHEM:01 | J. Bethlehem and S. van Buuren | Missing Values: a symposium on incomplete data |
BEZOS:99 | Javier Bezos | LaTeX - The titlesec and titletoc packages |
BHAM:04 | Ghulam H. Bham and Rahim F. Benekohal | A high fidelity traffic simulation model based on cellular automata and car-following concepts |
BICKEL | Peter Bickel and Chao Chen and Jaimyoung Kwon and John Rice and Pravin Varaiya and Erik van Zwet | Traffic Flow on a Freeway Network |
BICKEL:04 | Peter Bickel and Chao Chen and Jaimyoung Kwon and John Rice and Erik van Zwet and Pravin Varaiya | Measuring Traffic |
BIERCE:11 | Ambrose Bierce | The Devil's Dictionary |
BIERLAIRE:95 | Michel Bierlaire | Mathematical models for transportation demand analysis |
BIHAM:92 | Ofer Biham and A. Alan Middleton and Dov Levine | Self-organization and a dynamical transition in traffic-flow models |
BISHOP:03 | Phil Bishop and Nigel Warren | JavaSpaces in practice |
BLANK:00 | Michael Blank | Variational principles in the analysis of traffic flows (Why it is worth to go against the flow.) |
BLANK:05 | Michael Blank | Hysteresis Phenomenon in Deterministic Traffic Flows |
BLANKESTEIJN | Herbert Blankesteijn | Vreemd en moeilijk |
BLANKESTEIJN:95 | Herbert Blankesteijn | Stephen Hawking Superster |
BLANPAIN:09 | Roger Blanpain and Els Vanheusden and Emmanuel Verraes and Melanie Verroken | Auteurscontracten voor educatieve en wetenschappelijke uitgaven |
BLIEMER | Michiel C.J. Bliemer and Ronald J. Castenmiller and Piet H.L. Bovy | Analytical multiclass dynamic traffic assignment using a dynamic network loading procedure |
BLIEMER:01 | M.C.J. Bliemer | Analytical dynamic traffic assignment with interacting user-classes: theoretical advances and applications using a variational inequality approach |
BLIEMER:04 | Michiel Bliemer and Erik Versteegt and Ronald Castenmiller | INDY: A new analytical multiclass dynamic traffic assignment model |
BLIEMER:04b | Michiel Bliemer | Dynamic traffic modeling and road pricing on motorway networks |
BLIEMERb | Michiel C.J. Bliemer | Queuing in an Analytical Multiclass Dynamic Network Loading Model |
BLUE:03 | M. Blue and B.W. Bush | Information content in the Nagel-Schreckenberg cellular automata traffic model |
BOCCARA:00 | N. Boccara and H. Fukś | Critical behavior of a cellular automaton highway traffic model |
BOCCARA:97 | N. Boccara and H. Fukś and Q. Zeng | Car accidents and number of stopped cars due to road blockage on a one-lane highway |
BOGAERT:06 | Sarah Bogaert and Lieven De Smet and Frederik Verdonk and Karl Van Biervliet and Steven Logghe and Laurent Franckx and Johan Eyckmans et al. | Verkennende studie naar de prijs- en inkomenselasticiteiten van milieugerelateerde goederen en diensten in Vlaanderen |
BOITTIN:98 | Margaret Boittin and Erin Callahan and David Goldberg and Jacob Remes | Math That Makes You Go Wow - A Multi-Discplinary Exploration of Non-Orientable Surfaces |
BOLKER:98 | Joan Bolker | Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day: A Guide to Starting, Revising, and Finishing Your Doctoral Thesis |
BOON:88 | K.L. Boon | Pascal voor iedereen |
BOONE:97 | Marianne Boone and Johan Nootens and Kristien Spillebeen and Marianne van Scherpenzeel | De nieuwe spelling ... in de nieuwe spelling |
BORGA:99 | Magnus Borga | Canonical Correlation: A Tutorial |
BORKAR:03 | V.S. Borkar and P.R. Kumar | Dynamic Cesaro-Wardrop Equilibration in Networks |
BORKEN:00 | Jens Borken and Wolfram Knörr and Ulrich Höpfner | Energy consumption and pollutant emissions from road transport in Belgium |
BORLAND:88 | Borland International | Turbo Pascal 5 - User's Guide |
BORLAND:89 | Borland International | Turbo Pascal 5 - Reference Guide |
BOSMANS:01 | P. Bosmans and P. Watté and S. Van Houte | Integrale kwaliteitszorg bij de produktie van innovatieve HID lichtbronnen |
BOTMA:00 | H. Botma | Verkeersafwikkeling - Volume A - Traffic Flow Theory |
BOTMA:01 | H. Botma and T. Dijker | Cursus Fosim |
BOTMA:99 | Hein Botma | The Free Speed Distribution of Drivers: Estimation Approaches |
BOTTOM:00 | Jon Alan Bottom | Consistent Anticipatory Route Guidance |
BOTTOMLEY:96 | James Bottomley and John Baez | Why are there eight gluons and not nine? |
BOUCHAUD:01 | Jean-Philippe Bouchaud and Marc Potters | Theory of Financial Risks: From Statistical Physics to Risk Management |
BOURKE:98 | Paul Bourke | Recurrence plots |
BOURREL:02 | Emmanuel Bourrel and Vincent Henn | Mixing Micro and Macro Representations of Traffic Flow: A First Theoretical Step |
BOVAL:00 | Christophe Boval and Steven De Foer and Dominique Minten | Wilt U betalen om niet in de file te staan? |
BOVY:00 | Piet L. Bovy and Remmelt Thijs | Estimators of Travel Time for Road Networks - New developments, evaluation results, and applications |
BOVY:04 | Piet H.L. Bovy | A World of Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics - Proceedings of the 8th International TRAIL Congress 2004 |
BOVY:84 | Piet H.L. Bovy | Travel time errors in shortest route predictions and all-or-nothing assignments: theoretical analysis and simultation findings |
BOWMAN:95 | J. Bowman and M. Ben-Akiva | Activity-Based Model System of Urban Passenger Travel Demand |
BOWMAN:98 | John L. Bowman | The day activity schedule approach to travel demand analysis |
BOX:76 | George E.P. Box and Gwilym M. Jenkins | Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control |
BOX:94 | George E.P. Box and Gwilym M. Jenkins and G.C. Reinsel | Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control |
BOYCE:01 | David Boyce and Der-Horng Lee and Bin Ran | Analytical Models of the Dynamic Traffic Assignment Problem |
BOYCE:04 | David E. Boyce and Hani S. Mahmassani and Anna Nagurney | A Retrospective on Beckmann, McGuire and Winsten's Studies in the Economics of Transportation |
BOYCE:04b | David E. Boyce | Forecasting Travel on Congested Urban Transportation Networks: Review and Prospects for Network Equilibrium Models |
BOYCE:06 | David Boyce and Anna Nagurney | In Memoriam: C. Bartlett McGuire (1925-2006) and Christopher B. Winsten (1923-2005) |
BOYCE:98 | David Boyce | A Practitioner's Guide to Urban Travel Forecasting Models |
BPR:64 | Unknown | Traffic Assignment Manual |
BRACKSTONE:00 | Mark Brackstone and Mike McDonald | Car Following: A Historical Review |
BRADLEY:02 | David Bradley | What does my molecule look like? |
BRADLEY:02b | Elizabeth Bradley and Ricardo Mantilla | Recurrence Plots and Unstable Periodic Orbits |
BRADLEY:99 | Elizabeth Bradley | Time-Series Analysis |
BRAESS:05 | Dietrich Braeß and Anna Nagurney and Tina Wakolbinger | On a paradox of traffic planning |
BRAESS:69 | Dietrich Braeß | Über ein Paradoxon aus der Verkehrsplanung |
BRAGA:95 | G. Braga and G. Cattaneo and P. Flocchini and C. Quaranta Vogliotti | Pattern growth in elementary cellular automata |
BRANKOV | J.G. Brankov and N.C. Pesheva and N.Zh. Bunzarova | One-Dimensional Traffic Flow Models - Theory and Computer Simulations |
BRANKOV:96 | J.G. Brankov and V.B. Priezzhev and M. Schreckenberg | The Kasteleyn model and a cellular automaton approach to traffic flow |
BRANSTON:76 | David Branston | Models of Single Lane Time Headway Distributions |
BRANSTON:76b | David Branston | Link capacity functions: A review |
BRATT:99 | Hanna Bratt and Eva Ericsson | Measuring vehicle driving patterns - estimating the influence of different measuring intervals |
BREHM:95 | Denise Brehm | Traffic simulator incorporates driving styles |
BRETZ:99 | Elizabeth A. Bretz | Transportation Technology Analysis and Forecast |
BRIEGER:00 | Nick Brieger and Simon Sweeney | The Language of Business English - Grammar and Functions |
BRILON:00 | Werner Brilon | Traffic Flow Analysis Beyond Traditional Methods |
BRILON:99 | Werner Brilon and Frank Weiser | Recent Developments in Highway Cross Section Design in Germany |
BRILON:99b | W. Brilon and N. Wu | Evaluation of Cellular Automata for Traffic Flow Simulation on Freeway and Urban Streets |
BRINKMAN:03 | P. Anthony Brinkman | The Ethical Challenges and Professional Responses of Travel Demand Forecasters |
BROCKFELD:03 | Elmar Brockfeld and Reinhart D. Kühne and Alexander Skabardonis and Peter Wagner | Towards a benchmarking of microscopic traffic flow models |
BROCKFELD:04 | Elmar Brockfeld and Rene Kelpin and Peter Wagner | Performance of car following behaviour in microscopic traffic flow models |
BROERSEN:02 | Piet M.T. Broersen | Automatic Spectral Analysis With Time Series Models |
BROOKE:98 | Anthony Brooke and David Kendrick and Alexander Meeraus and Ramesh Raman | GAMS - A User's Guide |
BROUCKE:96 | M. Broucke and P. Varaiya | A theory of traffic flow in automated highway systems |
BROWN:63 | Robert Goodell Brown | Smoothing, Forecasting and Prediction of Discrete Time Series |
BUBAK:99 | Marian Bubak and Przemyslaw Czerwiński | Traffic simulation using cellular automata and continuous models |
BUCKLEY:68 | D.J. Buckley | A Semi-Poisson Model of Traffic Flow |
BUCKLEY:74 | D.J. Buckley and S. Yagar | Capacity funnels near on-ramps |
BUDIANSKY:00 | Stephen Budiansky | The Physics of Gridlock |
BUI:92 | D.D. Bui and P. Nelson and S.L. Narasimhan | Computational realizations of the entropy condition in modelling congested traffic flow |
BULTHEEL:01 | Adhemar Bultheel | Wavelets with applications in signal and image processing |
BURGERS:48 | Johannes Martinus Burgers | A Mathematical Model Illustrating the Theory of Turbulence |
BURGESS:25 | Ernest W. Burgess | The Growth of the City |
BURGHOUT:04 | Wilco Burghout | Hybrid microscopic-mesoscopic traffic simulation |
BURGHOUT:04b | Wilco Burghout | A note on the number of replication runs in stochastic traffic simulation models |
BURGHOUT:05 | Wilco Burghout and Haris N. Koutsopoulos and Ingmar Andreasson | Hybrid Mesoscopic-Microscopic Traffic simulation |
BURKE:01 | Shaun Burke | Understanding the Structure of Scientific Data |
BURKE:01b | Shaun Burke | Analysis of Variance |
BURKE:01c | Shaun Burke | Regression and Calibration |
BURKE:01d | Shaun Burke | Missing Values, Outliers, Robust Statistics & Non-Parametric Methods |
BURNIKEL:98 | Christophe Burnikel and Joachim Ziegler | Fast Recursive Division |
BURRELL:68 | J.E. Burrell | Multiple route assignment and its application to capacity restraint |
BUTLER:04 | Decan Butler | Sound and vision |
BUTTERWORTH:98 | Mary Butterworth and Ian Butterworth and Doris Teplitz and Vigdor Teplitz | How Particles Acquire Mass |
BUYTAERT:08 | Dries Buytaert | Profiling Techniques for Performance Analysis and Optimization of Java Applications |
CALDWELL:03 | Robert R. Caldwell and Marc Kamionkowski and Nevin N. Weinberg | Phantom Energy and Cosmic Doomsday |
CALIPER:01 | Caliper Corporation | TransCAD |
CALVET:99 | Carlos Calvet | Assault to the Fortress Pi |
CAMBRIDGE:98 | Unknown | The article physicist's view of nature |
CAMERON:94 | Gordon Cameron and Brian J. N. Wylie and David McArthur | PARAMICS - Moving Vehicles on the Connection Machine |
CAMPARI | Enrico G. Campari and Giuseppe Levi and Vittorio Maniezzo | Cellular Automata and Roundabout Traffic Simulation |
CAMPBELL:59 | E.W. Campbell and L.E. Keefer and R.W. Adams | A Method for Predicting Speeds through Signalised Street Sections |
CAMUS:97 | Roberto Camus and Giulio E. Cantarella and Domenico Inaudi | Real-time estimation and prediction of origin-destination matrices per time slice |
CARDINAELS:06 | Bert Cardinaels | Toepassing van prijsmechanisme op het Belgische wegennet |
CAREY:05 | Malachy Carey and Y.E. Ge | Alternative Conditions for a Well-Behaved Travel Time Model |
CAREY:58 | H.C. Carey | Principles of Social Science |
CARLIER:00 | Kristof Carlier and Bruno Villé | Dynamisch Verkeersmanagement - Toepassing op de E17 met behulp van micro-simulatiemodel Aimsun2 |
CARLIER:05 | Kristof Carlier and Rob Van Nes and Jeroen Schrijver and Stella Catalano | TRANSFER: A new equilibrium model for analysing multimodal passenger trips |
CARPENTIER:02 | Nathalie Carpentier | Zonder handen in de haarspeldbocht |
CASCETTA:09 | Ennio Cascetta | Transportation Systems Analysis: Models and Applications |
CASCETTA:88 | Ennio Cascetta and Sang Nguyen | A Unified Framework for Estimation or Updating Origin-Destination Matrices from Traffic Counts |
CASCETTA:91 | E. Cascetta and C. Cantarella | A day-to-day and within-day dynamic stochastic assignment model |
CASCETTA:93 | Ennio Cascetta and Domenico Inaudi and Gérald Marquis | Dynamic Estimators of Origin-Destination Matrices Using Traffic Counts |
CASDAGLI:97 | M.C. Casdagli | Recurrence Plots Revisited |
CASEY:55 | H.J. Casey | Application to traffic engineering of the law of retail gravitation |
CASSIDY:01 | M.J. Cassidy and Michael Mauch | An observed traffic pattern in long freeway queues |
CASSIDY:95 | M. Cassidy and J. Windover | Methodology for assessing dynamics of freeway traffic flow |
CASSIDY:97 | Michael J. Cassidy and Benjamin Coifman | Relation among average speed, flow, and density and analogous relation between density and occupancy |
CASSIDY:98 | Michael J. Cassidy | Bivariate Relations in Nearly Stationary Highway Traffic |
CASSIDY:99 | M.J. Cassidy and R.L. Bertini | Some Traffic Features at Freeway Bottlenecks |
CASSIDY:99b | Michael J. Cassidy and Robert L. Bertini | Observations at a Freeway Bottleneck |
CASTRO | Rolando Castro and Tim Sauer | Reconstructing chaotic dynamics through spike filters |
CASTROb | Rolando Castro and Tim Sauer | Chaos and noise in excitable systems |
CAYFORD:97 | Randall Cayford and Wei-Hua Lin and Carlos F. Daganzo | The NETCELL simulation package: technical description |
CDV:04 | CD&V | Oosterweelverbinding - Beslissing uitgesteld tot einde 2004 |
CETIN:02 | Nurhan Cetin and Adrian Burri and Kai Nagel | Parallel Queue Model Approach to Traffic Microsimulations |
CETIN:03 | Nurhan Cetin and Adrian Burri and Kai Nagel | A Large-Scale Agent-Based Traffic Microsimulation Based On Queue Model |
CHABINI | Ismail Chabini and Yiyi He | Analytical Methods for Dynamic Traffic Assignment |
CHACHICH:98 | Alan Chachich and Masroor Hasan and David Cuneo | Extraction of Driver Behavior Information from Traffic Video to Support Microscopic Traffic Simulation |
CHAKRABARTI:06 | Bikas K. Chakrabarti | A fiber bundle model of traffic jams |
CHAN:02 | K.S. Chan and William H.K. Lam | Optimal speed detector density for the network with travel time information |
CHANDLER:58 | R.E. Chandler and R. Herman and E.W. Montroll | Traffic dynamics: studies in car following |
CHANG:01 | Allen Y. Chang | A Survey of Geometric Data Structures for Ray Tracing |
CHANUT:03 | Stéphane Chanut and Christine Buisson | Godunov Discretization of a Two-Flow Macroscopic Model for Mixed Traffic with Distinguished Speeds and Lengths |
CHAU:95 | H.F. Chau and Pak-ming Hui and Y.F. Woo | Upper Bounds for the Critical Car Densities in Traffic Flow Problems |
CHEN | Owen J. Chen and Anthony F. Hotz and Moshe E. Ben-Akiva | Development and Evaluation of a Dynamic Ramp Metering Control Model |
CHEN:01 | Chao Chen and Zhanfeng Jia and Pravin Varaiya | Causes and Cures of Highway Congestion |
CHEN:01b | Anthony Chen and Wilfred W. Recker | Considering Risk Taking Behavior in Travel Time Reliability |
CHEN:01c | Chao Chen and Karl F. Petty and Alexander Skabardonis and Pravin Varaiya and Zhanfeng Jia | Freeway Performance Measurement System: Mining Loop Detector Data |
CHEN:02 | Chao Chen and Erik van Zwet and Pravin Varaiya and Alex Skabardonis | Travel Time Reliability as a Measure of Service |
CHEN:03 | Chao Chen and Jaimyoung Kwon and John Rice and Alexander Skabardonis and Pravin Varaiya | Detecting Errors and Imputing Missing Data for Single Loop Surveillance Systems |
CHEN:96 | Chienho Chen | An Activity-Based Approach to Accessibility |
CHEN:98 | Owen Jianwen Chen | Integration of Dynamic Traffic Control and Assignment |
CHEW:09 | Monica Chew and Dirk Balfanz and Ben Laurie | (Under)mining Privacy in Social Networks |
CHEYBANI:01 | S. Cheybani and J. Kertész and M. Schreckenberg | Nondeterministic Nagel-Schreckenberg traffic model with open boundary conditions |
CHEYBANI:01b | S. Cheybani and J. Kertész and M. Schreckenberg | Stochastic boundary conditions in the deterministic Nagel-Schreckenberg traffic model |
CHEYBANI:98 | S. Cheybani and J. Kertész and M. Schreckenberg | Correlation functions in the Nagel-Schreckenberg model |
CHIABAUT:07 | N. Chiabaut and Ch. Buisson | Replications in stochastic traffic flow models - Incremental method to determine sufficient number of runs |
CHIARADIA:07 | Alain Chiaradia | Emergent Route Choice Behaviour, Motorway and trunk road Network: The Nantes Conurbation |
CHIEN:02 | Steven I. Chien and Xiaobo Liu and Kaan Ozbay | Predicting Travel Times for the South Jersey Real-time Motorist Information System |
CHOA | Fred Choa and Ronald T. Milam and David Stanek | CORSIM, PARAMICS and VISSIM - What the Manuals Never Told You |
CHOO:04 | Sangho Choo | Aggregate Relationships between Telecommunications and Travel - Structural Equation Modeling of Time Series Data |
CHOPARD:02 | Bastien Chopard and Alexandre Dupuis and Alexandre Masselot and Pascal Luthi | Cellular Automata and Lattice Boltzmann Techniques - An Approach to Model and Simulate Complex Systems |
CHOPARD:95 | Bastien Chopard and Pierre-Antoine Queloz and Pascal O. Luthi | Traffic Models of a 2D road network |
CHOPARD:97 | Bastien Chopard and Alexandre Dupuis and Pascal Luthi | A cellular automata model for urban traffic and its application to the city of Geneva |
CHORUS:07 | Caspar Gerard Chorus | Traveler Response to Information |
CHOWDHURY:00 | Debashish Chowdhury and Ludger Santen and Andreas Schadschneider | Statistical Physics of Vehicular Traffic and Some Related Systems |
CHOWDHURY:00b | D. Chowdhury and J. Kertész and K. Nagel and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider | Comment on ``Critical behavior of a traffic flow model'' |
CHOWDHURY:04 | D. Chowdhury and K.Nishinari and A. Schadschneider | Self-organized patterns and traffic flow in colonies of organisms |
CHOWDHURY:05 | Debashish Chowdhury and Andreas Schadschneider and Katsuhiro Nishinari | Physics of Transport and Traffic Phenomena in Biology: from molecular motors and cells to organisms |
CHOWDHURY:98 | Debashish Chowdhury and Abhay Pasupathy and Shishir Sinha | Distributions of Time- and Distance-Headways in the Nagel-Schreckenberg Model of Vehicular Traffic: Effects of Hindrances |
CHOWDHURY:99 | D. Chowdhury and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and S. Sinha and A. Pasupathy | Spatio-temporal organization of vehicles in a cellular automata model of traffic with 'slow-to-start' rule |
CHOWDHURY:99b | Debashish Chowdhury and Ludger Santen and Andreas Schadschneider | Vehicular Traffic: A System of Interacting Particles Driven Far From Equilibrium |
CHOWDHURY:99c | Debashish Chowdhury and Andreas Schadschneider | Self-Organization of traffic jams in cities: Effects of stochastic dynamics and signal periods |
CHROBOK:00 | Roland Chrobok and Oliver Kaumann and Joachim Wahle and Michael Schreckenberg | Three Categories of Traffic Data: Historical, Current and Predictive |
CHROBOK:02 | R. Chrobok and A. Pottmeier and S.F. Marinosson and M. Schreckenberg | On-Line Simulation and Traffic Forecast: Applications and Results |
CHROBOK:04 | Roland Chrobok and Sigurdur F. Hafstein and Andreas Pottmeier | OLSIM: A New Generation of Traffic Information Systems |
CHU:04 | Lianyu Chu and Henry X. Liu and Jun-Seok Oh and Will Recker | A Calibration Procedure for Microscopic Traffic Simulation |
CHUA:04 | L.O. Chua and V.I. Sbitnev and S. Yoon | A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram's New Kind of Science. Part III: Predicting the Unpredictable |
CHUA:05 | Leon Chua | A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram's New Kind of Science. From Bernoulli Shift to Universal Computation |
CHUNG:02 | Koohong Chung and Michael J. Cassidy | Testing Daganzo's Behavioral Theory for Multi-lane Freeway Traffic |
CIRILLO:02 | Cinzia Cirillo and Kai W. Axhausen | Comparing urban activity travel behaviour |
CLAES:03 | Ivo Claes | Antwerpen in de ban van de ring |
CLAEYS:08 | Manu Claeys and Peter Verhaeghe | Lange Wapper: brug zonder draagvlak |
CLAYTON:08 | Richard Clayton | Do Zebras get more Spam than Aardvarks? |
CLAYTON:97 | Keith Clayton | Basic Concepts in Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos |
CLEVELAND:64 | D.E. Cleveland and D.G. Capelle | Queueing Theory Approaches |
CLINE:95 | Marshall P. Cline and Greg A. Lomow | C++ FAQs |
CLUNE:97 | Arthur Clune | STEER v2.0 Information |
COCHEZ:01 | Tom Cochez | Een kleine satelliet met grote ambities |
COCHINOS:00 | Richard Cochinos | Introduction to the Theory of Cellular Automata and One-Dimensional Traffic Simulation |
COESSENS:06 | Bert Coessens | Data Integration Techniques for Molecular Biology Research |
COHEN:05 | Leon Cohen | The History of Noise |
COIFMAN:00 | Benjamin Coifman and Michael Cassidy | Automated Travel Time Measurement Using Vehicle Lengths From Loop Detectors |
COIFMAN:01 | Benjamin Coifman | Improved Velocity Estimation Using Single Loop Detectors |
COIFMAN:02 | Benjamin Coifman | Estimating Travel Times and Vehicle Trajectories on Freeways Using Dual Loop Detectors |
COIFMAN:02b | Benjamin Coifman and Michael Cassidy | Vehicle Reidentification and Travel Time Measurement on Congested Freeways |
COIFMAN:03 | Benjamin Coifman | Estimating Median Velocity Instead of Mean Velocity at Single Loop Detectors |
COIFMAN:03b | Benjamin Coifman | Estimating Density and Lane Inflow on a Freeway Segment |
COIFMAN:03c | Benjamin Coifman | Identifying the onset of congestion rapidly with existing traffic detectors |
COIFMAN:96 | Benjamin Coifman | New methodology for smoothing freeway loop detector data: introduction to digital filtering |
COIFMAN:97 | Benjamin Coifman | Time Space Diagrams for Thirtheen Shock Waves |
COIFMAN:99b | Benjamin Coifman | Using Dual Loop Speed Traps to Identify Detector Errors |
COLLINS | Graham P. Collins | Trapped over a Chip |
COLLINS:01 | Francis S. Collins and Lowell Weiss and Kathy Hudson | Heredity and Humanity |
COLOMBO:05 | Rinaldo M. Colombo and Paola Goatin | Traffic Flow Models with Phase Transitions |
COLYAR:06 | James Colyar and John Halkias | NGSIM - Next Generation SIMulation |
COOK | Stephen Cook | The P versus NP Problem |
COOLS:07 | M. Cools and E. Moons and G. Wets | Investigating the Effect of Holidays on Daily Traffic Counts: A Time Series Approach |
CORBETT:05 | John Corbett | Torsten Hägerstrand: Time Geography |
CORREA:98 | Wagner Toledo Corrêa and Robert J. Jensen and Craig E. Thayer and Adam Finkelstein | Texture Mapping for Cell Animation |
CORSIM | Unknown | CORSIM - FHWA's Microscopic Corridor Traffic Simulation |
CORTHOUT:07 | Ruben Corthout and Rodric Frederix | Afwikkeling van voetgangersstromen in stationsterminals |
CORTHOUT:12 | Ruben Corthout | Intersection Modelling and Marginal Simulation in Dynamic Network Loading |
COUZIN:03 | I.D. Couzin and N.R. Franks | Self-organized lane formation and optimized traffic flow in army ants |
CRAMER:04 | Mark S. Cramer | Foundations of Fluid Mechanics |
CRAPPE:01 | M. Crappe | Les méthodes de planification de la production et du transport de l'énergie électrique |
CRAWFORD | Ian Crawford | Where are they? |
CREATIVE:91 | Creative Labs Inc. | The Developer Kit for Sound Blaster Series - User's Guide |
CREATIVE:96 | Creative Labs Inc. | Sound Blaster Series - Hardware Programming Guide |
CREMER:81 | M. Cremer and M. Papageorgiou | Parameter Identification for a Traffic Flow Model |
CREMER:86 | M. Cremer and J. Ludwig | A Fast Simulation Model for Traffic Flow on the Basis of Boolean Operations |
CREMER:87 | M. Cremer and H. Keller | A New Class of Dynamic Methods for the Identification of Origin-Destination Flows |
CREMER:96 | James Cremer and Joseph Kearney and Yiannis Papelis | Driving Simulation: Challenges for VR Technology |
CRISTEA:99 | Paul Cristea | Independent Component Analysis: A Tutorial |
CRONSTROM:01 | Christofer Cronström and Milan Noga | Third-order Phase Transition and Superconductivity in Thin Films |
CRUTCHFIELD:87 | James P. Crutchfield and Kunihiko Kaneko | Phenomenology of Spatiotemporal Chaos |
CUESTA:03 | José A. Cuesta and Froilán C. Martínez and Juan M. Molera and Angel Sánchez | Phase transitions in two-dimensional traffic flow models |
CULIK:88 | K. Čulik and Sheng Yu | Undecidability of CA classification schemes |
CUYT:97 | Annie Cuyt and Brigitte Verdonk | Computer Arithmetic and Numerical Techniques |
DAGANZO:02 | Carlos F. Daganzo | A behavioral theory of multi-lane traffic flow. Part I: Long homogeneous freeway sections |
DAGANZO:02b | Carlos F. Daganzo | A behavioral theory of multi-lane traffic flow. Part II: Merges and the onset of congestion |
DAGANZO:02c | Carlos F. Daganzo | Reproducible features of congested highway traffic |
DAGANZO:02d | Carlos F. Daganzo | Reversibility of the time-dependent shortest path problem |
DAGANZO:02e | Carlos F. Daganzo and Jorge Andrés Laval and J. C. Muñoz | Ten Strategies For Freeway Congestion Mitigation With Advanced Technologies |
DAGANZO:03 | Carlos F. Daganzo | A variational formulation for a class of first-order PDE's |
DAGANZO:03b | Carlos F. Daganzo | A variational formulation of kinematic waves: Solution methods |
DAGANZO:03c | Carlos F. Daganzo | A Variational Formulation of Kinematic Wave Theory |
DAGANZO:03d | Carlos F. Daganzo and Jorge Andrés Laval | On the Numerical Treatment of Moving Bottlenecks |
DAGANZO:04 | Carlos F. Daganzo | On the Stability of Supply Chains |
DAGANZO:05 | Carlos F. Daganzo | A variational formulation of kinematic waves: basic theory and complex boundary solutions |
DAGANZO:05b | Carlos F. Daganzo and Monica Menendez | A variational formulation of kinematic waves: Bottleneck properties and examples |
DAGANZO:06 | Carlos F. Daganzo | In traffic flow, cellular automata = kinematic waves |
DAGANZO:77 | C.F. Daganzo and Y. Sheffi | On Stochastic Models of Traffic Assignment |
DAGANZO:94 | Carlos F. Daganzo | The Cell Transmission Model. Part I: A Simple Dynamic Representation of Highway Traffic |
DAGANZO:95 | Carlos F. Daganzo | Requiem for second-order fluid approximations of traffic flow |
DAGANZO:95b | Carlos F. Daganzo | A Finite Difference Approximation of the Kinematic Wave Model of Traffic Flow |
DAGANZO:95c | Carlos F. Daganzo | The Cell Transmission Model. Part II: Network Traffic |
DAGANZO:95d | Carlos F. Daganzo | Properties of Link Travel Time Functions under Dynamic Loads |
DAGANZO:96 | Carlos F. Daganzo | The nature of freeway gridlock and how to prevent it |
DAGANZO:97 | Carlos F. Daganzo | Fundamentals of Transportation and Traffic Operations |
DAGANZO:97b | Carlos F. Daganzo | A Simple Traffic Analysis Procedure |
DAGANZO:97c | Carlos F. Daganzo and M.J. Cassidy and R.L. Bertini | Causes and Effects of Phase Transitions in Highway Traffic |
DAGANZO:97d | Carlos F. Daganzo | A continuum theory of traffic dynamics for freeways with special lanes |
DAGANZO:97e | Carlos F. Daganzo | A simple physical principle for the simulation of freeways with special lanes and priority vehicles |
DAGANZO:99 | Carlos F. Daganzo | Remarks on Traffic Flow Modelling and Its Applications |
DAGANZO:99b | Carlos F. Daganzo and Michael J. Cassidy and Robert L. Bertini | Possible Explanations of Phase Transitions in Highway Traffic |
DAGANZO:99c | Carlos F. Daganzo | The Lagged Cell-Transmission Model |
DAILEY:02 | Daniel J. Dailey and Nancy Taiyab | A Cellular Automata Model for Use with Real Freeway Data |
DAILEY:97 | D.J. Dailey | Travel time estimates using a series of single loop volume and occupancy measurements |
DAILEY:99 | D.J. Dailey | A statistical algorithm for estimating speed from single loop volume and occupancy measurements |
DALY:00 | Patrick W. Daly | LaTeX - The natbib package |
DAMBERG:96 | Olof Damberg and Jan T. Lundgren and Michael Patriksson | An Algorithm for the Stochastic User Equilibrium Problem |
DAMRATH:02 | Rudolf Damrath and Martin Rose and Peter Milbradt | Simulation of Traffic Dynamics |
DANEELS:04 | Wim Daneels | Files op Ring: 300 miljoen euro |
DANSKIN:92 | John Danskin and Pat Hanrahan | Fast Algorithms for Volume Ray Tracing |
DAOUDIA:03 | A. Daoudia and Najem Moussa | Numerical Simulations of a Three-Lane Traffic Model Using Cellular Automata |
DARGE:03 | Pierre Darge | Waar is de weg (vrij)? |
DARWIN:04 | Ian F. Darwin | Java Cookbook |
DATA4S:01 | Data4s | Customer Intelligence is more than a data mining 'tool', ... |
DATE:00 | C.J. Date | An Introduction to Database Systems |
DAUBERT:01 | Katja Daubert and Hendrik P.A. Lensch and Wolfgang Heidrich and Hans-Peter Seidel | Efficient Cloth Modeling and Rendering |
DAUSCHER:01 | P. Dauscher and P. Beckmann | Attracting sets in a deterministic discrete traffic model |
DAVENPORT:00 | Clyde M. Davenport | The General Analytical Solution for the Burgers Equation |
DAVIDSON:66 | K.B. Davidson | A flow travel time relationship for use in transportation planning |
DAVIES:07 | E.B. Davies | Let Platonism die |
DAVIS:05 | L.C. Davis | Effect of adaptive cruise control systems on mixed traffic flow near an on-ramp |
DAVIS:05b | L.C. Davis | Effect of cooperative merging on the synchronous flow phase of traffic |
DAVIS:96 | Martha Davis | Scientific Papers and Presentations |
DB:01 | DB | Autobelasting per kilometer in Nederland! |
DEBORGER:01 | Bruno De Borger and Stef Proost | Reforming Transport Pricing in the European Union, A modelling approach |
DEBORGER:05 | Bruno De Borger | Mobiliteit, rekeningrijden en de prijsstructuur in de transportsector |
DEBRABANDERE:02 | Anne De Brabandere | PhD Symposium - Book of Abstracts |
DEBRUYNE:07 | Michiel Debruyne | Robustness of censored depth quantiles, PCA and kernel based regression, with new tools for model selection |
DECEUSTER:01 | Griet De Ceuster | Transport and Mobility Leuven - Verkeersmanagement |
DECEUSTER:01b | M.J.G. De Ceuster and L.H. Immers | Verkeersindices voor het gebruik van het autosnelwegennet in België |
DECEUSTER:04 | Griet De Ceuster | Internalisering van Externe Kosten van Wegverkeer in Vlaanderen |
DECKMYN | Alex Deckmyn | Suiker en elementaire deeltjes |
DEDOBBELEER:03 | Werner Dedobbeleer | De waanzin van de tijdsdruk - Gekantelde vrachtwagens |
DEJAEGHER:01 | Mieke De Jaegher | Lijnmanager |
DEJAGER:04 | Bram de Jager and Vincent Verdult | 23rd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control |
DEJONG | Edwin de Jong and Bart de Boer | Dynamical Systems, Individual Based-Modeling, and Self-Organisation |
DELCASTILLO:95 | J.M. Del Castillo and F.G. Benítez | On the functional form of the speed-density relationship - I: General theory |
DELCASTILLO:95b | J.M. Del Castillo and F.G. Benítez | On the functional form of the speed-density relationship - II: Empirical investigation |
DELCASTILLO:95c | J.M. Del Castillo and David J. Lovell and Carlos F. Daganzo | Steady State Conditions on Automated Highways |
DELEUR:06 | Tom De Leur | De man die ons leerde blokrijden |
DELORME:98 | Marianne Delorme | An introduction to Cellular Automata |
DELRIO:05 | J.A. del Río and M.E. Lárraga | Transient situations in traffic flow: Modelling the Mexico City Cuernavaca Highway |
DEMARA:95 | Rusel DeMaria | Spelen met The 7th Guest - De Officiële Spelhandleiding |
DEMIR:03 | C. Demir and B.S. Kerner and R.G. Herrtwich and S.L. Klenov and H. Rehborn and M. Aleksic and T. Reigber and M. Schwab and A. Haug | FCD for urban areas: method and analysis of practical realisations |
DEMOOR:01 | Bart De Moor and Ben Immers and Tom Bellemans and Steven Logghe | Het fileprobleem in België: wiskundige modellen, analyse, simulatie, regeling en acties |
DEMPSTER:77 | A.P. Dempster and N.M. Laird and D.B. Rubin | Maximum likelihood estimation from incomplete data via the EM algorithm (with discussion) |
DEPALMA:02 | André de Palma and Fabrice Marchal | Real cases applications of the fully dynamic METROPOLIS tool-box: an advocacy for large-scale mesoscopic transportation systems |
DEPALMA:03 | André de Palma | In Memoriam - Ilya Prigogine |
DEPOVER:88 | André Depover and Willy Herreman and Norbert Persoone and André Vandekerckhove | FoToN - Elektromagnetische Trillingen |
DEROMPH:94 | Erik De Romph | A Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model - Theory and Applications |
DERRIDA:92 | B. Derrida and E. Domany and D. Mukamel | An exact solution of a one-dimensional asymmetric exclusion model with open boundaries |
DESCHEEMAEKER:90 | R. Descheemaeker | Vademecum spelling/Spraakkunst |
DESCHRIJVER:00 | Michaël De Schrijver and Joost Willems | Personentransport over water: een onderzoek naar de haalbaarheid van personentransport over bestaande waterwegen in Vlaanderen |
DESCHUTTER:96 | Bart De Schutter | Max-Algebraic System Theory for Discrete Event Systems |
DESCHUTTER:99 | Bart De Schutter and Tom Bellemans and Steven Logghe and Jim Stada and Bart De Moor and Ben Immers | Advanced traffic control on highways |
DESMYTER:01 | Fernand Desmyter | Ontwerp Mobiliteitsplan Vlaanderen - Naar een duurzame mobiliteit in Vlaanderen |
DESOUZA:07 | Xavier de Souza | Optimisation and Robustness of Cellular Neural Networks |
DETIJD:04 | De Tijd | Bewegen of stilstaan |
DETTLOFF:01 | Dave Dettloff | Mapping a Prism |
DEWEERDT:03 | Mathijs de Weerdt | Plan Merging in Multi-Agent Systems |
DHOLLANDER:07 | Benoit D'Hollander | Management van verkeersstromen op basis van intelligente agenten |
DIAL:71 | R.B. Dial | A probabilistic multipath traffic assignment model which obviates path enumeration |
DIEDRICH:00 | G. Diedrich and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and J. Zittartz | Effects of on- and off-ramps in cellular automata models for traffic flow |
DIETRICH:03 | Andreas Dietrich and Ingo Wald and Carsten Benthin and Philipp Slusallek | The OpenRT Application Programming Interface - Towards a Common API for Interactive Ray Tracing |
DIJKER:97 | Thomas Dijker and Piet H.L. Bovy and Raymond G.M.M. Vermijs | Car-Following under Non-congested and Congested Conditions |
DIJKSTRA:59 | Edsger W. Dijkstra | A note on two problems in connection with graphs |
DIJKSTRA:72 | Edsger W. Dijkstra | The Humble Programmer |
DOLBEAULT:02 | Jean Dolbeault and Reinhard Illner | Entropy methods for kinetic models of traffic flow |
DONAHUE:97 | Manus J. Donahue | An Introduction to Chaos Theory and Fractal Geometry |
DONG | Xiaojing Dong and Moshe E. Ben-Akiva and John L. Bowman and Joan Walker | Moving from Trip-Based to Activity-Based Measures of Accessibilit |
DOWLING:02 | Richard Dowling and Joseph Holland and Allen Huang | Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software |
DRAKE:67 | J.S. Drake and J.L. Schofer and A.D. May | A Statistical Analysis of Speed Density Hypotheses |
DRAULANS:01 | Dirk Draulans | Anatomie van de file |
DRAULANS:01b | Dirk Draulans | Het heelal is een hologram |
DRAULANS:04 | Dirk Draulans | Leven is geen perfect proces |
DRAULANS:05 | Dirk Draulans | De paus van Leuven |
DSA:04 | Richard Dowling and Alexander Skabardonis and Vassili Alexiadis | Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume III: Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software |
DSOUZA:05 | R.M. D'Souza | Geometric structure of coexisting phases found in the Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic model |
DUBACQ:01 | J.-C. Dubacq and B. Durand and E. Formenti | Kolmogorov Complexity and Cellular Automata Classification |
DULLEMOND:95 | Kees Dullemond and Kasper Peeters | Inleiding tensorrekening |
DUNCAN:89 | Ray Duncan | PC-Zakboekje - Toegevoegde MS-DOS Functies |
DUNCAN:89b | Ray Duncan | PC-Zakboekje - MS-DOS Functies |
DUNCAN:89c | Ray Duncan | PC-Zakboekje - IBM ROM BIOS |
DUNCAN:94 | Gordon Duncan | Paramics-MP: Design Description |
DUNCAN:94b | Gordon Duncan | Paramics-MP: Final Report |
DUNKERLEY:10 | Fay Dunkerley | Essays in Transport Economics |
DUNWOODY:02 | M.J. Dunwoody | A Proof of the Poincaré Conjecture |
DUPACOVA:03 | Jitka DupaČová and Jan Hurt and Josef Stvpán | Stochastic Modeling in Economics and Finance |
DUPUIS:98 | Alexandre Dupuis and Bastien Chopard | Parallel Simulation of Traffic in Geneva Using Cellular Automata |
DUSS:02 | Reto Duss | Stability, Estimation and Adaptation of a Control Theory Based Microscopic Traffic Flow Model |
DUTRE:00 | Philip Dutré and Parag Tole and Donald P. Greenberg | Approximate Visibility for Illumination Computations using Point Clouds |
DUTRE:03 | Philip Dutré and Philippe Bekaert and Kavita Bala | Advanced Global Illumination |
DWTC:01 | DWTC | Sustainability effects of traffic management systems |
DYNASMART:03 | Unknown | DYNASMART-X 0.930 User's Guide |
DZEROSKI:98 | Saso Dzeroski and Nico Jacobs and Martin Molina and Carlos Moure | ILP Experiments in Detecting Traffic Problems |
EBERLY | David Eberly | Perspective Mappings between Quadrilaterals |
EBERLYb | David Eberly | Perspective Mappings in 2D and 3D |
EBERLYc | David Eberly | Perspective Projection of Ellipsoid |
ECKMANN:85 | J.-P. Eckmann and D. Ruelle | Ergodic theory of chaos and strange attractors |
ECKMANN:87 | J.-P. Eckmann and S. Kamphorst and D. Ruelle | Recurrence plots of dynamical systems |
EDIE:61 | L.C. Edie | Car Following and Steady-State Theory for Non-Congested Traffic |
EDIE:63 | L.C. Edie | Discussion on Traffic Stream Measurements and Definitions |
EDIE:67 | L.C. Edie and R. Herman and R. Rothery | Vehicular Traffic Science |
EDWARDS:00 | Henrik Edwards | Traffic Assignment Analysis and O/D-matrix Calibration |
EECKHAUT:01 | Hendrik Eeckhaut | Digitale neurale netwerken in de bio-informatica |
EHMANNS:00 | Dirk Ehmanns and Almut Hochstädter | Driver-Model of Lane Change Maneuvers |
EINSTEIN:14 | Albert Einstein | Kovarianzeigenschaften der Feldgleichungen der auf die verallgemeinerte Relativitätstheorie gegründeten Gravitationstheorie |
EINSTEIN:20 | Albert Einstein | Schallausbreitung in teilweise dissoziierten Gasen |
EINSTEIN:25 | Albert Einstein | Quantentheorie des einatomigen idealen Gases |
EISENBLATTER:98 | B. Eisenblätter and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg | Jamming transition in a cellular automaton model for traffic flow |
EISSFELDT | N. Eissfeldt and R. Schrader | Calculation of street traffic emissions with a queuing model |
EISSFELDT:03 | N. Eissfeldt and P. Wagner | Effects of anticipatory driving in a traffic flow model |
EISSFELDTb | N. Eissfeldt and M. Luberichs and F.-N. Sentuc | Investigating emissions of traffic by simulation |
EISSFELDTc | N. Eissfeldt and M. Metzler and P. Wagner | Dynamic Simulation of Traffic and its Environmental Impacts |
ELSE:81 | P.K. Else | A reformulation of the theory of optimal congestion taxes |
ELSE:82 | P.K. Else | A reformulation of the theory of optimal congestion taxes: a rejoinder |
EMMERICH:97 | H. Emmerich and E. Rank | An improved cellular automaton model for traffic flow simulation |
EMMERICH:98 | Heike Emmerich and Takashi Nagatani and Ken Nakanishi | From modified Korteweg-de Vries equation to a second-order cellular automaton for traffic flow |
EMMERINK:98 | Richard H.M. Emmerink | Road Pricing: An Introduction |
ENGEL:91 | Ulf Martin Engel | Time Series Analysis - A Part III Essay |
ENGELEN:02 | Sanne Engelen | Robuuste PCA en PCR in hoge dimensies |
ENGELEN:04 | Jeroen Engelen | Parkeren - Een toekomstplan voor Leuven |
ENGELEN:05 | Sanne Engelen and Mia Hubert | Fast model selection for robust calibration methods |
ENGELEN:06 | Dries Engelen and Toon Goormans | Impact van het gebruik van spoelsystemen op DWA-stelsels |
ENGELEN:06b | Sanne Engelen | Algorithms for Robust PCA and Applications for Multi-Way Data |
ENGELSON:03 | Leonid Engelson and Wilco Burghout | Dynamic microscopic route choice model - DYNAMO |
EPA:98 | EPA | Guidance for the Development of Facility Type VMT and Speed Distributions |
EPCC:99 | Unknown | TRAFFIC - HPCN enabled microscopic traffic simulation |
ERICKSON:05 | David W. Erickson and Gunnar Pruessner and B. Schmittmann and R.K.P. Zia | Spurious phase in a model for traffic on a bridge |
ESPINOZA | Marcelo Espinoza and Caroline Joye and Ronnie Belmans and Bart De Moor | Short-Term Load Forecasting, Profile Identification and Customer Segmentation |
ESPINOZA:06 | Marcelo Espinoza | Structured Kernel Based Modeling and its Application to Electric Load Forecasting |
ESRI:98 | Unknown | ESRI Shapefile Technical Description |
ESSER | J. Esser and M. Schreckenberg | Deriving Traffic State Information in Urban Road Networks based with Microscopic Simulations based on Local Measurements |
ESSER:97 | J. Esser and M. Schreckenberg | Microscopic Simulation of Urban Traffic based on Cellular Automata |
ESSER:97b | J. Esser and M. Schreckenberg | Efficiency of Route Guidance in Urban Road Networks |
ETTEMA:03 | Dick Ettema and Guus Tamminga and Harry Timmermans | A micro-simulation model system of departure time and route choice under travel time uncertainty |
EVANS:92 | A.W. Evans | Road congestion pricing: when is it a good policy? |
EVANS:93 | A.W. Evans | Road congestion pricing: when is it a good policy? A rejoinder |
EVANS:99 | M. R. Evans and N. Rajewsky and E. R. Speer | Exact solution of a cellular automaton for traffic |
EZZAHRAOUY:03 | H. Ez-Zahraouy and Z. Benrihane and A. Benyoussef | The optimal velocity traffic flow models with open boundaries |
EZZAHRAOUY:04 | Hamid Ez-Zahraouy and Kamal Jetto and Abdelilah Benyoussef | New topologies in the fundamental diagram of a one dimensional traffic flow - A comparison with empirical results |
EZZAHRAOUY:04b | H.Ez-Zahraouy and K. Jetto and A. Benyoussef | The effect of mixture lenghts of vehicles on the traffic flow behavior in one-dimensional cellular automaton |
EZZELL:91 | Ben Ezzell | Graphics Programming in Turbo Pascal 6.0 |
FAIST:01 | Jerome Faist | Equation de transport de Boltzman |
FALLON:97 | Agata Fallon and Christine Spada | Detection and Accomodation of Outliers in Normally Distributed 1D Data Sets |
FALTER:04 | Rolf Falter | Anatomie van een file |
FASTENRATH | Ulrich Fastenrath | Floating Car Data on a Larger Scale |
FATES:03 | Nazim Fatès | Experimental study of Elementary Cellular Automata dynamics using the density parameter |
FEDKIW | Ronald Fedkiw and Jos Stam and Henrik Wann Jensen | Visual Simulation of Smoke |
FELLENDORF | Martin Fellendorf and Peter Vortisch | Validation of the Microscopic Traffic Flow Model VISSIM in Different Real-World Situations |
FELLENDORF:98 | Martin Fellendorf | Static Assignment versus Dynamic Simulation |
FENN:05 | Daniel Fenn and Omer Suleman and Janet Efstathiou and Neil F. Johnson | How does Europe Make Its Mind Up? Connections, cliques, and compatibility between countries in the Eurovision Song Contest |
FENWICK:01 | Kevin Fenwick | A Performance Analysis of Java Distributed Shared Memory Implementations |
FERMILAB:97 | Fermilab - Discovering the Nature of Nature | Standard Model |
FET:01 | tijd | Clear2Pay haalt 1.8 miljoen euro startkapitaal op |
FET:01b | Unknown | Antwerpen is voorstander van tweede toltunnel onder Schelde |
FEYNMAN:65 | Richard P. Feynman | The development of the space-time view of quantum electrodynamics |
FEYNMANN:64 | Richard P. Feynmann | The Feynmann Lectures on Physics |
FFA:75 | J. Ferland and M Florian and C. Achim | On incremental methods for traffic assignment |
FHWA | Federal Highway Administration | Surface Transportation Efficiency Analysis Model (STEAM) |
FHWAb | Federal Highway Administration | Traffic Management: Bringing Technology to Bear |
FIGUEIREDO:01 | Lino Figueiredo and Isabel Jesus and J.A. Tenrevio Machado and José Rui Ferreira and J.L. Martins de Carvalho | Research Issues in Intelligent Transportation Systems |
FISK:91 | C.S. Fisk | Link Travel Time Functions for Traffic Assignment |
FLAMM:97 | Dieter Flamm | Ludwig Boltzmann - A Pioneer of Modern Physics |
FLAMM:97b | Dieter Flamm | History and outlook of statistical physics |
FLORIAN:00 | Michael Florian | From Static to Dynamic Models in Transportation Planning - Achievements and Challenges |
FLYVBJERG:06 | Bent Flyvbjerg and Mette K. Skamris Holm and Søren L. Buhl | Inaccuracy in Traffic Forecasts |
FOGEDBY:98 | Hans C. Fogedby | Aspects of the Noisy Burgers Equation |
FOLEY:93 | James D. Foley and Andries van Dam and Steven K. Feiner and John F. Hughes | Computer Grapics - Principles and Practice |
FONTAINE:05 | Michael D. Fontaine | Improving the effectiveness of wireless location technology-based traffic monitoring: an exploration of system design issues |
FONTEINE:02 | Daniël Fonteine | Ray Tracer Specification |
FOOY:03 | Tim Fooy | Vergelijkende studie van JavaSpaces en GigaSpaces |
FORBES:58 | T.W. Forbes and H.J. Zagorski and E.L. Holshouser and W.A. Deterline | Measurement of Driver Reactions to Tunnel Conditions |
FORTUIJN | L.G.H. Fortuijn and P.J. Carton | Turbopleinen: Een beproefd concept in een nieuw jasje |
FOULADVAND:03 | M. Ebrahim Fouladvand and Zeinab Sadjadi and M. Reza Shaebani | Characteristics of Vehicular Traffic Flow at a Roundabout |
FOULADVAND:05 | M.E. Fouladvand and A.H. Darooneh | Statistical analysis of floating-car data: an empirical study |
FOURRATE:05 | K. Fourrate and M. Loulidi | Disordered cellular automaton traffic flow model - Phase separated state, density waves and self organized criticality |
FP | Unknown | Floating-Point Addition and Multiplication |
FRANCEZ:92 | Nissim Francez | Program Verification |
FRANGIONI:99 | A. Frangioni and G. Gallo | A bundle type dual-ascent approach to linear multi commodity min-cost flow problems |
FRANK:56 | Marguerite Frank and Philip Wolfe | An algorithm for quadratic programming |
FRANZ | Walter J. Franz | Reducing the Number of Uplink Transmissions in Floating Car Data Services |
FRANZ:01 | Melchior Franz | LaTeX - The crop package |
FRASER:86 | A.M. Fraser and H.L. Swinney | Independent coordinates for strange attractors from mutual information |
FRATAR:54 | T.J. Fratar | Vehicular Trip Distribution by Successive Approximation |
FREDERIX:12 | Rodric Frederix | Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation in Large-Scale Congested Networks |
FREDKIN:90 | Edward Fredkin | Digital Mechanics: An Informational Process Based on Reversible Universal CA |
FREEMAN | Eric Freeman and Susanne Hupfer | Make room for JavaSpaces |
FREEMAN:95 | J.S. Freeman and G. Watson and Y.E. Papelis and T.C. Lin and A. Tayyab and R.A. Romano and J.K. Kuhl | The Iowa Driving Simulator: An Implementation and Application Overview |
FREEMAN:99 | Eric Freeman and Susanne Hupfer and Ken Arnold | JavaSpaces: Principles, Patterns and Practice |
FREISLEBEN:97 | Bernd Freisleben and Dieter Hartmann and Thilo Kielmann | Parallel Raytracing: A Case Study on Partitioning and Scheduling on Workstation Clusters |
FREISLEBEN:98 | Bernd Freisleben and Dieter Hartmann and Thilo Kielmann | Parallel Incremental Raytracing of Animations on a Network of Workstations |
FREUND:95 | J. Freund and T. Pöschel | A Statistical Approach to Vehicular Traffic |
FUKS:01 | Henryk Fukś and Nino Boccara | Convergence to equilibrium in a class of interacting particle systems evolving in discrete time |
FUKS:04 | Henryk Fukś | Critical behaviour of number-conserving cellular automata with nonlinear fundamental diagrams |
FUKS:98 | H. Fukś and N. Boccara | Generalized Deterministic Traffic Rules |
FUKS:99 | Henryk Fukś | Exact results for deterministic cellular automata traffic models |
FUKUI:93 | Minoru Fukui and Yoshihiro Ishibashi | Evolution of Traffic Jam in Traffic Flow Model |
FUKUI:96 | Minoru Fukui and Yoshihiro Ishibashi | Traffic Flow in 1D Cellular Automaton Model Including Cars Moving with High Speed |
FUKUI:97 | Minoru Fukui and Yoshihiro Ishibashi | Effect of Delay in Restarting of Stopped Cars in a One-Dimensional Traffic Model |
FURNESS:65 | K.P. Furness | Time function iteration |
FWO:01 | FWO | Wetenschappelijke resultaten in de pers krijgen - Enkele raadgevingen |
GACKENBACH:94 | Jayne Gackenbach | Sleep and Consciousness |
GALSTYAN:01 | A. Galstyan and K. Lerman | A Stochastic Model of Platoon Formation in Traffic Flow |
GARCIA:99 | Reinaldo Crispiniano Garcia | A Pareto Improving Strategy for the Time-Dependent Morning Commute Problem |
GARDES:02 | Yonnel Gardes and Adolf D. May and Joy Dahlgren and Alex Skabardonis | Freeway Calibration and Application of the Paramics model |
GARDNER:70 | Martin Gardner | Mathematical Games - The fantastic combinations of John Conway's new solitaire game ``Life'' |
GARFINKEL:94 | Simson Garfinkel and Daniel Weise and Steven Strassman | The UNIX-Haters Handbook |
GARTNER:97 | Nathan Gartner and Hani Mahmassani and Carroll J. Messer and Henry Lieu and Richard Cunard and Ajay K. Rathi | Traffic Flow Theory: A State-of-the-Art Report |
GATES:79 | William H. Gates and Christos H. Papadimitriou | Bounds for Sorting by Prefix Reversal |
GAWRON:97 | C. Gawron and S. Krauß and P. Wagner | Dynamic User Equilibria in Traffic Simulation Models |
GAWRON:98 | Christian Gawron | An Iterative Algorithm to Determine the Dynamic User Equilibrium in a Traffic Simulation Model |
GAWRON:98b | Christian Gawron | Simulation-Based Traffic Assignment |
GAZIS:02 | Denos C. Gazis | The Origins of Traffic Theory |
GAZIS:04 | Denos C. Gazis | In Memoriam - Richard W. Rothery |
GAZIS:59 | D.C. Gazis and R. Herman and R.B. Potts | Car-Following Theory of Steady-State Traffic Flow |
GAZIS:61 | D. Gazis and R. Herman and R. Rothery | Nonlinear follow-the-leader models of traffic flow |
GAZIS:92 | D.C. Gazis and R. Herman | The moving and `phantom' bottleneck |
GEARY:01 | David Geary | Java: Amaze your developer friends with design patterns |
GEARY:01b | David Geary | Java: Decorate your Java code |
GEARY:02 | David Geary | Java: Take control with the Proxy design pattern |
GEARY:02b | David Geary | Java: Strategy for success |
GEARY:02c | David Geary | Java: Take command of your software |
GEARY:02d | David Geary | Java: A look at the Composite design pattern |
GEARY:03 | David Geary | Java: An inside view of Observer |
GEARY:03b | David Geary | Java: Simply Singleton |
GEARY:03c | David Geary | Java: Façade clears complexity |
GEARY:03d | David Geary | Java: Make your apps fly |
GEARY:03e | David Geary | Java: Adopt Adapter |
GEDEON:02 | Thomáš Gedeon and Matt Holzer and Mark Pernarowski | Attractor reconstruction through spike filters and phase locking |
GEERTS:01 | Sven Geerts and Erik Kenis | Verkeerscentrum Vlaanderen leidt verkeer in goede banen |
GEIST:94 | Al Geist and Adam Beguelin and Jack Dongarra and Weicheng Jiang and Robert Manchek and Vaidy Sunderam | PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine - A Users' Guide and Tutorial for Networked Parallel Computing |
GELADI:85 | Paul Geladi and Bruce R. Kowalski | Partial Least-Squares Regression: A Tutorial |
GELERNTER:96 | David Gelernter | Linda Spaces |
GENTLEMAN | Robert Gentleman | Some Things Every Biologist Should Know About Machine Learning |
GEORGES:07 | Andy Georges and Dries Buytaert and Lieven Eeckhout | Statistically Rigorous Java Performance Evaluation |
GEORGET:02 | Yan Georget | A Game of Life in C for X11 |
GEORGOULIAS:04 | Tom Georgoulias and Sarah J. Greenwald and Marc Wichterich | Futurama PIk - Mathematics in the year 3000 |
GERLOUGH:64 | D.L. Gerlough | Simulation of Traffic Flow |
GERLOUGH:64b | D.L. Gerlough and D.G. Capelle | An Introduction to Traffic Flow Theory |
GERWINSKI:99 | M. Gerwinski and J. Krug | Analytic approach to the critical density in cellular automata for traffic flow |
GHOSH:98 | Kingshuk Ghosh and Arnab Majumdar and Debashish Chowdhury | Distribution of time-headways in a particle-hopping model of vehicular traffic |
GIBBS:96b | Phil Gibbs | Is Space-Time Discrete? |
GILES:04 | Jim Giles | Father of fractals |
GILLIJNS:07 | Steven Gillijns | Kalman filtering techniques for system inversion and data assimilation |
GINSBERG:93 | Matthew L. Ginsberg | Essentials of Artificial Intelligence |
GIPPS:81 | P.G. Gipps | A behavioural car following model for computer simulation |
GIRALDI:05 | Gilson Giraldi and Adilson Xavier and Antonio L. Apolinario and Paulo Rodrigues | Lattice Gas Cellular Automata for Computational Fluid Animation |
GIRVAN:03 | Ray Girvan | Going with the flow |
GIULIANI:98 | Alessandro Giuliani and Alfredo Colosimo and Romualdo Benigni and Joseph P. Zbilut | On the constructive role of noise in spatial systems |
GLASSNER:89 | Andrew S. Glassner | An Introduction to Ray Tracing |
GLASSNER:99 | Andrew S. Glassner | The Digital Ceraunoscope: Synthetic Thunder and Lightning |
GLEICK:90 | James Gleick | Chaos |
GNUGPL | GNU | GNU GPL/LGPL/FDL and The Open Source Definition |
GOBRON:01 | Stéphane Gobron and Norishige Chiba | Crack pattern simulation based on 3D surface cellular automaton |
GODFREY:02 | Bill Godfrey | A primer on distributed computing |
GODUNOV:59 | Sergei K. Godunov | A difference scheme for numerical computation of discontinuous solutions of equations of fluid dynamics |
GOETHALS:05 | Ivan Goethals | Subspace identification for linear, Hammerstein and Hammerstein-Wiener systems |
GOETZ:01 | Brian Goetz | Java: Design for performance, Part 1: Interfaces matter |
GOETZ:01b | Brian Goetz | Java: Design for performance, Part 2: Reduce object creation |
GOFFIN:04 | Kristel Goffin | Elke reis zijn prijs |
GOLDBERG:91 | David Goldberg | What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic |
GOLDOFF:97 | Anna C. Goldoff | Symposium on Chaos Theory and Management |
GOLDREICH:96 | Oded Goldreich | How NOT to write a paper |
GOLOB:06 | Thomas F. Golob and Molly I. Haight | Obituary, In Memoriam Frank A. Haight 1919 - 2006 |
GOMES:04 | Gabriel Gomes and Adolf May and Roberto Horowitz | A Microsimulation Model of a Congested Freeway using VISSIM |
GONTHIER:08 | Georges Gonthier | Formal Proof - The Four-Color Theorem |
GONZALEZ:92 | Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods | Digital Image Processing |
GOODWIN:76 | P.B. Goodwin | Human effort and the value of travel time |
GOOGLE:06 | Google Maps | |
GORDON | Andrew Gordon and Tom van Vuren | Incorporating Variable Travel Time Effects in Route Choice Models |
GORISSEN:04 | Dirk Gorissen | H2O Metacomputing - Jini Lookup and Discovery |
GOSPER:74 | R.W. Gosper | Life is universal! |
GOURDON:01 | Xavier Gourdon and Pascal Sebah | FFT based multiplication of large numbers |
GRABOLUS:01 | Sascha Grabolus | Numerische Untersuchungen zum Nagel-Schreckenberg-Verkehrsmodell und dessen Varianten |
GRANT:02 | Felix Grant | We all need a good reference |
GRANT:96 | Michael C. Grant and David Carlisle | LaTeX - The psfrag package |
GRAPS:95 | Amara Graps | An Introduction to Wavelets |
GRAY:01 | Lawrence Gray and David Griffeath | The Ergodic Theory of Traffic Jams |
GRAY:03 | Lawrence Gray | A Mathematician Looks at Wolfram's New Kind of Science |
GRAY:98 | Norman Gray | LaTeX - The textpos package |
GREENBERG:03 | J. M. Greenberg and A. Klar and M. Rascle | Congestion on Multilane Highways |
GREENBERG:59 | H. Greenberg | An Analysis of Traffic Flow |
GREENSHIELDS:35 | Bruce D. Greenshields | A Study of Traffic Capacity |
GREENWALD:07 | Sarah J. Greenwald | Klein's Beer: Futurama Comedy and Writers in the Classroom |
GRIMALDI:94 | Ralph P. Grimaldi | Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics - An Applied Introduction |
GROLLER:01 | Eduard Gröller | Insight into Data Through Visualization |
GROLLER:95 | Eduard Gröller and Werner Purgathofer | Coherence in Computer Graphics |
GROSSO:02 | William Grosso | Java RMI |
GUEZIEC:05 | Andre Gueziec | To illustrate the point |
GUHNEMANN:01 | Astrid Gühnemann and Peter Wagner and Nils Eissfeldt | Intelligent transport management by integrated dynamic traffic simulation and impact assessment |
GULCU:02 | Ceki Gülcü | Java: Short introduction to log4j |
GUNDALIYA:04 | P.J. Gundaliya and V.M. Tom and S.L. Dhingra | Heterogeneous Traffic Flow Modelling Using Cellular Automata |
GUNTHER:02 | Marco Günther and Axel Klar and Thorsten Materne and Raimund Wegener | Multivalued fundamental diagrams and stop and go waves for continuum traffic equations |
GUPTA:06 | A.K. Gupta and V.K. Katiyar | A new anisotropic continuum model for traffic flow |
GUTOWITZ:95 | Howard Gutowitz and Chris Langton | Mean Field Theory of The Edge of Chaos |
GUTOWITZ:96 | Howard Gutowitz | Cellular Automata and The Sciences of Complexity (part I) |
GUTOWITZ:96b | Howard Gutowitz | Cellular Automata and The Sciences of Complexity (part II) |
GVA:96 | GVA | ViVA Traffic Analysis Software - The Problem |
HAEFNER:98 | Lonnie E. Haefner and Ming-Shiun Li | Traffic Flow Simulation for an Urban Freeway Corridor |
HAFSTEIN:03 | S.F. Hafstein and R. Chrobok and A. Pottmeier and J. Wahle and M. Schreckenberg | Cellular Automaton Modeling of the Autobahn Traffic in North Rhine-Westphalia |
HAFSTEIN:04 | Sigurdur F. Hafstein and Roland Chrobok and Andreas Pottmeier and Michael Schreckenberg and Florian C. Mazur | A High-Resolution Cellular Automata Traffic Simulation Model with Application in a Freeway Traffic Information System |
HAGERSTRAND:70 | Torsten Hägerstrand | What about People in Regional Science? |
HAGSTROM:01 | J. N. Hagstrom and R. A. Abrams | Characterizing Braeß's Paradox for Traffic Networks |
HAIGHT:63 | F.A. Haight | Mathematical theories of traffic flow |
HALES:08 | Thomas C. Hales | Formal Proof |
HALL:86 | F.L. Hall and B.L. Allen and M.A. Gunter | Empirical Analysis of Freeway Flow-Density Relationships |
HALL:89 | F. Hall and B.N. Persaud | Evaluation of speed estimates made with single-detector data from freeway traffic management systems |
HAMMARLING:96 | Sven Hammarling and Nicholas J. Higham | How to Prepare a Poster |
HAN:06 | S. Han and B.G. Heydecker | Consistent objectives and solution of dynamic user equilibrium models |
HAN:06b | Weiguo Han and Jinfeng Wang and Shih-Lung Shaw | Visual Exploratory Data Analysis of Traffic Volume |
HANSEN:98 | Mark D. Hansen | Computer technology advances transportation safety |
HARRINGTON:01 | Winston Harrington and Alan J. Krupnick and Anna Alberini | Overcoming public aversion to congestion pricing |
HARRIS:45 | Chauncy D. Harris and Edward L. Ullman | The Nature of Cities |
HARRISON:08 | John Harrison | Formal Proof - Theory and Practice |
HARSMAN:01 | Björn H&aslash;arsman | Urban road pricing acceptance |
HART | John C. Hart | Ray Tracing Implicit Surfaces |
HART:68 | P.E. Hart and N.J. Nilsson and B. Raphael | A Formal Basis for the Heuristic Determination of Minimum Cost Paths |
HARTMANN:01 | Alexander K. Hartmann and Heiko Rieger | A practical guide to computer simulations |
HASAN | Masroor Hasan and David Cuneo and Alan Chachich | Analysis of Traffic Video to Develop Driver Behavior Models for Microscopic Traffic Simulation |
HASAN:99 | Masroor Hasan | Evaluation of Ramp Control Algorithms using A Microscopic Traffic Simulation Laboratory, MITSIM |
HAU:05 | Timothy D. Hau | Economic fundamentals of road pricing: A diagrammatic analysis |
HAURIE:85 | A. Haurie and P. Marcotte | On the Relationship between Nash-Cournot and Wardrop Equilibria |
HAZELTON:01 | Martin L. Hazelton | Inference for origin-destination matrices: estimation, prediction and reconstruction |
HCM:00 | Unknown | 2000 Highway Capacity Manual |
HE:02 | Rachel R. He and Henry X. Liu and Alain L. Kornhauser and Bin Ran | Temporal and Spatial Variability of Travel Time |
HECKBERT:89 | Paul S. Heckbert | Fundamentals of Texture Mapping and Image Warping |
HECKBERT:99 | Paul Heckbert | Projective Mappings for Image Warping |
HEERTJE:93 | A. Heertje and G. Vandewalle and J. van den Broeck | Algemene Economie |
HEGGER:99 | Rainer Hegger and Holger Kantz and Thomas Schreiber | Practical implementation of nonlinear time series methods: The TISEAN package |
HEGYI:01 | A. Hegyi and B. De Schutter and J. Hellendoorn and S.P. Hoogendoorn and C. Tampère | Gelijke behandeling voor verkeersstroommodellen |
HEGYI:04 | András Hegyi | Model Predictive Control for Integrating Traffic Control Measures |
HEIDEMANN:01 | Dirk Heidemann | A Queueing Theory Model of Nonstationary Traffic Flow |
HEIDEMANN:99 | Dirk Heidemann | Some critical remarks on a class of traffic flow models |
HEIDRICH:99 | Wolfgang Heidrich and Hans-Peter Seidel | Realistic, Hardware-Accelerated Shading and Lighting |
HEISTERKAMP:03 | S.H. Heisterkamp and R.H. Koning | Large Data Sets |
HELBING | D. Helbing and A. Greiner | Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Lane Traffic Flow |
HELBING:00 | Dirk Helbing and Illés Farkas and Tamás Vicsek | Simulating Dynamical Features of Escape Panic |
HELBING:00d | Benno Tilch and Dirk Helbing | Evaluation of Single Vehicle Data in Dependence of the Vehicle-Type, Lane and Site |
HELBING:01 | Dirk Helbing | Traffic and related self-driven many-particle systems |
HELBING:01b | Dirk Helbing | MASTER: macroscopic traffic simulation based on a gas-kinetic, non-local traffic model |
HELBING:02 | Dirk Helbing and Martin Treiber | Critical Discussion of Synchronized Flow |
HELBING:02b | D. Helbing and A. Hennecke and V. Shvetsov and M. Treiber | Micro- and Macrosimulation of Freeway Traffic |
HELBING:03 | Dirk Helbing | Production, Supply, and Traffic Systems: A Unified Description |
HELBING:03b | Dirk Helbing | A section-based queueing-theoretical traffic model for congestion and travel time analysis in networks |
HELBING:04 | Dirk Helbing and Kai Nagel | The Physics of Traffic and Regional Development |
HELBING:05 | Dirk Helbing and Rui Jiang and Martin Treiber | Analytical investigation of oscillations in intersecting flows of pedestrian and vehicle traffic |
HELBING:08 | Dirk Helbing | Derivation of a Fundamental Diagram for Urban Traffic Flow |
HELBING:08b | Dirk Helbing and Mehdi Moussaid | Analytical Calculation of Critical Perturbation Amplitudes and Critical Densities by Non-Linear Stability Analysis of a Simple Traffic Flow Model |
HELBING:08c | Dirk Helbing and Benno Tilch | A Power Law for the Duration of High-Flow States in Heterogeneous Traffic Flows |
HELBING:08d | Dirk Helbing and Benno Tilch | A Power Law for the Duration of High-Flow States in Heterogeneous Traffic Flows |
HELBING:08e | Dirk Helbing and Mehdi Moussaid | Analytical Calculation of Critical Perturbation Amplitudes and Critical Densities by Non-Linear Stability Analysis of a Simple Traffic Flow Model |
HELBING:08f | Dirk Helbing | Characteristic Speeds Faster than the Average Vehicle Speed Do Not Constitute a Theoretical Inconsistency of Macroscopic Traffic Models |
HELBING:08h | Dirk Helbing | Derivation of Non-Local Macroscopic Traffic Equations and Consistent Traffic Pressures from Microscopic Car-Following Models |
HELBING:96 | Dirk Helbing | Gas-kinetic derivation of Navier-Stokes-like traffic equations |
HELBING:97 | Dirk Helbing | Fundamentals of Traffic Flow |
HELBING:97b | Dirk Helbing | Empirical traffic data and their implications for traffic modeling |
HELBING:97c | Dirk Helbing | Traffic data and their implications for consistent traffic flow modeling |
HELBING:97d | Dirk Helbing | Modeling Multi-Lane Traffic Flow with Queueing Effects |
HELBING:97e | Dirk Helbing | Verkehrsdynamik |
HELBING:98 | Dirk Helbing and Martin Treiber | Jams, Waves and Clusters |
HELBING:98b | Dirk Helbing | From Microscopic to Macroscopic Traffic Models |
HELBING:98c | D. Helbing and B.A. Huberman | Coherent moving states in highway traffic |
HELBING:98d | Dirk Helbing and Andreas Greiner | Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Lane Traffic Flow |
HELBING:98e | Dirk Helbing and Bernardo A. Huberman | Moving Like a Solid Block |
HELBING:99 | Dirk Helbing and Tamás Vicsek | Optimal Self-Organization |
HELBING:99b | Dirk Helbing and Martin Treiber | Numerical Simulation of Macroscopic Traffic Equations |
HELBING:99c | Dirk Helbing and Michael Schreckenberg | Cellular Automata Simulating Experimental Properties of Traffic Flow |
HELBING:99d | Dirk Helbing and Ansgar Hennecke and Martin Treiber | Phase Diagram of Traffic States in the Presence of Inhomogeneities |
HELLINGA | B. Hellinga | CIVE 440 - Transport Systems Analysis |
HELLINGA:98 | Bruce R. Hellinga | Requirements for the Calibration of Traffic Simulation Models |
HELLY:61 | W. Helly | Simulation of Bottlenecks in Single Lane Traffic Flow |
HENDRICKSON:81 | C. Hendrickson and G. Kocur | Schedule delay and departure time decisions in a deterministic model |
HENDRICKX:07 | Kris Hendrickx | Meningen verdeeld over spreiding vrachtverkeer |
HENN:03 | Vincent Henn | A wave-based resolution scheme for the hydrodynamic LWR traffic flow model |
HENNING:99 | K. Henning and K. Grobel and H. Saß | Analysis of Traffic Flow of Goods on Motorways by Means of Video Data - Chances and Limits |
HERBRUGGEN:02 | B. Van Herbruggen | In Depth Description of the TREMOVE Model |
HERMAN:59 | R. Herman and E.W. Montroll and R.B. Potts and R.W. Rothery | Traffic dynamics: analysis of stability in car-following |
HERMAN:79 | Robert Herman and Ilya Prigogine | A Two-Fluid Approach to Town Traffic |
HERREY:45 | E.M.J. Herrey and H. Herrey | Principles of physics applied to traffic movements and road conditions |
HERTY:05 | M. Herty and A. Klar and L. Pareschi | General kinetic models for vehicular traffic flow and Monte Carlo methods |
HESS:05 | Stephane Hess and Andrew Daly and John Bates | Departure-Time and Mode Choice - Analysis of Three Stated Preference Data Sets |
HESSEL:01 | Roberta Jungblut-Hessel and Brigitte Plateau and William J. Stewart and Bernard Ycart | Fast simulation for road traffic network |
HEURING:97 | Vincent P. Heuring and Harry F. Jordan | Computer Systems Design and Architecture |
HEWITT:89 | Paul G. Hewitt | Conceptual Physics |
HEY:01 | Heinrich Hey and Werner Purgathofer | Global Illumination with Photon Map Compensation |
HIDAS:05 | Peter Hidas | Modelling vehicle interactions in microscopic simulation of merging and weaving |
HILL:01 | Francis S. Hill | Computer Graphics Using Open GL |
HILLS:93 | P. Hills | Road congestion pricing: when is it a good policy? A comment |
HITECH:01 | Hi-Tech Solutions | License Plate Recognition - A Tutorial |
HOEGAERTS:05 | Luc Hoegaerts | Eigenspace methods and subset selection in kernel based learning |
HOEKX:10 | Nele Hoekx | De deelnemer aan kansspelen op het internet: Een rechtsvergelijkende analyse van regels en belangen (samenvatting) |
HOLLAND:98 | E.N. Holland | A generalised stability criterion for motorway traffic |
HOLM:05 | Christian Holm | LaTeX - The thumb-package LaTeX |
HOLUB:03 | Allen Holub | Java: Why extends is evil |
HOLUB:03b | Allen Holub | Java: Why getter and setter methods are evil |
HOLUB:04 | Allen Holub | Java: More on getters and setters |
HOMMEL | Scott Hommel | Java Code Conventions |
HONGLER:02 | M.O. Hongler and R. Filliger | Mesoscopic derivation of a fundamental diagram of one-lane traffic |
HOOGENDOORN:00 | Serge P. Hoogendoorn and Piet H.L. Bovy | Continuum modeling of multiclass traffic flow |
HOOGENDOORN:01 | Serge P. Hoogendoorn and Piet H.L. Bovy | State-of-the-art of Vehicular Traffic Flow Modelling |
HOOGENDOORN:02 | S.P. Hoogendoorn and H. van Lint and H.J. van Zuylen | Macroscopic Network Model for Multiclass Multilane Traffic Flow Prediction |
HOOGENDOORN:02b | S.P. Hoogendoorn and P.H.L. Bovy and H. van Lint | Short-term Prediction of Traffic Flow Conditions in a Multilane Multi-class Network |
HOOGENDOORN:03 | S.P. Hoogendoorn and H.J. van Zuylen and M. Schreuder and B. Gorte and G. Vosselman | Microscopic Traffic Data Collection by Remote Sensing |
HOOGENDOORN:08 | Serge Hoogendoorn and Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser | Het fundamenteel diagram (75 jaar verkeersstroomtheorie) |
HOOGENDOORN:99 | Serge P. Hoogendoorn and Piet H.L. Bovy | A Closer Examination of Overtaking Prohibitions for Trucks |
HOOGENDOORN:99b | Serge P. Hoogendoorn | Multiclass continuum modelling of multilane traffic flow |
HORN | J. Horn and U.D. Hanebeck and K. Riegel and K. Heesche and W. Hauptmann | Nonlinear Set-Theoretic Position Estimation of Cellular Phones |
HOROWITZ:00 | Roberto Horowitz and Pravin Varaiya | Control Design of an Automated Highway System |
HOROWITZ:99 | Alan J. Horowitz and Minnie H. Patel | Through Trip Tables for Small Urban Areas: A Method for Quick Response Travel Forecasting |
HOSTENS:07 | Erik Hostens | Quantum Entanglement Distillation in the Stabilizer Formalism |
HOURDAKIS:03 | J. Hourdakis and P. Michalopoulos and J. Kottommannil | A practical procedure for calibrating microscopic traffic simulation models |
HOWARD:95 | Andrew Howard and Les Kitchen and Sandy Dance | Relativistic ray-tracing: simulating the visual appearance of rapidly moving objects |
HOWARD:98 | Kenneth R. Howard | Unjamming Traffic with Computers |
HOYT:39 | Homer Hoyt | The Structure and Growth of Residential Neighborhoods in American Cities |
HRB:94 | D.L. Gerlough and D.G. Capelle | An Introduction to Traffic Flow Theory |
HUBER | Werner Huber and Michael Lädke and Rainer Ogger | Extended Floating-Car Data for the Acquisition of Traffic Information |
HUFF:54 | Darrell Huff | How to Lie with Statistics |
HUGHES:05 | Barry Hughes | Lectures on First-Order Partial Differential Equations |
HUGHES:98 | John T. Hughes | Traffic Data Collection for AIMSUN2 Simulation of an Auckland Motorway |
HUISKEN:06 | Giovanni Huisken | Inter-Urban Short-Term Traffic Congestion Prediction |
HULL:09 | Bret Hull and Vladimir Bychkovsky and Yang Zhang and Kevin Chen and Michel Goraczko and Allen Miu and Eugene Shih and Hari Balakrishnan | CarTel: A Distributed Mobile Sensor Computing System |
HUPFER:00 | Susanne Hupfer | The Nuts and Bolts of Compiling and Running JavaSpaces Programs |
HUTCHERSON:00 | Reggie Hutcherson | Java: StringBuffer versus String |
HYNDMAN:99 | Rob J. Hyndman | Nonparametric additive regression models for binary time series |
HYVARINEN | Aapo Hyvärinen | Survey on Independent Component Analysis |
HYVARINEN:99 | Aapo Hyvärinen and Erkki Oja | Independent Component Analysis: A Tutorial |
IEEE:02 | M. Hasler and G. Mazzini and M. Ogorzalek and R. Rovatti and G. Setti | Proceedings of the IEEE - Special Issue Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics to Electronic and Information Engineering |
IEEE:97 | IEEE | IEEE 754-1985 Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic |
IGLEWICZ:93 | B. Iglewicz and D.C. Hoaglin | How to Detect and Handle Outliers |
IKLdKSZB:03 | Satoshi Inoue and Masao Kuwahara and Colette Maloney and Martijn de Kievit and Steven Shladover and Wei-Bin Zhang and Matthew Barth | Guidelines for Assessing the Effects of ITS on CO2 Emissions: International Joint Report |
IMMERS:02 | L.H. Immers and S. Logghe | Verkeersstroomtheorie |
IMMERS:02b | Ben Immers and Bart Egeter | OWN als redmiddel tegen verkeersinfarct |
IMMERS:02c | Ben Immers | Bezint eer ge begint |
IMMERS:03 | Ben Immers | Kijk verder dan de snelweg lang is |
IMMERS:04 | L.H. Immers and A. Bleukx and M. Snelder | Betrouwbaarheid van reistijden - Het belang van netwerkstructuur en optimale wegcapaciteit |
IMMERS:04b | L.H. Immers and I. Yperman and J.E. Stada and A. Bleukx | Reliability and robustness of transportation networks - Problem survey and examples |
IMMERS:05 | L.H. Immers and A. Bleukx and J.E. Stada and C. Tampère and I. Yperman | Robustness and resilience of road network structures |
IMMERS:08 | Ben Immers and Bart Kuipers and Lóri Tavasszy | De logistieke familie van Kees Ruijgrok: Van logit naar logistiek |
IMMERS:91 | Ben. H. Immers and N.G.J. Oosterbaan | A model for the calculation of environment-friendly traffic flows in urban networks |
IMMERS:98 | L.H. Immers and J.E. Stada | Verkeersmodellen |
IMMERS:98b | Ben Immers and Marcel Westerman and Hans de Ruiter | Sturen zonder Structuren |
INUI:05 | Norio Inui and Shuichi Inokuchi and Yoshihiro Mizguchi and Norio Konno | Statistical Properties of a Quantum Cellular Automaton |
IOERGER | Tom Ioerger and Paul Nelson | Analysis of Patterns in Traffic Congestion |
IOERGER:01 | Thomas R. Ioerger and John H. Meeks and Paul Nelson | Investigation of Density and Flow Relationships in Congested Traffic Using Videogrammetric Data |
IRWIN:61 | N.A. Irwin and N. Dodd and H.G. Von Cube | Capacity Restraint in Assignment Programs |
IRWIN:62 | N.A. Irwin and H.G. Von Cube | Capacity Restraint in Multi-Travel Mode Assignment Programs |
ISHAK:03 | Sherif Ishak | Quantifying Uncertainties of Freeway Detector Observations using Fuzzy-Clustering Approach |
ISRAEL:05 | Navot Israel and Nigel Goldenfeld | Coarse-graining of cellular automata, emergence, and the predictability of complex systems |
IVANOVA:03 | Olga Ivanova | The Role of Transport Infrastructure in Regional Economic Development |
IWANSKI:98 | Joseph S. Iwanski and Elizabeth Bradley | Recurrence plots of experimental data: To embed or not to embed? |
JACOB:98 | Riko Jacob and Madhav Marathe and Kai Nagel | A Computational Study of Routing Algorithms for Realistic Transportation Networks |
JACOBSON:90 | L. Jacobson and N. Nihan and J. Bender | Detecting erroneous loop detector data in a freeway traffic management system |
JAFFE | Arthur Jaffe and Edward Witten | Quantum Yang-Mills Theory |
JANSSENS:07 | Frizo Janssens | Clustering of Scientific Fields by Integrating Text Mining and Bibliometrics |
JANSSENS:07b | Koen Janssens | Least-Squares Support Vector Machine Analysis of the Belgian Roads |
JANTZEN:98 | Jan Jantzen | Tutorial on Fuzzy Logic |
JAROSZ:01 | Wojciech Jarosz | renderBitch : An Implementation of Global Illumination using Irradiance Caching and Photon Maps |
JAYAKRISHAN:00 | R. Jayakrishan and Jun-Seok Oh and Abd-El Kader Sahraoui | Calibration and Path Dynamics Issues In Microscopic Simulation for ATMS and ATIS |
JENSEN:01 | Henrik Wann Jensen | Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping |
JENSEN:96 | Henrik Wann Jensen | Rendering Techniques '96 |
JIA:01 | Zhanfeng Jia and Chao Chen and Ben Coifman and Pravin Varaiya | The PeMS algorithms for accurate, real-time estimates of g-factors and speeds from single-loop detectors |
JIANG | Bin Jiang | Street Hierarchies: A Minority of Streets Account for a Majority of Traffic Flow |
JIANG:08 | Bin Jiang and Sijian Zhao and Junjun Yin | Self-organized Natural Roads for Predicting Traffic Flow: A Sensitivity Study |
JIMENEZ | T. Jiménez and P. Mussi and G. Siegel | A Road Traffic Simulator - Car-Following and Lane-Changing |
JIN:03 | Wen-Long Jin | Kinematic Wave Models of Network Vehicular Traffic |
JIN:05 | Wen-Long Jin | The Dynamic System of the Traffic Assignment Problem: Part I. Theory |
JIN:05b | Wen-Long Jin | The Dynamic System of the Traffic Assignment Problem: Part II. Computation |
JIN:05c | Wen-Long Jin | The Dynamic System of the Traffic Assignment Problem: Part III. Incorporating Traffic Dynamics |
JIN:05d | Wen-Long Jin | A kinematic wave theory of lane-changing vehicular traffic |
JOHANSSON:99 | A.J. Johansson and H. Floberg | Random number generation by chaotic double scroll oscillator on chip |
JOHNSON:02 | Richard Johnson | MATLAB Programming Style Guidelines |
JOKSIMOVIC:02 | D. Joksimovic and M. Bliemer | Dynamic Assignment Models for Assessing Road Pricing Policies |
JOKSIMOVIC:07 | Dusica Joksimovic | Dynamic Bi-level Optimal Toll Design Approach for Dynamic Traffic Networks |
JOLLIFFE:88 | I. Jolliffe | Principal Component Analysis |
JONES | Susan Jones | Spelling differences between American and British English |
JONES:01 | Willie D. Jones | Keeping Cars from Crashing |
JONES:04 | Steven L. Jones and Andrew J. Sullivan and Naveen Cheekoti and Michael D. Anderson and Dillip Malave | Traffic simulation software - Comparison study |
JONES:83 | P.M. Jones and M.C. Dix and M.I. Clarke and I.G. Heggie | Understanding Travel Behavior |
JONESb | Susan Jones | Common Words in American and British English |
JOST:02 | Dominic Jost | Breakdown and recovery in traffic flow models |
JOST:03 | Dominic Jost and Kai Nagel | Probabilistic traffic flow breakdown in stochastic car following models |
JOST:03b | Dominic Jost and Kai Nagel | Traffic Jam Dynamics in Traffic Flow Models |
JOST:03c | Dominic Jost and Kai Nagel | Probabilistic Traffic Flow Breakdown In Stochastic Car Following Models |
JOU:01 | Rong-Chang Jou | Modeling the impact of pre-trip information on commuter departure time and route choice decisions |
JOY | Kenneth I. Joy | Affine Combinations, Barycentric Coordinates and Convex Combinations |
JULVEZ:05 | J. Júlvez and R. Boel | Modelling and Controlling Traffic Behaviour with Continuous Petri Nets |
JUNGEL:02 | Ansgar Jüngel | Modeling and Numerical Approximation of Traffic Flow Problems |
KABAL:02 | Peter Kabal | Formatting a Thesis with LaTeX |
KAJIYA:83 | James T. Kajiya | New Techniques for Ray Tracing Procedurally Defined Objects |
KAJIYA:86 | James T. Kajiya | The Rendering Equation |
KALMAN:60 | R.E. Kalman | A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems |
KAMARIANAKIS:02 | Yiannis Kamarianakis and Poulicos Prastacos | Space-time modeling of traffic flow |
KAMEDA | Hisao Kameda and Eitan Altman and Takayuki Kozawa | A Case where a Paradox Like Braeß's Occurs in the Nash Equilibrium but Does Not Occur in the Wardop Equilibrium |
KAMEDA:00 | Hisao Kameda and Eitan Altman and Takayuki Kozawa and Yoshihisa Hosokawa | Braeß-like Paradoxes in Distributed Computer Systems |
KAMINSKI:07 | Michael Kaminski | The Secret History of Star Wars |
KANEKO:85 | Kunihiko Kaneko | Spatial Period-Doubling in Open Flow |
KANEKO:90 | Kunihiko Kaneko | Simulating Physics with Coupled Map Lattices |
KANICH:08 | Chris Kanich and Christian Kreibich and Kirill Levchenko and Brandon Enright and Geoffrey M. Voelker Vern Paxson and Stefan Savage | Spamalytics: An Empirical Analysis of Spam Marketing Conversion |
KANTOR | Josh Kantor | Cellular Automata in Mathematical Modeling |
KARAFYLLIDIS:97 | I. Karafyllidis and A. Thanailakis | A model for predicting forest fire spreading using cellular automata |
KARP:95 | Alan H. Karp and Peter Markstein | High Precision Division and Square Root |
KATZ:63 | Jesse H. Katz | Simulation of a traffic network |
KAUFMAN:90 | Leonard Kaufman and Peter J. Rousseeuw | Finding Groups in Data: An Introduction to Cluster Analysis |
KAUMANN | Oliver Kaumann and Roland Chrobok and Joachim Wahle and Michael Schreckenberg | Traffic Forecast Using On-Line Simulations |
KAUPUZS:05 | K. Kaupužs and R. Mahnke and R.J. Harris | Zero range model of traffic flow |
KAUTZ:00 | Jan Kautz and Pere-Pau Vazquez and Wolfgang Heidrich and Hans-Peter Seidel | A Unified Approach to Prefiltered Environment Maps |
KAYATZ:01 | Christopher Kayatz | Stability Analysis of Traffic Flow Models |
KAYE:00 | Richard Kaye | Some Minesweeper Configurations |
KAYE:00b | Richard Kaye | Infinite versions of minesweeper are Turing complete |
KELLEY:95 | C.T. Kelley | Iterative Methods for Solving Linear and Nonlinear Equations |
KELLEY:99 | C.T. Kelley | Iterative Methods for Optimization |
KEMPER:04 | Carsten Kemper | Dynamic Traffic Assignment with static OD Matrices |
KEMPER:05 | Carsten Kemper | Dynamic Traffic Flow Model - A New Approach with Static Data |
KENIS:01 | Eric Kenis and Rudi Tegenbos | Ramp Metering Synthesis |
KENNEDY:96 | James Kennedy and Russell Eberhart | Particle Swarm Optimization |
KENNEL:92 | M.B. Kennel and R. Brown and H.D.I. Abarbanel | Determining minimum embedding dimension using a geometrical construction |
KERNER:01 | B.S. Kerner and H. Rehborn and M. Aleksić and A. Haug | Methods for Tracing and Forecasting of Congested Traffic Patterns on Highways |
KERNER:02 | Boris S. Kerner and Sergey K. Klenov and Dietrich E. Wolf | Cellular automata approach to three-phase traffic theory |
KERNER:02b | Boris S. Kerner | Three-Phase Traffic Theory and Highway Capacity |
KERNER:02c | Boris S. Kerner | Synchronized Flow as a New Traffic Phase and Related Problems for Traffic Flow Modelling |
KERNER:03 | B.S. Kerner and S.L. Klenov | Microscopic theory of spatial-temporal congested traffic patterns at highway bottlenecks |
KERNER:03b | Boris S. Kerner | Dependence of Empirical Fundamental Diagram on Spatial-Temporal Traffic Patterns Features |
KERNER:04 | Boris S. Kerner | The Physics of Traffic - Empirical Freeway Pattern Features, Engineering Applications, and Theory |
KERNER:04b | Boris S. Kerner and Sergey L. Klenov | Spatial-temporal patterns in heterogeneous traffic flow with a variety of driver behavioural characteristics and vehicle parameters |
KERNER:05 | Boris S. Kerner | Control of spatiotemporal congested traffic patterns at highway bottlenecks |
KERNER:05b | Boris S. Kerner and Sergey L. Klenov | Deterministic approach to microscopic three-phase traffic theory |
KERNER:05c | Boris S. Kerner and Sergey L. Klenov and Andreas Hiller | Criterion for traffic phases in single vehicle data and empirical test of a microscopic three-phase traffic theory |
KERNER:05d | Boris S. Kerner and Sergey L. Klenov and Andreas Hiller and Hubert Rehborn | Microscopic features of moving traffic jams |
KERNER:94 | B.S. Kerner and P. Konhäuser | Structure and parameters of clusters in traffic flow |
KERNER:96 | B.S. Kerner and H. Rehborn | Experimental features and characteristics of traffic jams |
KERNER:96b | B.S. Kerner and H. Rehborn | Experimental properties of complexity in traffic flow |
KERNER:97 | B.S. Kerner and H. Rehborn | Experimental Properties of Phase Transitions in Traffic Flow |
KERNER:97b | B.S. Kerner and S.L. Klenov and P. Konhäuser | Asymptotic theory of traffic jams |
KERNER:98 | B.S. Kerner | Experimental Features of Self-Organization in Traffic Flow |
KERNIGHAN:81 | Brian W. Kernighan | Why Pascal is Not My Favorite Programming Language |
KESTING:08 | Arne Kesting and Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing | Agents for Traffic Simulation |
KEYFITZ:99 | Barbara Lee Keyfitz | Hold that Light ! Modeling of Traffic Flow by Differential Equations |
KHIN:02 | Hnin Htwe Khin | Numerical Solution of Traffic Flow Problems |
KILGARD:96 | Mark J. Kilgard | The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Programming Interface - API Version 3 |
KIM | Jounghoon Kim and Chong-Sun Hwang | Implementation of Java Parallel Raytracer Environment |
KIM:02 | Youngho Kim | Online Traffic Flow Model Applying Dynamic Flow-Density Relations |
KIM:04 | Seongmoon Kim and Mark E. Lewis and Chelsea C. White | Optimal Vehicle Routing with Real-Time Traffic Information |
KIRCH:94 | Olaf Kirch | The Linux Network Administrator's Guide |
KIRCHNER:04 | Ansgar Kirchner and Hubert Klüpfel and Katsuhiro Nishinari and Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg | Discretization effects and the influence of walking speed in cellular automata models for pedestrian dynamics |
KIRK:05 | Barrie Kirk and Keith Fagan and Roland Renner | Development and Demonstration of a System of Using Cell Phones as Traffic Probes |
KIRK:88 | David Kirk and James Arvo | The Ray Tracing Kernel |
KLAFF:11 | Oren Klaff | Pitch Anything |
KLAR:96 | Axel Klar and Reinhart D. Kühne and Raimund Wegener | Mathematical Models for Vehicular Traffic |
KLARREICH:01 | Erica Klarreich | Pi shared fairly |
KLATTE:93 | R. Klatte and U. Kulisch and A. Wiethoff and C. Lawo and M. Rauch | C-XSC, A C++ Class Library for Extended Scientific Computing |
KLEIN | Ulrich Klein and Thomas Schulze and Steffen Straßburger and Hans-Peter Menzler | Traffic Simulation Based on the High Level Architecture |
KLEIN:97 | Lawrence A. Klein | Vehicle Detector Technologies for Traffic Management Applications - Part 1 |
KLEIN:97b | Lawrence A. Klein | Vehicle Detector Technologies for Traffic Management Applications - Part 2 |
KLEINROCK:72 | L. Kleinrock | Stochastic Message Flow and Delay |
KLIMASAUSKAS:02 | Casimir C. Klimasauskas | Not Knowing Your Random Number Generator Could Be Costly : Random Generators - Why Are They Important |
KLIMKE:03 | Andreas Klimke | How to Access Matlab from Java |
KLUNDER | Gerdien Klunder and Peter Baas and Frans op de Beek | A long-term travel time prediction algorithm using historical data |
KLUNDER:03 | G. Klunder and H.H. Versteegt and C.M.J. Tampère | PredicTime: Model specifications and initial test results |
KNIGHT:24 | Frank Hyneman Knight | Some fallacies in the interpretation of social cost |
KNOCKAERT:10 | Jasper Knockaert | Economic and Technical Analysis of Road Transport Emissions |
KNOSPE:00 | W. Knospe and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg | CA Models for Traffic Flow: Comparison with Empirical Single-Vehicle Data |
KNOSPE:00b | W. Knospe and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg | Towards a realistic microscopic description of highway traffic |
KNOSPE:02 | W. Knospe and L Santen and A Schadschneider and M Schreckenberg | A realistic two-lane traffic model for highway traffic |
KNOSPE:02b | Wolfgang Knospe and Ludger Santen and Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg | Human behavior as origin of traffic phases |
KNOSPE:02c | Wolfgang Knospe | Synchronized traffic - Microscopic modeling and empirical observations |
KNOSPE:02d | Wolfgang Knospe and Ludger Santen and Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg | Single-vehicle data of highway traffic: microscopic description of traffic phases |
KNOSPE:04 | Wolfgang Knospe and Ludger Santen and Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg | An empirical test for cellular automaton models of traffic flow |
KNUTH:01 | Donald Knuth | All Questions Answered |
KNUTH:70 | Donald E. Knuth | Von Neumann's First Computer Program |
KOCKELMAN:01 | Kara M. Kockelman | Modeling Traffic's Flow-Density Relation: Accomodation of Multiple Flow Regimes and Traveler Types |
KOCKELMAN:04 | Kara Kockelman | Handbook of Transportation Engineering: Traffic Congestion |
KOHL:41 | Johann Georg Kohl | Der Verkehr und die Ansiedelungen der Menschen in ihrer Abhängigkeit des Gestaltung der Erdoberfläche |
KOLOMEISKY:98 | Anatoly B. Kolomeisky and Gunter M. Schütz and Eugene B. Kolomeisky and Joseph P. Straley | Phase diagram of one-dimensional driven lattice gases with open boundaries |
KOMETANI:58 | E. Kometani and T. Sasaki | On the Stability of Traffic Flow |
KOMETANI:61 | E. Kometani and T. Sasaki | Dynamic behavior of traffic with a nonlinear spacing |
KONONOV:99 | Eugene Kononov | Visual Recurrence Analysis Demonstration |
KOOPMAN:00 | Siem Jan Koopman | Met het Kalman filter vooruit |
KOSHI:83 | M. Koshi and M. Iwasaki and I. Okhura | Some Findings and an Overview on Vehicular Flow Characteristics |
KOSKENOJA:96 | Pia Maria K. Koskenoja | The Effect of Unreliable Commuting Time on Commuter Preferences |
KOUTSOPOULOS:99 | Haris N. Koutsopoulos | Traffic Performance Models II - Examples of Simulation Models: DynaMIT Supply Simulator and MITSIM |
KOUTSOPOULOS:99b | Haris N. Koutsopoulos | Traffic Performance Models I - Fundamentals of Microscopic and Macroscopic Traffic Flow Theory and Performance Models |
KOZUKA:01 | Hideki Kozuka and Yohsuke Matsui and Hitoshi Kanoh | Traffic Flow Simulation using Cellular Automata under Non-equilibrium Environment |
KRAJZEWICZ | Daniel Krajzewicz and Georg Hertkorn and Peter Wagner and Christian Rössel | SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility): An open-source traffic simulation |
KRAJZEWICZ:02 | Daniel Krajzewicz and Georg Hertkorn and Peter Wagner and Christian Rössel | An Example of Microscopic Car Models Validation using the Open Source Traffic Simulation SUMO |
KRAJZEWICZ:04 | Daniel Krajzewicz | Simulation of Urban MObility - SUMO |
KRAUSS:96 | S. Krauß and P. Wagner and C. Gawron | A Continuous Limit of the Nagel-Schreckenberg-Model |
KRAUSS:97 | S. Krauß | Towards a unified view of microscopic traffic flow theories |
KRAUSS:97b | S. Krauß and P. Wagner and C. Gawron | Metastable States in a Microscopic Model of Traffic Flow |
KRAUSS:98 | Stefan Krauß | Microscopic Modeling of Traffic Flow: Investigation of Collision Free Vehicle Dynamics |
KRAUSS:98b | Stefan Krauß | Microscopic Traffic Simulation: Robustness of a Simple Approach |
KRAUSS:99 | S. Krauß and Kai Nagel and Peter Wagner | The mechanism of flow breakdown in traffic flow models |
KRBALEK:06 | Milan Krbalek and Petr Seba | Statistical variances in traffic data |
KRETZ | Tobias Kretz and Stefan Hengst and Peter Vortisch | Pedestrian Flow at Bottlenecks: Validation and Calibration of Vissim's Social Force Model of Pedestrian Traffic and its Empirical Foundations |
KRUGMAN:78 | Paul Krugman | The Theory of Interstellar Trade |
KSAZW:94 | KSA Zwijndrecht | Vlaamse Kerels 40 jaar KSA-Zwijndrecht |
KUGIUMTZIS:98 | Dimitris Kugiumtzis and Moses A. Boudourides | Chaotic Analysis of Internet Ping Data: Just a Random Number Generator? |
KUHL | J. Kuhl and D. Evans and Y. Papelis and R. Romano and G.S. Watson | The Iowa Driving Simulator: An Immersive Research Environment |
KUHN:08 | Bradley M. Kuhn and Aaron Williamson and Karen M. Sandler | A Practical Guide to GPL Compliance |
KUHNE:02 | Reinhart Kühne and Reinhard Mahnke and Ihor Lubashevsky and Jevgenijs Kaupužs | Probabilistic Description of Traffic Breakdowns |
KUHNE:84 | R.D. Kühne | Macroscopic freeway model for dense traffic-stop-start waves and incident detection |
KUJALA:01 | Janne V. Kujala and Tuomas J. Lukka | Exact limiting solutions for certain deterministic traffic rules |
KULKARNI:02 | Anup A. Kulkarni | Modeling Activity Pattern Generation and Execution |
KURZYNIEC:03 | Dawid Kurzyniec and Tomasz Wrzosek and Dominik Drzewiecki and Vaidy Sunderam | Towards Self-organizing Distributed Computing Frameworks: The H2O Approach |
KUWAHARA:04 | Masao Kuwahara and Edward Chung and Tomotaka Ishida | Fundamental Study on the Issues of using Probe Data for OD Estimation and Route Identification |
KWELLA | B. Kwella and H. Lehmann | Floating Car Data Analysis of Urban Road Networks |
KWON:00 | J. Kwon and B. Coifman and P. Bickel | Day-to-Day Travel Time Trends and Travel Time Prediction from Loop Detector Data |
KWON:03 | Jaimyoung Kwon and Pravin Varaiya and Alexander Skabardonis | Estimation of Truck Traffic Volume from Single Loop Detector Using Lane-to-lane Speed Correlation |
KWON:06 | Jaimyoung Kwon and Chao Chen and Pravin Varaiya | Statistical Methods for Detecting Spatial Configuration Errors in Traffic Surveillance Sensors |
KWON:95 | E. Kwon and P.G. Machalopoulos | Macroscopic Simulation of Traffic Flows in Complex Freeway Segments on a Personal Computer |
LAFONTAINE | Jean de Lafontaine and Jeroen Buijs and Pieter Van den Braembussche | Development of the PROBA Attitude Control and Navigation Software |
LAFORTUNE:96 | Eric Lafortune | Mathematical Models and Monte Carlo Algorithms for Physically Based Rendering |
LAFORTUNE:96b | Eric P. Lafortune | Monte Carlo Techniques and Optimisations for Physically Based Rendering |
LAGO:03 | Alejandro Lago | Spatial Models of Morning Commute Consistent with Realistic Traffic Behavior |
LAGO:03b | Alejandro Lago and Carlos F. Daganzo | A Network Model of Departure Time Choice with Spillovers and Merging Effects. Part I: A Building Block |
LAMPORT:01 | Leslie Lamport and Andrew W. Appel and John Tang Boyland | Preparing Articles for the ACM Transactions with LaTeX |
LANGE | J. Lange and J. Wahle and M. Schreckenberg | Quality control in urban traffic control |
LANGER:15 | Angelika Langer | Java Generics: Frequently Asked Questions |
LARRAGA:02 | M.E. Lárraga | Cellular Automata for One-Lane Traffic Flow Modelling: Safety and Automation |
LARRAGA:03 | M.E. Lárraga and J.A. del Río and A. Schadschneider | Platoon formation in a traffic model with variable anticipation |
LARRAGA:04 | M.E. Lárraga and J.A. del Río and A. Schadschneider | New kind of phase separation in a CA traffic model with anticipation |
LATORA:99 | Vito Latora and Michael Baranger | Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy Rate versus Physical Entropy |
LAVAL:04 | Jorge Andrés Laval | Hybrid Models of Traffic Flow: Impacts of Bounded Vehicle Accelerations |
LAVAL:06 | Jorge Andrés Laval and Carlos F. Daganzo | Lane-changing in traffic streams |
LAVAL:06b | Jorge Andrés Laval | A macroscopic theory of two-lane rural roads |
LAVAL:11 | Jorge Andrés Laval | Hysteresis in traffic flow revisited: An improved measurement method |
LAWSON:06 | Jonathan Lawson | Traffic Technology International's 2005 Annual Review |
LAWSON:97 | Tim W. Lawson and David J. Lovell and Carlos F. Daganzo | Using the input-output diagram to determine the spatial and temporal extents of a queue upstream of a bottleneck |
LEBACQUE:05 | J.P. Lebacque | Simulation et Modélisation des Transports |
LEBACQUE:93 | J.P. Lebacque | Les modèles macroscopiques de trafic |
LEBACQUE:96 | J.P. Lebacque | The Godunov scheme and what it means for first order traffic flow models |
LEBACQUE:99 | J.P. Lebacque and J.B. Lesort | Macroscopic Traffic Flow models: a question of order |
LEE:01 | H.K. Lee and H.-W. Lee and D. Kim | Macroscopic traffic models from microscopic car-following models |
LEE:02 | Kuen Lee and P.M. Hui and Dan Mao and Bing-Hong Wang and Qing-Song Wu | Fukui-Ishibashi Traffic Flow Models with Anticipation of Movement of the Car Ahead |
LEE:03 | Hyun Keun Lee and Robert Barlović and Michael Schreckenberg and Doochul Kim | Pinch Effect in a Cellular Automaton (CA) Model for Traffic Flow |
LEE:04 | Yong J. Lee | Developing passenger car units for heavy vehicles based on critical gaps at priority intersections |
LEE:52 | T.D. Lee and C.N. Yang | Statistical theory of equations of state and phase transitions: II. Lattice gas and Ising model |
LEE:99 | H.Y. Lee and H.-W. Lee and D. Kim | Dynamic states of a continuum traffic equation with on-ramp |
LEHMANN | H. Lehmann and B. Kwella | Traffic flow analysis in urban nets on the basis of Floating Car-data |
LEHR:96 | Jay H. Lehr | Let there be stoning! |
LENZ:01 | H. Lenz and R. Sollacher and M. Lang | Standing Waves and the Influence of Speed Limits |
LEONARD:89 | D. R. Leonard and P. Power and N. B. Taylor | CONTRAM: structure of the model |
LEPAK:02 | Joel Lepak and M. Crescimanno | Speed of light measurement using ping |
LEQUEUX:04 | Gaspard Lequeux | Een Introductie tot het Zetsysteem LaTeX |
LERNER:00 | Georg Lerner and Almut Hochstaedter and Ronald Kates and Cesim Demir and Jürgen Meier and Andreas Poschinger | The interplay of multiple scales in traffic flow: Coupling of microscopic, mesoscopic, and mocroscopic simulation |
LESORT:05 | J.B. Lesort | Traffic Flow Modelling: What Do We Know? |
LEVEQUE:01 | Randall J. LeVeque | Some Traffic Flow Models Illustrating Interesting Hyperbolic Behavior |
LEVEQUE:03 | Randall J. LeVeque | CLAWPACK Version 4.2 User's Guide |
LEVEQUE:92 | Randall J. LeVeque | Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws |
LEVINE | S. Joseph Levine | Writing and Presenting Your Thesis or Dissertation |
LEVINE:04 | E. Levine and G. Ziv and L. Gray L and D. Mukamel | Phase Transitions in Traffic Models |
LEVINSON:93 | David Levinson and Ajay Kumar | Integrating Feedback into the Transportation Planning Model: Structure and Application |
LEVOY:90 | Marc Levoy | Efficient Ray Tracing of Volume Data |
LEVOY:90b | Marc Levoy | A Hybrid Ray Tracer for Rendering Polygon and Volume Data |
LEWIS:14 | Michael Lewis | Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt |
LI:01 | Perry Y. Li and Roberto Horowitz | Passive Velocity Field Control (PVFC): Part 1 - Geometry and Robustness |
LI:01b | Perry Y. Li and Roberto Horowitz | Passive Velocity Field Control (PVFC): Part 2 - Application to Contour Following |
LI:02 | Baibing Li and Bart De Moor | Dynamic identification of origin-destination matrices in the presence of incomplete observations |
LI:03 | Tong Li | Global solutions of nonconcave hyperbolic laws with relaxation arising from traffic flow |
LI:05 | Shu Guang Li and Yan Ming Su | Multimode stochastic dynamic simultaneous route-departure time equilibrium problem with queues |
LI:90 | Wentian Li and Norman Packard | The Structure of the Elementary Cellular Automata Rule Space |
LIGHTHILL:55 | M.J. Lighthill and G.B. Whitham | On kinematic waves: II. A theory of traffic flow on long crowded roads |
LIM:05 | Yongtaek Lim and Benjamin Heydecker | Dynamic departure time and stochastic user equilibrium assignment |
LIN:95 | Wei-Hua Lin and Dike Ahanotu | Validating the Basic Cell Transmission Model on a Single Freeway Link |
LINAUER:03 | Martin Linauer and Dietrich Leihs | Generating floating car data using GSM-network |
LINDGREN:03 | Roger V. Lindgren and Sutti Tantiyanugulchai | Microscopic Simulation of Traffic at a Suburban Interchange |
LINDGREN:05 | Roger Lindgren | Analysis of Flow Features in Queued Traffic on a German Freeway |
LINDSEY:00 | Robin Lindsey and Erik Verhoef | Congestion Modeling |
LINDSEY:01 | Robin Lindsey and Erik Verhoef | Traffic Congestion and Congestion Pricing |
LISS:98 | Tony M. Liss and Paul T. Lipton | The Discovery of the Top Quark |
LITMAN:01 | Todd Litman | Generated Traffic and Induced Travel: Implications for Transport Planning |
LITTLE:87 | R.J.A. Little and D.B. Rubin | Statistical Analysis with Missing Data |
LIU | Ronghui Liu and Jiao Wang | A General Framework for the Calibration and Validation of Car-Following Models along an Uninterrupted Open Highway |
LIU:02 | Henry X. Liu and Xuegang Ban and Bin Ran and Pitu Mirchandani | An Analytical Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model with Probabilistic Travel Times and Perceptions |
LIU:02b | Tai-Ping Liu | Shock Waves |
LIU:04 | Louie Nan Liu | Multi-period Congestion Pricing Models and Efficient Tolls in Urban Road Systems |
LIU:05 | Henry X. Liu and Wenteng Ma and Jeff X. Ban and Pitu Mirchandani | Dynamic Equilibrium Assignment with Microscopic Traffic Simulation |
LIVADAS:00 | Carlos Livadas and John Lygeros and Nancy A. Lynch | High-Level Modeling and Analysis of the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) |
LO:02 | Hong K. Lo and W.Y. Szeto | A cell-based variational inequality formulation of the dynamic user optimal assignment problem |
LO:04 | Hong K. Lo and W.Y. Szeto | Modeling advanced traveler information services: static versus dynamic paradigms |
LO:05 | Hong K. Lo and W.Y. Szeto | Road pricing modeling for hyper-congestion |
LO:96 | Hong K. Lo and Wei-Hua Lin and Lawrence C. Liao and Elbert Chang and Jacob Tsao | A Comparison of Traffic Models - Part 1, Framework |
LO:96b | H.P. Lo and N. Zhang and W.H.K. Lam | Estimation of an Origin-Destination Matrix with Random Link Choice Proportions - A Statistical Approach |
LO:99 | Hong K. Lo | A Dynamic Traffic Assignment Formulation that Encapsulates the Cell-Transmission Model |
LOFFELMANN:94 | H. Löffelmann and E. Gröller | Parameterizing Superquadrics |
LOGGHE | Steven Logghe and Ben Immers | Micro-simulation of congested traffic flows |
LOGGHE:03 | Steven Logghe | Dynamic modeling of heterogeneous vehicular traffic |
LOGGHE:03b | Steven Logghe and Ben Immers | Is inhalend vrachtverkeer een achterhaald fenomeen? |
LOGGHE:03c | Steven Logghe and Isaak Yperman | De dynamica van congestie en prijsbeleid |
LOGGHE:03d | Steven Logghe and Ben Immers | Heterogeneous traffic flow modelling with the LWR model using passenger-car equivalents |
LOGGHE:04 | Steven Logghe and Bart Vannieuwenhuyse | Een brug tussen verkeersstromen en supply chains |
LOGGHE:04b | Steven Logghe and Filip Vanhove | Het Belgische verkeer in cijfers |
LOGGHE:05 | Steven Logghe et al | Review of the suitability of traffic models for noise modelling - WP2: Demand and traffic flow modelling |
LOGGHE:05b | Steven Logghe and Filip Vanhove | De betrouwbaarheid van Belgische verkeersdetectoren |
LOGGHE:07 | S. Logghe and L.I. Immers | Multi-class kinematic wave theory of traffic flow |
LOGICACMG:05 | LogicaCMG | Get moving faster with Mobile Traffic Services |
LOGICACMG:05b | LogicaCMG | MTS Quality Assessment Results |
LONGHOW:01 | Lam Longhow | S-Plus Introduction Course |
LOTITO:01 | Pablo Lotito and Elina Mancinelli and Jean-Pierre Quadrat | A Minplus Derivation of the Fundamental Car-Traffic Law |
LU:01 | Xiangwen Lu | Dynamic and Stochastic Routing Optimization: Algorithm Development and Analysis |
LU:06 | Xiao-Yun Lu and Alexander Skabardonis | Freeway Traffic Shockwave Analysis: Exploring the NGSIM Trajectory Data |
LUBECK:98 | S. Lübeck and L. Roters and K. D. Usadel | Investigation of the dynamical structure factor of the Nagel-Schreckenberg traffic flow model |
LUBECK:98b | S. Lübeck and M. Schreckenberg and K.D. Usadel | Density fluctuations and phase transitions in the Nagel-Schreckenberg traffic flow model |
LUDMANN:98 | J. Ludmann | Beeinflussung des Verkehrsablaufs auf Straßen - Analyse mit dem fahrzeugorientierten Verkehrssimulationsprogramm PELOPS |
LUKE:72 | J.C. Luke | Mathematical models for landform evolution |
LULING:91 | R. Lüling and B. Monien and F. Ramme | Load Balancing in Large Networks: A Comparative Study |
LUSK:03 | Ewing Lusk | MPI-2: Extensions to the Message-Passing Interface |
LUTTINEN:00 | R. Tapio Luttinen | Level of Service on Finnish Two-Lane Highways |
LYNN:82 | P.A. Lynn | An Introduction to the Analysis and Processing of Signals |
MA:05 | Shoufeng Ma and Kai Nagel | The Road Network Reliability: a Method Based on Risk |
MACKIE:99 | Andrew D. Mackie | Java Parameter Passing |
MAERIVOET:00b | Sven Maerivoet | The mathematics used in Mitrasim 2000 |
MAERIVOET:00c | Sven Maerivoet | An introduction to image enhancement in the spatial domain |
MAERIVOET:00d | Sven Maerivoet | Het strandlijn-algoritme voor het berekenen van Voronoi-diagrammen |
MAERIVOET:01 | Sven Maerivoet | Het gebruik van microscopische verkeerssimulatie bij een onderzoek naar de fileproblematiek op de Antwerpse Ring |
MAERIVOET:01c | Sven Maerivoet and Erik Vanherck | DNA computing en gen-assemblage in ciliaten |
MAERIVOET:01d | Sven Maerivoet | Leidt het Standaardmodel in de elementaire deeltjesfysica tot een quantum veldentheorie van Alles? |
MAERIVOET:01e | Sven Maerivoet | Het gebruik van microscopische verkeerssimulatie bij een onderzoek naar de fileproblematiek op de Antwerpse Ring - Slides |
MAERIVOET:01f | Sven Maerivoet | Advanced Computer Graphics using OpenGL |
MAERIVOET:01g | Sven Maerivoet | Stochastisch schatten van de massa van een tandwiel met variërende dichtheid |
MAERIVOET:02 | Sven Maerivoet | An introduction to the modeling and simulation of traffic flows |
MAERIVOET:02b | Sven Maerivoet | Modelleren, simuleren en beheersen van verkeersstromen |
MAERIVOET:02c | Sven Maerivoet and Tom Bellemans and Bart De Moor | A Case Study on Traffic Flow Modelling, Simulation and Control |
MAERIVOET:02d | Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor | Modeling, Simulation and Control of Traffic Flows on a Highway Network |
MAERIVOET:03 | Sven Maerivoet | Development of a Traffic Cellular Automaton Model for Highway Traffic |
MAERIVOET:03b | Sven Maerivoet | A Survey on the Qualitative Behaviour of Traffic Cellular Automata |
MAERIVOET:03c | Sven Maerivoet and Celine Vens | Academic Oratory Skills - Mastering original and persuasive speech |
MAERIVOET:03d | Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor | Development of an Improved Traffic Cellular Automaton Model for Traffic Flows on a Highway Road Network |
MAERIVOET:03e | Sven Maerivoet | Modelleren, simuleren en beheersen van verkeersstromen |
MAERIVOET:03f | Sven Maerivoet and Steven Logghe and Bart De Moor and Ben Immers | A Comparison of a Cellular Automaton and a Macroscopic Model: Poster |
MAERIVOET:03g | Sven Maerivoet and Steven Logghe and Bart De Moor and Ben Immers | A Comparison of a Cellular Automaton and a Macroscopic Model |
MAERIVOET:04 | Sven Maerivoet | Efficient microscopic simulation of large scale highway traffic flows |
MAERIVOET:04b | Sven Maerivoet | Modelleren, Simuleren en Regelen van Verkeersstromen |
MAERIVOET:04c | Sven Maerivoet | Traffic: an Interplay between Models, Simulations, and Control Actions |
MAERIVOET:04d | Sven Maerivoet | Traffic Cellular Automata |
MAERIVOET:04e | Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor | Non-concave fundamental diagrams and phase transitions in a stochastic traffic cellular automaton |
MAERIVOET:04f | Sven Maerivoet | Verkeer @ SISTA |
MAERIVOET:04g | Sven Maerivoet | Models in Aid of Traffic Management |
MAERIVOET:04h | Sven Maerivoet | Sustainability Effects of Traffic Management Systems |
MAERIVOET:04i | Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor | Advancing density waves and phase transitions in a velocity dependent randomization traffic cellular automaton |
MAERIVOET:05 | Sven Maerivoet | Verkeerskunde: een samenspel van modellen, simulaties en regelacties |
MAERIVOET:05b | Sven Maerivoet and Steven Logghe and Ben Immers and Bart De Moor | Relating the dynamics of road traffic in a stochastic cellular automaton to a macroscopic first-order model |
MAERIVOET:05c | Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor | Transportation Planning and Traffic Flow Models |
MAERIVOET:05d | Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor | Traffic Flow Theory |
MAERIVOET:05e | Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor | Cellular Automata Models of Road Traffic |
MAERIVOET:05f | Sven Maerivoet | Persoonlijk doctoraal logboek |
MAERIVOET:05g | Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor | Graduate Students and The Art of Public Speaking |
MAERIVOET:06 | Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor | Data Quality, Travel Time Estimation, and Reliability |
MAERIVOET:06b | Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor | Sustainability Effects of Traffic Management Systems |
MAERIVOET:06c | Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor | Dynamic Traffic Assignment based on Cellular Automata |
MAERIVOET:06d | Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor | Some Thoughts on Obtaining a PhD |
MAERIVOET:06e | Sven Maerivoet | Modelling Traffic on Motorways: State-of-the-Art, Numerical Data Analysis, and Integrated Dynamic Traffic Assignment |
MAERIVOET:08 | Sven Maerivoet and Isaak Yperman | Analyse van de Verkeerscongestie in België |
MAERIVOET:99 | Sven Maerivoet and Koen Pellegrims and Stefaan Ponnet and Wim Vanhooff | Distributed programming in Java |
MAGNE:00 | Laurent Magne and Sylvestre Rabut and Jean-François Gabard | Towards an hybrid macro-micro traffic flow simulation model |
MAHALANOBIS:36 | Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis | On the generalized distance in statistics |
MAHANTI:04 | Bhanu Prasad Mahanti | Aggregate Calibration of Microscopic Traffic Simulation Models |
MAHMASSANI:04 | Hani Mahmassani | In Memoriam - Denos C. Gazis |
MAHNKE:05 | R. Mahnke and J. Kaupužs and I. Lubashevsky | Probabilistic description of traffic flow |
MAHUT:02 | Michael Mahut and Michael Florian and Nicolas Tremblay | Space-time queues and dynamic traffic assignment: A model, algorithm and applications |
MALIK:03 | Shazia Malik | Observed Dynamic Traffic Features on a Freeway Section with Merges and Diverges |
MALLIKARJUNA:05 | Ch. Mallikarjuna and K. Ramachandra Rao | Traffic Flow Modelling on Highways using Cellular Automata: A Review |
MALONE:03 | K.M. Malone and M.C.J. Bliemer and C.H. Menard and H.H. Versteegt | Testing INDY for use as the Dynamic Traffic Assignment model in the Dutch National Model |
MAMMAR:06 | Salim Mammar and Jean-Patrick Lebacque and Habib Haj-Salem | A Hybrid Model Based on a Second Order Traffic Model |
MANDELBROT:01 | Benoit B. Mandelbrot | Scaling in financial prices: I. Tails and dependence |
MANDELBROT:01b | Benoit B. Mandelbrot | Scaling in financial prices: II. Multifractals and the star equation |
MANDELBROT:01c | Benoit B. Mandelbrot | Scaling in financial prices: III. Cartoon Brownian motions in multifractal time |
MANDELBROT:01d | Benoit B. Mandelbrot | Scaling in financial prices: IV. Multifractal concentration |
MANDELBROT:63 | Benoit B. Mandelbrot | The Variation of Certain Speculative Prices |
MANDELBROT:67 | Benoit B. Mandelbrot | How Long Is the Coast of Britain? Statistical Self-Similarity and Fractal Dimension |
MANDELBROT:98 | Benoit B. Mandelbrot | Fractal financial fluctuations: do they threaten sustainability? |
MANDELBROT:99 | Benoit B. Mandelbrot | A Multifractal Walk down Wall Street |
MANETTI:99 | Cesare Manetti and Alessandro Giuliani and Charles L. Webber and Joseph P. Zbilut | Recurrence quantification analysis as a tool for the characterization of molecular dynamics simulations |
MANHEIM:79 | Marvin L. Manheim | Fundamentals of Transportation Systems Analysis |
MANN:65 | Peter Mann | Modelling Study of a Typical British City |
MARAIKAR | Z. Maraikar and D.N. Ranasinghe | From Linda to JavaSpaces - A Review of the Tuple Space Paradigm |
MARCA:02 | James Edward Marca | Activity-Based Travel Analysis in the Wireless Information Age |
MARCHAL | Fabrice Marchal | Departure time choice modelling : an application to the Paris area |
MARCHAL:01 | Fabrice Marchal | Contribution to dynamic transportation models |
MARCHAL:03 | Fabrice Marchal | Integrating time of use in large scale traffic simulations |
MARCHI | Ezio Marchi | The Manhattan Problem Solved and the new LAUMAR Systems Generalization |
MARCUCCI:98 | Edoardo Marcucci | Road Pricing: Old Beliefs, Present Awareness and Future Research Patterns |
MARSHALL:05 | Stephen J. Marshall | Member view: The trouble with open source |
MARTIN | Allen Martin | Particle Systems |
MARTINb | William Martin and Elain Cohen and Russell Fish and Peter Shirley | Practical Ray Tracing of Trimmed NURBS Surfaces |
MARWAN:02 | N. Marwan and J. Kurths | Nonlinear analysis of bivariate data with cross recurrence plots |
MASON:08 | Matt Mason | The Pirate's Dilemma: How Youth Culture Is Reinventing Capitalism |
MATHEW | Tom V. Mathew | Heterogeneous traffic flow modeling using cellular automaton for real time applications |
MATHWORKS:02 | The Mathworks | MATLAB Programming Tips - Version 6 |
MATSUKIDAIRA:03 | Junta Matsukidaira and Katsuhiro Nishinari | Euler-Lagrange correspondence of cellular automaton for traffic-flow models |
MATSUMOTO:05 | Yukimasa Matsumoto and Yosuke Horiba and Motohiro Fujita and Hiroshi Matsui | Estimation of path flows and modification of O-D flows based on probe vehicle information and traffic counts |
MAUCH:02 | M. Mauch and M.J. Cassidy | Freeway Traffic Oscillations: Observations and Predictions |
MAUCH:02b | Michael Mauch | Analyses of Start-Stop Waves in Congested Freeway Traffic |
MAXFORD:97 | Howard Maxford | The A-Z of Science Fiction and Fantasy Films |
MAY:04 | Robert M. May | Uses and Abuses of Mathematics in Biology |
MAY:90 | Adolf D. May | Traffic Flow Fundamentals |
MAYBERRY:73 | J.P. Mayberry | Structural requirements for abstract-mode models of passenger transportation |
MAYERES:01 | I. Mayeres and S. Proost and D. Vandercruyssen and L. De Nocker and L. Int Panis and G. Wouters and B. De Borger | De externe kosten van transport - Syntheseverslag |
MAZZARIOL:00 | Marc Mazzariol and Benoit A. Gennart and Roger D. Hersch | Dynamic load balancing of parallel cellular automata |
MCALLISTER:00 | David K. McAllister | The Design of an API for Particle Systems |
MCCABE | Frank McCabe | Modelling Transport |
MCDONALD:05 | Noreen C. McDonald | Children's Travel: Patterns and Influences |
MCDONALD:97 | M. McDonald and M.A. Brackstone and B. Sultan and C. Roach | Close Following on the Motorway: Initial Findings of an Instrumented Vehicle Study |
MCGUIRE:10 | M. McGuire and E. Enderton and P. Shirley and D. Luebke | Real-time Stochastic Rasterization on Conventional GPU Architectures |
MCIRVIN:95 | Matt McIrvin | Some Frequently Asked Questions About Black Holes |
MCNALLY:00 | Michael G. McNally | The Activity-Based Approach |
MCNALLY:00b | Michael G. McNally | The Four Step Model |
MCNALLY:96 | Michael G. McNally | An Activity-Based Microsimulation Model for Travel Demand Forecasting |
MDR:01 | MDR | Lancering eerste Belgische satelliet verloopt succesvol |
MDR:01b | MDR | Antwerpen is voorstander van tweede toltunnel onder Schelde |
MEISGEN:97 | F. Meisgen and E. Speckenmeyer | Dynamic Load Balancing on Clusters of Heterogenous Workstations |
MEISS:00 | Jim Meiss | sci.nonlinear FAQ |
MENOLD:99 | P.H. Menold and R.K. Peason and F. Allgöwer | Online Outlier Detection and Removal |
MESSMER:90 | A. Messmer and M. Papageorgiou | METANET: A macroscopic simulation program for motorway networks |
MESSMER:94 | Albert Messmer and Markos Papageorgiou | Automatic control methods applied to freeway network traffic |
MEYER:01 | Mark Meyer and Haeyoung Lee and Alan Barr and Mathieu Desbrun | Generalizing Barycentric Coordinates to Irregular N-gons |
MEYVIS:04 | Ludo Meyvis | De wiskunde van de sneeuwvlok |
MEYVIS:99 | Ludo Meyvis | Vervoersproblematiek en de computer |
MICHLER:01 | E. Michler | Statistical Analysis of Floating Car Data Systems |
MIKHALKIN:72 | B. Mikhalkin and H. Payne and L. Isaksen | Estimation of speed from presence detectors |
MILITZER:98 | Burkhard Militzer | Traffic Jams |
MILLER:04 | Harvey J. Miller | Activities in Space and Time |
MILNOR:00 | J. Milnor | The Poincaré Conjecture |
MINDERHOUD:99 | Michiel M. Minderhoud | Supported driving: impacts on motorway traffic flow |
MISKA:07 | Marc Philipp Miska | Microscopic Online Simulation for Real time Traffic Management |
MIT:98 | Unknown | DynaMIT: Dynamic Network Assignment for the Management of Information to Travelers |
MIT:99 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | MIT - Intelligent Transportation Systems |
MITCHELL:54 | Robert B. Mitchell and Chester Rapkin | Urban Traffic: A Function of Land Use |
MOET:03 | Esther Moet | Simulatie van fileverschijnselen |
MOHAN:89 | Kim Mohan | Tobin's Spirit Guide: A Supplement for Use with the Ghostbusters-International Roleplaying Game |
MOLER:04 | Cleve Moler | Numerical Computing with MATLAB |
MONSIEURS:06 | Pieter Monsieurs | Motif Detection in Prokaryotes based on Comparative Genomics |
MONTERO:98 | L. Montero and E. Codina and J. Barceló and P. Barceló | Combining Macroscopic and Microscopic Approaches for Transportation Planning and Design of Road Networks |
MONTROLL:64 | E.W. Montroll and R.B. Potts | Car Following and Acceleration Noise |
MOONS | Christiaan Moons and Eric Ten Haaf | Model Based Predictive Control of a Drum Boiler with INCA |
MOONS:01 | Christiaan Moons | Model Based Optimization and Control |
MORDKOVICH | Boris Mordkovich | The Perl Tutorial: What's Perl? |
MOREIRA:03 | Andrés Moreira | Universality and Decidability of Number-Conserving Cellular Automata |
MORRIS:05 | Bert Morris | Pay as you go |
MOSHER:63 | W.W. Mosher | A Capacity Restraint Algorithm for Assigning Flow to a Transport Network |
MOSKOWITZ:54 | Karl Moskowitz | Waiting for a gap in a traffic stream |
MOTMANS:94 | Bart Motmans | Signals and Systems |
MOUSSA:06 | Najem Moussa | Biham-Middleton-Levine Traffic Model With Origin-Destination Trips |
MOVSHOVITZ-HADAR:04 | Nitsa Movshovitz-Hadar and Orit Hazzan | How to present it? On the rhetoric of an outstanding lecturer |
MUKHERJEE:05 | G. Mukherjee and S.S. Manna | Phase transition in a directed traffic flow network |
MULLIGAN:02 | Ann-Marie Mulligan and Alan Nicholson | Uncertainty in Traffic Flow Estimation Using the Moving-Observer Method |
MUNOZ:00 | Juan Carlos Muñoz and Carlos Daganzo | Experimental Characterization of Multi-lane Freeway Traffic Upstream of an Off-ramp Bottleneck |
MUNOZ:00b | Juan Carlos Muñoz and Carlos Daganzo | The bottleneck mechanism of a freeway diverge |
MUNOZ:02 | Juan Carlos Muñoz and Carlos F. Daganzo | Fingerprinting Traffic from Static Freeway Sensors |
MUNOZ:02b | Juan Carlos Muñoz and Carlos Daganzo | Moving Bottlenecks: A Theory Grounded on Experimental Observation |
MUNOZ:02c | Juan Carlos Muñoz | Driver-Shift Design for Single-Hub Transit Systems under Uncertainty |
MUNOZ:03 | Laura Muñoz and Xiaotian Sun and Roberto Horrowitz and Luis Alvarez | Traffic Density Estimation with the Cell Transmission Model |
MUNOZ:03b | J.C. Muñoz and C.F. Daganzo | Structure of the Transition Zone Behind Freeway Queues |
MVG | Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap | De noordelijke sluiting van de kleine Ring R1 om Antwerpen - Stedenbouwkundig en ruimtelijk onderzoek |
MYUNG:03 | In Jae Myung | Tutorial on maximum likelihood estimation |
NACKAERTS:03 | Nancy Nackaerts | Intelligent verkeer |
NAEMURA:01 | T. Naemura and T. Yoshida and H. Harashima | 3-D computer graphics based on integral photography |
NAGAI:05 | Ryoichi Nagai and Takashi Nagatani and Akio Yamada | Phase diagram in multi-phase traffic model |
NAGAI:05b | Ryoichi Nagai and Tunetoshi Onouchi and Takashi Nagatani | Phase separation and evolution of one pulse jam in traffic flow |
NAGATANI:02 | Takashi Nagatani | The physics of traffic jams |
NAGATANI:93 | Takashi Nagatani | Self-organization and phase transition in traffic-flow model of a two-lane roadway |
NAGATANI:94 | Takashi Nagatani | Traffic jam and shock formation in stochastic traffic-flow model of a two-lane roadway |
NAGATANI:98 | Takashi Nagatani and Heike Emmerich and Ken Nakanishi | Burgers equation for kinetic clustering in traffic flow |
NAGEL:00 | Kai Nagel and Marcus Rickert and Patrice M. Simon and Martin Pieck | The dynamics of iterated transportation simulations |
NAGEL:01 | Kai Nagel and Christopher Kayatz and Peter Wagner | Breakdown and recovery in traffic flow models |
NAGEL:01b | Kai Nagel and Marcus Rickert | Parallel implementation of the TRANSIMS micro-simulation |
NAGEL:02b | Kai Nagel | Distributed intelligence in large scale traffic simulations on parallel computers |
NAGEL:02c | Kai Nagel | Traffic Networks |
NAGEL:03 | Kai Nagel and Peter Wagner and Richard Woesler | Still flowing: old and new approaches for traffic flow modeling |
NAGEL:03b | Kai Nagel and Bryan Raney | Transportation planning II: Complex systems applications for transportation planning |
NAGEL:04 | Kai Nagel | Multi-agent transportation simulation |
NAGEL:05 | Kai Nagel and Paul Nelson | A Critical Comparison of the Kinematic-Wave Model with Observational Data |
NAGEL:92 | Kai Nagel and Michael Schreckenberg | A cellular automaton model for freeway traffic |
NAGEL:92b | K. Nagel and E. Raschke | Self-organizing criticality in cloud formation? |
NAGEL:93 | Kai Nagel and Hans J. Herrmann | Deterministic models for traffic jams |
NAGEL:93b | Kai Nagel and A. Schleicher | Microscopic Traffic Modeling on Parallel High Performance Computers |
NAGEL:94 | Kai Nagel and Steen Rasmussen | Traffic at the edge of chaos |
NAGEL:94b | Kai Nagel | Life-times of simulated traffic jams |
NAGEL:94c | Kai Nagel | Fast low fidelity microsimulation of vehicle traffic on supercomputers |
NAGEL:95 | Kai Nagel and Michael Schreckenberg | Traffic Jam Dynamics in Stochastic Cellular Automata |
NAGEL:95b | Kai Nagel and Maya Paczuski | Emergent Traffic Jams |
NAGEL:95c | Kai Nagel | High-speed microsimulations of traffic flow |
NAGEL:95d | Kai Nagel and Michael Schreckenberg | Traffic Jam Dynamics in Stochastic Cellular Automata |
NAGEL:96 | Kai Nagel | Particle hopping models and traffic flow theory |
NAGEL:96b | K. Nagel and C.L. Barrett and M. Rickert | Parallel Traffic Microsimulation by Cellular Automata and Application for Large-scale Transportation Modeling |
NAGEL:98 | Kai Nagel and Dietrich E. Wolf and Peter Wagner and Patrice Simon | Two-lane traffic rules for cellular automata: A systematic approach |
NAGEL:98b | Kai Nagel and Paula Stretz and Martin Pieck and Shannon Leckey and Rick Donnelly and Christopher L. Barrett | TRANSIMS traffic flow characteristics |
NAGEL:98c | Kai Nagel | Experiences with iterated traffic microsimulations in Dallas |
NAGEL:98d | K. Nagel and R. Frye and R. Jakob and M. Rickert and P. Stretz | Dynamic Traffic Assignment on Parallel Computers |
NAGEL:98e | Kai Nagel and Marcus Rickert and Patrice M. Simon and Martin Pieck | The dynamics of iterated transportation simulations |
NAGURNEY:03 | Anna Nagurney | Influence of Beckmann, McGuire, and Winsten's Studies in the Economics of Transportation |
NAGURNEY:93 | A. Nagurney | Network economics: a variational inequality approach |
NAIR | Attoor Sanju Nair and Jyh-Charn Liu and Laurence Rilett and Saurabh Gupta | Non-Linear Analysis of Traffic Flow |
NAM:96 | D.H. Nam and D.R. Drew | Traffic dynamics: method for estimating freeway travel times in real time from flow measurements |
NAMAZI:02 | A. Namazi and N. Eissfeldt and P. Wagner and A. Schadschneider | Boundary-induced phase transitions in a space-continuous traffic model with non-unique flow-density relation |
NASH:51 | J.F. Nash | Non-Cooperative Games |
NASH:82 | C.A. Nash | A reformulation of the theory of optimal congestion taxes: a comment |
NELSON | Paul Nelson | Kinetic Theories of Vehicular Traffic |
NELSON:95 | Paul Nelson | A kinetic model of vehicular traffic and its associated bimodal equilibrium solutions |
NELSON:98 | Paul Nelson and Alexandros Sopasakis | The Prigogine-Herman kinetic model predicts widely scattered traffic flow data at high concentrations |
NEMOY:93 | Sheldon Nemoy and C.J. Aiken | Looking Good With CorelDRAW! |
NEUBERT:99 | L. Neubert and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg | Single-vehicle data of highway traffic: A statistical analysis |
NEUBERT:99b | L. Neubert and H.Y. Lee and M. Schreckenberg | Density Waves and Jamming Transition in Cellular Automaton Models for Traffic Flow |
NEUBERT:99c | L. Neubert and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg | Statistical Analysis of Freeway Traffic |
NEVILLE:99 | Padraic G. Neville | Decision Trees for Predictive Modeling |
NEWELL:02 | Gordon Frank Newell | Memoirs on Highway Traffic Flow Theory in the 1950s |
NEWELL:02b | Gordon Frank Newell | A simplified car-following theory: a lower order model |
NEWELL:62 | Gordon Frank Newell | Theories of instability in dense highway traffic |
NEWELL:63b | Gordon Frank Newell | Instability in dense highway traffic, a review |
NEWELL:82 | Gordon Frank Newell | Applications of Queueing Theory |
NEWELL:93 | Gordon Frank Newell | A Simplified Theory of Kinematic Waves in Highway Traffic, Part 1: General Theory |
NEWELL:93b | Gordon Frank Newell | A Simplified Theory of Kinematic Waves in Highway Traffic, Part 2: Queueing at Freeway Bottlenecks |
NEWELL:93c | Gordon Frank Newell | A Simplified Theory of Kinematic Waves in Highway Traffic, Part 3: Multi-Destination Flows |
NEWELL:96 | Gordon Frank Newell | Theory of Highway Traffic Flow 1945-1965 |
NEWELL:98 | Gordon Frank Newell | A Moving Bottleneck |
NEWELL:99 | Gordon Frank Newell | Delays caused by a queue at a freeway exit ramp |
NGODUY:03 | D. Ngoduy and S.P. Hoogendoorn and H.J. van Zuylen | Cross-comparison of Numerical Schemes For Macroscopic Traffic Flow Models |
NGODUY:04 | D. Ngoduy and S.P. Hoogendoorn and H.J. Van Zuylen | Modeling and Simulation of Multilane and Multiclass Traffic Flow at On and Off Ramps |
NHTSA:94 | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | Right Turn On Red (RTOR) |
NIHAN:87 | Nancy L. Nihan and Gary A. Davis | Recursive Estimation of Origin-Destination Matrices from Input-Output Counts |
NILSSON:98 | Nils J. Nilsson | Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis |
NILSSON:98b | Nils J. Nilsson | Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis |
NISHIMURA:05 | Yutaka Nishimura and Taksu Cheon and Petr Seba | Metastable Congested States in Multisegment Traffic Cellular Automaton |
NISHINARI:00 | Katsuhiro Nishinari and Daisuke Takahashi | A family of multi-valued cellular automaton model for traffic flow |
NISHINARI:01 | Katsuhiro Nishinari | A Lagrange representation of cellular automaton models of traffic flow |
NISHINARI:01b | Katsuhiro Nishinari | Euler and Lagrange representation of traffic models |
NISHINARI:01c | Katsuhiro Nishinari and Junta Matsukidaira and Daisuke Takahashi | Two-dimensional Burgers Cellular Automaton |
NISHINARI:03 | Katsuhiro Nishinari and Debashish Chowdhury and Andreas Schadschneider | Cluster formation and anomalous fundamental diagram in an ant trail model |
NISHINARI:03b | Katsuhiro Nishinari and Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing | Interpreting the wide scattering of synchronized traffic data by time gap statistics |
NISHINARI:03c | Katsuhiro Nishinari and Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing | Experimental time gap distributions and erratic scattering in heterogeneous flow |
NISHINARI:04 | Katsuhiro Nishinari and Minoru Fukui and Andreas Schadschneider | A stochastic cellular automaton model for traffic flow with multiple metastable states |
NISHINARI:99 | Katsuhiro Nishinari and Daisuke Takahashi | A new deterministic CA model for traffic flow with multiple states |
NIST:02 | SEMATECH | e-Handbook of Statistical Methods |
NOBLE:02 | James Noble and Robert Biddle | Notes on Postmodern Programming |
OAK:94 | Unknown | Oak Language Specification 0.2 |
OETIKER:00 | Tobias Oetiker and Hubert Partl and Irene Hyna and Elisabeth Schlegl | The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e |
OFFERMAN | Frank Offerman | Fusion of Local Traffic Data and Floating Car Data for Travel Speed Estimation by a Neuro Fuzzy Approach |
OGUT:04 | Kemal Selçuk Öuüt | An Alternative Regression Model of Speed-Occupancy Relation at the Congested Flow Level |
OH:02 | Jun-Seok Oh and R. Jayakrishnan and Will Recker | Section Travel Time Estimation from Point Detection Data |
OHTA:01 | H. Ohta | Probing a traffic congestion controversy: density and flow scrutinized |
OHTA:01b | H. Ohta | Probing a traffic congestion controversy: response to comment |
OKETCH:05 | Timothy Oketch and Marzenna Carrick | Calibration and Validation of a Micro-Simulation Model in Network Analysis |
OLSTAM:04 | Johan Janson Olstam and Andreas Tapani | Comparison of car-following models |
ORRICK:02 | Phyllis Orrick | Gordon Newell Memorialized at TRB |
ORTUZAR:90 | Juan de Dios Ortúzar and Luis G. Willumsen | Modelling Transport |
OT:77 | V.E. Outram and E. Thompson | Driver route choice-behavioural and motivational studies |
OTC:94 | The Optimization Technology Center | Linear Programming |
OUDSHOORN:99 | Juri A. Oudshoorn | Ray Tracing as the Future of Computer Games |
OVERGAARD:67 | K.R. Overgaard | Urban Transportation Planning: Traffic Estimation |
OWASP:07 | OWASP Foundation | The Ten Most Critical Web Application Security Vulnerabilities |
PACKARD:80 | N.H. Packard and J.P. Crutchfeld and J.D. Farmer and R.S. Shaw | Geometry from a time series |
PAHAUT:06 | Serge Pahaut and Catharina Sikow | History of thought and prospects for road pricing |
PAKIN:01 | Scott Pakin and David Carlisle and Alexander Holt | The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List |
PALLA:07 | Gergely Palla and Albert-Laszlo Barabasi and Tamás Vicsek | Quantifying social group evolution |
PALUS:97 | Milan Paluš | Kolmogorov Entropy from Time Series using Information-Theoretic Functionals |
PANWAI:05 | S. Panwai and H. Dia | Comparative evaluation of microscopic car-following behavior |
PAPAGEORGIOU:00 | Markos Papageorgiou and Apostolos Kotsialos | Freeway Ramp Metering: An Overview |
PAPAGEORGIOU:01 | Markos Papageorgiou | Short Course on Dynamic Traffic Flow Modelling and Control |
PAPAGEORGIOU:03 | Markos Papageorgiou and Christina Diakaki and Vaya Dinopoulou and Apostolos Kotsialos and Yibing Wang | Review of Road Traffic Control Strategies |
PAPAGEORGIOU:97 | Markos Papageorgiou and H. Haj-Salem and F. Middelham | ALINEA Local Ramp Metering: Summary of Field Results |
PAPAGEORGIOU:98 | Markos Papageorgiou | Some Remarks on Macroscopic Traffic Flow Modelling |
PAPELIS | Yiannis E. Papelis and Shaheen Bahauddin | Logical Modeling of Roadway Environment to Support Real-Time Simulation of Autonomous Traffic |
PARK | Jin-Young Park and Robert B. Noland and John W. Polak | Analysis of Emissions Relationships Generated from VISSIM using the European MODEM Database |
PARKER:99 | Steven Parker and Michael Parker and Yarden Livnat and Peter-Pike Sloan and Charles Hansen and Peter Shirley | Interactive Ray Tracing for Volume Visualization |
PARLITZ:98 | Ulrich Parlitz | Nonlinear Time-Series Analysis |
PAS:97 | Eric I. Pas and Shari L. Principio | Braeß' Paradox: Some New Insights |
PATRIKSSON:03 | Michael Patriksson | Algorithms for computing traffic equilibria |
PATRIKSSON:94 | M. Patriksson | The Traffic Assignment Problem: Models and Methods |
PATRIKSSON:99 | M. Patriksson | Nonlinear programming and variational inequality problems: a unified approach |
PATRIQUIN:03 | Larry Patriquin | Plagiarism, Citation, Quotation |
PAVERIFONTANA:75 | S.L. Paveri-Fontana | On Boltzmann-like treatments of traffic flow: A critical review of the basic model and an alternative proposal for dilute traffic analysis |
PAWASAUSKAS:97 | John Pawasauskas | Volume Visualization with Ray Casting |
PAYNE:71 | Harold J. Payne | Models of Freeway Traffic and Control |
PAYNE:76 | H.J. Payne and E.D. Helfenbein and H.C. Knobel | Development and testing of incident detection algorithms |
PAYNE:78 | Harold J. Payne | FREFLO: A macroscopic simulation model of freeway traffic |
PCGPE | Unknown | PC Games Programmers Encyclopedia v1.0 |
PEARLMUTTER | Barak Pearlmutter | Dec Wars |
PEETA:01 | Srinivas Peeta and Athanasios K. Ziliaskopoulos | Foundations of Dynamic Traffic Assignment: The Past, the Present and the Future |
PEETA:03 | S. Peeta and T.-H. Yang | Stability issues for dynamic traffic assignment |
PEITGEN:86 | Heinz-Otto Peitgen and Peter H. Richter | The Beauty of Fractals - Images of Complex Dynamical Systems |
PELCKMANS:02 | K. Pelckmans and J.A.K. Suykens and T. Van Gestel and J. De Brabanter and L. Lukas and B. Hamers and B. De Moor and J. Vandewalle | LS-SVMlab Toolbox User's Guide |
PELCKMANS:05 | Kristiaan Pelckmans | Primal-dual kernel machines |
PEMS:99 | PeMS | Freeway Performance Measures - Calculations with Loop Detectors |
PEPLOW:04 | Mark Peplow | Traffic flow - Cruising through congestion |
PERLIN | Ken Perlin | Perlin Noise |
PETELIN:06 | Andrej Petelin | Simuliranje prometa |
PETERSEN:05 | Kaare Brandt Petersen and Michael Syskind Pedersen | The Matrix Cookbook |
PETKOVSEK:97 | Marko Petkovšek and Herbert S. Wilf and Doron Zeilberger | A = B |
PETRI:62 | Carl Adam Petri | Kommunikation mit Automaten |
PETROV:02 | Plamen Petrov | The Game (Introduction to Digital Physics) |
PETTY | Karl Petty | Small Time Scale Analysis of the Loop Data |
PETTY:98 | Karl F. Petty and Peter Bickel and Michael Ostland and John Rice and Frederic Schoenberg and Jiming Jiang and Ya'acov Ritov | Accurate estimation of travel times from single-loop detectors |
PETTYb | Karl Petty and Hisham Noeimi and Kumud Sanwal and Dan Rydzewski and Alexander Skabardonis and Pravin Varaiya | The Freeway Service Patrol Evaluation Project: Database, Support Programs and Accessibility |
PHILIPS:88 | Philips | Technical Reference Manual P3202/P3204 |
PHILIPSE:90 | Pim Philipse | Turbo Pascal 5 - Toepassingen |
PHILLIPS:79 | W.F. Phillips | Kinetic Model for Traffic Flow with Continuum Implications |
PIGOU:20 | Arthur Cecil Pigou | The Economics of Welfare |
PIPES:53 | L.A. Pipes | An operational analysis of traffic dynamics |
PIPES:64 | L.A. Pipes | Hydrodynamic Approaches |
PLOTNIKOV:96 | Anatoly D. Plotnikov | Polynomial-Time Partition of a Graph into Cliques |
PLUYMERS:06 | Bert Pluymers | Robust Model Based Predictive Control - An Invariant Set Approach |
POCHET:06 | Nathalie Pochet | Microarray data analysis using support vector machines and kernel methods |
POHL:09 | Daniel Pohl | Light It Up! Quake Wars Gets Ray Traced |
POPKOV:01 | V. Popkov and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and G. M. Schütz | Empirical evidence for a boundary-induced nonequilibrium phase transition |
POTTEL:03 | Hans Pottel | Statistical flaws in Excel |
POTTER:96 | Ben Potter and Jane Sinclair and David Till | An Introduction to Format Specification and Z |
POTTMEIER:03 | A. Pottmeier and S.F. Hafstein and R. Chrobok and J. Wahle and M. Schreckenberg | The Traffic State of the Autobahn Network of North Rhine-Westphalia: An Online Traffic Simulation |
POTTMEIER:04 | Andreas Pottmeier and Sigurdur F. Hafstein and Roland Chrobok and Michael Schreckenberg | OLSIM: An Approved Traffic Information System |
PRE:03 | Unknown | Physical Review E - Editiorial Policies and Practices |
PREETHAM:99 | A. J. Preetham and Peter Shirley and Brian E. Smits | A Practical Analytic Model for Daylight |
PREVEDOUROS:00 | Panos D. Prevedouros and Honglong Li | Comparison of Freeway Simulation with INTEGRATION, KRONOS and Kwaves |
PRICE:05 | James F. Price | Lagrangian and Eulerian Representations of Fluid Flow |
PRIGOGINE:60 | Ilya Prigogine and Frank C. Andrews | A Boltzmann like approach for traffic flow |
PRIGOGINE:71 | Ilya Prigogine and Robert Herman | Kinetic Theory of Vehicular Traffic |
PRINCIPE:99 | Jose C. Principe and Dongxin Xu and John W. Fisher | Information-Theoretic Learning |
PRITCHARD | Les Pritchard | A guide to starting a JavaSpace |
PTV | PTV | VISSIM Traffic Flow Simulation - Technical Description |
PTV:05 | PTV | PTV Vision software suite (VISUM/VISEM/VISEVA/VISSIM) |
PUGH:00 | William Pugh | The Java Memory Model is Fatally Flawed |
PURCELL:97 | Lee Purcell and Mary Jane Mara | Werken met JavaScript |
PURDUE:02 | Purdue University | Using Modern Language Association (MLA) Format |
PURSULA:99 | Matti Pursula | Simulation of Traffic Systems - an Overview |
PUSHKAR:94 | A. Pushkar and F. Hall and J.A. Acha-Daza | Estimation of speeds from single-loop freeway flow and occupancy data using cusp catastrophe theory model |
RAJAMANI:01 | R. Rajamani and C. Chen and A. Howell and J.K. Hedrick and M. Tomizuka | A Complete Fault Diagnostic System for Automated Vehicles Operating in a Platoon |
RAJEWSKY:96 | N. Rajewsky and A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg | The asymmetric exclusion model with sequential update |
RAJEWSKY:98 | N. Rajewsky and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg | The Asymmetric Exclusion Process: Comparison of Update Procedures |
RAKHA:05 | Hesham Rakha and Wang Zhang | Estimating Traffic Stream Space-mean Speed and Reliability from Dual and Single Loop Detectors |
RAKHA:05b | Hesham Rakha and Wang Zhang | Consistency of Shock-wave and Queuing Theory Procedures for Analysis of Roadway Bottlenecks |
RAKHA:96 | H. Rakha and B. Hellinga and M. Van Aerde and W. Perez | Systematic Verification, Validation and Calibration of Traffic Simulation Models |
RAKHA:98 | H. Rakha and M. Van Aerde and L. Bloomberg and X. Huang | Construction and Calibration of a Large-Scale Micro-Simulation Model of the Salt Lake Area |
RAMIREZ:01 | Anthony Ramirez | How to Avoid Being Attacked in the Shower |
RAMSEY:04 | Paul Ramsey | The State of Open Source GIS |
RAMSEY:27 | Frank Plumpton Ramsey | A contribution to the theory of taxation |
RANEY:03 | Bryan Raney and Nurhan Cetin and Andreas Völlmy and Milenko Vrtic and Kay Axhausen and Kai Nagel | An agent-based microsimulation model of Swiss travel - First results |
RAO:95 | S. Rao | Traffic Models for the OPNET Simulator of ALAX |
RAO:98 | Lei Rao and Larry Owen and David Goldsman | Development and Application of a Validation Framework for Traffic Simulation Models |
RASCLE:02 | M. Rascle | An Improved Macroscopic Model of Traffic Flow: Derivation and Links with the Lighthill-Whitham Model |
RAYMOND:00 | Eric Steven Raymond | The Cathedral and the Bazaar |
RECKDAHL:06 | Keith Reckdahl | Using Imported Graphics in LaTeX and pdfLaTeX |
RECKER:86 | W.W. Recker and M.G. McNally and G.S. Root | A Model of Complex Travel Behavior: Part I - Theory |
RECKER:86b | W.W. Recker and M.G. McNally and G.S. Root | A Model of Complex Travel Behavior: Part II - Operational Model |
RECKER:95 | W.W. Recker | The Household Activity Pattern Problem: General Formulation and Solution |
REDELMEIER:99 | Donald A. Redelmeier and Robert J. Tibshirani | Why cars in the next lane seem to go faster |
REED:97 | James B. Reed and Janet B. Goehring and Jeanne Mejeur | Reducing Crashes, Casualties and Costs - Traffic Safety Challenges for State Legislatures |
REEVES:83 | William T. Reeves | Particle Systems - A Technique for Modeling a Class of Fuzzy Objects |
REILLY:29 | W.J. Reilly | Methods for the Study of Retail Relationships |
REINHARD:96 | Erik Reinhard and Frederik W. Jansen | Rendering Large Scenes Using Parallel Ray Tracing |
REINHARD:99 | Erik Reinhard | Scheduling and Data Management for Parallel Ray Tracing |
REINIG:99 | Gunter Reinig and Rainer Dittmar and Ortwin Göttmann | Produkte im Bereich - Advanced Process Control |
RENSON:04 | Ine Renson | De wet van Murphy op de E17 |
REURINGS:07 | M.C.B. Reurings and S.T.M.C. Janssen | De relatie tussen verkeersintensiteit en het aantal verkeersongevallen voor verschillende wegtypen |
REUSCHEL:50 | A. Reuschel | Fahrzeugbewegungen in der Kolonne bei gleichfoermig beschleunigtem oder verzoegertem Leifahrzeug |
REYNOLDS:87 | Craig W. Reynolds | Flocks, Herds and Schools: A Distributed Behavioral Model |
REYNOLDS:99 | Craig W. Reynolds | Steering Behaviors for Autonomous Characters |
RICHARDS:56 | Paul I. Richards | Shockwaves on the highway |
RICHARDS:67 | Martin Richards | The BCPL Reference Manual |
RICKERT:95 | Marcus Rickert | Outflow from traffic jam in a nondeterministic two lanes system |
RICKERT:96 | M. Rickert and K. Nagel and M. Schreckenberg and A. Latour | Two Lane Traffic Simulations using Cellular Automata |
RICKERT:96b | M. Rickert and P. Wagner and Ch. Gawron | Real-Time Traffic Simulation of the German Autobahn Network |
RICKERT:96c | Marcus Rickert and Peter Wagner | Parallel Real-Time Implementation of Large-Scale, Route-Plan-Driven Traffic Simulation |
RICKERT:97 | Marcus Rickert | Traffic Simulation on Distributed Memory Computers |
RIEFFEL:00 | Eleanor Rieffel and Wolfgang Polak | An Introduction to Quantum Computing for Non-Physicists |
RIGO:05 | Luís O. Rigo and Valmir C. Barbosa | Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata and the Analysis of Correlated Time Series |
ROBINSON:08 | John P. Robinson and Steven Martin | What Do Happy People Do? |
RODDEFIG | Roddefig | How to Use PHP Tables Instead of Frames |
RODRIGUE:05 | J.-P. Rodrigue and B. Slack and C. Comtois | The Geography of Transport Systems |
ROELANT:08 | Ella Roelant | Multivariate methods for robust estimation and inference |
ROOSENS:07 | Erik Roosens | Studie nodig over effect inhaalverbod |
ROSSWOG | Stephan Rosswog and Peter Wagner and Nick Eissfeldt | Microscopic traffic simulation tools and their use for emission calculations |
ROSSWOG:00 | Stephan Rosswog and Peter Wagner | Car-SPH: A Lagrangian Particle Scheme for the Solution of the Macroscopic Traffic Flow Equations |
ROSSWOG:01 | S. Rosswog and C. Gawron and S. Hasselberg and R. Böning and P. Wagner | Computational Aspects in Traffic Simulation Problems |
ROTERS:00 | L. Roters and S. Lübeck and K. D. Usadel | Reply to Comment on ``Critical behavior of a traffic flow model'' |
ROTERS:98 | L. Roters and S. Lübeck and K. D. Usadel | The dynamical structure factor and critical behavior of a traffic flow model |
ROTERS:99 | L. Roters and S. Lübeck and K.D. Usadel | Critical behavior of a traffic flow model |
ROUGHGARDEN:02 | Tim Roughgarden | Selfish Routing |
ROUGHGARDEN:02b | Tim Roughgarden and Éva Tardos | How Bad is Selfish Routing? |
ROUGHGARDEN:03 | Tim Roughgarden | The price of anarchy is independent of the network topology |
ROUSSEEUW:84 | Peter J. Rousseeuw | Least median of squares regression |
ROUSSEEUW:87 | P.J. Rousseeuw and A.M. Leroy | Robust Regression and Outlier Detection |
ROUSSEEUW:99 | Peter J. Rousseeuw and Ida Ruts and John W. Tukey | The Bagplot: A Bivariate Boxplot |
ROUSSEEUW:99b | Peter J. Rousseeuw and Katrien Van Driessen | A fast algorithm for the minimum covariance determinant estimator |
ROUWENDAL:02 | Jan Rouwendal and Bruno de Borger and André de Palma and Robin Lindsey and Esko Niskanen and Eric Pels and Stef Proost and Erik Verhoef | MC-ICAM: Relevant Optima and Constraints |
ROUWENDAL:06 | Jan Rouwendal and Erik T. Verhoef | Basic economic principles of road pricing: From theory to applications |
RUBIN:87 | D.B. Rubin | Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys |
RUDZICK:96 | Oliver Rudzick and Arkady Pikovsky | Unidirectionally coupled map lattice as a model for open flow systems |
RUWHOF:04 | Sijmen Ruwhof | Webprogrammer's Hacking Guide |
SALDANA | Rafael P. Saldaña and William Yu | Cellular automata explorations on a Beowulf cluster computer |
SALDANA:00 | Rafael P. Saldaña and Winfer C. Tabares | Traffic Modeling on High Performance Computing Systems |
SANDHOLM:01 | William H. Sandholm | Potential Games with Continuous Player Sets |
SANTEN | Ludwig Santen | CA models for traffic flow - Numerical results |
SANTEN:99 | Ludger Santen | Numerical Investigations of Discrete Models for Traffic Flow |
SARKAR:00 | Palash Sarkar | A Brief History of Cellular Automata |
SARLE:98 | Warren S. Sarle | Prediction with Missing Inputs |
SASVARI:97 | Márton Sasvári and János Kertész | On cellular automata models of single lane traffic |
SAUER:93 | Tim Sauer | Time Series Prediction by Using Delay Coordinate Embedding |
SAUVILLER:07 | Raf Sauviller | De files zullen blijven |
SAVAT:03 | Pieter-Jan Savat | Vergelijkende studie van GigaSpaces en Tspaces |
SCALADO:00 | Scalado AB | Real-Time Image Interpolation |
SCHADSCHNEIDER | Andreas Schadschneider | Modelling Traffic Flow Using Cellular Automata |
SCHADSCHNEIDER:00 | Andreas Schadschneider | Statistical Physics of Traffic Flow |
SCHADSCHNEIDER:02 | Andreas Schadschneider | Traffic flow: A statistical physics point of view |
SCHADSCHNEIDER:93 | Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg | Cellular automaton models and traffic flow |
SCHADSCHNEIDER:97 | Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg | Car-oriented mean-field theory for traffic flow models |
SCHADSCHNEIDER:97b | Andreas Schadschneider | Analytical approaches to CA for traffic flow: Approximations and exact solutions |
SCHADSCHNEIDER:97c | Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg | Traffic flow models with `slow-to-start' rules |
SCHADSCHNEIDER:98 | Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg | Garden of Eden states in traffic models |
SCHADSCHNEIDER:99b | Andreas Schadschneider | The Nagel-Schreckenberg model revisited |
SCHADSCHNEIDER:99c | Andreas Schadschneider | Diskrete stochastische Systeme in niedrigen Dimensionen - Die Physik des Straßenverkehrs |
SCHAFER:02 | J.L. Schafer and R.M. Yucel | Missing data: our view of the state of the art |
SCHAFER:99 | J.L. Schafer | Multiple imputation: a primer |
SCHAMP:99 | Niceas Schamp | Mobiliteit - Hoofdtekst en samenvatting (Wetenschappelijke nota in opdracht van de Commissie ad hoc Mobiliteit van het Vlaams Parlement) |
SCHATTSCHNEIDER:92 | Doris Schattschneider and Wallace Walker | M.C. Escher Caleidocycli |
SCHLICK:94 | Christophe Schlick | An Inexpensive BRDF Model for Physically-based Rendering |
SCHMITTLER | Jörg Schmittler and Daniel Pohl and Tim Dahmen and Christian Vogelgesang and Philipp Slusallek | Realtime Ray Tracing for Current and Future Game |
SCHNEIDER:59 | M. Schneider | Gravity models and trip distribution theory |
SCHONHOF:04 | Martin Schönhof and Dirk Helbing | Empirical features of congested traffic states and their implications for traffic modeling |
SCHOUWENAARS:01 | Tom Schouwenaars and Bart De Moor and Eric Feron and Jonathan How | Mixed integer programming for multi-vehicle path planning |
SCHRAUWEN:08 | Benjamin Schrauwen | Towards Applicable Spiking Neural Networks |
SCHRECKENBERG:01 | M. Schreckenberg and R.Barlović and W. Knospe and H. Klüpfel | Statistical Physics of Cellular Automata Models for Traffic Flow |
SCHRECKENBERG:95 | M. Schreckenberg and A. Schadschneider and K. Nagel and N. Ito | Discrete stochastic models for traffic flow |
SCHRECKENBERG:95b | Michael Schreckenberg and Kai Nagel | Physical Modeling of Traffic with Stochastic Cellular Automata |
SCHRECKENBERG:96 | M. Schreckenberg and A. Schadschneider and K. Nagel | Zellularautomaten simulieren Straßenverkehr |
SCHUERMANS:06 | Mieke Schuermans | Weighted Low Rank Approximation: Algorithms and Applications |
SCHULZ:03 | Andreas S. Schulz and Nicolás Stier Moses | On the Performance of User Equilibria in Traffic Networks |
SCHULZE:97 | Thomas Schulze and Thomas Fliess | Urban Traffic Simulation with Psycho-Physical Vehicle-Following Models |
SCHUTT:91 | H. Schütt | Entwicklung und Erprobung eines sehr schnellen, bitorientierten Verkehrssimulationssystems für Straßennetze |
SEAHRA:03 | Sanjeev S. Seahra | Physics in Higher-Dimensional Manifolds |
SEGAL:99 | Mark Segal and Kurt Akeley | The OpenGL Graphics System: A Specification (Version 1.2.1) |
SEN:96 | Ashish Sen and Siim Soot and Joseph Ligas and Xin Tian | Arterial Link Travel Time Estimation: Probes, Detectors and Assignment-type Models |
SESTOFT:03 | Peter Sestoft | Java Performance - Reducing time and space consumption |
SEVRIN:01 | Alexander Sevrin and Marc Henneaux | A Brane New World |
SHAHVERDIEV:98 | Elman Shahverdiev and Shin-ichi Tadaki | Chaos control in traffic flow models |
SHAW:03 | Terrel Shaw | Performance Measures of Operational Effectiveness for Highway Segments and Systems |
SHEFFI:85 | Yosef Sheffi | Urban Transportation Networks: Equilibrium Analysis with Mathematical Programming Methods |
SHERALI:97 | Hanif D. Sherali and Namita Arora and Antoine G. Hobeika | Parameter Optimization Methods for Estimating Dynamic Origin-Destination Trip-Tables |
SHI:95 | Y. Shi | Self-organization, ergodicity braking, phase transition and synchronization in two-dimensional traffic flow model |
SHI:99 | Y. Shi | Self-organization in BML Traffic Flow Model: Analytical Approaches |
SHIRAZI:03 | Jack Shirazi | Java Performance Tuning |
SHIRLEY:00 | Peter Shirley | Realistic Ray Tracing |
SHIRLEY:92 | Peter Shirley and Changyaw Wang | Distribution Ray Tracing: Theory and Practice |
SHOR:97 | Peter W. Shor | Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms on a Quantum Computer |
SHOR:99 | Peter Shor | Quantum Information Theory: Results and Open Problems |
SHROUT:08 | Ryan Shrout | John Carmack on id Tech 6, Ray Tracing, Consoles, Physics and more |
SHUM:07 | H.-Y. Shum and S.-C. Chan and S.B. Kang | Image-Based Rendering |
SHUMWAY:03 | Robert H. Shumway | A Short Course in Applied Time Series Analysis |
SHVETSOV:99 | Vladimir Shvetsov and Dirk Helbing | Macroscopic Dynamics of Multi-Lane Traffic |
SIEBEL:05 | Florian Siebel and Wolfram Mauser | On the fundamental diagram of traffic flow |
SIEBEL:05b | Florian Siebel and Wolfram Mauser | Synchronized flow and wide moving jams from balanced vehicular traffic |
SIEGEL:06 | Helge Siegel and Denis Belomestny | Stochasticity of Road Traffic Dynamics: Comprehensive Linear and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis on High Resolution Freeway Traffic Records |
SIEMENS | Unknown | Siemens Lusdetector LD4 |
SIEMENS:92 | Siemens | Voertuigtellingen - Functionele Analyse |
SIMA:06 | Diana Sima | Regularization Techniques in Model Fitting and Parameter Estimation |
SIMMONS:02 | Nick Simmons and Gary Gates and Jonathan Burr | Commercial Applications Arising from a Floating Vehicle Data System in Europe |
SIMON:98 | P.M. Simon and K. Nagel | Simplified cellular automaton model for city traffic |
SIMON:98b | P.M. Simon and H.A. Gutowitz | A Cellular Automaton Model for Bi-Directional Traffic |
SIMON:99 | Patrice M. Simon and Jörg Esser and Kai Nagel | Simple queueing model applied to the city of Portland |
SIMONSON:89 | Itamar Simonson | Choice Based on Reasons: The Case of Attraction and Compromise Effects |
SINTES:00 | Tony Sintes | Java: Help with ints |
SINTES:01 | Tony Sintes | Java: Abstract classes vs. interfaces |
SKAGERSTAM:06 | Bo-Sture K. Skagerstam and Alex Hansen | Memory effects and scaling properties of traffic flows |
SMALL:03 | Kenneth A. Small and Xuehao Chu | Hypercongestion |
SMALL:05 | Kenneth A. Small | Road Pricing and Public Transit: Unnoticed Lessons from London |
SMALL:82 | K.A. Small | The scheduling of consumer activities: work trips |
SMALL:87 | K.A. Small | A discrete choice model for ordered alternatives |
SMALL:92 | Kenneth A. Small | Using the Revenues from Congestion Pricing |
SMARTEST:00 | Smartest | The Smartest Project Introduction |
SMEED:67 | R. Smeed | Some circumstances in which vehicles will reach their destinations earlier by starting later |
SMILOWITZ:99 | Karen R. Smilowitz and Carlos F. Daganzo and Michael J. Cassidy and Robert L. Bertini | Some Observations of Highway Traffic in Long Queues |
SMITH:02 | Brian L. Smith and Billy M. Williams and R. Keith Oswald | Comparison of parametric and nonparametric models for traffic flow forecasting |
SMITH:08 | Reginald D. Smith | The Dynamics of Internet Traffic: Self-Similarity, Self-Organization, and Complex Phenomena |
SMITH:91 | David M. Smith | Algorithm 693 - A FORTRAN Package For Floating-Point Multiple-Precision Arithmetic |
SMITH:96 | LaRon Smith | TRANSIMS Travelogue |
SMITS:98 | Brian Smits | Efficiency Issues for Ray Tracing |
SMOCK:62 | R.J. Smock | An interative assignment approach to capacity restraint on arterial networks |
SMOCK:62b | R.J. Smock | An Iterative Assignment Approach to Capacity Restraint on Arterial Networks |
SMULDERS:89 | S.A. Smulders | Control of Freeway Traffic Flow |
SNIEDER:07 | Roel Snieder and John Page | Multiple scattering in evolving media |
SOLTMAN:65 | T.J. Soltman | Effects of Alternate Loading Sequences on Results from Chicago Trip Distribution and Assignment Model |
SOPASAKIS:03 | Alexandros Sopasakis | Formal Asymptotic Models of Vehicular Traffic: Model Closures |
SOSNOKI:99 | Dennis M. Sosnoski | Java performance programming, Part 2 - The cost of casting |
SPIEGEL:99 | Murray R. Spiegel and John Liu | Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables |
SPIESS:90 | H. Spiess | Conical volume delay functions |
SPIVEY:92 | J.M. Spivey | The Z Notation - A Reference Manual |
SPRINGER:97 | Unknown | The European Physical Journal B Style Guide and Submission Guidelines |
STADA:01 | Jim Stada and Steven Logghe and Griet De Ceuster and Ben Immers | Time-of-Day Modeling using a Quasi-Dynamic Equilibrium Assignment Approach |
STADELMANN:96 | H. Stadelmann and Thomas Riedel and M. Vollenweider | Introduction to the Traffic Control Concept of the City of Zurich |
STATSOFT:02 | StatSoft, Inc. | Time Series Analysis - Electronic Textbook |
STEENBRINK:74 | P.A. Steenbrink | Optimistation of Transport Networks |
STILL:00 | G. Keith Still | Crowd Dynamics |
STONE | John E. Stone | Tachyon User's Guide |
STONE:98 | John Edward Stone | An Efficient Library for Parallel Ray Tracing and Animation |
STOUFFER:40 | Samuel Andrew Stouffer | Intervening Opportunities: A Theory Relating to Mobility and Distance |
STOUFFER:60 | Samuel Andrew Stouffer | Intervening opportunities and competing migrants |
STREINER:96 | David L. Streiner | Maintaining standards: differences between the standard deviation and standard error, and when to use each |
STROEYKENS:01 | Steven Stroeykens | Belgische satelliet functioneert naar wens |
STROEYKENS:04 | Steven Stroeykens | File op de E40, in de computer |
STROOBANTS:01 | Kristof Stroobants | Grafisch modelleren van verkeer op snelwegen |
STROUSTRUP:97 | Bjarne Stroustrup | The C++ Programming Language |
STS:04 | STS | Enkele slimme auto's volstaan om files te voorkomen |
STUBEN:06 | Georg Stüben | autobahn.NRW - Expansion for motorway network |
STUER:04 | Gunther Stuer and Kurt Vanmechelen and Jan Broeckhove and Tom Dhaene | Sleeping in Java |
SUENNEN:00 | Mark D. Suennen | A Traffic Detection Toolkit for Traveler Information Systems |
SUKSAWAT | Narinnat Suksawat and Yuen Poovarawan and Somchai Numprasertchai | The Development of Scalable Traffic Simulation based on Java Technology |
SUN | Unknown | How to Use Java Tables |
SUN:00 | Unknown | Java: Frequently Asked Questions - RMI and Object Serialization |
SUN:00b | Unknown | How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool |
SUN:00c | Sun Microsystems, Inc. | Java Sound API - Programmer's Guide |
SUN:02 | Sun Microsystems, Inc. | Java Message Service API Specification v1.1 |
SUN:03 | Unknown | All About Java Sockets |
SUN:99 | Carlos Sun and Stephen G. Ritchie | Individual Vehicle Speed Estimation Using Single Loop Inductive Waveforms |
SUNDARAM:02 | Srinivasan Sundaram | Development of a Dynamic Traffic Assignment System for Short-Term Planning Operations |
SUNDERAM:02 | Vaidy Sunderam and Dawid Kurzyniec | Lightweight self-organizing frameworks for metacomputing |
SUTNER:03 | K. Sutner | Cellular automata and intermediate degrees |
SUYKENS:00 | Johan A.K. Suykens and Joos Vandewalle | The K.U.Leuven Competition Data: a Challenge for Advanced Neural Network Techniques |
SUYKENS:02 | J.A.K. Suykens and T. Van Gestel and J. De Brabanter and B. De Moor and J. Vandewalle | Least Squares Support Vector Machines |
SWALES:94 | John M. Swales and Christine B. Feak | Academic Writing for Graduate Students - A Course for Nonnative Speakers of English |
SWALES:94b | John M. Swales and Christine B. Feak | Academic Writing for Graduate Students - Commentary |
SWEVERS:03 | Jan Swevers and Christophe Lauwerys | 22nd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control |
SZETO:04 | W.Y. Szeto and Hong K. Lo | A cell-based simultaneous route and departure time choice model with elastic demand |
SZETO:05 | W.Y. Szeto and Hong K. Lo | Strategies for road network design over time: Robustness under uncertainty |
SZETO:06 | W.Y. Szeto and Hong K. Lo | Dynamic traffic assignment: Properties and extensions |
SZIRMAYKALOS:98 | László Szirmay-Kalos | Global Ray-bundle Tracing |
TAALE:00 | Henk Taale and Aad de Hoog and Stef Smulders and Onno Tool | The Results of a Dutch Experiment with Floating Car Data |
TADAKI:00 | Shin-ichi Tadaki | Can We Explain Traffic Congestion? |
TAKAYASU:93 | Misako Takayasu and Hideki Takayasu | 1/$f$ Noise in a Traffic Model |
TAKENS:81 | Floris Takens | Detecting strange attractors in turbulence |
TALBOT:04 | Nicola Talbot | Using LaTeX to Write a PhD Thesis |
TALIGENT:94 | Taligent, Inc. | Taligent's Guide to Designing Programs |
TAMPERE | Chris Tampère and Jim Stada and Ben Immers and Els Peetermans and Katia Organe | Methodology for Identifying Vulnerable Sections in a National Road Network |
TAMPERE:02 | Chris M.J. Tampère | Filevorming en file-ontwikkeling |
TAMPERE:03 | Chris M.J. Tampère and Serge P. Hoogendoorn and Bert van Arem | Capacity funnel explained using the human-kinetic traffic flow model |
TAMPERE:03b | Chris M.J. Tampère | Spelen met files: rijgedrag als basis van hogere orde verkeersstroom modellen |
TAMPERE:04 | Chris M.J. Tampère | Human-Kinetic Multiclass Traffic Flow Theory and Modelling |
TAMPERE:04b | Chris M.J. Tampère and Bert van Arem and Serge P. Hoogendoorn | Gas kinetic traffic flow modelling including continuous driver behaviour models |
TAMPERE:05 | C. Tampère and S. Hoogendoorn and B. van Arem | A behavioural approach to instability, stop & go waves, wide jams and capacity drop |
TAMPERE:06 | Chris Tampère and Jim Stada and Ben Immers and Els Peetermans and Katia Organe | Identifying vulnerable sections in a national road network - Application to the road network of Flanders |
TAMPERE:10 | Chris Tampère and Francesco Viti and Lambertus Immers | New Developments in Transport Planning: Advances in Dynamic Traffic Assignment |
TANNER:61 | J.C. Tanner | Factors affecting the amount of travel |
TAPLIN | John Taplin | Simulation Models of Traffic Flow |
TARINI:00 | M. Tarini and P. Cignoni and C. Rocchini and R. Scopigno | Real Time, Accurate, Multi-Featured Rendering of Bump Mapped Surfaces |
TAYLOR:03 | Nicholas B. Taylor | The CONTRAM dynamic traffic assignment model |
TECHNUM:98 | Technum | Sterkte-Zwakte Analyse van het Intermodaal Vervoer in Vlaanderen - Strategische Beleidsnota |
TEGMARK:07 | Max Tegmark | The Mathematical Universe |
TEPPOLA:01 | P. Teppola and G. Krennrich and A. Schreieck | Covariate Challenge in Multivariate Statistical Process Monitoring |
TEPPOLA:98 | P. Teppola and S.P. Mujunen and P. Minkkinen and T. Puijola and P. Pursiheimo | Principal Components Analysis, Contribution Plots and Feature Weights in the Monitoring of Sequential Process Data from a Paper Machine's Wet End |
TERPSTRA | Frank P. Terpstra and Geleyn R. Meijer and Arnoud Visser | Intelligent Adaptive Traffic Forecasting System using Data Assimilation for use in Traveler Information Systems |
THAIN:04 | Douglas Thain and Todd Tannenbaum and Miron Livny | Distributed Computing in Practice: The Condor Experience |
THYS:04 | Kristof Thys | Simulatie van natuurlijke fenomenen met behulp van cellulaire automaten |
TIAN:00 | Zong Z. Tian and Rod Troutbeck and Michael Kyte and Werner Brilon and Mark Vandehey and Wayne Kittelson and Bruce Robinson | A Further Investigation on Critical Gap and Follow-Up Time |
TIBAUT | Andrej Tibaut | Parallel Traffic Simulation with an Algorithm for Adaptive Load-Balancing |
TIMMERMAN:00 | Peter Timmerman | Explosieve wiskunde, groene kikkers en wilde ideeën |
TIMMERMANS:01 | Harry Timmermans | Models of activity scheduling behaviour |
TIMMERMANS:03 | Harry Timmermans | The Saga of Integrated Land Use-Transport Modeling: How Many More Dreams Before We Wake Up? |
TISSON:06 | Greg Tisson | Reconstruction from Transversely Truncated Cone Beam Projections in Micro-Tomography |
TOINT:93 | Philippe L. Toint | Transportation modelling methods and advanced transport telematics |
TOINT:96 | Ph. Toint and L. Wynter | Asymmetric Multiclass Traffic Assignment - a coherent formulation |
TOKIHIRO:96 | T. Tokihiro and D. Takahashi and J. Matsukidaira and J. Satsuma | From Soliton Equations to Integrable Cellular Automata through a Limiting Procedure |
TRAEST:01 | Christophe Traest | SIDMAR - Systemen en Modellen |
TRAFFICWARE | Trafficware | Introducing SimTraffic - Fast, Easy Traffic Simulation |
TRAISTER:94 | Robert J. Traister | Conquering C++ Pointers |
TRC:66 | Traffic Research Corporation | Winnipeg Area Transportation Study |
TREIBER:00 | M. Treiber and A. Hennecke and D. Helbing | Congested Traffic States in Empirical Observations and Microscopic Simulations |
TREIBER:01 | Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing | Microsimulations of Freeway Traffic Including Control Measures |
TREIBER:02 | Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing | An adaptive smoothing method for traffic state identification from incomplete information |
TREIBER:02b | Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing | Reconstructing the Spatio-Temporal Traffic Dynamics from Stationary Detector Data |
TREIBER:03 | Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing | Memory effects in microscopic traffic models and wide scattering in flow-density data |
TREIBER:05 | Martin Treiber and Arne Kesting and Dirk Helbing | Delays, Inaccuracies and Anticipation in Microscopic Traffic Models |
TREIBER:05b | Martin Treiber and Arne Kesting and Dirk Helbing | Understanding widely scattered traffic flows, the capacity drop, platoons, and times-to-collision as effects of variance-driven time gaps |
TREIBER:99 | Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing | Explanation of Observed Features of Self-Organization in Traffic Flow |
TREIBER:99b | Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing | Microscopic simulation of widely scattered synchronized traffic states |
TREITERER:69 | Joseph Treiterer | Investigation of traffic dynamics by aerial photogrammetry techniques |
TREITERER:74 | Joseph Treiterer and Jeffrey A. Myers | The hysteresis phenomenon in traffic flow |
TRITEL:95 | Tritel | Mobiliteitsplan voor de provincie Vlaams-Brabant en de arrondissementen Mechelen en Aalst |
TU:08 | Huizhao Tu | Monitoring Travel Time Reliability on Freeways |
TUCK:01 | Mike Tuck | The Real History of the GUI |
TURCOTTE:99 | Donald L. Turcotte | Self-organized criticality |
TURING:52 | Alan Mathison Turing | The chemical basis of morphogenesis |
TURK:91 | Greg Turk | Generating Textures on Arbitrary Surfaces Using Reaction-Diffusion |
TURNER:98 | Shawn M. Turner and William L. Eisele and Robert J. Benz and Douglas J. Holdener | Travel Time Data Collection Handbook |
TWIGG:03 | Christopher Twigg | Catmull-Rom splines |
TYLER | Tim Tyler | Cellular Automata - Optimisation |
ULLMAN:88 | Jeffrey D. Ullman | Principles of Database and Knowledge-base Systems |
ULLMAN:97 | Jeffrey D. Ullman and Jennifer Widom | A First Course in Database Systems |
UMEKI:98 | Hideo Umeki | LaTeX - The geometry package |
UNDERWOOD:61 | R.T. Underwood | Speed, Volume, and Density Relationships - Quality and Theory of Traffic Flow |
UNKN:01 | Unknown | Ex-Fics-stichter Akkermans begint met Clear2Pay |
UNKN:01b | Unknown | Verkeersbegeleidingssystemen - Hoofdstuk 6 - Detectoren |
UNKN:01c | Unknown | Verkeersbegeleidingssystemen - Hoofdstuk 7 - Voertuigmetingen |
UNKN:02 | Unknown | Carlos Daganzo New Chair of Symposium |
UNKN:02c | Unknown | Departure-Time and Mode Choice; Time period choice modelling: A preliminary review |
UNKN:02d | Unknown | Departure-Time and Mode Choice; Modelling peak spreading and trip re-timing |
UNKN:03c | Unknown | Telematics Cluster trekt voertuigtelematica op gang |
UNKN:04b | Unknown | Nieuwe technologie bestrijdt files |
UNKN:04d | Unknown | Traffic jams - Adapting to road conditions |
UNKN:06 | Unknown | Brussel, een laboratorium van mobiliteit? |
UNKN:97 | Unknown | How to draw a boxplot |
UNKN:99 | Unknown | Driving Simulator |
UNKNb | Unknown | Inleidend hoofdstuk Quantummechanica |
UNKNf | Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation | Traffic Management |
UNKNg | Unknown | Bump Mapping |
UNKNh | Unknown | Zware overtreding |
UNKNi | Unknown | Mapping to Polygon Mesh Objects |
UNKNj | Unknown | Ray-Polygon and Ray-Quadric Intersection Testing |
UNKNk | Unknown | Texture Mapping |
UNKNl | Unknown | Metric Conversion Tables |
UNKNm | Unknown | Ray Tracing and Scan Line Rendering |
UNKNn | Unknown | The multiple imputation FAQ page |
UNKNo | Unknown | Time-of-Day Modeling Procedures Report |
UNKNp | Unknown | Ray-Box Intersections |
VAB:07 | VAB | VAB Dossiers: De huidige 8 knelpunten van de E313 |
VALCKENAERS:04 | P. Valckenaers | MACC - Multi-agent Coordination and Control |
VALK:05 | Jeroen Michiel Valk | Coordination among Autonomous Planners |
VANAERDE:96 | M. Van Aerde and B. Hellinga and M. Baker and H. Rakha | INTEGRATION: An Overview of Traffic Simulation Features |
VANAMELSFORT:07 | Dirk van Amelsfort | Rekenen aan prijsbeleid |
VANAMELSFORT:09 | Dirk van Amelsfort | Behavioural Responses and Network Effects of Time-varying Road Pricing |
VANAREM:97 | B. van Arem and A.P. de Vos and M.J.W.A. Vanderschuren | The microscopic traffic simulation model MIXIC 1.3 |
VANAREM:97b | Bart Van Arem and Howard R. Kirby and Martie J.M. Van Der Vlist and Joe C. Whittaker | Recent advances and applications in the field of short-term traffic forecasting |
VANAREM:97c | Bart Van Arem and Martie J.M. Van Der Vlist and M. Rik Muste and Stef A. Smulders | Travel time estimation in the GERDIEN project |
VANASSCHE:94 | Walter Van Assche | Time Series |
VANBAAL:94 | Pierre van Baal | In afwachting van het zesde quark |
VANBENTHEM:94 | J.F.A.K. van Benthem and H.P. van Ditmarsch and J. Ketting and W.P.M. Meyer-Viol | Logica voor informatica |
VANBREMPT | Wim Van Brempt and Ton Backx and Jobert Ludlage and Peter Van Overschee and Bart De Moor and R. Tousain | A High Performance Model Predictive Controller: Application on a Polyethylene Gas Phase Reactor |
VANBREMPT:01 | Wim Van Brempt and Ton Backx and Jobert Ludlage and Peter Van Overschee | Optimal Trajectories for Grade Change Control : Application on a Polyethylene Gas Phase Reactor |
VANDAELE:00 | Nico Vandaele and Tom Van Woensel and Aviel Verbruggen | A queueing based traffic flow model |
VANDAM:02 | Arthur van Dam | TraFlowPACK software documentation |
VANDAM:02b | Arthur van Dam | A Moving Mesh Finite Volume Solver for Macroscopic Traffic Flow Models |
VANDAMME:07 | Frederic Van Damme | Kansen voor het openbaar vervoer in Vlaanderen |
VANDENBOS:02 | Mark van den Bos | De verkeersafwikkeling op hellingen |
VANDENBOSCH:03 | Alexander Th. van den Bosch and Maarten R. Menken | Multi-Agentsystemen en Verkeersbeheersing - De Ontwikkeling en Demonstratie van een Testbedomgeving |
VANDENBOSCH:03b | Alexander Th. van den Bosch and Maarten R. Menken and Martijn van Breukelen and Ronald T. van Katwijk | A Test Bed for Multi-Agent Systems and Road Traffic Management |
VANDENBRAEMBUSSCHE:01 | Ontwerp, modelleren en regelen van mini-satellieten | Pieter Van den Braembussche |
VANDENBRANDEN:05 | Karlien Vanden Branden | Robust methods for high-dimensional data, and a theoretical study of depth-related estimators |
VANDENBULCKE:09 | Tim Van den Bulcke | Robust Algorithms for Inferring Regulatory Networks based on Gene Expression Measurements and Biological Prior Information |
VANDENHOF | C. Van den Hof | Sidmar |
VANDENNEST:05 | Maarten Van den Nest | Local equivalence of stabilizer states and codes |
VANDEPUTTE:01 | Jo Vandeputte and Erik Nuyts and Eddy Peetermans | Het Masterplan Antwerpen: ook voor Antwerpenaars? |
VANDERAUWERAER:01 | Herman Van der Auweraer | Structural Dynamics Modelling : From Physical to Virtual Prototypes |
VANDERAUWERAER:01b | Herman Van der Auweraer | Structural Dynamics Modeling using Modal Analysis: Applications, Trends and Challenges |
VANDERHEIJDEN:96 | Rob van der Heijden and Vicent Marchau | Automatische voertuigbesturing in het verkeer |
VANDERKROGT:05 | Roman Petrus Johannes Van Der Krogt | Plan Repair in Single-Agent and Multi-Agent Systems |
VANDERMEERSCH:05 | Olivier Vandermeersch | Mobiliteit zoals ze zou moeten zijn |
VANDERSCHOT | J.J. van der Schot and R.L. Tousain and A.C.P.M. Backx and O.H. Bosgra | SSQP for the solution of large-scale dynamic-economic optimization problems |
VANDERSYPEN:01 | Lieven M.K. Vandersypen and Matthias Steffen and Gregory Breyta and Costantino S. Yannoni and Mark H. Sherwood and Isaac L. Chuang | Experimental realization of Shor's quantum factoring algorithm using nuclear magnetic resonance |
VANDERVELDE:04 | Daniel Vandervelde | Emergent Phenomenon in Congested Traffic Flow |
VANDERZIJPP:96 | Nanne van der Zijpp | Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation on Motorway Networks |
VANEMDEN:96 | Joan Van Emden and Jennifer Easteal | Technical Writing and Speaking - An Introduction |
VANGESTEL:02 | Tony Van Gestel | Modellering, scenario- en risico-analyse van de piekvermogens in het Belgische Hoogspanningsnet |
VANHELSUWE:97 | Laurence Vanhelsuwé | Het complete boek Java |
VANHERPE:08 | Tom Van Herpe | Blood glucose control in critically ill patients: Design of assessment procedures and a control system |
VANHOVE:01 | Filip Vanhove and Christophe Van Ginderachter | Analyse en Ontwerp van de Zuid-Oost toegang (Parkpoort) tot de stad Leuven |
VANHUMMELEN:01 | Paul Van Hummelen | MicroArrays en Bioinformatica |
VANIMPE:01 | Jan F.M. Van Impe | (Bio-)Chemical reaction and reactor engineering: a multidisciplinary approach |
VANKATWIJK:04 | R.T. van Katwijk and P. van Koningsbruggen and B. De Schutter and J. Hellendoorn | A test bed for multi-agent control systems in road traffic management |
VANLINT:04 | J.W.C. van Lint | Reliable travel time prediction for freeways |
VANLOOCK:03 | Robin Van Loock | Vergelijkende studie van JavaSpaces en Tspaces |
VANLUYTEN:08 | Bart Vanluyten | Realization, Identification and Filtering for Hidden Markov Models using Matrix Factorization Techniques |
VANNES:02 | Rob van Nes | Design of multimodal transport networks - A hierarchical approach |
VANOOSTRUM:04 | Piet Van Oostrum | LaTeX - Page Layout in LaTeX |
VANOOSTRUM:97 | Piet van Oostrum | Handleiding LaTeX |
VANROOY:08 | Johan Van Rooy | Gebruikers zijn oorzaak van fijn stof, niet het Oosterweelproject |
VANVLIERDEN:99 | Guy Van Vlierden | Niet opgelost, wel uitgelegd: file! file! file! |
VANVUREN:02 | Tom Van Vuren | Using HADES to Model Departure Time Choice in Continuous Time: Good Practice Guide |
VANWIJNENDAELE:05 | Tom Van Wijnendaele | Analyse en interpretatie van verkeersdata: een tijdsreeksanalyse |
VANWOENSEL | Tom Van Woensel and Ruth Creten and Nico Vandaele | Estimating Traffic Flow Emissions |
VANWOENSEL:00 | Tom Van Woensel and Nico Vandaele | TRAQ - Traffic Analysis and Queueing Theory: An Integrated Approach |
VANWOENSEL:03 | Tom Van Woensel | Models for uninterrupted traffic flows - A queueing approach |
VANWOERKOM:93 | Maarten van Woerkom | Fundamentele deeltjes en elementaire wisselwerkingen |
VANZANDT:93 | Timothy van Zandt | A LaTeX style for slides and notes - User's Guide |
VANZUYLEN:00 | H.J. van Zuylen | Traffic control for intersections - Design and Evaluation |
VANZUYLEN:99 | Henk J. van Zuylen | Het spel van de regels; Het richting geven aan chaotische maatschappelijke processen |
VANZWET:03 | Erik van Zwet and Chao Chen and Zhangfeng Jia and Jaimyoung Kwon | A statistical method for estimating speed from single loop detectors |
VANZWET:04 | John Rice and Erik van Zwet | A Simple and Effective Method for Predicting Travel Times on Freeways |
VARAIYA:05 | Pravin Varaiya | Reducing Highway Congestion: An Empirical Approach |
VARAIYA:97 | Pravin Varaiya | How to measure transportation system performance |
VDBM:13 | Gitte Van Den Bergh and Sven Maerivoet | D3.2 Evaluation and validation framework |
VELAN:02 | Shane Velan and Michael Florian | A Note on the Entropy Solutions of the Hydrodynamic Model of Traffic Flow |
VENKEN:03 | Karla Venken | Files bestrijden met wiskunde |
VENTER:98 | Christoffel Jacobus Venter | The Timing of Activity and Travel Planning Decisions |
VERBEKE:04 | Geert Verbeke | Goochelen met statistiek |
VERBERT:01 | Stijn Verbert | Geïntegreerde procescontrole en datamining in de chemische industrie |
VERBOVEN:05 | Sabine Verboven and Mia Hubert | LIBRA: a MATLAB Library for Robust Analysis |
VERBRAKEN:07 | Thomas Verbraken | Verkeersstroomtheorie in het wielerpeleton |
VERHOEF:01 | Erik T. Verhoef and Jan Rouwendal | A Structural Model of Traffic Congestion |
VERHOEF:01b | E.T. Verhoef | Probing a traffic congestion controversy: a comment |
VERHOEF:05 | Erik T. Verhoef | Speed-flow relations and cost functions for congested traffic: Theory and empirical analysis |
VERHOEF:98 | Erik T. Verhoef | Time, Speeds, Flows and Densities in Static Models of Road Traffic Congestion and Congestion Pricing |
VERMEER:99 | H.J. Vermeer and J. Kloosterman | 't Hoofd breken over kleinste deeltjes |
VERMEIREN:06 | Jan Vermeiren | Let's Connect |
VERMEULEN:01 | Frank Vermeulen | Data-analyse en modellen bij Elia |
VERRELST:01 | Herman Verrelst | Data4s: Profiling and Modeling |
VERSTEEGT:03 | H.H. Versteegt and K.M. Malone and A.I. Martins and R.J. Castenmiller and M.C.J. Bliemer | Follow-up study on testing INDY for use as a Dynamic Traffic Assignment model in the Dutch National Model |
VERSTEEGT:03b | H.H. Versteegt and C.M.J. Tampère | PredicTime: State of the art and functional architecture |
VERVLOET:00 | Johan Vervloet | Waarom de poolvoorstelling van complexe getallen beter is dan de cartesiaanse (met het oog op speciale gevallen en exception handling) |
VICKREY:63 | William S. Vickrey | Pricing in Urban and Suburban Transport |
VICKREY:69 | William S. Vickrey | Congestion Theory and Transport Investment |
VLAAMSEGEMEENSCHAP | Administratie Wegen en Verkeer | Multimodaal verkeers- en vervoersmodel Vlaanderen |
VLAAMSEGEMEENSCHAP:98 | Administratie Planning en Statistiek | Vlaamse Regionale Indicatoren |
VOELLMY:01 | Andreas Voellmy and Milenko Vrtic and Bryan Raney and Kay Axhausen and Kai Nagel | Status of a TRANSIMS implementation for Switzerland |
VOGE:08 | Tom Voge | Automated Transport Systems for Sustainable Urban Mobility |
VOGEL:05 | Arnd Vogel and Kai Nagel | Multi-agent-based Simulation of individual traffic in Berlin |
VONDERLINDEN:05 | W. von der Linden and E. Schachinger | Computer Simulations |
VONNEUMANN:48 | John von Neumann | The General and Logical Theory of Automata |
VONTHUNEN:26 | Johann Heinrich von Thünen | Der isolirte Staat in Beziehung auf Landwirthschaft und Nationalökonomie |
VOORHEES:55 | Alan M. Voorhees | A General Theory of Traffic Movement |
VOORHEES:56 | Alan M. Voorhees | A General Theory of Traffic Movement |
VOS:01 | Herbert Voß | LaTeX - Lines in Tables |
W3C:97 | W3C | HTML 4.0 Specification |
WADDELL:03 | Paul Waddell and Alan Borning and Michael Noth and Nathan Freier and Michael Becke and Gudmundur Ulfarsson | Microsimulation of Urban Development and Location Choices: Design and Implementation of UrbanSim |
WADDELL:05 | Paul Waddell | Integrating Land use and Transportation Modeling and Planning: An Evolving Research Agenda |
WADELL:02 | Paul Waddell | UrbanSim: Modeling Urban Development for Land Use, Transportation and Environmental Planning. Preprint |
WADELL:04 | Paul Waddell and Gudmundur F. Ulfarsson | Introduction to Urban Simulation: Design and Development of Operational Models |
WAGNER:04 | Peter Wagner | Modelling traffic flow fluctuations |
WAGNER:95 | P. Wagner | Traffic Simulations using Cellular Automata: Comparison with Reality |
WAGNER:97 | Peter Wagner and Kai Nagel and Dietrich E. Wolf | Realistic multi-lane traffic rules for cellular automata |
WAHLE:02 | Joachim Wahle and Roland Chrobok and Andreas Pottmeier and Michael Schreckenberg | A Microscopic Simulator for Freeway Traffic |
WAHLE:99 | J. Wahle and L. Neubert and M. Schreckenberg | Modeling and simulation of traffic flow |
WAKASA | Y. Wakasa and K. Iwaoka and K. Tanaka | Modelling and Robust Control of Traffic Signal Systems |
WALD:01 | Ingo Wald and Philipp Slusallek | State of the Art in Interactive Ray Tracing |
WALDEER:04 | K.T. Waldeer | A vehicular traffic flow model based on a stochastic acceleration process |
WALDEER:04b | K.T. Waldeer | Numerical Investigation of a Mesoscopic Vehicular Traffic Flow Model Based on a Stochastic Acceleration Process |
WALDRON:93 | Anne Waldron and Peggy Judd and Valerie Miller | Physical Review - Style and Notation Guide |
WALKER:04 | John Walker | Watch the birdie |
WALTERS:61 | A.A. Walters | The theory and measurement of private and social cost of highway congestion |
WANG:01 | Lei Wang and Bing-Hong Wang and Bambi Hu | A cellular automaton traffic flow model between the Fukui-Ishibashi and Nagel-Schreckenberg models |
WANG:02 | Xiubin Wang and Feghuan Wang | A Driver's Utility Function and its Properties |
WANG:03 | Yibing Wang and Markos Papageorgiou and Albert Messmer | Motorway Traffic State Estimation based on Extended Kalman Filter |
WANG:08 | Fa Wang and Li Li and Jianming Hu and Yan Ji and Danya Yao | A Markov Process Inspired Cellular Automata Model of Departure Headways |
WANG:96 | B.H. Wang and Y.F. Woo and P.M. Hui | Improved mean-field theory of two-dimensional traffic flow models |
WANG:97 | Ruey-Min Wang | An Activity-Based Trip Generation Model |
WANG:98 | Bing-Hong Wang and Yvonne-Roamy Kwong and Pak-Ming Hui | Statistical mechanical approach to Fukui-Ishibashi traffic flow models |
WANG:98b | Bing-Hong Wang and Lei Wang and P.M. Hui and Bambi Hu | Analytical results for the steady state of traffic flow models with stochastic delay |
WARD:91 | Colin Ward | Freedom to go: after the motor age |
WARDROP:52 | J.G. Wardrop | Some Theoretical Aspects of Road Traffic Research |
WARDROP:54 | J.G. Wardrop and G. Charlesworth | A method of estimating speed and flow of traffic from a moving vehicle |
WARDROP:68 | J.G. Wardrop | Journey Speed and Flow in Central London |
WARFFEMIUS:05 | Pim Warffemius | Using the standard deviation of the travel time distribution as an indicator for valuing the reliability of travel time |
WEBBER:94 | C.L. Webber and J.P. Zbilut | Dynamical assessment of physiological systems and states using recurrence plot strategies |
WEGENER:96 | Raimund Wegener and Axel Klar | A Kinetic Model for Vehicular Traffic Derived from a Stochastic Microscopic Model |
WEINERT:00 | Antje Weinert | Estimation of Critical Gaps and Follow-Up Times at Rural Unsignalized Intersections in Germany |
WEISS:99 | Peter Weiss | Stop-and-Go Science |
WELCH:02 | Greg Welch and Gary Bishop | An Introduction to the Kalman Filter |
WERMUTH:00 | Manfred Wermuth and Carsten Sommer and Sven Wulff | TeleTravel Systems (TTS) - Telematic System for the Automatic Survey of Travel Behaviour |
WERTH:98 | J. Werth | Galilei-invariante Fahrzeugwechselwirkungen im Straßenverkehr |
WESTERMAN:95 | Marcel Westerman | Real-Time Traffic Data Collection for Transportation Telematics |
WHITHAM:74 | Gerald Beresford Whitham | Linear and Nonlinear Waves |
WHITMAN:94 | Scott Whitman | Dynamic Load Balancing for Parallel Polygon Rendering |
WHITWORTH:07 | Brian Whitworth | The Physical World as a Virtual Reality |
WIEDEMANN:74 | R. Wiedemann | Simulation des Straßenverkehrsflusses |
WIEDIJK:08 | Freek Wiedijk | Formal Proof - Getting Started |
WIKIPEDIA | Wikipedia | Fluid Dynamics |
WILD:97 | Dieter Wild | Short-term forecasting based on a transformation and classification of traffic volume time series |
WILDBERGER:05 | N.J. Wildberger | Overview (to Divine Proportions) |
WILHELM:95 | Reinhard Wilhelm and Dieter Maurer | Compiler Design |
WILLEKENS:07 | Jan Willekens | Photoelectric properties of disordered semiconductors at constant photocurrent |
WILLIAMS:97 | James C. Williams | Two-Fluid Theory |
WILSON:67 | A.G. Wilson | A Statistical Theory of Spatial Distribution Models |
WINDOVER:01 | John R. Windover and Michael J. Cassidy | Some observed details of freeway traffic evolution |
WINTERS:98 | Philip L. Winters | Transportation Demand Management Papers Presented |
WLOKA:96 | Matthias M. Wloka and Robert C. Zeleznik | Interactive Real-Time Motion Blur |
WOLF:99 | Dietrich E. Wolf | Cellular automata for traffic simulations |
WOLFE | Joe Wolfe | How to Write a PhD Thesis |
WOLFRAM:02 | Stephen Wolfram | A New Kind of Science |
WOLFRAM:83 | Stephen Wolfram | Statistical Mechanics of Cellular Automata |
WOLFRAM:84 | Stephen Wolfram | Universality and Complexity in Cellular Automata |
WOLFRAM:84b | S. Wolfram and O. Martin and A.M. Odlyzko | Algebraic Properties of Cellular Automata |
WOLKI:05 | Marko Wölki and Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg | Asymmetric exclusion processes with shuffled dynamics |
WOLLRATH:03 | Ann Wollrath and Jim Waldo | Trail - RMI |
WOLPERT:02 | David Wolpert and Kagan Tumer | Avoiding Braeß' Paradox through Collective Intelligence |
WONG:02 | S.C. Wong and G.C.K. Wong | An analytical shock-fitting algorithm for LWR kinematic wave model embedded with linear speed-density relationship |
WONG:98 | S.C. Wong and C.O. Tong | Estimation of Time-Dependent Origin-Destination Matrices for Transit Networks |
WONG:98b | S.C. Wong | Multi-commodity traffic assignment by continuum approximation of network flow with variable demand |
WOUTERS:08 | Kristien Wouters | Classification Methods for Multi-Class Multivariate Longitudinal Data |
WPM:06 | Yibing Wang and Markos Papageorgiou and A. Messmer | RENAISSANCE: a real-time freeway network traffic surveillance tool |
WU:04 | Chun-Hsin Wu and Jan-Ming Ho and D.T. Lee | Travel Time Prediction with Support Vector Regression |
WU:97 | Jifeng Wu | A Real-Time Origin-Destination Matrix Updating Algorithm for On-Line Applications |
WU:98 | J.H. Wu and Y. Chen and M. Florian | The continuous dynamic network loading problem: A mathematical formulation and solution method |
WUENSCHE:99 | Andrew Wuensche | Classifying Cellular Automata Automatically |
XU:05 | Rui Xu and Donald Wunsch | Survey of Clustering Algorithms |
YAMAMOTO:99 | Yoshiharu Yamamoto | Detection of Chaos and Fractals from Experimental Time Series |
YANG:52 | C.N. Yang and T.D. Lee | Statistical theory of equations of state and phase transitions: I. Theory of condensation |
YANG:97 | Qi Yang | A Simulation Laboratory for Evaluation of Dynamic Traffic Management Systems |
YANG:98 | Hai Yang and Hai-Jun Huang | Principle of marginal-cost pricing: How does it work in a general road network? |
YANG:98b | Hai Yang and Qiang Meng | Departure time, route choice and congestion toll in a queueing network with elastic demand |
YELLA:10 | Gilbert Yella | Emissions Modelling: An Analysis of the Average Speed Emission Function with Copert Emission Factors in a Spreadsheet |
YI:03 | J. Yi and H. Lin and L. Alvarez and R. Horowitz | Stability of Macroscopic Traffic Flow Modeling through Wavefront Expansion |
YOU | Jinsoo You and Tschangho John Kim | Toward Developing an Expert GIS-Based Travel Time Forecasting Model with Congestion Pattern Analysis |
YOUNG:06 | Petey Young | Writing and Presenting in English - The Rosetta Stone of Science |
YPERMAN:03 | Isaak Yperman and Jim Stada and Ben Immers | Punctuele logistiek dankzij een robuust netwerk |
YPERMAN:03b | Isaak Yperman and Ben Immers | Capacity of a Turbo-Roundabout Determined by Micro-Simulation |
YPERMAN:05 | Isaak Yperman and Steven Logghe and Ben Immers | Strictly Pareto-improving congestion pricing in a multi-destination network |
YPERMAN:05b | Isaak Yperman and Steven Logghe and Chris Tampère and Ben Immers | The Multi-Commodity Link Transmission Model for Dynamic Network Loading |
YPERMAN:07 | Isaak Yperman | The Link Transmission Model for Dynamic Network Loading |
YSEBAERT:07 | Tom Ysebaert | Rijgedrag versus verzadiging |
YSEBAERT:07b | Tom Ysebaert | Alleen rekeningrijden haalt iets uit |
YUKAWA:94 | Satoshi Yukawa and Macoto Kikuchi and Shin-Ichi Tadaki | Dynamical Phase Transition in One Dimensional Traffic Flow Model with Blockage |
ZAHAVI:72 | Y. Zahavi | Traffic Performance Evaluation of Road Networks by the $&aslash;lpha$-Relationship |
ZARNS:06 | Kris Zarns and Ronald Marsh | RAYGL: An OpenGL to POVRAY API |
ZBILUT:92 | J.P. Zbilut and C.L. Webber | Embeddings and delays as derived from quantification of recurrence plots |
ZBILUT:98 | Joseph P. Zbilut and Alessandro Giuliani and Charles L. Webber | Recurrence Quantification Analysis and Principal Components in the Detection of Short Complex Signals |
ZEID:03 | Maya Abou Zeid | Models and Algorithms for the Optimization of Traffic Flows and Emissions Using Dynamic Routing and Pricing |
ZHANG:00 | H.M. Zhang | Structural properties of solutions arising from a nonequilibrium traffic flow theory |
ZHANG:01 | Michael Zhang and Taewan Kim and Xiaojian Nie and Wenlong Jin and Lianyu Chu and Will Recker | Evaluation of On-ramp Control Algorithms |
ZHANG:01b | H.M. Zhang | A note on highway capacity |
ZHANG:01c | H.M. Zhang | A finite difference approximation of a non-equilibrium traffic flow model |
ZHANG:02 | H.M. Zhang | A non-equilibrium traffic model devoid of gas-like behavior |
ZHANG:03 | H.M. Zhang | Anisotropic property revisited - does it hold in multi-lane traffic? |
ZHANG:03b | Lei Zhang and David Levinson | Some Properties of Flows at Freeway Bottlenecks |
ZHANG:03c | H.M. Zhang | Driver memory, traffic viscosity and a viscous vehicular traffic flow model |
ZHANG:03d | H.M. Zhang | On the consistency of a class of traffic flow models |
ZHANG:03e | Xiaoyan Zhang and John A. Rice | Short-term travel time prediction |
ZHANG:04 | Lei Zhang and David Levinson | Some Properties of Flows at Freeway Bottlenecks |
ZHANG:04b | Lei Zhang and David Levinson | A Model of the Rise and Fall of Roads |
ZHANG:05 | H.M. Zhang and T. Kim | A car-following theory for multiphase vehicular traffic flow |
ZHANG:05b | H. Michael Zhang | What causes traffic jams and how does a jam spread (kinematic wave traffic model)? |
ZHANG:97 | Xiaoyan Zhang and David F. Jarrett | Stability Analysis of the Classical Car-Following Model |
ZHANG:98 | H.M. Zhang | A theory of nonequilibrium traffic flow |
ZHANG:99 | Xiaoyan Zhang and John Rice | Visualizing Loop Detector Data |
ZHANG:99b | H.M. Zhang | A mathematical theory of traffic hysteresis |
ZILIASKOPOULOS:01 | Thanasis Ziliaskopoulos | Traffic Equilibrium Models - the Past, the Present and the Future |
ZILIASKOPOULOS:97 | Athanasios Ziliaskopoulos and Sungjoon Lee | A Cell Transmission Based Assignment-Simulation Model for Integrated Freeway-Surface Street Systems |
ZIMMERMAN:99 | Paul Zimmerman | Karatsuba Square Root |
ZIPF:49 | G.K. Zipf | Human Behavior and the Principle of Least Effort |
ZMD:08 | Michael Zhang and Jingtao Ma and Hu Dong | Developing Calibration Tools for Microscopic Traffic Simulation Final Report Part II |
ZONDAG:07 | Barry Zondag | Joint modeling of land-use, transport and economy |
ZUSE:67 | Konrad Zuse | Rechnender Raum |
ZUSE:69 | Konrad Zuse | Rechnender Raum |