Papers database | List of available papers

Refer to the table below for a complete list of all available papers.

Key Author(s) Title
ABBOTT:01 Robert Abbott Ext3 vs. ReiserFS
ABLAMOWICZ:03 Rafal Ablamowicz A Graduate Student's Guide to LaTeX and AMS-LaTeX
ABRAHAMSSON:98 Torgil Abrahamsson Estimation of Origin-Destination Matrices Using Traffic Counts: A Literature Survey
ABRAMOWITZ:72 Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables
ACHADAZA:94 Jorge A. Acha-Daza and Fred L. Hall Application of catastrophe theory to traffic flow variables
ACQUISTO:95 Pietro Acquisto and Eduard Gröller A Distortion Camera for Ray Tracing
AGRAWAL:02 Manindra Agrawal and Neeraj Kayal and Nitin Saxena PRIMES is in P
AHMED:99 Kazi Iftekhar Ahmed Modeling Driver's Acceleration and Lane Changing Behavior
AHN:04 Soyoung Ahn and Michael J. Cassidy and Jorge Andrés Laval Verification of a simplified car-following theory
AHO:74 A.V. Aho and J.E. Hopcroft and J.D. Ullman The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms
AKCELIK:07 Rahmi Akcelik A Review of Gap-Acceptance Capacity Models
AKCELIK:91 R. Akçelik Travel time functions for transport planning purposes: Davidson's function, its time-dependent form and an alternative travel time function
AKELEY:02 Kurt Akeley and David Kirk and Larry Seiler and Philipp Slusallek and Brad Grantham When Will Ray Tracing Replace Rasterization?
AKKERMANS:01 Michel Akkermans Virtual Finance - Gastcollege
ALBEVERIO S. Albeverio and M. Schreckenberg Connexion and completion of traffic data recorded unevenly in space and time
ALEXANDER:03 Kate Alexander Investigation of a New Macroscopic Model of Traffic Flow
ALGER Michael Alger Real-Time traffic monitoring using mobile phone data
ALGERS:98 Staffan Algers and Eric Bernauer and Marco Boero and Laurent Breheret and Carlo Di Taranto Simulation Modelling Applied to Road Transport European Scheme Tests (SMARTEST) - Review of Micro-Simulation Models
ALICANDRI:94 Elizabeth Alicandri HYSIM: The Next Best Thing to Being on the Road
ALLOUCHE:01 J.-P. Allouche and M. Courbage and G. Skordev Notes on cellular automata
ALTEPETER:04 Joseph B. Altepeter The Emergent Behaviour of Traffic
ALTMAN:03 Eitan Altman and Laura Wynter Equilibrium, games, and pricing in transportation and telecommunication networks
ALVAREZ:04 Luis Alvarez-Icaza and Laura Muñoz and Xiaotian Sun and Roberto Horowitz Adaptive Observer for Traffic Density Estimation
ALZATE:09 Carlos Alzate Support Vector Methods for Unsupervised Learning
AMANNA Ashwin Amanna The Smart Road - General Information
AMANNAb Ashwin Amanna and Charles Crawford Virginia's Smart Road : An Intelligent Transportations Systems Research Facility
AMMERAAL:89 Leen Ammeraal Turbo C
ANGEL:05 Omer Angel and Alexander E. Holroyd and James B. Martin The Jammed Phase of the Biham-Middleton-Levine Traffic Model
ANSORGE:90 Rainer Ansorge What does the entropy solution mean in traffic flow theory?
ANTHONY:97 Doctor Anthony Fermat's Last Theorem: Explanation
ANTONI:03 Mickaël Antoni and Raffaele Cafiero Dynamical phases and hysteresis in a simple one-lane traffic model
APOSTOL:07 Tom Apostol A Visual Approach to Calculus Problems
APS:01 Unknown APS Compuscript Guide for REVTeX 4
APS:01b Unknown REVTeX 4 Author's Guide
ARCHER:05 Jeffery Archer Indicators for traffic safety assessment and prediction and their application in micro-simulation modelling
ARENTZE:00 Theo Arentze and Harry Timmermans ALBATROSS: A Learning BAsed TRansportation Oriented Simulation System
ARGILE:96 A. Argile and E. Peytchev and A. Bargiela and I. Kosonen DIME - A shared memory environment for distributed simulation, monitoring and control of urban areas
ARNOTT:01 Richard Arnott The Economic Theory of Urban Traffic Congestion - A Microscopic Research Agenda
ARNOTT:94 Richard Arnott and Kenneth Small The Economics of Traffic Congestion
ARNOTT:94b Richard Arnott Alleviating Traffic Congestion: Alternatives to Road Pricing
ARNOTT:98 Richard Arnott and André de Palma and Robin Lindsey Recent developments in the bottleneck model
ARROYO:05 Santiago Arroyo and Alain L. Kornhauser Modeling Travel Time Distributions on a Road Network
ARVO:86 James Arvo Backward Ray Tracing
ASTARITA:02 V. Astarita Node and Link Models for Network Traffic Flow Simulation
AVENT Sean R. Avent Time Series Analysis - An Introduction
AVNET:00 Jeremy Avnet Theory of Cellular Automata
AW:00 A. Aw and M. Rascle Resurrection of ``Second Order'' Models of Traffic Flow?
AWAZU:99 Akinori Awazu Cellular automaton rule 184 + + C. A simple model for the complex dynamics of various particles flow
AWV:04 Administratie Wegen en Verkeer Het wegenpatrimonium in cijfers
AWV:06 Administratie Wegen en Verkeer, Departement Leefmilieu en Infrastructuur (LIN) van het Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap Knelpunten en `missing links'
AXHAUSEN:00 K.W. Axhausen Activity-based modelling: Research directions and possibilities
BABONNEAU:06 Frédéric Babonneau Solving the multicommodity flow problem with the analytic center cutting plane method
BACH:03 Martin Bach Working in the Sixth Dimension
BACKELJAUW:09 Franky Backeljauw A Contribution to the Reliable Evaluation of Mathematical Functions
BACKX Ton Backx and Okko Bosgra and Wolfgang Marquardt Integration of model predictive control and optimization of procesesses
BACKX:99 Ton Backx and Jobert Ludlage and Anton Koenraads Model Based Process Control ensures predictable process operation
BACKXb Ton Backx and Okko Bosgra and Wolfgang Marquardt Towards Intentional Dynamics in Supply Chain Conscious Process Operations
BACKXc Ton Backx and Jobert Ludlage and Anton Koenraads Application of model predictive control for quality control fo glass melting processes
BADGER:91 Joseph E. Badger Just how critical is critical speed?
BAEZ John Baez How Many Fundamentals Constants Are There?
BAEZ:01 John C. Baez The Octonions
BAEZ:99 John Baez Renormalization Made Easy
BAGNERINI:03 P. Bagnerini and M. Rascle A Multi-Class Homogenized Hyperbolic Model of Traffic Flow
BAGNERINI:05 Patrizia Bagnerini and Rinaldo M. Colombo and Andrea Corli On the role of source terms in continuum traffic flow models
BAJWA:03 S. Bajwa and E. Chung and M. Kuwahara Sensitivity Analysis of Short-Term Travel Time Prediction Model's Parameters
BAK:88 P. Bak and C. Tang and K. Wiesenfeld Self-organized criticality
BAKER:02 Mark Baker and Rajkumar Buyya and Domenico Laforenza Grids and Grid technologies for wide-area distributed computing
BALAKRISHNA:02 Ramachandran Balakrishna Calibration of the Demand Simulator in a Dynamic Traffic Assignment System
BALENOVIC:98 M. Balenovic and J.H.B.J. Hoebink and A.C.P.M. Backx and A.J.L. Nievergeld Modeling of an automotive exhaust gas converter at low temperatures, aiming at control application
BALMER:04 Michael Balmer and Kai Nagel and Bryan Raney Large-Scale Multi-Agent Simulations for Transportation Applications
BALMER:04b Michael Balmer and Bryan Raney and Kai Nagel Coupling activity-based demand generation to a truly agent-based traffic simulation - activity time allocation
BALMER:04c Michael Balmer and Nurhan Cetin and Kai Nagel and Bryan Raney Towards truly agent-based traffic and mobility simulations
BALMER:05 Michael Balmer and Marcel Rieser and Arnd Vogel and Kay W. Axhausen and Kai Nagel Generating Day Plans Based on Origin-Destination Matrices
BALMER:06 Michael Balmer and Kay W. Axhausen and Kai Nagel A Demand Generation Framework for Large Scale Micro Simulations
BANDO:95 M. Bando and K. Hasebe and A. Nakayama and A. Shibata and Y. Sugiyama Dynamic model of traffic congestion and numerical simulation
BANDO:98 M. Bando and K. Hasebe and K. Nakanishi and A. Nakayama Analysis of optimal velocity model with explicit delay
BARCELO:02 J. Barceló and D. Van Vliet Traffic Study: from Static through Dynamic to Simulation
BARCELO:02b Jaime Barceló and Jordi Casas Heuristic Dynamic Assignment based on Microscopic Traffic Simulation
BARCELO:02c J. Barceló Microscopic Traffic Simulation: A tool for the Analysis and Assessment of ITS Systems
BARCELO:98 J. Barceló and J.L. Ferrer and D. García and R. Grau Microscopic Traffic Simulation for ATT Systems Analysis - A Parallel Computing Version
BARGERA:10 Hillel Bar-Gera Traffic assignment by paired alternative segments
BARLOVIC:02 Robert Barlović and Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg Random walk theory of jamming in a cellular automaton model for traffic flow
BARLOVIC:02b Robert Barlović and Torsten Huisinga and Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg Open boundaries in a cellular automaton model for traffic flow with metastable states
BARLOVIC:03 Robert Barlović Traffic Jams - Cluster formation in low-dimensional cellular automata models for highway and city traffic
BARLOVIC:98 R. Barlović and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg Metastable States in Cellular Automata for Traffic Flow
BARLOVIC:98b Robert Barlović Metastabile Zustände im Zellularautomatenmodell für den Straßenverkehr
BARLOVIC:99 R. Barlović and J. Esser and K. Froese and W. Knospe and L. Neubat and M. Schreckenberg and J. Wahle Online Traffic Simulation with Cellular Automata
BARR:84 Alan H. Barr Global and local deformations of solid primitives
BARRETT:95 Christopher L. Barrett and Steven Eubank and Kai Nagel and Steen Rasmussen and Jason Riordan and Murray Wolinsky Issues in the representation of traffic using multi-resolution cellular automata
BARRO:99 Roberto J. Barro and Xavier Sala-i-Martin Economic Growth
BASILE:04 F. Basile and C. Carbone and P. Chiacchio and R. Boel and C. Avram A hybrid model for urban traffic control
BASTIN:95 G. Bastin and J. F. Van Impe Nonlinear and Adaptive Control in Biotechnology: A Tutorial
BATLEY Richard Batley and Tony Fowkes and David Watling and Gerard Whelan and Andrew Daly and Eiji Hato Models for analysing route choice
BATLEY:01 Richard P. Batley and Richard G. Clegg Driver Route and Departure Time Choices: The Evidence and the Models
BBCNEWS:00 BBC News Wormholes take on a new dimension
BECK:98 Kent Beck and Erich Gamma JUnit Test Infected - Programmers Love Writing Tests
BECKER:03 Dan Becker Java: Add MP3 capabilities to Java Sound with SPI
BECKMANN:55 Martin Beckmann and Charles Bartlett McGuire and Christopher B. Winsten Studies in the Economics of Transportation
BEKAERT Robert Bekaert The Use of Mathematical Modelling and Simulation Techniques at the Sidmar Steel Plant
BELL:91 Michael G.H. Bell The Estimation of Origin-Destination Matrices by Constrained Generalised Least Squares
BELL:91b Michael G.H. Bell The Real Time Estimation of Origin-Destination Flows in the Presence of Platoon Dispersion
BELLEMANS:00 Tom Bellemans and Bart De Schutter and Bart De Moor Data acquisition, interfacing and pre-processing of highway traffic data
BELLEMANS:01 Tom Bellemans Technische systemen voor verkeersmanagement
BELLEMANS:01b Tom Bellemans and Bart De Schutter and Bart De Moor An improved first-order macroscopic flow model for highway traffic simulation
BELLEMANS:01c Tom Bellemans and Bart De Schutter and Bart De Moor Models for traffic control
BELLEMANS:03 Tom Bellemans Traffic Control on Motorways
BELLEMANS:99 Tom Bellemans and Bart De Schutter and Bart De Moor On data acquisition, modelling and simulation of highway traffic
BELLOVIN:03 Steven M. Bellovin A Technique for Counting NATted Hosts
BELOMESTNY:03 D. Belomestny and H.Siegel On the Stochastic and Self-Similar Nature of Highway Traffic Data
BENAKIVA:02 Moshe E. Ben-Akiva and Angus Davol and Tomer Toledo and Haris N. Koutsopoulos and Wilco Burghout and Ingmar Andréasson and Tobias Johansson Calibration and Evaluation of MITSIMLab in Stockholm
BENAKIVA:85 M.E. Ben-Akiva and S.R. Lerman Discrete Choice Analysis: Theory and Application to Travel Demand
BENAKIVA:96 Moshe Ben-Akiva and Michel Bierlaire and H.N. Koutsopoulos and R. G. Mishalani DynaMIT: Dynamic network assignment for the management of information to travelers
BENAKIVA:98 Moshe Ben-Akiva and Michel Bierlaire and H.N. Koutsopoulos and R. G. Mishalani DynaMIT: a simulation-based system for traffic prediction
BENAKIVA:99 M. Ben-Akiva and M. Bierlaire Discrete choice methods and their applications to short term travel decisions
BENARTZI:03 Matania Ben-Artzi and Joseph Falcovitz Generalized Riemann Problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics
BENENSON:04 Itzhak Benenson and Paul M. Torrens Geosimulation: Automata-based Modeling of Urban Phenomena
BENJAAFAR Saifallah Benjaafar and Kevin Dooley and Wibowo Setyawan Cellular Automata for Traffic Flow Modeling
BENJAMIN:96 Simon C. Benjamin and Neil F. Johnson and P.M. Hui Cellular automata models of traffic flow along a highway containing a junction
BENJAMIN:96 Simon C. Benjamin and Neil F. Johnson and P.M. Hui Cellular automata models of traffic flow along a highway containing a junction
BENNAIM:01 E. Ben-Naim and P.L. Krapivsky Kinetic Theory of Traffic Flows
BENNAIM:99 E. Ben-Naim and P.L. Krapivsky Maxwell Model of Traffic Flows
BENYOUSSEF:03 A. Benyoussef and H. Chakib and H.Ez-Zahraouy Anisotropic effect on two-dimensional cellular automaton traffic flow with periodic and open boundaries
BERNSTEIN:99 Dennis R. Bernstein A Student's Guide to Research
BERRY:68 James R. Berry 40 Years in the Future
BERTELSONS:95 Boris Bertelsons and Mathias Rach PC Underground
BERTINI Robert L. Bertini Congestion and its extent
BERTINI:02 Robert L. Bertini and Michael J. Cassidy Some Observed Queue Discharge Features at a Freeway Bottleneck Downstream of a Merge
BERTINI:03 R.L. Bertini Toward the Systematic Diagnosis of Freeway Bottleneck Activation
BERTINI:04 Robert L. Bertini and James Strathman and Sutti Tantiyanugulchai and Shazia Malik and Ahmed El-Geneidy Multimodal ITS Data Integration and Performance Measurement in Portland, Oregon
BERTINI:05 Robert L. Bertini and Roger V. Lindgren and Dirk Helbing and Martin Schonhof Empirical Observations of Dynamic Traffic Flow Phenomena on a German Autobahn
BERTINI:05b Robert L. Bertini and Aaron M. Myton Using PeMS Data to Empirically Diagnose Freeway Bottleneck Locations in Orange County, California
BERTINI:11 Robert Bertini 75 Years of the Fundamental Diagram for Traffic Flow Theory: Greenshields Symposium
BERTINI:99 Robert Lawrence Bertini Time-Dependent Traffic Flow Features at a Freeway Bottleneck Downstream of a Merge
BETHLEHEM:01 J. Bethlehem and S. van Buuren Missing Values: a symposium on incomplete data
BEZOS:99 Javier Bezos LaTeX - The titlesec and titletoc packages
BHAM:04 Ghulam H. Bham and Rahim F. Benekohal A high fidelity traffic simulation model based on cellular automata and car-following concepts
BICKEL Peter Bickel and Chao Chen and Jaimyoung Kwon and John Rice and Pravin Varaiya and Erik van Zwet Traffic Flow on a Freeway Network
BICKEL:04 Peter Bickel and Chao Chen and Jaimyoung Kwon and John Rice and Erik van Zwet and Pravin Varaiya Measuring Traffic
BIERCE:11 Ambrose Bierce The Devil's Dictionary
BIERLAIRE:95 Michel Bierlaire Mathematical models for transportation demand analysis
BIHAM:92 Ofer Biham and A. Alan Middleton and Dov Levine Self-organization and a dynamical transition in traffic-flow models
BISHOP:03 Phil Bishop and Nigel Warren JavaSpaces in practice
BLANK:00 Michael Blank Variational principles in the analysis of traffic flows (Why it is worth to go against the flow.)
BLANK:05 Michael Blank Hysteresis Phenomenon in Deterministic Traffic Flows
BLANKESTEIJN Herbert Blankesteijn Vreemd en moeilijk
BLANKESTEIJN:95 Herbert Blankesteijn Stephen Hawking Superster
BLANPAIN:09 Roger Blanpain and Els Vanheusden and Emmanuel Verraes and Melanie Verroken Auteurscontracten voor educatieve en wetenschappelijke uitgaven
BLIEMER Michiel C.J. Bliemer and Ronald J. Castenmiller and Piet H.L. Bovy Analytical multiclass dynamic traffic assignment using a dynamic network loading procedure
BLIEMER:01 M.C.J. Bliemer Analytical dynamic traffic assignment with interacting user-classes: theoretical advances and applications using a variational inequality approach
BLIEMER:04 Michiel Bliemer and Erik Versteegt and Ronald Castenmiller INDY: A new analytical multiclass dynamic traffic assignment model
BLIEMER:04b Michiel Bliemer Dynamic traffic modeling and road pricing on motorway networks
BLIEMERb Michiel C.J. Bliemer Queuing in an Analytical Multiclass Dynamic Network Loading Model
BLUE:03 M. Blue and B.W. Bush Information content in the Nagel-Schreckenberg cellular automata traffic model
BOCCARA:00 N. Boccara and H. Fukś Critical behavior of a cellular automaton highway traffic model
BOCCARA:97 N. Boccara and H. Fukś and Q. Zeng Car accidents and number of stopped cars due to road blockage on a one-lane highway
BOGAERT:06 Sarah Bogaert and Lieven De Smet and Frederik Verdonk and Karl Van Biervliet and Steven Logghe and Laurent Franckx and Johan Eyckmans et al. Verkennende studie naar de prijs- en inkomenselasticiteiten van milieugerelateerde goederen en diensten in Vlaanderen
BOITTIN:98 Margaret Boittin and Erin Callahan and David Goldberg and Jacob Remes Math That Makes You Go Wow - A Multi-Discplinary Exploration of Non-Orientable Surfaces
BOLKER:98 Joan Bolker Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day: A Guide to Starting, Revising, and Finishing Your Doctoral Thesis
BOON:88 K.L. Boon Pascal voor iedereen
BOONE:97 Marianne Boone and Johan Nootens and Kristien Spillebeen and Marianne van Scherpenzeel De nieuwe spelling ... in de nieuwe spelling
BORGA:99 Magnus Borga Canonical Correlation: A Tutorial
BORKAR:03 V.S. Borkar and P.R. Kumar Dynamic Cesaro-Wardrop Equilibration in Networks
BORKEN:00 Jens Borken and Wolfram Knörr and Ulrich Höpfner Energy consumption and pollutant emissions from road transport in Belgium
BORLAND:88 Borland International Turbo Pascal 5 - User's Guide
BORLAND:89 Borland International Turbo Pascal 5 - Reference Guide
BOSMANS:01 P. Bosmans and P. Watté and S. Van Houte Integrale kwaliteitszorg bij de produktie van innovatieve HID lichtbronnen
BOTMA:00 H. Botma Verkeersafwikkeling - Volume A - Traffic Flow Theory
BOTMA:01 H. Botma and T. Dijker Cursus Fosim
BOTMA:99 Hein Botma The Free Speed Distribution of Drivers: Estimation Approaches
BOTTOM:00 Jon Alan Bottom Consistent Anticipatory Route Guidance
BOTTOMLEY:96 James Bottomley and John Baez Why are there eight gluons and not nine?
BOUCHAUD:01 Jean-Philippe Bouchaud and Marc Potters Theory of Financial Risks: From Statistical Physics to Risk Management
BOURKE:98 Paul Bourke Recurrence plots
BOURREL:02 Emmanuel Bourrel and Vincent Henn Mixing Micro and Macro Representations of Traffic Flow: A First Theoretical Step
BOVAL:00 Christophe Boval and Steven De Foer and Dominique Minten Wilt U betalen om niet in de file te staan?
BOVY:00 Piet L. Bovy and Remmelt Thijs Estimators of Travel Time for Road Networks - New developments, evaluation results, and applications
BOVY:04 Piet H.L. Bovy A World of Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics - Proceedings of the 8th International TRAIL Congress 2004
BOVY:84 Piet H.L. Bovy Travel time errors in shortest route predictions and all-or-nothing assignments: theoretical analysis and simultation findings
BOWMAN:95 J. Bowman and M. Ben-Akiva Activity-Based Model System of Urban Passenger Travel Demand
BOWMAN:98 John L. Bowman The day activity schedule approach to travel demand analysis
BOX:76 George E.P. Box and Gwilym M. Jenkins Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control
BOX:94 George E.P. Box and Gwilym M. Jenkins and G.C. Reinsel Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control
BOYCE:01 David Boyce and Der-Horng Lee and Bin Ran Analytical Models of the Dynamic Traffic Assignment Problem
BOYCE:04 David E. Boyce and Hani S. Mahmassani and Anna Nagurney A Retrospective on Beckmann, McGuire and Winsten's Studies in the Economics of Transportation
BOYCE:04b David E. Boyce Forecasting Travel on Congested Urban Transportation Networks: Review and Prospects for Network Equilibrium Models
BOYCE:06 David Boyce and Anna Nagurney In Memoriam: C. Bartlett McGuire (1925-2006) and Christopher B. Winsten (1923-2005)
BOYCE:98 David Boyce A Practitioner's Guide to Urban Travel Forecasting Models
BPR:64 Unknown Traffic Assignment Manual
BRACKSTONE:00 Mark Brackstone and Mike McDonald Car Following: A Historical Review
BRADLEY:02 David Bradley What does my molecule look like?
BRADLEY:02b Elizabeth Bradley and Ricardo Mantilla Recurrence Plots and Unstable Periodic Orbits
BRADLEY:99 Elizabeth Bradley Time-Series Analysis
BRAESS:05 Dietrich Braeß and Anna Nagurney and Tina Wakolbinger On a paradox of traffic planning
BRAESS:69 Dietrich Braeß Über ein Paradoxon aus der Verkehrsplanung
BRAGA:95 G. Braga and G. Cattaneo and P. Flocchini and C. Quaranta Vogliotti Pattern growth in elementary cellular automata
BRANKOV J.G. Brankov and N.C. Pesheva and N.Zh. Bunzarova One-Dimensional Traffic Flow Models - Theory and Computer Simulations
BRANKOV:96 J.G. Brankov and V.B. Priezzhev and M. Schreckenberg The Kasteleyn model and a cellular automaton approach to traffic flow
BRANSTON:76 David Branston Models of Single Lane Time Headway Distributions
BRANSTON:76b David Branston Link capacity functions: A review
BRATT:99 Hanna Bratt and Eva Ericsson Measuring vehicle driving patterns - estimating the influence of different measuring intervals
BREHM:95 Denise Brehm Traffic simulator incorporates driving styles
BRETZ:99 Elizabeth A. Bretz Transportation Technology Analysis and Forecast
BRIEGER:00 Nick Brieger and Simon Sweeney The Language of Business English - Grammar and Functions
BRILON:00 Werner Brilon Traffic Flow Analysis Beyond Traditional Methods
BRILON:99 Werner Brilon and Frank Weiser Recent Developments in Highway Cross Section Design in Germany
BRILON:99b W. Brilon and N. Wu Evaluation of Cellular Automata for Traffic Flow Simulation on Freeway and Urban Streets
BRINKMAN:03 P. Anthony Brinkman The Ethical Challenges and Professional Responses of Travel Demand Forecasters
BROCKFELD:03 Elmar Brockfeld and Reinhart D. Kühne and Alexander Skabardonis and Peter Wagner Towards a benchmarking of microscopic traffic flow models
BROCKFELD:04 Elmar Brockfeld and Rene Kelpin and Peter Wagner Performance of car following behaviour in microscopic traffic flow models
BROERSEN:02 Piet M.T. Broersen Automatic Spectral Analysis With Time Series Models
BROOKE:98 Anthony Brooke and David Kendrick and Alexander Meeraus and Ramesh Raman GAMS - A User's Guide
BROUCKE:96 M. Broucke and P. Varaiya A theory of traffic flow in automated highway systems
BROWN:63 Robert Goodell Brown Smoothing, Forecasting and Prediction of Discrete Time Series
BUBAK:99 Marian Bubak and Przemyslaw Czerwiński Traffic simulation using cellular automata and continuous models
BUCKLEY:68 D.J. Buckley A Semi-Poisson Model of Traffic Flow
BUCKLEY:74 D.J. Buckley and S. Yagar Capacity funnels near on-ramps
BUDIANSKY:00 Stephen Budiansky The Physics of Gridlock
BUI:92 D.D. Bui and P. Nelson and S.L. Narasimhan Computational realizations of the entropy condition in modelling congested traffic flow
BULTHEEL:01 Adhemar Bultheel Wavelets with applications in signal and image processing
BURGERS:48 Johannes Martinus Burgers A Mathematical Model Illustrating the Theory of Turbulence
BURGESS:25 Ernest W. Burgess The Growth of the City
BURGHOUT:04 Wilco Burghout Hybrid microscopic-mesoscopic traffic simulation
BURGHOUT:04b Wilco Burghout A note on the number of replication runs in stochastic traffic simulation models
BURGHOUT:05 Wilco Burghout and Haris N. Koutsopoulos and Ingmar Andreasson Hybrid Mesoscopic-Microscopic Traffic simulation
BURKE:01 Shaun Burke Understanding the Structure of Scientific Data
BURKE:01b Shaun Burke Analysis of Variance
BURKE:01c Shaun Burke Regression and Calibration
BURKE:01d Shaun Burke Missing Values, Outliers, Robust Statistics & Non-Parametric Methods
BURNIKEL:98 Christophe Burnikel and Joachim Ziegler Fast Recursive Division
BURRELL:68 J.E. Burrell Multiple route assignment and its application to capacity restraint
BUTLER:04 Decan Butler Sound and vision
BUTTERWORTH:98 Mary Butterworth and Ian Butterworth and Doris Teplitz and Vigdor Teplitz How Particles Acquire Mass
BUYTAERT:08 Dries Buytaert Profiling Techniques for Performance Analysis and Optimization of Java Applications
CALDWELL:03 Robert R. Caldwell and Marc Kamionkowski and Nevin N. Weinberg Phantom Energy and Cosmic Doomsday
CALIPER:01 Caliper Corporation TransCAD
CALVET:99 Carlos Calvet Assault to the Fortress Pi
CAMBRIDGE:98 Unknown The article physicist's view of nature
CAMERON:94 Gordon Cameron and Brian J. N. Wylie and David McArthur PARAMICS - Moving Vehicles on the Connection Machine
CAMPARI Enrico G. Campari and Giuseppe Levi and Vittorio Maniezzo Cellular Automata and Roundabout Traffic Simulation
CAMPBELL:59 E.W. Campbell and L.E. Keefer and R.W. Adams A Method for Predicting Speeds through Signalised Street Sections
CAMUS:97 Roberto Camus and Giulio E. Cantarella and Domenico Inaudi Real-time estimation and prediction of origin-destination matrices per time slice
CARDINAELS:06 Bert Cardinaels Toepassing van prijsmechanisme op het Belgische wegennet
CAREY:05 Malachy Carey and Y.E. Ge Alternative Conditions for a Well-Behaved Travel Time Model
CAREY:58 H.C. Carey Principles of Social Science
CARLIER:00 Kristof Carlier and Bruno Villé Dynamisch Verkeersmanagement - Toepassing op de E17 met behulp van micro-simulatiemodel Aimsun2
CARLIER:05 Kristof Carlier and Rob Van Nes and Jeroen Schrijver and Stella Catalano TRANSFER: A new equilibrium model for analysing multimodal passenger trips
CARPENTIER:02 Nathalie Carpentier Zonder handen in de haarspeldbocht
CASCETTA:09 Ennio Cascetta Transportation Systems Analysis: Models and Applications
CASCETTA:88 Ennio Cascetta and Sang Nguyen A Unified Framework for Estimation or Updating Origin-Destination Matrices from Traffic Counts
CASCETTA:91 E. Cascetta and C. Cantarella A day-to-day and within-day dynamic stochastic assignment model
CASCETTA:93 Ennio Cascetta and Domenico Inaudi and Gérald Marquis Dynamic Estimators of Origin-Destination Matrices Using Traffic Counts
CASDAGLI:97 M.C. Casdagli Recurrence Plots Revisited
CASEY:55 H.J. Casey Application to traffic engineering of the law of retail gravitation
CASSIDY:01 M.J. Cassidy and Michael Mauch An observed traffic pattern in long freeway queues
CASSIDY:95 M. Cassidy and J. Windover Methodology for assessing dynamics of freeway traffic flow
CASSIDY:97 Michael J. Cassidy and Benjamin Coifman Relation among average speed, flow, and density and analogous relation between density and occupancy
CASSIDY:98 Michael J. Cassidy Bivariate Relations in Nearly Stationary Highway Traffic
CASSIDY:99 M.J. Cassidy and R.L. Bertini Some Traffic Features at Freeway Bottlenecks
CASSIDY:99b Michael J. Cassidy and Robert L. Bertini Observations at a Freeway Bottleneck
CASTRO Rolando Castro and Tim Sauer Reconstructing chaotic dynamics through spike filters
CASTROb Rolando Castro and Tim Sauer Chaos and noise in excitable systems
CAYFORD:97 Randall Cayford and Wei-Hua Lin and Carlos F. Daganzo The NETCELL simulation package: technical description
CDV:04 CD&V Oosterweelverbinding - Beslissing uitgesteld tot einde 2004
CETIN:02 Nurhan Cetin and Adrian Burri and Kai Nagel Parallel Queue Model Approach to Traffic Microsimulations
CETIN:03 Nurhan Cetin and Adrian Burri and Kai Nagel A Large-Scale Agent-Based Traffic Microsimulation Based On Queue Model
CHABINI Ismail Chabini and Yiyi He Analytical Methods for Dynamic Traffic Assignment
CHACHICH:98 Alan Chachich and Masroor Hasan and David Cuneo Extraction of Driver Behavior Information from Traffic Video to Support Microscopic Traffic Simulation
CHAKRABARTI:06 Bikas K. Chakrabarti A fiber bundle model of traffic jams
CHAN:02 K.S. Chan and William H.K. Lam Optimal speed detector density for the network with travel time information
CHANDLER:58 R.E. Chandler and R. Herman and E.W. Montroll Traffic dynamics: studies in car following
CHANG:01 Allen Y. Chang A Survey of Geometric Data Structures for Ray Tracing
CHANUT:03 Stéphane Chanut and Christine Buisson Godunov Discretization of a Two-Flow Macroscopic Model for Mixed Traffic with Distinguished Speeds and Lengths
CHAU:95 H.F. Chau and Pak-ming Hui and Y.F. Woo Upper Bounds for the Critical Car Densities in Traffic Flow Problems
CHEN Owen J. Chen and Anthony F. Hotz and Moshe E. Ben-Akiva Development and Evaluation of a Dynamic Ramp Metering Control Model
CHEN:01 Chao Chen and Zhanfeng Jia and Pravin Varaiya Causes and Cures of Highway Congestion
CHEN:01b Anthony Chen and Wilfred W. Recker Considering Risk Taking Behavior in Travel Time Reliability
CHEN:01c Chao Chen and Karl F. Petty and Alexander Skabardonis and Pravin Varaiya and Zhanfeng Jia Freeway Performance Measurement System: Mining Loop Detector Data
CHEN:02 Chao Chen and Erik van Zwet and Pravin Varaiya and Alex Skabardonis Travel Time Reliability as a Measure of Service
CHEN:03 Chao Chen and Jaimyoung Kwon and John Rice and Alexander Skabardonis and Pravin Varaiya Detecting Errors and Imputing Missing Data for Single Loop Surveillance Systems
CHEN:96 Chienho Chen An Activity-Based Approach to Accessibility
CHEN:98 Owen Jianwen Chen Integration of Dynamic Traffic Control and Assignment
CHEW:09 Monica Chew and Dirk Balfanz and Ben Laurie (Under)mining Privacy in Social Networks
CHEYBANI:01 S. Cheybani and J. Kertész and M. Schreckenberg Nondeterministic Nagel-Schreckenberg traffic model with open boundary conditions
CHEYBANI:01b S. Cheybani and J. Kertész and M. Schreckenberg Stochastic boundary conditions in the deterministic Nagel-Schreckenberg traffic model
CHEYBANI:98 S. Cheybani and J. Kertész and M. Schreckenberg Correlation functions in the Nagel-Schreckenberg model
CHIABAUT:07 N. Chiabaut and Ch. Buisson Replications in stochastic traffic flow models - Incremental method to determine sufficient number of runs
CHIARADIA:07 Alain Chiaradia Emergent Route Choice Behaviour, Motorway and trunk road Network: The Nantes Conurbation
CHIEN:02 Steven I. Chien and Xiaobo Liu and Kaan Ozbay Predicting Travel Times for the South Jersey Real-time Motorist Information System
CHOA Fred Choa and Ronald T. Milam and David Stanek CORSIM, PARAMICS and VISSIM - What the Manuals Never Told You
CHOO:04 Sangho Choo Aggregate Relationships between Telecommunications and Travel - Structural Equation Modeling of Time Series Data
CHOPARD:02 Bastien Chopard and Alexandre Dupuis and Alexandre Masselot and Pascal Luthi Cellular Automata and Lattice Boltzmann Techniques - An Approach to Model and Simulate Complex Systems
CHOPARD:95 Bastien Chopard and Pierre-Antoine Queloz and Pascal O. Luthi Traffic Models of a 2D road network
CHOPARD:97 Bastien Chopard and Alexandre Dupuis and Pascal Luthi A cellular automata model for urban traffic and its application to the city of Geneva
CHORUS:07 Caspar Gerard Chorus Traveler Response to Information
CHOWDHURY:00 Debashish Chowdhury and Ludger Santen and Andreas Schadschneider Statistical Physics of Vehicular Traffic and Some Related Systems
CHOWDHURY:00b D. Chowdhury and J. Kertész and K. Nagel and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider Comment on ``Critical behavior of a traffic flow model''
CHOWDHURY:04 D. Chowdhury and K.Nishinari and A. Schadschneider Self-organized patterns and traffic flow in colonies of organisms
CHOWDHURY:05 Debashish Chowdhury and Andreas Schadschneider and Katsuhiro Nishinari Physics of Transport and Traffic Phenomena in Biology: from molecular motors and cells to organisms
CHOWDHURY:98 Debashish Chowdhury and Abhay Pasupathy and Shishir Sinha Distributions of Time- and Distance-Headways in the Nagel-Schreckenberg Model of Vehicular Traffic: Effects of Hindrances
CHOWDHURY:99 D. Chowdhury and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and S. Sinha and A. Pasupathy Spatio-temporal organization of vehicles in a cellular automata model of traffic with 'slow-to-start' rule
CHOWDHURY:99b Debashish Chowdhury and Ludger Santen and Andreas Schadschneider Vehicular Traffic: A System of Interacting Particles Driven Far From Equilibrium
CHOWDHURY:99c Debashish Chowdhury and Andreas Schadschneider Self-Organization of traffic jams in cities: Effects of stochastic dynamics and signal periods
CHROBOK:00 Roland Chrobok and Oliver Kaumann and Joachim Wahle and Michael Schreckenberg Three Categories of Traffic Data: Historical, Current and Predictive
CHROBOK:02 R. Chrobok and A. Pottmeier and S.F. Marinosson and M. Schreckenberg On-Line Simulation and Traffic Forecast: Applications and Results
CHROBOK:04 Roland Chrobok and Sigurdur F. Hafstein and Andreas Pottmeier OLSIM: A New Generation of Traffic Information Systems
CHU:04 Lianyu Chu and Henry X. Liu and Jun-Seok Oh and Will Recker A Calibration Procedure for Microscopic Traffic Simulation
CHUA:04 L.O. Chua and V.I. Sbitnev and S. Yoon A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram's New Kind of Science. Part III: Predicting the Unpredictable
CHUA:05 Leon Chua A Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram's New Kind of Science. From Bernoulli Shift to Universal Computation
CHUNG:02 Koohong Chung and Michael J. Cassidy Testing Daganzo's Behavioral Theory for Multi-lane Freeway Traffic
CIRILLO:02 Cinzia Cirillo and Kai W. Axhausen Comparing urban activity travel behaviour
CLAES:03 Ivo Claes Antwerpen in de ban van de ring
CLAEYS:08 Manu Claeys and Peter Verhaeghe Lange Wapper: brug zonder draagvlak
CLAYTON:08 Richard Clayton Do Zebras get more Spam than Aardvarks?
CLAYTON:97 Keith Clayton Basic Concepts in Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
CLEVELAND:64 D.E. Cleveland and D.G. Capelle Queueing Theory Approaches
CLINE:95 Marshall P. Cline and Greg A. Lomow C++ FAQs
CLUNE:97 Arthur Clune STEER v2.0 Information
COCHEZ:01 Tom Cochez Een kleine satelliet met grote ambities
COCHINOS:00 Richard Cochinos Introduction to the Theory of Cellular Automata and One-Dimensional Traffic Simulation
COESSENS:06 Bert Coessens Data Integration Techniques for Molecular Biology Research
COHEN:05 Leon Cohen The History of Noise
COIFMAN:00 Benjamin Coifman and Michael Cassidy Automated Travel Time Measurement Using Vehicle Lengths From Loop Detectors
COIFMAN:01 Benjamin Coifman Improved Velocity Estimation Using Single Loop Detectors
COIFMAN:02 Benjamin Coifman Estimating Travel Times and Vehicle Trajectories on Freeways Using Dual Loop Detectors
COIFMAN:02b Benjamin Coifman and Michael Cassidy Vehicle Reidentification and Travel Time Measurement on Congested Freeways
COIFMAN:03 Benjamin Coifman Estimating Median Velocity Instead of Mean Velocity at Single Loop Detectors
COIFMAN:03b Benjamin Coifman Estimating Density and Lane Inflow on a Freeway Segment
COIFMAN:03c Benjamin Coifman Identifying the onset of congestion rapidly with existing traffic detectors
COIFMAN:96 Benjamin Coifman New methodology for smoothing freeway loop detector data: introduction to digital filtering
COIFMAN:97 Benjamin Coifman Time Space Diagrams for Thirtheen Shock Waves
COIFMAN:99b Benjamin Coifman Using Dual Loop Speed Traps to Identify Detector Errors
COLLINS Graham P. Collins Trapped over a Chip
COLLINS:01 Francis S. Collins and Lowell Weiss and Kathy Hudson Heredity and Humanity
COLOMBO:05 Rinaldo M. Colombo and Paola Goatin Traffic Flow Models with Phase Transitions
COLYAR:06 James Colyar and John Halkias NGSIM - Next Generation SIMulation
COOK Stephen Cook The P versus NP Problem
COOLS:07 M. Cools and E. Moons and G. Wets Investigating the Effect of Holidays on Daily Traffic Counts: A Time Series Approach
CORBETT:05 John Corbett Torsten Hägerstrand: Time Geography
CORREA:98 Wagner Toledo Corrêa and Robert J. Jensen and Craig E. Thayer and Adam Finkelstein Texture Mapping for Cell Animation
CORSIM Unknown CORSIM - FHWA's Microscopic Corridor Traffic Simulation
CORTHOUT:07 Ruben Corthout and Rodric Frederix Afwikkeling van voetgangersstromen in stationsterminals
CORTHOUT:12 Ruben Corthout Intersection Modelling and Marginal Simulation in Dynamic Network Loading
COUZIN:03 I.D. Couzin and N.R. Franks Self-organized lane formation and optimized traffic flow in army ants
CRAMER:04 Mark S. Cramer Foundations of Fluid Mechanics
CRAPPE:01 M. Crappe Les méthodes de planification de la production et du transport de l'énergie électrique
CRAWFORD Ian Crawford Where are they?
CREATIVE:91 Creative Labs Inc. The Developer Kit for Sound Blaster Series - User's Guide
CREATIVE:96 Creative Labs Inc. Sound Blaster Series - Hardware Programming Guide
CREMER:81 M. Cremer and M. Papageorgiou Parameter Identification for a Traffic Flow Model
CREMER:86 M. Cremer and J. Ludwig A Fast Simulation Model for Traffic Flow on the Basis of Boolean Operations
CREMER:87 M. Cremer and H. Keller A New Class of Dynamic Methods for the Identification of Origin-Destination Flows
CREMER:96 James Cremer and Joseph Kearney and Yiannis Papelis Driving Simulation: Challenges for VR Technology
CRISTEA:99 Paul Cristea Independent Component Analysis: A Tutorial
CRONSTROM:01 Christofer Cronström and Milan Noga Third-order Phase Transition and Superconductivity in Thin Films
CRUTCHFIELD:87 James P. Crutchfield and Kunihiko Kaneko Phenomenology of Spatiotemporal Chaos
CUESTA:03 José A. Cuesta and Froilán C. Martínez and Juan M. Molera and Angel Sánchez Phase transitions in two-dimensional traffic flow models
CULIK:88 K. Čulik and Sheng Yu Undecidability of CA classification schemes
CUYT:97 Annie Cuyt and Brigitte Verdonk Computer Arithmetic and Numerical Techniques
DAGANZO:02 Carlos F. Daganzo A behavioral theory of multi-lane traffic flow. Part I: Long homogeneous freeway sections
DAGANZO:02b Carlos F. Daganzo A behavioral theory of multi-lane traffic flow. Part II: Merges and the onset of congestion
DAGANZO:02c Carlos F. Daganzo Reproducible features of congested highway traffic
DAGANZO:02d Carlos F. Daganzo Reversibility of the time-dependent shortest path problem
DAGANZO:02e Carlos F. Daganzo and Jorge Andrés Laval and J. C. Muñoz Ten Strategies For Freeway Congestion Mitigation With Advanced Technologies
DAGANZO:03 Carlos F. Daganzo A variational formulation for a class of first-order PDE's
DAGANZO:03b Carlos F. Daganzo A variational formulation of kinematic waves: Solution methods
DAGANZO:03c Carlos F. Daganzo A Variational Formulation of Kinematic Wave Theory
DAGANZO:03d Carlos F. Daganzo and Jorge Andrés Laval On the Numerical Treatment of Moving Bottlenecks
DAGANZO:04 Carlos F. Daganzo On the Stability of Supply Chains
DAGANZO:05 Carlos F. Daganzo A variational formulation of kinematic waves: basic theory and complex boundary solutions
DAGANZO:05b Carlos F. Daganzo and Monica Menendez A variational formulation of kinematic waves: Bottleneck properties and examples
DAGANZO:06 Carlos F. Daganzo In traffic flow, cellular automata = kinematic waves
DAGANZO:77 C.F. Daganzo and Y. Sheffi On Stochastic Models of Traffic Assignment
DAGANZO:94 Carlos F. Daganzo The Cell Transmission Model. Part I: A Simple Dynamic Representation of Highway Traffic
DAGANZO:95 Carlos F. Daganzo Requiem for second-order fluid approximations of traffic flow
DAGANZO:95b Carlos F. Daganzo A Finite Difference Approximation of the Kinematic Wave Model of Traffic Flow
DAGANZO:95c Carlos F. Daganzo The Cell Transmission Model. Part II: Network Traffic
DAGANZO:95d Carlos F. Daganzo Properties of Link Travel Time Functions under Dynamic Loads
DAGANZO:96 Carlos F. Daganzo The nature of freeway gridlock and how to prevent it
DAGANZO:97 Carlos F. Daganzo Fundamentals of Transportation and Traffic Operations
DAGANZO:97b Carlos F. Daganzo A Simple Traffic Analysis Procedure
DAGANZO:97c Carlos F. Daganzo and M.J. Cassidy and R.L. Bertini Causes and Effects of Phase Transitions in Highway Traffic
DAGANZO:97d Carlos F. Daganzo A continuum theory of traffic dynamics for freeways with special lanes
DAGANZO:97e Carlos F. Daganzo A simple physical principle for the simulation of freeways with special lanes and priority vehicles
DAGANZO:99 Carlos F. Daganzo Remarks on Traffic Flow Modelling and Its Applications
DAGANZO:99b Carlos F. Daganzo and Michael J. Cassidy and Robert L. Bertini Possible Explanations of Phase Transitions in Highway Traffic
DAGANZO:99c Carlos F. Daganzo The Lagged Cell-Transmission Model
DAILEY:02 Daniel J. Dailey and Nancy Taiyab A Cellular Automata Model for Use with Real Freeway Data
DAILEY:97 D.J. Dailey Travel time estimates using a series of single loop volume and occupancy measurements
DAILEY:99 D.J. Dailey A statistical algorithm for estimating speed from single loop volume and occupancy measurements
DALY:00 Patrick W. Daly LaTeX - The natbib package
DAMBERG:96 Olof Damberg and Jan T. Lundgren and Michael Patriksson An Algorithm for the Stochastic User Equilibrium Problem
DAMRATH:02 Rudolf Damrath and Martin Rose and Peter Milbradt Simulation of Traffic Dynamics
DANEELS:04 Wim Daneels Files op Ring: 300 miljoen euro
DANSKIN:92 John Danskin and Pat Hanrahan Fast Algorithms for Volume Ray Tracing
DAOUDIA:03 A. Daoudia and Najem Moussa Numerical Simulations of a Three-Lane Traffic Model Using Cellular Automata
DARGE:03 Pierre Darge Waar is de weg (vrij)?
DARWIN:04 Ian F. Darwin Java Cookbook
DATA4S:01 Data4s Customer Intelligence is more than a data mining 'tool', ...
DATE:00 C.J. Date An Introduction to Database Systems
DAUBERT:01 Katja Daubert and Hendrik P.A. Lensch and Wolfgang Heidrich and Hans-Peter Seidel Efficient Cloth Modeling and Rendering
DAUSCHER:01 P. Dauscher and P. Beckmann Attracting sets in a deterministic discrete traffic model
DAVENPORT:00 Clyde M. Davenport The General Analytical Solution for the Burgers Equation
DAVIDSON:66 K.B. Davidson A flow travel time relationship for use in transportation planning
DAVIES:07 E.B. Davies Let Platonism die
DAVIS:05 L.C. Davis Effect of adaptive cruise control systems on mixed traffic flow near an on-ramp
DAVIS:05b L.C. Davis Effect of cooperative merging on the synchronous flow phase of traffic
DAVIS:96 Martha Davis Scientific Papers and Presentations
DB:01 DB Autobelasting per kilometer in Nederland!
DEBORGER:01 Bruno De Borger and Stef Proost Reforming Transport Pricing in the European Union, A modelling approach
DEBORGER:05 Bruno De Borger Mobiliteit, rekeningrijden en de prijsstructuur in de transportsector
DEBRABANDERE:02 Anne De Brabandere PhD Symposium - Book of Abstracts
DEBRUYNE:07 Michiel Debruyne Robustness of censored depth quantiles, PCA and kernel based regression, with new tools for model selection
DECEUSTER:01 Griet De Ceuster Transport and Mobility Leuven - Verkeersmanagement
DECEUSTER:01b M.J.G. De Ceuster and L.H. Immers Verkeersindices voor het gebruik van het autosnelwegennet in België
DECEUSTER:04 Griet De Ceuster Internalisering van Externe Kosten van Wegverkeer in Vlaanderen
DECKMYN Alex Deckmyn Suiker en elementaire deeltjes
DEDOBBELEER:03 Werner Dedobbeleer De waanzin van de tijdsdruk - Gekantelde vrachtwagens
DEJAEGHER:01 Mieke De Jaegher Lijnmanager
DEJAGER:04 Bram de Jager and Vincent Verdult 23rd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control
DEJONG Edwin de Jong and Bart de Boer Dynamical Systems, Individual Based-Modeling, and Self-Organisation
DELCASTILLO:95 J.M. Del Castillo and F.G. Benítez On the functional form of the speed-density relationship - I: General theory
DELCASTILLO:95b J.M. Del Castillo and F.G. Benítez On the functional form of the speed-density relationship - II: Empirical investigation
DELCASTILLO:95c J.M. Del Castillo and David J. Lovell and Carlos F. Daganzo Steady State Conditions on Automated Highways
DELEUR:06 Tom De Leur De man die ons leerde blokrijden
DELORME:98 Marianne Delorme An introduction to Cellular Automata
DELRIO:05 J.A. del Río and M.E. Lárraga Transient situations in traffic flow: Modelling the Mexico City Cuernavaca Highway
DEMARA:95 Rusel DeMaria Spelen met The 7th Guest - De Officiële Spelhandleiding
DEMIR:03 C. Demir and B.S. Kerner and R.G. Herrtwich and S.L. Klenov and H. Rehborn and M. Aleksic and T. Reigber and M. Schwab and A. Haug FCD for urban areas: method and analysis of practical realisations
DEMOOR:01 Bart De Moor and Ben Immers and Tom Bellemans and Steven Logghe Het fileprobleem in België: wiskundige modellen, analyse, simulatie, regeling en acties
DEMPSTER:77 A.P. Dempster and N.M. Laird and D.B. Rubin Maximum likelihood estimation from incomplete data via the EM algorithm (with discussion)
DEPALMA:02 André de Palma and Fabrice Marchal Real cases applications of the fully dynamic METROPOLIS tool-box: an advocacy for large-scale mesoscopic transportation systems
DEPALMA:03 André de Palma In Memoriam - Ilya Prigogine
DEPOVER:88 André Depover and Willy Herreman and Norbert Persoone and André Vandekerckhove FoToN - Elektromagnetische Trillingen
DEROMPH:94 Erik De Romph A Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model - Theory and Applications
DERRIDA:92 B. Derrida and E. Domany and D. Mukamel An exact solution of a one-dimensional asymmetric exclusion model with open boundaries
DESCHEEMAEKER:90 R. Descheemaeker Vademecum spelling/Spraakkunst
DESCHRIJVER:00 Michaël De Schrijver and Joost Willems Personentransport over water: een onderzoek naar de haalbaarheid van personentransport over bestaande waterwegen in Vlaanderen
DESCHUTTER:96 Bart De Schutter Max-Algebraic System Theory for Discrete Event Systems
DESCHUTTER:99 Bart De Schutter and Tom Bellemans and Steven Logghe and Jim Stada and Bart De Moor and Ben Immers Advanced traffic control on highways
DESMYTER:01 Fernand Desmyter Ontwerp Mobiliteitsplan Vlaanderen - Naar een duurzame mobiliteit in Vlaanderen
DESOUZA:07 Xavier de Souza Optimisation and Robustness of Cellular Neural Networks
DETIJD:04 De Tijd Bewegen of stilstaan
DETTLOFF:01 Dave Dettloff Mapping a Prism
DEWEERDT:03 Mathijs de Weerdt Plan Merging in Multi-Agent Systems
DHOLLANDER:07 Benoit D'Hollander Management van verkeersstromen op basis van intelligente agenten
DIAL:71 R.B. Dial A probabilistic multipath traffic assignment model which obviates path enumeration
DIEDRICH:00 G. Diedrich and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and J. Zittartz Effects of on- and off-ramps in cellular automata models for traffic flow
DIETRICH:03 Andreas Dietrich and Ingo Wald and Carsten Benthin and Philipp Slusallek The OpenRT Application Programming Interface - Towards a Common API for Interactive Ray Tracing
DIJKER:97 Thomas Dijker and Piet H.L. Bovy and Raymond G.M.M. Vermijs Car-Following under Non-congested and Congested Conditions
DIJKSTRA:59 Edsger W. Dijkstra A note on two problems in connection with graphs
DIJKSTRA:72 Edsger W. Dijkstra The Humble Programmer
DOLBEAULT:02 Jean Dolbeault and Reinhard Illner Entropy methods for kinetic models of traffic flow
DONAHUE:97 Manus J. Donahue An Introduction to Chaos Theory and Fractal Geometry
DONG Xiaojing Dong and Moshe E. Ben-Akiva and John L. Bowman and Joan Walker Moving from Trip-Based to Activity-Based Measures of Accessibilit
DOWLING:02 Richard Dowling and Joseph Holland and Allen Huang Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software
DRAKE:67 J.S. Drake and J.L. Schofer and A.D. May A Statistical Analysis of Speed Density Hypotheses
DRAULANS:01 Dirk Draulans Anatomie van de file
DRAULANS:01b Dirk Draulans Het heelal is een hologram
DRAULANS:04 Dirk Draulans Leven is geen perfect proces
DRAULANS:05 Dirk Draulans De paus van Leuven
DSA:04 Richard Dowling and Alexander Skabardonis and Vassili Alexiadis Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume III: Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software
DSOUZA:05 R.M. D'Souza Geometric structure of coexisting phases found in the Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic model
DUBACQ:01 J.-C. Dubacq and B. Durand and E. Formenti Kolmogorov Complexity and Cellular Automata Classification
DULLEMOND:95 Kees Dullemond and Kasper Peeters Inleiding tensorrekening
DUNCAN:89 Ray Duncan PC-Zakboekje - Toegevoegde MS-DOS Functies
DUNCAN:89b Ray Duncan PC-Zakboekje - MS-DOS Functies
DUNCAN:89c Ray Duncan PC-Zakboekje - IBM ROM BIOS
DUNCAN:94 Gordon Duncan Paramics-MP: Design Description
DUNCAN:94b Gordon Duncan Paramics-MP: Final Report
DUNKERLEY:10 Fay Dunkerley Essays in Transport Economics
DUNWOODY:02 M.J. Dunwoody A Proof of the Poincaré Conjecture
DUPACOVA:03 Jitka DupaČová and Jan Hurt and Josef Stvpán Stochastic Modeling in Economics and Finance
DUPUIS:98 Alexandre Dupuis and Bastien Chopard Parallel Simulation of Traffic in Geneva Using Cellular Automata
DUSS:02 Reto Duss Stability, Estimation and Adaptation of a Control Theory Based Microscopic Traffic Flow Model
DUTRE:00 Philip Dutré and Parag Tole and Donald P. Greenberg Approximate Visibility for Illumination Computations using Point Clouds
DUTRE:03 Philip Dutré and Philippe Bekaert and Kavita Bala Advanced Global Illumination
DWTC:01 DWTC Sustainability effects of traffic management systems
DYNASMART:03 Unknown DYNASMART-X 0.930 User's Guide
DZEROSKI:98 Saso Dzeroski and Nico Jacobs and Martin Molina and Carlos Moure ILP Experiments in Detecting Traffic Problems
EBERLY David Eberly Perspective Mappings between Quadrilaterals
EBERLYb David Eberly Perspective Mappings in 2D and 3D
EBERLYc David Eberly Perspective Projection of Ellipsoid
ECKMANN:85 J.-P. Eckmann and D. Ruelle Ergodic theory of chaos and strange attractors
ECKMANN:87 J.-P. Eckmann and S. Kamphorst and D. Ruelle Recurrence plots of dynamical systems
EDIE:61 L.C. Edie Car Following and Steady-State Theory for Non-Congested Traffic
EDIE:63 L.C. Edie Discussion on Traffic Stream Measurements and Definitions
EDIE:67 L.C. Edie and R. Herman and R. Rothery Vehicular Traffic Science
EDWARDS:00 Henrik Edwards Traffic Assignment Analysis and O/D-matrix Calibration
EECKHAUT:01 Hendrik Eeckhaut Digitale neurale netwerken in de bio-informatica
EHMANNS:00 Dirk Ehmanns and Almut Hochstädter Driver-Model of Lane Change Maneuvers
EINSTEIN:14 Albert Einstein Kovarianzeigenschaften der Feldgleichungen der auf die verallgemeinerte Relativitätstheorie gegründeten Gravitationstheorie
EINSTEIN:20 Albert Einstein Schallausbreitung in teilweise dissoziierten Gasen
EINSTEIN:25 Albert Einstein Quantentheorie des einatomigen idealen Gases
EISENBLATTER:98 B. Eisenblätter and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg Jamming transition in a cellular automaton model for traffic flow
EISSFELDT N. Eissfeldt and R. Schrader Calculation of street traffic emissions with a queuing model
EISSFELDT:03 N. Eissfeldt and P. Wagner Effects of anticipatory driving in a traffic flow model
EISSFELDTb N. Eissfeldt and M. Luberichs and F.-N. Sentuc Investigating emissions of traffic by simulation
EISSFELDTc N. Eissfeldt and M. Metzler and P. Wagner Dynamic Simulation of Traffic and its Environmental Impacts
ELSE:81 P.K. Else A reformulation of the theory of optimal congestion taxes
ELSE:82 P.K. Else A reformulation of the theory of optimal congestion taxes: a rejoinder
EMMERICH:97 H. Emmerich and E. Rank An improved cellular automaton model for traffic flow simulation
EMMERICH:98 Heike Emmerich and Takashi Nagatani and Ken Nakanishi From modified Korteweg-de Vries equation to a second-order cellular automaton for traffic flow
EMMERINK:98 Richard H.M. Emmerink Road Pricing: An Introduction
ENGEL:91 Ulf Martin Engel Time Series Analysis - A Part III Essay
ENGELEN:02 Sanne Engelen Robuuste PCA en PCR in hoge dimensies
ENGELEN:04 Jeroen Engelen Parkeren - Een toekomstplan voor Leuven
ENGELEN:05 Sanne Engelen and Mia Hubert Fast model selection for robust calibration methods
ENGELEN:06 Dries Engelen and Toon Goormans Impact van het gebruik van spoelsystemen op DWA-stelsels
ENGELEN:06b Sanne Engelen Algorithms for Robust PCA and Applications for Multi-Way Data
ENGELSON:03 Leonid Engelson and Wilco Burghout Dynamic microscopic route choice model - DYNAMO
EPA:98 EPA Guidance for the Development of Facility Type VMT and Speed Distributions
EPCC:99 Unknown TRAFFIC - HPCN enabled microscopic traffic simulation
ERICKSON:05 David W. Erickson and Gunnar Pruessner and B. Schmittmann and R.K.P. Zia Spurious phase in a model for traffic on a bridge
ESPINOZA Marcelo Espinoza and Caroline Joye and Ronnie Belmans and Bart De Moor Short-Term Load Forecasting, Profile Identification and Customer Segmentation
ESPINOZA:06 Marcelo Espinoza Structured Kernel Based Modeling and its Application to Electric Load Forecasting
ESRI:98 Unknown ESRI Shapefile Technical Description
ESSER J. Esser and M. Schreckenberg Deriving Traffic State Information in Urban Road Networks based with Microscopic Simulations based on Local Measurements
ESSER:97 J. Esser and M. Schreckenberg Microscopic Simulation of Urban Traffic based on Cellular Automata
ESSER:97b J. Esser and M. Schreckenberg Efficiency of Route Guidance in Urban Road Networks
ETTEMA:03 Dick Ettema and Guus Tamminga and Harry Timmermans A micro-simulation model system of departure time and route choice under travel time uncertainty
EVANS:92 A.W. Evans Road congestion pricing: when is it a good policy?
EVANS:93 A.W. Evans Road congestion pricing: when is it a good policy? A rejoinder
EVANS:99 M. R. Evans and N. Rajewsky and E. R. Speer Exact solution of a cellular automaton for traffic
EZZAHRAOUY:03 H. Ez-Zahraouy and Z. Benrihane and A. Benyoussef The optimal velocity traffic flow models with open boundaries
EZZAHRAOUY:04 Hamid Ez-Zahraouy and Kamal Jetto and Abdelilah Benyoussef New topologies in the fundamental diagram of a one dimensional traffic flow - A comparison with empirical results
EZZAHRAOUY:04b H.Ez-Zahraouy and K. Jetto and A. Benyoussef The effect of mixture lenghts of vehicles on the traffic flow behavior in one-dimensional cellular automaton
EZZELL:91 Ben Ezzell Graphics Programming in Turbo Pascal 6.0
FAIST:01 Jerome Faist Equation de transport de Boltzman
FALLON:97 Agata Fallon and Christine Spada Detection and Accomodation of Outliers in Normally Distributed 1D Data Sets
FALTER:04 Rolf Falter Anatomie van een file
FASTENRATH Ulrich Fastenrath Floating Car Data on a Larger Scale
FATES:03 Nazim Fatès Experimental study of Elementary Cellular Automata dynamics using the density parameter
FEDKIW Ronald Fedkiw and Jos Stam and Henrik Wann Jensen Visual Simulation of Smoke
FELLENDORF Martin Fellendorf and Peter Vortisch Validation of the Microscopic Traffic Flow Model VISSIM in Different Real-World Situations
FELLENDORF:98 Martin Fellendorf Static Assignment versus Dynamic Simulation
FENN:05 Daniel Fenn and Omer Suleman and Janet Efstathiou and Neil F. Johnson How does Europe Make Its Mind Up? Connections, cliques, and compatibility between countries in the Eurovision Song Contest
FENWICK:01 Kevin Fenwick A Performance Analysis of Java Distributed Shared Memory Implementations
FERMILAB:97 Fermilab - Discovering the Nature of Nature Standard Model
FET:01 tijd Clear2Pay haalt 1.8 miljoen euro startkapitaal op
FET:01b Unknown Antwerpen is voorstander van tweede toltunnel onder Schelde
FEYNMAN:65 Richard P. Feynman The development of the space-time view of quantum electrodynamics
FEYNMANN:64 Richard P. Feynmann The Feynmann Lectures on Physics
FFA:75 J. Ferland and M Florian and C. Achim On incremental methods for traffic assignment
FHWA Federal Highway Administration Surface Transportation Efficiency Analysis Model (STEAM)
FHWAb Federal Highway Administration Traffic Management: Bringing Technology to Bear
FIGUEIREDO:01 Lino Figueiredo and Isabel Jesus and J.A. Tenrevio Machado and José Rui Ferreira and J.L. Martins de Carvalho Research Issues in Intelligent Transportation Systems
FISK:91 C.S. Fisk Link Travel Time Functions for Traffic Assignment
FLAMM:97 Dieter Flamm Ludwig Boltzmann - A Pioneer of Modern Physics
FLAMM:97b Dieter Flamm History and outlook of statistical physics
FLORIAN:00 Michael Florian From Static to Dynamic Models in Transportation Planning - Achievements and Challenges
FLYVBJERG:06 Bent Flyvbjerg and Mette K. Skamris Holm and Søren L. Buhl Inaccuracy in Traffic Forecasts
FOGEDBY:98 Hans C. Fogedby Aspects of the Noisy Burgers Equation
FOLEY:93 James D. Foley and Andries van Dam and Steven K. Feiner and John F. Hughes Computer Grapics - Principles and Practice
FONTAINE:05 Michael D. Fontaine Improving the effectiveness of wireless location technology-based traffic monitoring: an exploration of system design issues
FONTEINE:02 Daniël Fonteine Ray Tracer Specification
FOOY:03 Tim Fooy Vergelijkende studie van JavaSpaces en GigaSpaces
FORBES:58 T.W. Forbes and H.J. Zagorski and E.L. Holshouser and W.A. Deterline Measurement of Driver Reactions to Tunnel Conditions
FORTUIJN L.G.H. Fortuijn and P.J. Carton Turbopleinen: Een beproefd concept in een nieuw jasje
FOULADVAND:03 M. Ebrahim Fouladvand and Zeinab Sadjadi and M. Reza Shaebani Characteristics of Vehicular Traffic Flow at a Roundabout
FOULADVAND:05 M.E. Fouladvand and A.H. Darooneh Statistical analysis of floating-car data: an empirical study
FOURRATE:05 K. Fourrate and M. Loulidi Disordered cellular automaton traffic flow model - Phase separated state, density waves and self organized criticality
FP Unknown Floating-Point Addition and Multiplication
FRANCEZ:92 Nissim Francez Program Verification
FRANGIONI:99 A. Frangioni and G. Gallo A bundle type dual-ascent approach to linear multi commodity min-cost flow problems
FRANK:56 Marguerite Frank and Philip Wolfe An algorithm for quadratic programming
FRANZ Walter J. Franz Reducing the Number of Uplink Transmissions in Floating Car Data Services
FRANZ:01 Melchior Franz LaTeX - The crop package
FRASER:86 A.M. Fraser and H.L. Swinney Independent coordinates for strange attractors from mutual information
FRATAR:54 T.J. Fratar Vehicular Trip Distribution by Successive Approximation
FREDERIX:12 Rodric Frederix Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation in Large-Scale Congested Networks
FREDKIN:90 Edward Fredkin Digital Mechanics: An Informational Process Based on Reversible Universal CA
FREEMAN Eric Freeman and Susanne Hupfer Make room for JavaSpaces
FREEMAN:95 J.S. Freeman and G. Watson and Y.E. Papelis and T.C. Lin and A. Tayyab and R.A. Romano and J.K. Kuhl The Iowa Driving Simulator: An Implementation and Application Overview
FREEMAN:99 Eric Freeman and Susanne Hupfer and Ken Arnold JavaSpaces: Principles, Patterns and Practice
FREISLEBEN:97 Bernd Freisleben and Dieter Hartmann and Thilo Kielmann Parallel Raytracing: A Case Study on Partitioning and Scheduling on Workstation Clusters
FREISLEBEN:98 Bernd Freisleben and Dieter Hartmann and Thilo Kielmann Parallel Incremental Raytracing of Animations on a Network of Workstations
FREUND:95 J. Freund and T. Pöschel A Statistical Approach to Vehicular Traffic
FUKS:01 Henryk Fukś and Nino Boccara Convergence to equilibrium in a class of interacting particle systems evolving in discrete time
FUKS:04 Henryk Fukś Critical behaviour of number-conserving cellular automata with nonlinear fundamental diagrams
FUKS:98 H. Fukś and N. Boccara Generalized Deterministic Traffic Rules
FUKS:99 Henryk Fukś Exact results for deterministic cellular automata traffic models
FUKUI:93 Minoru Fukui and Yoshihiro Ishibashi Evolution of Traffic Jam in Traffic Flow Model
FUKUI:96 Minoru Fukui and Yoshihiro Ishibashi Traffic Flow in 1D Cellular Automaton Model Including Cars Moving with High Speed
FUKUI:97 Minoru Fukui and Yoshihiro Ishibashi Effect of Delay in Restarting of Stopped Cars in a One-Dimensional Traffic Model
FURNESS:65 K.P. Furness Time function iteration
FWO:01 FWO Wetenschappelijke resultaten in de pers krijgen - Enkele raadgevingen
GACKENBACH:94 Jayne Gackenbach Sleep and Consciousness
GALSTYAN:01 A. Galstyan and K. Lerman A Stochastic Model of Platoon Formation in Traffic Flow
GARCIA:99 Reinaldo Crispiniano Garcia A Pareto Improving Strategy for the Time-Dependent Morning Commute Problem
GARDES:02 Yonnel Gardes and Adolf D. May and Joy Dahlgren and Alex Skabardonis Freeway Calibration and Application of the Paramics model
GARDNER:70 Martin Gardner Mathematical Games - The fantastic combinations of John Conway's new solitaire game ``Life''
GARFINKEL:94 Simson Garfinkel and Daniel Weise and Steven Strassman The UNIX-Haters Handbook
GARTNER:97 Nathan Gartner and Hani Mahmassani and Carroll J. Messer and Henry Lieu and Richard Cunard and Ajay K. Rathi Traffic Flow Theory: A State-of-the-Art Report
GATES:79 William H. Gates and Christos H. Papadimitriou Bounds for Sorting by Prefix Reversal
GAWRON:97 C. Gawron and S. Krauß and P. Wagner Dynamic User Equilibria in Traffic Simulation Models
GAWRON:98 Christian Gawron An Iterative Algorithm to Determine the Dynamic User Equilibrium in a Traffic Simulation Model
GAWRON:98b Christian Gawron Simulation-Based Traffic Assignment
GAZIS:02 Denos C. Gazis The Origins of Traffic Theory
GAZIS:04 Denos C. Gazis In Memoriam - Richard W. Rothery
GAZIS:59 D.C. Gazis and R. Herman and R.B. Potts Car-Following Theory of Steady-State Traffic Flow
GAZIS:61 D. Gazis and R. Herman and R. Rothery Nonlinear follow-the-leader models of traffic flow
GAZIS:92 D.C. Gazis and R. Herman The moving and `phantom' bottleneck
GEARY:01 David Geary Java: Amaze your developer friends with design patterns
GEARY:01b David Geary Java: Decorate your Java code
GEARY:02 David Geary Java: Take control with the Proxy design pattern
GEARY:02b David Geary Java: Strategy for success
GEARY:02c David Geary Java: Take command of your software
GEARY:02d David Geary Java: A look at the Composite design pattern
GEARY:03 David Geary Java: An inside view of Observer
GEARY:03b David Geary Java: Simply Singleton
GEARY:03c David Geary Java: Façade clears complexity
GEARY:03d David Geary Java: Make your apps fly
GEARY:03e David Geary Java: Adopt Adapter
GEDEON:02 Thomáš Gedeon and Matt Holzer and Mark Pernarowski Attractor reconstruction through spike filters and phase locking
GEERTS:01 Sven Geerts and Erik Kenis Verkeerscentrum Vlaanderen leidt verkeer in goede banen
GEIST:94 Al Geist and Adam Beguelin and Jack Dongarra and Weicheng Jiang and Robert Manchek and Vaidy Sunderam PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine - A Users' Guide and Tutorial for Networked Parallel Computing
GELADI:85 Paul Geladi and Bruce R. Kowalski Partial Least-Squares Regression: A Tutorial
GELERNTER:96 David Gelernter Linda Spaces
GENTLEMAN Robert Gentleman Some Things Every Biologist Should Know About Machine Learning
GEORGES:07 Andy Georges and Dries Buytaert and Lieven Eeckhout Statistically Rigorous Java Performance Evaluation
GEORGET:02 Yan Georget A Game of Life in C for X11
GEORGOULIAS:04 Tom Georgoulias and Sarah J. Greenwald and Marc Wichterich Futurama PIk - Mathematics in the year 3000
GERLOUGH:64 D.L. Gerlough Simulation of Traffic Flow
GERLOUGH:64b D.L. Gerlough and D.G. Capelle An Introduction to Traffic Flow Theory
GERWINSKI:99 M. Gerwinski and J. Krug Analytic approach to the critical density in cellular automata for traffic flow
GHOSH:98 Kingshuk Ghosh and Arnab Majumdar and Debashish Chowdhury Distribution of time-headways in a particle-hopping model of vehicular traffic
GIBBS:96b Phil Gibbs Is Space-Time Discrete?
GILES:04 Jim Giles Father of fractals
GILLIJNS:07 Steven Gillijns Kalman filtering techniques for system inversion and data assimilation
GINSBERG:93 Matthew L. Ginsberg Essentials of Artificial Intelligence
GIPPS:81 P.G. Gipps A behavioural car following model for computer simulation
GIRALDI:05 Gilson Giraldi and Adilson Xavier and Antonio L. Apolinario and Paulo Rodrigues Lattice Gas Cellular Automata for Computational Fluid Animation
GIRVAN:03 Ray Girvan Going with the flow
GIULIANI:98 Alessandro Giuliani and Alfredo Colosimo and Romualdo Benigni and Joseph P. Zbilut On the constructive role of noise in spatial systems
GLASSNER:89 Andrew S. Glassner An Introduction to Ray Tracing
GLASSNER:99 Andrew S. Glassner The Digital Ceraunoscope: Synthetic Thunder and Lightning
GLEICK:90 James Gleick Chaos
GNUGPL GNU GNU GPL/LGPL/FDL and The Open Source Definition
GOBRON:01 Stéphane Gobron and Norishige Chiba Crack pattern simulation based on 3D surface cellular automaton
GODFREY:02 Bill Godfrey A primer on distributed computing
GODUNOV:59 Sergei K. Godunov A difference scheme for numerical computation of discontinuous solutions of equations of fluid dynamics
GOETHALS:05 Ivan Goethals Subspace identification for linear, Hammerstein and Hammerstein-Wiener systems
GOETZ:01 Brian Goetz Java: Design for performance, Part 1: Interfaces matter
GOETZ:01b Brian Goetz Java: Design for performance, Part 2: Reduce object creation
GOFFIN:04 Kristel Goffin Elke reis zijn prijs
GOLDBERG:91 David Goldberg What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic
GOLDOFF:97 Anna C. Goldoff Symposium on Chaos Theory and Management
GOLDREICH:96 Oded Goldreich How NOT to write a paper
GOLOB:06 Thomas F. Golob and Molly I. Haight Obituary, In Memoriam Frank A. Haight 1919 - 2006
GOMES:04 Gabriel Gomes and Adolf May and Roberto Horowitz A Microsimulation Model of a Congested Freeway using VISSIM
GONTHIER:08 Georges Gonthier Formal Proof - The Four-Color Theorem
GONZALEZ:92 Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods Digital Image Processing
GOODWIN:76 P.B. Goodwin Human effort and the value of travel time
GOOGLE:06 Google Google Maps
GORDON Andrew Gordon and Tom van Vuren Incorporating Variable Travel Time Effects in Route Choice Models
GORISSEN:04 Dirk Gorissen H2O Metacomputing - Jini Lookup and Discovery
GOSPER:74 R.W. Gosper Life is universal!
GOURDON:01 Xavier Gourdon and Pascal Sebah FFT based multiplication of large numbers
GRABOLUS:01 Sascha Grabolus Numerische Untersuchungen zum Nagel-Schreckenberg-Verkehrsmodell und dessen Varianten
GRANT:02 Felix Grant We all need a good reference
GRANT:96 Michael C. Grant and David Carlisle LaTeX - The psfrag package
GRAPS:95 Amara Graps An Introduction to Wavelets
GRAY:01 Lawrence Gray and David Griffeath The Ergodic Theory of Traffic Jams
GRAY:03 Lawrence Gray A Mathematician Looks at Wolfram's New Kind of Science
GRAY:98 Norman Gray LaTeX - The textpos package
GREENBERG:03 J. M. Greenberg and A. Klar and M. Rascle Congestion on Multilane Highways
GREENBERG:59 H. Greenberg An Analysis of Traffic Flow
GREENSHIELDS:35 Bruce D. Greenshields A Study of Traffic Capacity
GREENWALD:07 Sarah J. Greenwald Klein's Beer: Futurama Comedy and Writers in the Classroom
GRIMALDI:94 Ralph P. Grimaldi Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics - An Applied Introduction
GROLLER:01 Eduard Gröller Insight into Data Through Visualization
GROLLER:95 Eduard Gröller and Werner Purgathofer Coherence in Computer Graphics
GROSSO:02 William Grosso Java RMI
GUEZIEC:05 Andre Gueziec To illustrate the point
GUHNEMANN:01 Astrid Gühnemann and Peter Wagner and Nils Eissfeldt Intelligent transport management by integrated dynamic traffic simulation and impact assessment
GULCU:02 Ceki Gülcü Java: Short introduction to log4j
GUNDALIYA:04 P.J. Gundaliya and V.M. Tom and S.L. Dhingra Heterogeneous Traffic Flow Modelling Using Cellular Automata
GUNTHER:02 Marco Günther and Axel Klar and Thorsten Materne and Raimund Wegener Multivalued fundamental diagrams and stop and go waves for continuum traffic equations
GUPTA:06 A.K. Gupta and V.K. Katiyar A new anisotropic continuum model for traffic flow
GUTOWITZ:95 Howard Gutowitz and Chris Langton Mean Field Theory of The Edge of Chaos
GUTOWITZ:96 Howard Gutowitz Cellular Automata and The Sciences of Complexity (part I)
GUTOWITZ:96b Howard Gutowitz Cellular Automata and The Sciences of Complexity (part II)
GVA:96 GVA ViVA Traffic Analysis Software - The Problem
HAEFNER:98 Lonnie E. Haefner and Ming-Shiun Li Traffic Flow Simulation for an Urban Freeway Corridor
HAFSTEIN:03 S.F. Hafstein and R. Chrobok and A. Pottmeier and J. Wahle and M. Schreckenberg Cellular Automaton Modeling of the Autobahn Traffic in North Rhine-Westphalia
HAFSTEIN:04 Sigurdur F. Hafstein and Roland Chrobok and Andreas Pottmeier and Michael Schreckenberg and Florian C. Mazur A High-Resolution Cellular Automata Traffic Simulation Model with Application in a Freeway Traffic Information System
HAGERSTRAND:70 Torsten Hägerstrand What about People in Regional Science?
HAGSTROM:01 J. N. Hagstrom and R. A. Abrams Characterizing Braeß's Paradox for Traffic Networks
HAIGHT:63 F.A. Haight Mathematical theories of traffic flow
HALES:08 Thomas C. Hales Formal Proof
HALL:86 F.L. Hall and B.L. Allen and M.A. Gunter Empirical Analysis of Freeway Flow-Density Relationships
HALL:89 F. Hall and B.N. Persaud Evaluation of speed estimates made with single-detector data from freeway traffic management systems
HAMMARLING:96 Sven Hammarling and Nicholas J. Higham How to Prepare a Poster
HAN:06 S. Han and B.G. Heydecker Consistent objectives and solution of dynamic user equilibrium models
HAN:06b Weiguo Han and Jinfeng Wang and Shih-Lung Shaw Visual Exploratory Data Analysis of Traffic Volume
HANSEN:98 Mark D. Hansen Computer technology advances transportation safety
HARRINGTON:01 Winston Harrington and Alan J. Krupnick and Anna Alberini Overcoming public aversion to congestion pricing
HARRIS:45 Chauncy D. Harris and Edward L. Ullman The Nature of Cities
HARRISON:08 John Harrison Formal Proof - Theory and Practice
HARSMAN:01 Björn H&aslash;arsman Urban road pricing acceptance
HART John C. Hart Ray Tracing Implicit Surfaces
HART:68 P.E. Hart and N.J. Nilsson and B. Raphael A Formal Basis for the Heuristic Determination of Minimum Cost Paths
HARTMANN:01 Alexander K. Hartmann and Heiko Rieger A practical guide to computer simulations
HASAN Masroor Hasan and David Cuneo and Alan Chachich Analysis of Traffic Video to Develop Driver Behavior Models for Microscopic Traffic Simulation
HASAN:99 Masroor Hasan Evaluation of Ramp Control Algorithms using A Microscopic Traffic Simulation Laboratory, MITSIM
HAU:05 Timothy D. Hau Economic fundamentals of road pricing: A diagrammatic analysis
HAURIE:85 A. Haurie and P. Marcotte On the Relationship between Nash-Cournot and Wardrop Equilibria
HAZELTON:01 Martin L. Hazelton Inference for origin-destination matrices: estimation, prediction and reconstruction
HCM:00 Unknown 2000 Highway Capacity Manual
HE:02 Rachel R. He and Henry X. Liu and Alain L. Kornhauser and Bin Ran Temporal and Spatial Variability of Travel Time
HECKBERT:89 Paul S. Heckbert Fundamentals of Texture Mapping and Image Warping
HECKBERT:99 Paul Heckbert Projective Mappings for Image Warping
HEERTJE:93 A. Heertje and G. Vandewalle and J. van den Broeck Algemene Economie
HEGGER:99 Rainer Hegger and Holger Kantz and Thomas Schreiber Practical implementation of nonlinear time series methods: The TISEAN package
HEGYI:01 A. Hegyi and B. De Schutter and J. Hellendoorn and S.P. Hoogendoorn and C. Tampère Gelijke behandeling voor verkeersstroommodellen
HEGYI:04 András Hegyi Model Predictive Control for Integrating Traffic Control Measures
HEIDEMANN:01 Dirk Heidemann A Queueing Theory Model of Nonstationary Traffic Flow
HEIDEMANN:99 Dirk Heidemann Some critical remarks on a class of traffic flow models
HEIDRICH:99 Wolfgang Heidrich and Hans-Peter Seidel Realistic, Hardware-Accelerated Shading and Lighting
HEISTERKAMP:03 S.H. Heisterkamp and R.H. Koning Large Data Sets
HELBING D. Helbing and A. Greiner Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Lane Traffic Flow
HELBING:00 Dirk Helbing and Illés Farkas and Tamás Vicsek Simulating Dynamical Features of Escape Panic
HELBING:00d Benno Tilch and Dirk Helbing Evaluation of Single Vehicle Data in Dependence of the Vehicle-Type, Lane and Site
HELBING:01 Dirk Helbing Traffic and related self-driven many-particle systems
HELBING:01b Dirk Helbing MASTER: macroscopic traffic simulation based on a gas-kinetic, non-local traffic model
HELBING:02 Dirk Helbing and Martin Treiber Critical Discussion of Synchronized Flow
HELBING:02b D. Helbing and A. Hennecke and V. Shvetsov and M. Treiber Micro- and Macrosimulation of Freeway Traffic
HELBING:03 Dirk Helbing Production, Supply, and Traffic Systems: A Unified Description
HELBING:03b Dirk Helbing A section-based queueing-theoretical traffic model for congestion and travel time analysis in networks
HELBING:04 Dirk Helbing and Kai Nagel The Physics of Traffic and Regional Development
HELBING:05 Dirk Helbing and Rui Jiang and Martin Treiber Analytical investigation of oscillations in intersecting flows of pedestrian and vehicle traffic
HELBING:08 Dirk Helbing Derivation of a Fundamental Diagram for Urban Traffic Flow
HELBING:08b Dirk Helbing and Mehdi Moussaid Analytical Calculation of Critical Perturbation Amplitudes and Critical Densities by Non-Linear Stability Analysis of a Simple Traffic Flow Model
HELBING:08c Dirk Helbing and Benno Tilch A Power Law for the Duration of High-Flow States in Heterogeneous Traffic Flows
HELBING:08d Dirk Helbing and Benno Tilch A Power Law for the Duration of High-Flow States in Heterogeneous Traffic Flows
HELBING:08e Dirk Helbing and Mehdi Moussaid Analytical Calculation of Critical Perturbation Amplitudes and Critical Densities by Non-Linear Stability Analysis of a Simple Traffic Flow Model
HELBING:08f Dirk Helbing Characteristic Speeds Faster than the Average Vehicle Speed Do Not Constitute a Theoretical Inconsistency of Macroscopic Traffic Models
HELBING:08h Dirk Helbing Derivation of Non-Local Macroscopic Traffic Equations and Consistent Traffic Pressures from Microscopic Car-Following Models
HELBING:96 Dirk Helbing Gas-kinetic derivation of Navier-Stokes-like traffic equations
HELBING:97 Dirk Helbing Fundamentals of Traffic Flow
HELBING:97b Dirk Helbing Empirical traffic data and their implications for traffic modeling
HELBING:97c Dirk Helbing Traffic data and their implications for consistent traffic flow modeling
HELBING:97d Dirk Helbing Modeling Multi-Lane Traffic Flow with Queueing Effects
HELBING:97e Dirk Helbing Verkehrsdynamik
HELBING:98 Dirk Helbing and Martin Treiber Jams, Waves and Clusters
HELBING:98b Dirk Helbing From Microscopic to Macroscopic Traffic Models
HELBING:98c D. Helbing and B.A. Huberman Coherent moving states in highway traffic
HELBING:98d Dirk Helbing and Andreas Greiner Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Lane Traffic Flow
HELBING:98e Dirk Helbing and Bernardo A. Huberman Moving Like a Solid Block
HELBING:99 Dirk Helbing and Tamás Vicsek Optimal Self-Organization
HELBING:99b Dirk Helbing and Martin Treiber Numerical Simulation of Macroscopic Traffic Equations
HELBING:99c Dirk Helbing and Michael Schreckenberg Cellular Automata Simulating Experimental Properties of Traffic Flow
HELBING:99d Dirk Helbing and Ansgar Hennecke and Martin Treiber Phase Diagram of Traffic States in the Presence of Inhomogeneities
HELLINGA B. Hellinga CIVE 440 - Transport Systems Analysis
HELLINGA:98 Bruce R. Hellinga Requirements for the Calibration of Traffic Simulation Models
HELLY:61 W. Helly Simulation of Bottlenecks in Single Lane Traffic Flow
HENDRICKSON:81 C. Hendrickson and G. Kocur Schedule delay and departure time decisions in a deterministic model
HENDRICKX:07 Kris Hendrickx Meningen verdeeld over spreiding vrachtverkeer
HENN:03 Vincent Henn A wave-based resolution scheme for the hydrodynamic LWR traffic flow model
HENNING:99 K. Henning and K. Grobel and H. Saß Analysis of Traffic Flow of Goods on Motorways by Means of Video Data - Chances and Limits
HERBRUGGEN:02 B. Van Herbruggen In Depth Description of the TREMOVE Model
HERMAN:59 R. Herman and E.W. Montroll and R.B. Potts and R.W. Rothery Traffic dynamics: analysis of stability in car-following
HERMAN:79 Robert Herman and Ilya Prigogine A Two-Fluid Approach to Town Traffic
HERREY:45 E.M.J. Herrey and H. Herrey Principles of physics applied to traffic movements and road conditions
HERTY:05 M. Herty and A. Klar and L. Pareschi General kinetic models for vehicular traffic flow and Monte Carlo methods
HESS:05 Stephane Hess and Andrew Daly and John Bates Departure-Time and Mode Choice - Analysis of Three Stated Preference Data Sets
HESSEL:01 Roberta Jungblut-Hessel and Brigitte Plateau and William J. Stewart and Bernard Ycart Fast simulation for road traffic network
HEURING:97 Vincent P. Heuring and Harry F. Jordan Computer Systems Design and Architecture
HEWITT:89 Paul G. Hewitt Conceptual Physics
HEY:01 Heinrich Hey and Werner Purgathofer Global Illumination with Photon Map Compensation
HIDAS:05 Peter Hidas Modelling vehicle interactions in microscopic simulation of merging and weaving
HILL:01 Francis S. Hill Computer Graphics Using Open GL
HILLS:93 P. Hills Road congestion pricing: when is it a good policy? A comment
HITECH:01 Hi-Tech Solutions License Plate Recognition - A Tutorial
HOEGAERTS:05 Luc Hoegaerts Eigenspace methods and subset selection in kernel based learning
HOEKX:10 Nele Hoekx De deelnemer aan kansspelen op het internet: Een rechtsvergelijkende analyse van regels en belangen (samenvatting)
HOLLAND:98 E.N. Holland A generalised stability criterion for motorway traffic
HOLM:05 Christian Holm LaTeX - The thumb-package LaTeX
HOLUB:03 Allen Holub Java: Why extends is evil
HOLUB:03b Allen Holub Java: Why getter and setter methods are evil
HOLUB:04 Allen Holub Java: More on getters and setters
HOMMEL Scott Hommel Java Code Conventions
HONGLER:02 M.O. Hongler and R. Filliger Mesoscopic derivation of a fundamental diagram of one-lane traffic
HOOGENDOORN:00 Serge P. Hoogendoorn and Piet H.L. Bovy Continuum modeling of multiclass traffic flow
HOOGENDOORN:01 Serge P. Hoogendoorn and Piet H.L. Bovy State-of-the-art of Vehicular Traffic Flow Modelling
HOOGENDOORN:02 S.P. Hoogendoorn and H. van Lint and H.J. van Zuylen Macroscopic Network Model for Multiclass Multilane Traffic Flow Prediction
HOOGENDOORN:02b S.P. Hoogendoorn and P.H.L. Bovy and H. van Lint Short-term Prediction of Traffic Flow Conditions in a Multilane Multi-class Network
HOOGENDOORN:03 S.P. Hoogendoorn and H.J. van Zuylen and M. Schreuder and B. Gorte and G. Vosselman Microscopic Traffic Data Collection by Remote Sensing
HOOGENDOORN:08 Serge Hoogendoorn and Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser Het fundamenteel diagram (75 jaar verkeersstroomtheorie)
HOOGENDOORN:99 Serge P. Hoogendoorn and Piet H.L. Bovy A Closer Examination of Overtaking Prohibitions for Trucks
HOOGENDOORN:99b Serge P. Hoogendoorn Multiclass continuum modelling of multilane traffic flow
HORN J. Horn and U.D. Hanebeck and K. Riegel and K. Heesche and W. Hauptmann Nonlinear Set-Theoretic Position Estimation of Cellular Phones
HOROWITZ:00 Roberto Horowitz and Pravin Varaiya Control Design of an Automated Highway System
HOROWITZ:99 Alan J. Horowitz and Minnie H. Patel Through Trip Tables for Small Urban Areas: A Method for Quick Response Travel Forecasting
HOSTENS:07 Erik Hostens Quantum Entanglement Distillation in the Stabilizer Formalism
HOURDAKIS:03 J. Hourdakis and P. Michalopoulos and J. Kottommannil A practical procedure for calibrating microscopic traffic simulation models
HOWARD:95 Andrew Howard and Les Kitchen and Sandy Dance Relativistic ray-tracing: simulating the visual appearance of rapidly moving objects
HOWARD:98 Kenneth R. Howard Unjamming Traffic with Computers
HOYT:39 Homer Hoyt The Structure and Growth of Residential Neighborhoods in American Cities
HRB:94 D.L. Gerlough and D.G. Capelle An Introduction to Traffic Flow Theory
HUBER Werner Huber and Michael Lädke and Rainer Ogger Extended Floating-Car Data for the Acquisition of Traffic Information
HUFF:54 Darrell Huff How to Lie with Statistics
HUGHES:05 Barry Hughes Lectures on First-Order Partial Differential Equations
HUGHES:98 John T. Hughes Traffic Data Collection for AIMSUN2 Simulation of an Auckland Motorway
HUISKEN:06 Giovanni Huisken Inter-Urban Short-Term Traffic Congestion Prediction
HULL:09 Bret Hull and Vladimir Bychkovsky and Yang Zhang and Kevin Chen and Michel Goraczko and Allen Miu and Eugene Shih and Hari Balakrishnan CarTel: A Distributed Mobile Sensor Computing System
HUPFER:00 Susanne Hupfer The Nuts and Bolts of Compiling and Running JavaSpaces Programs
HUTCHERSON:00 Reggie Hutcherson Java: StringBuffer versus String
HYNDMAN:99 Rob J. Hyndman Nonparametric additive regression models for binary time series
HYVARINEN Aapo Hyvärinen Survey on Independent Component Analysis
HYVARINEN:99 Aapo Hyvärinen and Erkki Oja Independent Component Analysis: A Tutorial
IEEE:02 M. Hasler and G. Mazzini and M. Ogorzalek and R. Rovatti and G. Setti Proceedings of the IEEE - Special Issue Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics to Electronic and Information Engineering
IEEE:97 IEEE IEEE 754-1985 Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic
IGLEWICZ:93 B. Iglewicz and D.C. Hoaglin How to Detect and Handle Outliers
IKLdKSZB:03 Satoshi Inoue and Masao Kuwahara and Colette Maloney and Martijn de Kievit and Steven Shladover and Wei-Bin Zhang and Matthew Barth Guidelines for Assessing the Effects of ITS on CO2 Emissions: International Joint Report
IMMERS:02 L.H. Immers and S. Logghe Verkeersstroomtheorie
IMMERS:02b Ben Immers and Bart Egeter OWN als redmiddel tegen verkeersinfarct
IMMERS:02c Ben Immers Bezint eer ge begint
IMMERS:03 Ben Immers Kijk verder dan de snelweg lang is
IMMERS:04 L.H. Immers and A. Bleukx and M. Snelder Betrouwbaarheid van reistijden - Het belang van netwerkstructuur en optimale wegcapaciteit
IMMERS:04b L.H. Immers and I. Yperman and J.E. Stada and A. Bleukx Reliability and robustness of transportation networks - Problem survey and examples
IMMERS:05 L.H. Immers and A. Bleukx and J.E. Stada and C. Tampère and I. Yperman Robustness and resilience of road network structures
IMMERS:08 Ben Immers and Bart Kuipers and Lóri Tavasszy De logistieke familie van Kees Ruijgrok: Van logit naar logistiek
IMMERS:91 Ben. H. Immers and N.G.J. Oosterbaan A model for the calculation of environment-friendly traffic flows in urban networks
IMMERS:98 L.H. Immers and J.E. Stada Verkeersmodellen
IMMERS:98b Ben Immers and Marcel Westerman and Hans de Ruiter Sturen zonder Structuren
INUI:05 Norio Inui and Shuichi Inokuchi and Yoshihiro Mizguchi and Norio Konno Statistical Properties of a Quantum Cellular Automaton
IOERGER Tom Ioerger and Paul Nelson Analysis of Patterns in Traffic Congestion
IOERGER:01 Thomas R. Ioerger and John H. Meeks and Paul Nelson Investigation of Density and Flow Relationships in Congested Traffic Using Videogrammetric Data
IRWIN:61 N.A. Irwin and N. Dodd and H.G. Von Cube Capacity Restraint in Assignment Programs
IRWIN:62 N.A. Irwin and H.G. Von Cube Capacity Restraint in Multi-Travel Mode Assignment Programs
ISHAK:03 Sherif Ishak Quantifying Uncertainties of Freeway Detector Observations using Fuzzy-Clustering Approach
ISRAEL:05 Navot Israel and Nigel Goldenfeld Coarse-graining of cellular automata, emergence, and the predictability of complex systems
IVANOVA:03 Olga Ivanova The Role of Transport Infrastructure in Regional Economic Development
IWANSKI:98 Joseph S. Iwanski and Elizabeth Bradley Recurrence plots of experimental data: To embed or not to embed?
JACOB:98 Riko Jacob and Madhav Marathe and Kai Nagel A Computational Study of Routing Algorithms for Realistic Transportation Networks
JACOBSON:90 L. Jacobson and N. Nihan and J. Bender Detecting erroneous loop detector data in a freeway traffic management system
JAFFE Arthur Jaffe and Edward Witten Quantum Yang-Mills Theory
JANSSENS:07 Frizo Janssens Clustering of Scientific Fields by Integrating Text Mining and Bibliometrics
JANSSENS:07b Koen Janssens Least-Squares Support Vector Machine Analysis of the Belgian Roads
JANTZEN:98 Jan Jantzen Tutorial on Fuzzy Logic
JAROSZ:01 Wojciech Jarosz renderBitch : An Implementation of Global Illumination using Irradiance Caching and Photon Maps
JAYAKRISHAN:00 R. Jayakrishan and Jun-Seok Oh and Abd-El Kader Sahraoui Calibration and Path Dynamics Issues In Microscopic Simulation for ATMS and ATIS
JENSEN:01 Henrik Wann Jensen Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping
JENSEN:96 Henrik Wann Jensen Rendering Techniques '96
JIA:01 Zhanfeng Jia and Chao Chen and Ben Coifman and Pravin Varaiya The PeMS algorithms for accurate, real-time estimates of g-factors and speeds from single-loop detectors
JIANG Bin Jiang Street Hierarchies: A Minority of Streets Account for a Majority of Traffic Flow
JIANG:08 Bin Jiang and Sijian Zhao and Junjun Yin Self-organized Natural Roads for Predicting Traffic Flow: A Sensitivity Study
JIMENEZ T. Jiménez and P. Mussi and G. Siegel A Road Traffic Simulator - Car-Following and Lane-Changing
JIN:03 Wen-Long Jin Kinematic Wave Models of Network Vehicular Traffic
JIN:05 Wen-Long Jin The Dynamic System of the Traffic Assignment Problem: Part I. Theory
JIN:05b Wen-Long Jin The Dynamic System of the Traffic Assignment Problem: Part II. Computation
JIN:05c Wen-Long Jin The Dynamic System of the Traffic Assignment Problem: Part III. Incorporating Traffic Dynamics
JIN:05d Wen-Long Jin A kinematic wave theory of lane-changing vehicular traffic
JOHANSSON:99 A.J. Johansson and H. Floberg Random number generation by chaotic double scroll oscillator on chip
JOHNSON:02 Richard Johnson MATLAB Programming Style Guidelines
JOKSIMOVIC:02 D. Joksimovic and M. Bliemer Dynamic Assignment Models for Assessing Road Pricing Policies
JOKSIMOVIC:07 Dusica Joksimovic Dynamic Bi-level Optimal Toll Design Approach for Dynamic Traffic Networks
JOLLIFFE:88 I. Jolliffe Principal Component Analysis
JONES Susan Jones Spelling differences between American and British English
JONES:01 Willie D. Jones Keeping Cars from Crashing
JONES:04 Steven L. Jones and Andrew J. Sullivan and Naveen Cheekoti and Michael D. Anderson and Dillip Malave Traffic simulation software - Comparison study
JONES:83 P.M. Jones and M.C. Dix and M.I. Clarke and I.G. Heggie Understanding Travel Behavior
JONESb Susan Jones Common Words in American and British English
JOST:02 Dominic Jost Breakdown and recovery in traffic flow models
JOST:03 Dominic Jost and Kai Nagel Probabilistic traffic flow breakdown in stochastic car following models
JOST:03b Dominic Jost and Kai Nagel Traffic Jam Dynamics in Traffic Flow Models
JOST:03c Dominic Jost and Kai Nagel Probabilistic Traffic Flow Breakdown In Stochastic Car Following Models
JOU:01 Rong-Chang Jou Modeling the impact of pre-trip information on commuter departure time and route choice decisions
JOY Kenneth I. Joy Affine Combinations, Barycentric Coordinates and Convex Combinations
JULVEZ:05 J. Júlvez and R. Boel Modelling and Controlling Traffic Behaviour with Continuous Petri Nets
JUNGEL:02 Ansgar Jüngel Modeling and Numerical Approximation of Traffic Flow Problems
KABAL:02 Peter Kabal Formatting a Thesis with LaTeX
KAJIYA:83 James T. Kajiya New Techniques for Ray Tracing Procedurally Defined Objects
KAJIYA:86 James T. Kajiya The Rendering Equation
KALMAN:60 R.E. Kalman A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems
KAMARIANAKIS:02 Yiannis Kamarianakis and Poulicos Prastacos Space-time modeling of traffic flow
KAMEDA Hisao Kameda and Eitan Altman and Takayuki Kozawa A Case where a Paradox Like Braeß's Occurs in the Nash Equilibrium but Does Not Occur in the Wardop Equilibrium
KAMEDA:00 Hisao Kameda and Eitan Altman and Takayuki Kozawa and Yoshihisa Hosokawa Braeß-like Paradoxes in Distributed Computer Systems
KAMINSKI:07 Michael Kaminski The Secret History of Star Wars
KANEKO:85 Kunihiko Kaneko Spatial Period-Doubling in Open Flow
KANEKO:90 Kunihiko Kaneko Simulating Physics with Coupled Map Lattices
KANICH:08 Chris Kanich and Christian Kreibich and Kirill Levchenko and Brandon Enright and Geoffrey M. Voelker Vern Paxson and Stefan Savage Spamalytics: An Empirical Analysis of Spam Marketing Conversion
KANTOR Josh Kantor Cellular Automata in Mathematical Modeling
KARAFYLLIDIS:97 I. Karafyllidis and A. Thanailakis A model for predicting forest fire spreading using cellular automata
KARP:95 Alan H. Karp and Peter Markstein High Precision Division and Square Root
KATZ:63 Jesse H. Katz Simulation of a traffic network
KAUFMAN:90 Leonard Kaufman and Peter J. Rousseeuw Finding Groups in Data: An Introduction to Cluster Analysis
KAUMANN Oliver Kaumann and Roland Chrobok and Joachim Wahle and Michael Schreckenberg Traffic Forecast Using On-Line Simulations
KAUPUZS:05 K. Kaupužs and R. Mahnke and R.J. Harris Zero range model of traffic flow
KAUTZ:00 Jan Kautz and Pere-Pau Vazquez and Wolfgang Heidrich and Hans-Peter Seidel A Unified Approach to Prefiltered Environment Maps
KAYATZ:01 Christopher Kayatz Stability Analysis of Traffic Flow Models
KAYE:00 Richard Kaye Some Minesweeper Configurations
KAYE:00b Richard Kaye Infinite versions of minesweeper are Turing complete
KELLEY:95 C.T. Kelley Iterative Methods for Solving Linear and Nonlinear Equations
KELLEY:99 C.T. Kelley Iterative Methods for Optimization
KEMPER:04 Carsten Kemper Dynamic Traffic Assignment with static OD Matrices
KEMPER:05 Carsten Kemper Dynamic Traffic Flow Model - A New Approach with Static Data
KENIS:01 Eric Kenis and Rudi Tegenbos Ramp Metering Synthesis
KENNEDY:96 James Kennedy and Russell Eberhart Particle Swarm Optimization
KENNEL:92 M.B. Kennel and R. Brown and H.D.I. Abarbanel Determining minimum embedding dimension using a geometrical construction
KERNER:01 B.S. Kerner and H. Rehborn and M. Aleksić and A. Haug Methods for Tracing and Forecasting of Congested Traffic Patterns on Highways
KERNER:02 Boris S. Kerner and Sergey K. Klenov and Dietrich E. Wolf Cellular automata approach to three-phase traffic theory
KERNER:02b Boris S. Kerner Three-Phase Traffic Theory and Highway Capacity
KERNER:02c Boris S. Kerner Synchronized Flow as a New Traffic Phase and Related Problems for Traffic Flow Modelling
KERNER:03 B.S. Kerner and S.L. Klenov Microscopic theory of spatial-temporal congested traffic patterns at highway bottlenecks
KERNER:03b Boris S. Kerner Dependence of Empirical Fundamental Diagram on Spatial-Temporal Traffic Patterns Features
KERNER:04 Boris S. Kerner The Physics of Traffic - Empirical Freeway Pattern Features, Engineering Applications, and Theory
KERNER:04b Boris S. Kerner and Sergey L. Klenov Spatial-temporal patterns in heterogeneous traffic flow with a variety of driver behavioural characteristics and vehicle parameters
KERNER:05 Boris S. Kerner Control of spatiotemporal congested traffic patterns at highway bottlenecks
KERNER:05b Boris S. Kerner and Sergey L. Klenov Deterministic approach to microscopic three-phase traffic theory
KERNER:05c Boris S. Kerner and Sergey L. Klenov and Andreas Hiller Criterion for traffic phases in single vehicle data and empirical test of a microscopic three-phase traffic theory
KERNER:05d Boris S. Kerner and Sergey L. Klenov and Andreas Hiller and Hubert Rehborn Microscopic features of moving traffic jams
KERNER:94 B.S. Kerner and P. Konhäuser Structure and parameters of clusters in traffic flow
KERNER:96 B.S. Kerner and H. Rehborn Experimental features and characteristics of traffic jams
KERNER:96b B.S. Kerner and H. Rehborn Experimental properties of complexity in traffic flow
KERNER:97 B.S. Kerner and H. Rehborn Experimental Properties of Phase Transitions in Traffic Flow
KERNER:97b B.S. Kerner and S.L. Klenov and P. Konhäuser Asymptotic theory of traffic jams
KERNER:98 B.S. Kerner Experimental Features of Self-Organization in Traffic Flow
KERNIGHAN:81 Brian W. Kernighan Why Pascal is Not My Favorite Programming Language
KESTING:08 Arne Kesting and Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing Agents for Traffic Simulation
KEYFITZ:99 Barbara Lee Keyfitz Hold that Light ! Modeling of Traffic Flow by Differential Equations
KHIN:02 Hnin Htwe Khin Numerical Solution of Traffic Flow Problems
KILGARD:96 Mark J. Kilgard The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Programming Interface - API Version 3
KIM Jounghoon Kim and Chong-Sun Hwang Implementation of Java Parallel Raytracer Environment
KIM:02 Youngho Kim Online Traffic Flow Model Applying Dynamic Flow-Density Relations
KIM:04 Seongmoon Kim and Mark E. Lewis and Chelsea C. White Optimal Vehicle Routing with Real-Time Traffic Information
KIRCH:94 Olaf Kirch The Linux Network Administrator's Guide
KIRCHNER:04 Ansgar Kirchner and Hubert Klüpfel and Katsuhiro Nishinari and Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg Discretization effects and the influence of walking speed in cellular automata models for pedestrian dynamics
KIRK:05 Barrie Kirk and Keith Fagan and Roland Renner Development and Demonstration of a System of Using Cell Phones as Traffic Probes
KIRK:88 David Kirk and James Arvo The Ray Tracing Kernel
KLAFF:11 Oren Klaff Pitch Anything
KLAR:96 Axel Klar and Reinhart D. Kühne and Raimund Wegener Mathematical Models for Vehicular Traffic
KLARREICH:01 Erica Klarreich Pi shared fairly
KLATTE:93 R. Klatte and U. Kulisch and A. Wiethoff and C. Lawo and M. Rauch C-XSC, A C++ Class Library for Extended Scientific Computing
KLEIN Ulrich Klein and Thomas Schulze and Steffen Straßburger and Hans-Peter Menzler Traffic Simulation Based on the High Level Architecture
KLEIN:97 Lawrence A. Klein Vehicle Detector Technologies for Traffic Management Applications - Part 1
KLEIN:97b Lawrence A. Klein Vehicle Detector Technologies for Traffic Management Applications - Part 2
KLEINROCK:72 L. Kleinrock Stochastic Message Flow and Delay
KLIMASAUSKAS:02 Casimir C. Klimasauskas Not Knowing Your Random Number Generator Could Be Costly : Random Generators - Why Are They Important
KLIMKE:03 Andreas Klimke How to Access Matlab from Java
KLUNDER Gerdien Klunder and Peter Baas and Frans op de Beek A long-term travel time prediction algorithm using historical data
KLUNDER:03 G. Klunder and H.H. Versteegt and C.M.J. Tampère PredicTime: Model specifications and initial test results
KNIGHT:24 Frank Hyneman Knight Some fallacies in the interpretation of social cost
KNOCKAERT:10 Jasper Knockaert Economic and Technical Analysis of Road Transport Emissions
KNOSPE:00 W. Knospe and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg CA Models for Traffic Flow: Comparison with Empirical Single-Vehicle Data
KNOSPE:00b W. Knospe and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg Towards a realistic microscopic description of highway traffic
KNOSPE:02 W. Knospe and L Santen and A Schadschneider and M Schreckenberg A realistic two-lane traffic model for highway traffic
KNOSPE:02b Wolfgang Knospe and Ludger Santen and Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg Human behavior as origin of traffic phases
KNOSPE:02c Wolfgang Knospe Synchronized traffic - Microscopic modeling and empirical observations
KNOSPE:02d Wolfgang Knospe and Ludger Santen and Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg Single-vehicle data of highway traffic: microscopic description of traffic phases
KNOSPE:04 Wolfgang Knospe and Ludger Santen and Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg An empirical test for cellular automaton models of traffic flow
KNUTH:01 Donald Knuth All Questions Answered
KNUTH:70 Donald E. Knuth Von Neumann's First Computer Program
KOCKELMAN:01 Kara M. Kockelman Modeling Traffic's Flow-Density Relation: Accomodation of Multiple Flow Regimes and Traveler Types
KOCKELMAN:04 Kara Kockelman Handbook of Transportation Engineering: Traffic Congestion
KOHL:41 Johann Georg Kohl Der Verkehr und die Ansiedelungen der Menschen in ihrer Abhängigkeit des Gestaltung der Erdoberfläche
KOLOMEISKY:98 Anatoly B. Kolomeisky and Gunter M. Schütz and Eugene B. Kolomeisky and Joseph P. Straley Phase diagram of one-dimensional driven lattice gases with open boundaries
KOMETANI:58 E. Kometani and T. Sasaki On the Stability of Traffic Flow
KOMETANI:61 E. Kometani and T. Sasaki Dynamic behavior of traffic with a nonlinear spacing
KONONOV:99 Eugene Kononov Visual Recurrence Analysis Demonstration
KOOPMAN:00 Siem Jan Koopman Met het Kalman filter vooruit
KOSHI:83 M. Koshi and M. Iwasaki and I. Okhura Some Findings and an Overview on Vehicular Flow Characteristics
KOSKENOJA:96 Pia Maria K. Koskenoja The Effect of Unreliable Commuting Time on Commuter Preferences
KOUTSOPOULOS:99 Haris N. Koutsopoulos Traffic Performance Models II - Examples of Simulation Models: DynaMIT Supply Simulator and MITSIM
KOUTSOPOULOS:99b Haris N. Koutsopoulos Traffic Performance Models I - Fundamentals of Microscopic and Macroscopic Traffic Flow Theory and Performance Models
KOZUKA:01 Hideki Kozuka and Yohsuke Matsui and Hitoshi Kanoh Traffic Flow Simulation using Cellular Automata under Non-equilibrium Environment
KRAJZEWICZ Daniel Krajzewicz and Georg Hertkorn and Peter Wagner and Christian Rössel SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility): An open-source traffic simulation
KRAJZEWICZ:02 Daniel Krajzewicz and Georg Hertkorn and Peter Wagner and Christian Rössel An Example of Microscopic Car Models Validation using the Open Source Traffic Simulation SUMO
KRAJZEWICZ:04 Daniel Krajzewicz Simulation of Urban MObility - SUMO
KRAUSS:96 S. Krauß and P. Wagner and C. Gawron A Continuous Limit of the Nagel-Schreckenberg-Model
KRAUSS:97 S. Krauß Towards a unified view of microscopic traffic flow theories
KRAUSS:97b S. Krauß and P. Wagner and C. Gawron Metastable States in a Microscopic Model of Traffic Flow
KRAUSS:98 Stefan Krauß Microscopic Modeling of Traffic Flow: Investigation of Collision Free Vehicle Dynamics
KRAUSS:98b Stefan Krauß Microscopic Traffic Simulation: Robustness of a Simple Approach
KRAUSS:99 S. Krauß and Kai Nagel and Peter Wagner The mechanism of flow breakdown in traffic flow models
KRBALEK:06 Milan Krbalek and Petr Seba Statistical variances in traffic data
KRETZ Tobias Kretz and Stefan Hengst and Peter Vortisch Pedestrian Flow at Bottlenecks: Validation and Calibration of Vissim's Social Force Model of Pedestrian Traffic and its Empirical Foundations
KRUGMAN:78 Paul Krugman The Theory of Interstellar Trade
KSAZW:94 KSA Zwijndrecht Vlaamse Kerels 40 jaar KSA-Zwijndrecht
KUGIUMTZIS:98 Dimitris Kugiumtzis and Moses A. Boudourides Chaotic Analysis of Internet Ping Data: Just a Random Number Generator?
KUHL J. Kuhl and D. Evans and Y. Papelis and R. Romano and G.S. Watson The Iowa Driving Simulator: An Immersive Research Environment
KUHN:08 Bradley M. Kuhn and Aaron Williamson and Karen M. Sandler A Practical Guide to GPL Compliance
KUHNE:02 Reinhart Kühne and Reinhard Mahnke and Ihor Lubashevsky and Jevgenijs Kaupužs Probabilistic Description of Traffic Breakdowns
KUHNE:84 R.D. Kühne Macroscopic freeway model for dense traffic-stop-start waves and incident detection
KUJALA:01 Janne V. Kujala and Tuomas J. Lukka Exact limiting solutions for certain deterministic traffic rules
KULKARNI:02 Anup A. Kulkarni Modeling Activity Pattern Generation and Execution
KURZYNIEC:03 Dawid Kurzyniec and Tomasz Wrzosek and Dominik Drzewiecki and Vaidy Sunderam Towards Self-organizing Distributed Computing Frameworks: The H2O Approach
KUWAHARA:04 Masao Kuwahara and Edward Chung and Tomotaka Ishida Fundamental Study on the Issues of using Probe Data for OD Estimation and Route Identification
KWELLA B. Kwella and H. Lehmann Floating Car Data Analysis of Urban Road Networks
KWON:00 J. Kwon and B. Coifman and P. Bickel Day-to-Day Travel Time Trends and Travel Time Prediction from Loop Detector Data
KWON:03 Jaimyoung Kwon and Pravin Varaiya and Alexander Skabardonis Estimation of Truck Traffic Volume from Single Loop Detector Using Lane-to-lane Speed Correlation
KWON:06 Jaimyoung Kwon and Chao Chen and Pravin Varaiya Statistical Methods for Detecting Spatial Configuration Errors in Traffic Surveillance Sensors
KWON:95 E. Kwon and P.G. Machalopoulos Macroscopic Simulation of Traffic Flows in Complex Freeway Segments on a Personal Computer
LAFONTAINE Jean de Lafontaine and Jeroen Buijs and Pieter Van den Braembussche Development of the PROBA Attitude Control and Navigation Software
LAFORTUNE:96 Eric Lafortune Mathematical Models and Monte Carlo Algorithms for Physically Based Rendering
LAFORTUNE:96b Eric P. Lafortune Monte Carlo Techniques and Optimisations for Physically Based Rendering
LAGO:03 Alejandro Lago Spatial Models of Morning Commute Consistent with Realistic Traffic Behavior
LAGO:03b Alejandro Lago and Carlos F. Daganzo A Network Model of Departure Time Choice with Spillovers and Merging Effects. Part I: A Building Block
LAMPORT:01 Leslie Lamport and Andrew W. Appel and John Tang Boyland Preparing Articles for the ACM Transactions with LaTeX
LANGE J. Lange and J. Wahle and M. Schreckenberg Quality control in urban traffic control
LANGER:15 Angelika Langer Java Generics: Frequently Asked Questions
LARRAGA:02 M.E. Lárraga Cellular Automata for One-Lane Traffic Flow Modelling: Safety and Automation
LARRAGA:03 M.E. Lárraga and J.A. del Río and A. Schadschneider Platoon formation in a traffic model with variable anticipation
LARRAGA:04 M.E. Lárraga and J.A. del Río and A. Schadschneider New kind of phase separation in a CA traffic model with anticipation
LATORA:99 Vito Latora and Michael Baranger Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy Rate versus Physical Entropy
LAVAL:04 Jorge Andrés Laval Hybrid Models of Traffic Flow: Impacts of Bounded Vehicle Accelerations
LAVAL:06 Jorge Andrés Laval and Carlos F. Daganzo Lane-changing in traffic streams
LAVAL:06b Jorge Andrés Laval A macroscopic theory of two-lane rural roads
LAVAL:11 Jorge Andrés Laval Hysteresis in traffic flow revisited: An improved measurement method
LAWSON:06 Jonathan Lawson Traffic Technology International's 2005 Annual Review
LAWSON:97 Tim W. Lawson and David J. Lovell and Carlos F. Daganzo Using the input-output diagram to determine the spatial and temporal extents of a queue upstream of a bottleneck
LEBACQUE:05 J.P. Lebacque Simulation et Modélisation des Transports
LEBACQUE:93 J.P. Lebacque Les modèles macroscopiques de trafic
LEBACQUE:96 J.P. Lebacque The Godunov scheme and what it means for first order traffic flow models
LEBACQUE:99 J.P. Lebacque and J.B. Lesort Macroscopic Traffic Flow models: a question of order
LEE:01 H.K. Lee and H.-W. Lee and D. Kim Macroscopic traffic models from microscopic car-following models
LEE:02 Kuen Lee and P.M. Hui and Dan Mao and Bing-Hong Wang and Qing-Song Wu Fukui-Ishibashi Traffic Flow Models with Anticipation of Movement of the Car Ahead
LEE:03 Hyun Keun Lee and Robert Barlović and Michael Schreckenberg and Doochul Kim Pinch Effect in a Cellular Automaton (CA) Model for Traffic Flow
LEE:04 Yong J. Lee Developing passenger car units for heavy vehicles based on critical gaps at priority intersections
LEE:52 T.D. Lee and C.N. Yang Statistical theory of equations of state and phase transitions: II. Lattice gas and Ising model
LEE:99 H.Y. Lee and H.-W. Lee and D. Kim Dynamic states of a continuum traffic equation with on-ramp
LEHMANN H. Lehmann and B. Kwella Traffic flow analysis in urban nets on the basis of Floating Car-data
LEHR:96 Jay H. Lehr Let there be stoning!
LENZ:01 H. Lenz and R. Sollacher and M. Lang Standing Waves and the Influence of Speed Limits
LEONARD:89 D. R. Leonard and P. Power and N. B. Taylor CONTRAM: structure of the model
LEPAK:02 Joel Lepak and M. Crescimanno Speed of light measurement using ping
LEQUEUX:04 Gaspard Lequeux Een Introductie tot het Zetsysteem LaTeX
LERNER:00 Georg Lerner and Almut Hochstaedter and Ronald Kates and Cesim Demir and Jürgen Meier and Andreas Poschinger The interplay of multiple scales in traffic flow: Coupling of microscopic, mesoscopic, and mocroscopic simulation
LESORT:05 J.B. Lesort Traffic Flow Modelling: What Do We Know?
LEVEQUE:01 Randall J. LeVeque Some Traffic Flow Models Illustrating Interesting Hyperbolic Behavior
LEVEQUE:03 Randall J. LeVeque CLAWPACK Version 4.2 User's Guide
LEVEQUE:92 Randall J. LeVeque Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws
LEVINE S. Joseph Levine Writing and Presenting Your Thesis or Dissertation
LEVINE:04 E. Levine and G. Ziv and L. Gray L and D. Mukamel Phase Transitions in Traffic Models
LEVINSON:93 David Levinson and Ajay Kumar Integrating Feedback into the Transportation Planning Model: Structure and Application
LEVOY:90 Marc Levoy Efficient Ray Tracing of Volume Data
LEVOY:90b Marc Levoy A Hybrid Ray Tracer for Rendering Polygon and Volume Data
LEWIS:14 Michael Lewis Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt
LI:01 Perry Y. Li and Roberto Horowitz Passive Velocity Field Control (PVFC): Part 1 - Geometry and Robustness
LI:01b Perry Y. Li and Roberto Horowitz Passive Velocity Field Control (PVFC): Part 2 - Application to Contour Following
LI:02 Baibing Li and Bart De Moor Dynamic identification of origin-destination matrices in the presence of incomplete observations
LI:03 Tong Li Global solutions of nonconcave hyperbolic laws with relaxation arising from traffic flow
LI:05 Shu Guang Li and Yan Ming Su Multimode stochastic dynamic simultaneous route-departure time equilibrium problem with queues
LI:90 Wentian Li and Norman Packard The Structure of the Elementary Cellular Automata Rule Space
LIGHTHILL:55 M.J. Lighthill and G.B. Whitham On kinematic waves: II. A theory of traffic flow on long crowded roads
LIM:05 Yongtaek Lim and Benjamin Heydecker Dynamic departure time and stochastic user equilibrium assignment
LIN:95 Wei-Hua Lin and Dike Ahanotu Validating the Basic Cell Transmission Model on a Single Freeway Link
LINAUER:03 Martin Linauer and Dietrich Leihs Generating floating car data using GSM-network
LINDGREN:03 Roger V. Lindgren and Sutti Tantiyanugulchai Microscopic Simulation of Traffic at a Suburban Interchange
LINDGREN:05 Roger Lindgren Analysis of Flow Features in Queued Traffic on a German Freeway
LINDSEY:00 Robin Lindsey and Erik Verhoef Congestion Modeling
LINDSEY:01 Robin Lindsey and Erik Verhoef Traffic Congestion and Congestion Pricing
LISS:98 Tony M. Liss and Paul T. Lipton The Discovery of the Top Quark
LITMAN:01 Todd Litman Generated Traffic and Induced Travel: Implications for Transport Planning
LITTLE:87 R.J.A. Little and D.B. Rubin Statistical Analysis with Missing Data
LIU Ronghui Liu and Jiao Wang A General Framework for the Calibration and Validation of Car-Following Models along an Uninterrupted Open Highway
LIU:02 Henry X. Liu and Xuegang Ban and Bin Ran and Pitu Mirchandani An Analytical Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model with Probabilistic Travel Times and Perceptions
LIU:02b Tai-Ping Liu Shock Waves
LIU:04 Louie Nan Liu Multi-period Congestion Pricing Models and Efficient Tolls in Urban Road Systems
LIU:05 Henry X. Liu and Wenteng Ma and Jeff X. Ban and Pitu Mirchandani Dynamic Equilibrium Assignment with Microscopic Traffic Simulation
LIVADAS:00 Carlos Livadas and John Lygeros and Nancy A. Lynch High-Level Modeling and Analysis of the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
LO:02 Hong K. Lo and W.Y. Szeto A cell-based variational inequality formulation of the dynamic user optimal assignment problem
LO:04 Hong K. Lo and W.Y. Szeto Modeling advanced traveler information services: static versus dynamic paradigms
LO:05 Hong K. Lo and W.Y. Szeto Road pricing modeling for hyper-congestion
LO:96 Hong K. Lo and Wei-Hua Lin and Lawrence C. Liao and Elbert Chang and Jacob Tsao A Comparison of Traffic Models - Part 1, Framework
LO:96b H.P. Lo and N. Zhang and W.H.K. Lam Estimation of an Origin-Destination Matrix with Random Link Choice Proportions - A Statistical Approach
LO:99 Hong K. Lo A Dynamic Traffic Assignment Formulation that Encapsulates the Cell-Transmission Model
LOFFELMANN:94 H. Löffelmann and E. Gröller Parameterizing Superquadrics
LOGGHE Steven Logghe and Ben Immers Micro-simulation of congested traffic flows
LOGGHE:03 Steven Logghe Dynamic modeling of heterogeneous vehicular traffic
LOGGHE:03b Steven Logghe and Ben Immers Is inhalend vrachtverkeer een achterhaald fenomeen?
LOGGHE:03c Steven Logghe and Isaak Yperman De dynamica van congestie en prijsbeleid
LOGGHE:03d Steven Logghe and Ben Immers Heterogeneous traffic flow modelling with the LWR model using passenger-car equivalents
LOGGHE:04 Steven Logghe and Bart Vannieuwenhuyse Een brug tussen verkeersstromen en supply chains
LOGGHE:04b Steven Logghe and Filip Vanhove Het Belgische verkeer in cijfers
LOGGHE:05 Steven Logghe et al Review of the suitability of traffic models for noise modelling - WP2: Demand and traffic flow modelling
LOGGHE:05b Steven Logghe and Filip Vanhove De betrouwbaarheid van Belgische verkeersdetectoren
LOGGHE:07 S. Logghe and L.I. Immers Multi-class kinematic wave theory of traffic flow
LOGICACMG:05 LogicaCMG Get moving faster with Mobile Traffic Services
LOGICACMG:05b LogicaCMG MTS Quality Assessment Results
LONGHOW:01 Lam Longhow S-Plus Introduction Course
LOTITO:01 Pablo Lotito and Elina Mancinelli and Jean-Pierre Quadrat A Minplus Derivation of the Fundamental Car-Traffic Law
LU:01 Xiangwen Lu Dynamic and Stochastic Routing Optimization: Algorithm Development and Analysis
LU:06 Xiao-Yun Lu and Alexander Skabardonis Freeway Traffic Shockwave Analysis: Exploring the NGSIM Trajectory Data
LUBECK:98 S. Lübeck and L. Roters and K. D. Usadel Investigation of the dynamical structure factor of the Nagel-Schreckenberg traffic flow model
LUBECK:98b S. Lübeck and M. Schreckenberg and K.D. Usadel Density fluctuations and phase transitions in the Nagel-Schreckenberg traffic flow model
LUDMANN:98 J. Ludmann Beeinflussung des Verkehrsablaufs auf Straßen - Analyse mit dem fahrzeugorientierten Verkehrssimulationsprogramm PELOPS
LUKE:72 J.C. Luke Mathematical models for landform evolution
LULING:91 R. Lüling and B. Monien and F. Ramme Load Balancing in Large Networks: A Comparative Study
LUSK:03 Ewing Lusk MPI-2: Extensions to the Message-Passing Interface
LUTTINEN:00 R. Tapio Luttinen Level of Service on Finnish Two-Lane Highways
LYNN:82 P.A. Lynn An Introduction to the Analysis and Processing of Signals
MA:05 Shoufeng Ma and Kai Nagel The Road Network Reliability: a Method Based on Risk
MACKIE:99 Andrew D. Mackie Java Parameter Passing
MAERIVOET:00b Sven Maerivoet The mathematics used in Mitrasim 2000
MAERIVOET:00c Sven Maerivoet An introduction to image enhancement in the spatial domain
MAERIVOET:00d Sven Maerivoet Het strandlijn-algoritme voor het berekenen van Voronoi-diagrammen
MAERIVOET:01 Sven Maerivoet Het gebruik van microscopische verkeerssimulatie bij een onderzoek naar de fileproblematiek op de Antwerpse Ring
MAERIVOET:01c Sven Maerivoet and Erik Vanherck DNA computing en gen-assemblage in ciliaten
MAERIVOET:01d Sven Maerivoet Leidt het Standaardmodel in de elementaire deeltjesfysica tot een quantum veldentheorie van Alles?
MAERIVOET:01e Sven Maerivoet Het gebruik van microscopische verkeerssimulatie bij een onderzoek naar de fileproblematiek op de Antwerpse Ring - Slides
MAERIVOET:01f Sven Maerivoet Advanced Computer Graphics using OpenGL
MAERIVOET:01g Sven Maerivoet Stochastisch schatten van de massa van een tandwiel met variërende dichtheid
MAERIVOET:02 Sven Maerivoet An introduction to the modeling and simulation of traffic flows
MAERIVOET:02b Sven Maerivoet Modelleren, simuleren en beheersen van verkeersstromen
MAERIVOET:02c Sven Maerivoet and Tom Bellemans and Bart De Moor A Case Study on Traffic Flow Modelling, Simulation and Control
MAERIVOET:02d Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor Modeling, Simulation and Control of Traffic Flows on a Highway Network
MAERIVOET:03 Sven Maerivoet Development of a Traffic Cellular Automaton Model for Highway Traffic
MAERIVOET:03b Sven Maerivoet A Survey on the Qualitative Behaviour of Traffic Cellular Automata
MAERIVOET:03c Sven Maerivoet and Celine Vens Academic Oratory Skills - Mastering original and persuasive speech
MAERIVOET:03d Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor Development of an Improved Traffic Cellular Automaton Model for Traffic Flows on a Highway Road Network
MAERIVOET:03e Sven Maerivoet Modelleren, simuleren en beheersen van verkeersstromen
MAERIVOET:03f Sven Maerivoet and Steven Logghe and Bart De Moor and Ben Immers A Comparison of a Cellular Automaton and a Macroscopic Model: Poster
MAERIVOET:03g Sven Maerivoet and Steven Logghe and Bart De Moor and Ben Immers A Comparison of a Cellular Automaton and a Macroscopic Model
MAERIVOET:04 Sven Maerivoet Efficient microscopic simulation of large scale highway traffic flows
MAERIVOET:04b Sven Maerivoet Modelleren, Simuleren en Regelen van Verkeersstromen
MAERIVOET:04c Sven Maerivoet Traffic: an Interplay between Models, Simulations, and Control Actions
MAERIVOET:04d Sven Maerivoet Traffic Cellular Automata
MAERIVOET:04e Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor Non-concave fundamental diagrams and phase transitions in a stochastic traffic cellular automaton
MAERIVOET:04f Sven Maerivoet Verkeer @ SISTA
MAERIVOET:04g Sven Maerivoet Models in Aid of Traffic Management
MAERIVOET:04h Sven Maerivoet Sustainability Effects of Traffic Management Systems
MAERIVOET:04i Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor Advancing density waves and phase transitions in a velocity dependent randomization traffic cellular automaton
MAERIVOET:05 Sven Maerivoet Verkeerskunde: een samenspel van modellen, simulaties en regelacties
MAERIVOET:05b Sven Maerivoet and Steven Logghe and Ben Immers and Bart De Moor Relating the dynamics of road traffic in a stochastic cellular automaton to a macroscopic first-order model
MAERIVOET:05c Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor Transportation Planning and Traffic Flow Models
MAERIVOET:05d Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor Traffic Flow Theory
MAERIVOET:05e Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor Cellular Automata Models of Road Traffic
MAERIVOET:05f Sven Maerivoet Persoonlijk doctoraal logboek
MAERIVOET:05g Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor Graduate Students and The Art of Public Speaking
MAERIVOET:06 Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor Data Quality, Travel Time Estimation, and Reliability
MAERIVOET:06b Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor Sustainability Effects of Traffic Management Systems
MAERIVOET:06c Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor Dynamic Traffic Assignment based on Cellular Automata
MAERIVOET:06d Sven Maerivoet and Bart De Moor Some Thoughts on Obtaining a PhD
MAERIVOET:06e Sven Maerivoet Modelling Traffic on Motorways: State-of-the-Art, Numerical Data Analysis, and Integrated Dynamic Traffic Assignment
MAERIVOET:08 Sven Maerivoet and Isaak Yperman Analyse van de Verkeerscongestie in België
MAERIVOET:99 Sven Maerivoet and Koen Pellegrims and Stefaan Ponnet and Wim Vanhooff Distributed programming in Java
MAGNE:00 Laurent Magne and Sylvestre Rabut and Jean-François Gabard Towards an hybrid macro-micro traffic flow simulation model
MAHALANOBIS:36 Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis On the generalized distance in statistics
MAHANTI:04 Bhanu Prasad Mahanti Aggregate Calibration of Microscopic Traffic Simulation Models
MAHMASSANI:04 Hani Mahmassani In Memoriam - Denos C. Gazis
MAHNKE:05 R. Mahnke and J. Kaupužs and I. Lubashevsky Probabilistic description of traffic flow
MAHUT:02 Michael Mahut and Michael Florian and Nicolas Tremblay Space-time queues and dynamic traffic assignment: A model, algorithm and applications
MALIK:03 Shazia Malik Observed Dynamic Traffic Features on a Freeway Section with Merges and Diverges
MALLIKARJUNA:05 Ch. Mallikarjuna and K. Ramachandra Rao Traffic Flow Modelling on Highways using Cellular Automata: A Review
MALONE:03 K.M. Malone and M.C.J. Bliemer and C.H. Menard and H.H. Versteegt Testing INDY for use as the Dynamic Traffic Assignment model in the Dutch National Model
MAMMAR:06 Salim Mammar and Jean-Patrick Lebacque and Habib Haj-Salem A Hybrid Model Based on a Second Order Traffic Model
MANDELBROT:01 Benoit B. Mandelbrot Scaling in financial prices: I. Tails and dependence
MANDELBROT:01b Benoit B. Mandelbrot Scaling in financial prices: II. Multifractals and the star equation
MANDELBROT:01c Benoit B. Mandelbrot Scaling in financial prices: III. Cartoon Brownian motions in multifractal time
MANDELBROT:01d Benoit B. Mandelbrot Scaling in financial prices: IV. Multifractal concentration
MANDELBROT:63 Benoit B. Mandelbrot The Variation of Certain Speculative Prices
MANDELBROT:67 Benoit B. Mandelbrot How Long Is the Coast of Britain? Statistical Self-Similarity and Fractal Dimension
MANDELBROT:98 Benoit B. Mandelbrot Fractal financial fluctuations: do they threaten sustainability?
MANDELBROT:99 Benoit B. Mandelbrot A Multifractal Walk down Wall Street
MANETTI:99 Cesare Manetti and Alessandro Giuliani and Charles L. Webber and Joseph P. Zbilut Recurrence quantification analysis as a tool for the characterization of molecular dynamics simulations
MANHEIM:79 Marvin L. Manheim Fundamentals of Transportation Systems Analysis
MANN:65 Peter Mann Modelling Study of a Typical British City
MARAIKAR Z. Maraikar and D.N. Ranasinghe From Linda to JavaSpaces - A Review of the Tuple Space Paradigm
MARCA:02 James Edward Marca Activity-Based Travel Analysis in the Wireless Information Age
MARCHAL Fabrice Marchal Departure time choice modelling : an application to the Paris area
MARCHAL:01 Fabrice Marchal Contribution to dynamic transportation models
MARCHAL:03 Fabrice Marchal Integrating time of use in large scale traffic simulations
MARCHI Ezio Marchi The Manhattan Problem Solved and the new LAUMAR Systems Generalization
MARCUCCI:98 Edoardo Marcucci Road Pricing: Old Beliefs, Present Awareness and Future Research Patterns
MARSHALL:05 Stephen J. Marshall Member view: The trouble with open source
MARTIN Allen Martin Particle Systems
MARTINb William Martin and Elain Cohen and Russell Fish and Peter Shirley Practical Ray Tracing of Trimmed NURBS Surfaces
MARWAN:02 N. Marwan and J. Kurths Nonlinear analysis of bivariate data with cross recurrence plots
MASON:08 Matt Mason The Pirate's Dilemma: How Youth Culture Is Reinventing Capitalism
MATHEW Tom V. Mathew Heterogeneous traffic flow modeling using cellular automaton for real time applications
MATHWORKS:02 The Mathworks MATLAB Programming Tips - Version 6
MATSUKIDAIRA:03 Junta Matsukidaira and Katsuhiro Nishinari Euler-Lagrange correspondence of cellular automaton for traffic-flow models
MATSUMOTO:05 Yukimasa Matsumoto and Yosuke Horiba and Motohiro Fujita and Hiroshi Matsui Estimation of path flows and modification of O-D flows based on probe vehicle information and traffic counts
MAUCH:02 M. Mauch and M.J. Cassidy Freeway Traffic Oscillations: Observations and Predictions
MAUCH:02b Michael Mauch Analyses of Start-Stop Waves in Congested Freeway Traffic
MAXFORD:97 Howard Maxford The A-Z of Science Fiction and Fantasy Films
MAY:04 Robert M. May Uses and Abuses of Mathematics in Biology
MAY:90 Adolf D. May Traffic Flow Fundamentals
MAYBERRY:73 J.P. Mayberry Structural requirements for abstract-mode models of passenger transportation
MAYERES:01 I. Mayeres and S. Proost and D. Vandercruyssen and L. De Nocker and L. Int Panis and G. Wouters and B. De Borger De externe kosten van transport - Syntheseverslag
MAZZARIOL:00 Marc Mazzariol and Benoit A. Gennart and Roger D. Hersch Dynamic load balancing of parallel cellular automata
MCALLISTER:00 David K. McAllister The Design of an API for Particle Systems
MCCABE Frank McCabe Modelling Transport
MCDONALD:05 Noreen C. McDonald Children's Travel: Patterns and Influences
MCDONALD:97 M. McDonald and M.A. Brackstone and B. Sultan and C. Roach Close Following on the Motorway: Initial Findings of an Instrumented Vehicle Study
MCGUIRE:10 M. McGuire and E. Enderton and P. Shirley and D. Luebke Real-time Stochastic Rasterization on Conventional GPU Architectures
MCIRVIN:95 Matt McIrvin Some Frequently Asked Questions About Black Holes
MCNALLY:00 Michael G. McNally The Activity-Based Approach
MCNALLY:00b Michael G. McNally The Four Step Model
MCNALLY:96 Michael G. McNally An Activity-Based Microsimulation Model for Travel Demand Forecasting
MDR:01 MDR Lancering eerste Belgische satelliet verloopt succesvol
MDR:01b MDR Antwerpen is voorstander van tweede toltunnel onder Schelde
MEISGEN:97 F. Meisgen and E. Speckenmeyer Dynamic Load Balancing on Clusters of Heterogenous Workstations
MEISS:00 Jim Meiss sci.nonlinear FAQ
MENOLD:99 P.H. Menold and R.K. Peason and F. Allgöwer Online Outlier Detection and Removal
MESSMER:90 A. Messmer and M. Papageorgiou METANET: A macroscopic simulation program for motorway networks
MESSMER:94 Albert Messmer and Markos Papageorgiou Automatic control methods applied to freeway network traffic
MEYER:01 Mark Meyer and Haeyoung Lee and Alan Barr and Mathieu Desbrun Generalizing Barycentric Coordinates to Irregular N-gons
MEYVIS:04 Ludo Meyvis De wiskunde van de sneeuwvlok
MEYVIS:99 Ludo Meyvis Vervoersproblematiek en de computer
MICHLER:01 E. Michler Statistical Analysis of Floating Car Data Systems
MIKHALKIN:72 B. Mikhalkin and H. Payne and L. Isaksen Estimation of speed from presence detectors
MILITZER:98 Burkhard Militzer Traffic Jams
MILLER:04 Harvey J. Miller Activities in Space and Time
MILNOR:00 J. Milnor The Poincaré Conjecture
MINDERHOUD:99 Michiel M. Minderhoud Supported driving: impacts on motorway traffic flow
MISKA:07 Marc Philipp Miska Microscopic Online Simulation for Real time Traffic Management
MIT:98 Unknown DynaMIT: Dynamic Network Assignment for the Management of Information to Travelers
MIT:99 Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT - Intelligent Transportation Systems
MITCHELL:54 Robert B. Mitchell and Chester Rapkin Urban Traffic: A Function of Land Use
MOET:03 Esther Moet Simulatie van fileverschijnselen
MOHAN:89 Kim Mohan Tobin's Spirit Guide: A Supplement for Use with the Ghostbusters-International Roleplaying Game
MOLER:04 Cleve Moler Numerical Computing with MATLAB
MONSIEURS:06 Pieter Monsieurs Motif Detection in Prokaryotes based on Comparative Genomics
MONTERO:98 L. Montero and E. Codina and J. Barceló and P. Barceló Combining Macroscopic and Microscopic Approaches for Transportation Planning and Design of Road Networks
MONTROLL:64 E.W. Montroll and R.B. Potts Car Following and Acceleration Noise
MOONS Christiaan Moons and Eric Ten Haaf Model Based Predictive Control of a Drum Boiler with INCA
MOONS:01 Christiaan Moons Model Based Optimization and Control
MORDKOVICH Boris Mordkovich The Perl Tutorial: What's Perl?
MOREIRA:03 Andrés Moreira Universality and Decidability of Number-Conserving Cellular Automata
MORRIS:05 Bert Morris Pay as you go
MOSHER:63 W.W. Mosher A Capacity Restraint Algorithm for Assigning Flow to a Transport Network
MOSKOWITZ:54 Karl Moskowitz Waiting for a gap in a traffic stream
MOTMANS:94 Bart Motmans Signals and Systems
MOUSSA:06 Najem Moussa Biham-Middleton-Levine Traffic Model With Origin-Destination Trips
MOVSHOVITZ-HADAR:04 Nitsa Movshovitz-Hadar and Orit Hazzan How to present it? On the rhetoric of an outstanding lecturer
MUKHERJEE:05 G. Mukherjee and S.S. Manna Phase transition in a directed traffic flow network
MULLIGAN:02 Ann-Marie Mulligan and Alan Nicholson Uncertainty in Traffic Flow Estimation Using the Moving-Observer Method
MUNOZ:00 Juan Carlos Muñoz and Carlos Daganzo Experimental Characterization of Multi-lane Freeway Traffic Upstream of an Off-ramp Bottleneck
MUNOZ:00b Juan Carlos Muñoz and Carlos Daganzo The bottleneck mechanism of a freeway diverge
MUNOZ:02 Juan Carlos Muñoz and Carlos F. Daganzo Fingerprinting Traffic from Static Freeway Sensors
MUNOZ:02b Juan Carlos Muñoz and Carlos Daganzo Moving Bottlenecks: A Theory Grounded on Experimental Observation
MUNOZ:02c Juan Carlos Muñoz Driver-Shift Design for Single-Hub Transit Systems under Uncertainty
MUNOZ:03 Laura Muñoz and Xiaotian Sun and Roberto Horrowitz and Luis Alvarez Traffic Density Estimation with the Cell Transmission Model
MUNOZ:03b J.C. Muñoz and C.F. Daganzo Structure of the Transition Zone Behind Freeway Queues
MVG Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap De noordelijke sluiting van de kleine Ring R1 om Antwerpen - Stedenbouwkundig en ruimtelijk onderzoek
MYUNG:03 In Jae Myung Tutorial on maximum likelihood estimation
NACKAERTS:03 Nancy Nackaerts Intelligent verkeer
NAEMURA:01 T. Naemura and T. Yoshida and H. Harashima 3-D computer graphics based on integral photography
NAGAI:05 Ryoichi Nagai and Takashi Nagatani and Akio Yamada Phase diagram in multi-phase traffic model
NAGAI:05b Ryoichi Nagai and Tunetoshi Onouchi and Takashi Nagatani Phase separation and evolution of one pulse jam in traffic flow
NAGATANI:02 Takashi Nagatani The physics of traffic jams
NAGATANI:93 Takashi Nagatani Self-organization and phase transition in traffic-flow model of a two-lane roadway
NAGATANI:94 Takashi Nagatani Traffic jam and shock formation in stochastic traffic-flow model of a two-lane roadway
NAGATANI:98 Takashi Nagatani and Heike Emmerich and Ken Nakanishi Burgers equation for kinetic clustering in traffic flow
NAGEL:00 Kai Nagel and Marcus Rickert and Patrice M. Simon and Martin Pieck The dynamics of iterated transportation simulations
NAGEL:01 Kai Nagel and Christopher Kayatz and Peter Wagner Breakdown and recovery in traffic flow models
NAGEL:01b Kai Nagel and Marcus Rickert Parallel implementation of the TRANSIMS micro-simulation
NAGEL:02b Kai Nagel Distributed intelligence in large scale traffic simulations on parallel computers
NAGEL:02c Kai Nagel Traffic Networks
NAGEL:03 Kai Nagel and Peter Wagner and Richard Woesler Still flowing: old and new approaches for traffic flow modeling
NAGEL:03b Kai Nagel and Bryan Raney Transportation planning II: Complex systems applications for transportation planning
NAGEL:04 Kai Nagel Multi-agent transportation simulation
NAGEL:05 Kai Nagel and Paul Nelson A Critical Comparison of the Kinematic-Wave Model with Observational Data
NAGEL:92 Kai Nagel and Michael Schreckenberg A cellular automaton model for freeway traffic
NAGEL:92b K. Nagel and E. Raschke Self-organizing criticality in cloud formation?
NAGEL:93 Kai Nagel and Hans J. Herrmann Deterministic models for traffic jams
NAGEL:93b Kai Nagel and A. Schleicher Microscopic Traffic Modeling on Parallel High Performance Computers
NAGEL:94 Kai Nagel and Steen Rasmussen Traffic at the edge of chaos
NAGEL:94b Kai Nagel Life-times of simulated traffic jams
NAGEL:94c Kai Nagel Fast low fidelity microsimulation of vehicle traffic on supercomputers
NAGEL:95 Kai Nagel and Michael Schreckenberg Traffic Jam Dynamics in Stochastic Cellular Automata
NAGEL:95b Kai Nagel and Maya Paczuski Emergent Traffic Jams
NAGEL:95c Kai Nagel High-speed microsimulations of traffic flow
NAGEL:95d Kai Nagel and Michael Schreckenberg Traffic Jam Dynamics in Stochastic Cellular Automata
NAGEL:96 Kai Nagel Particle hopping models and traffic flow theory
NAGEL:96b K. Nagel and C.L. Barrett and M. Rickert Parallel Traffic Microsimulation by Cellular Automata and Application for Large-scale Transportation Modeling
NAGEL:98 Kai Nagel and Dietrich E. Wolf and Peter Wagner and Patrice Simon Two-lane traffic rules for cellular automata: A systematic approach
NAGEL:98b Kai Nagel and Paula Stretz and Martin Pieck and Shannon Leckey and Rick Donnelly and Christopher L. Barrett TRANSIMS traffic flow characteristics
NAGEL:98c Kai Nagel Experiences with iterated traffic microsimulations in Dallas
NAGEL:98d K. Nagel and R. Frye and R. Jakob and M. Rickert and P. Stretz Dynamic Traffic Assignment on Parallel Computers
NAGEL:98e Kai Nagel and Marcus Rickert and Patrice M. Simon and Martin Pieck The dynamics of iterated transportation simulations
NAGURNEY:03 Anna Nagurney Influence of Beckmann, McGuire, and Winsten's Studies in the Economics of Transportation
NAGURNEY:93 A. Nagurney Network economics: a variational inequality approach
NAIR Attoor Sanju Nair and Jyh-Charn Liu and Laurence Rilett and Saurabh Gupta Non-Linear Analysis of Traffic Flow
NAM:96 D.H. Nam and D.R. Drew Traffic dynamics: method for estimating freeway travel times in real time from flow measurements
NAMAZI:02 A. Namazi and N. Eissfeldt and P. Wagner and A. Schadschneider Boundary-induced phase transitions in a space-continuous traffic model with non-unique flow-density relation
NASH:51 J.F. Nash Non-Cooperative Games
NASH:82 C.A. Nash A reformulation of the theory of optimal congestion taxes: a comment
NELSON Paul Nelson Kinetic Theories of Vehicular Traffic
NELSON:95 Paul Nelson A kinetic model of vehicular traffic and its associated bimodal equilibrium solutions
NELSON:98 Paul Nelson and Alexandros Sopasakis The Prigogine-Herman kinetic model predicts widely scattered traffic flow data at high concentrations
NEMOY:93 Sheldon Nemoy and C.J. Aiken Looking Good With CorelDRAW!
NEUBERT:99 L. Neubert and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg Single-vehicle data of highway traffic: A statistical analysis
NEUBERT:99b L. Neubert and H.Y. Lee and M. Schreckenberg Density Waves and Jamming Transition in Cellular Automaton Models for Traffic Flow
NEUBERT:99c L. Neubert and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg Statistical Analysis of Freeway Traffic
NEVILLE:99 Padraic G. Neville Decision Trees for Predictive Modeling
NEWELL:02 Gordon Frank Newell Memoirs on Highway Traffic Flow Theory in the 1950s
NEWELL:02b Gordon Frank Newell A simplified car-following theory: a lower order model
NEWELL:62 Gordon Frank Newell Theories of instability in dense highway traffic
NEWELL:63b Gordon Frank Newell Instability in dense highway traffic, a review
NEWELL:82 Gordon Frank Newell Applications of Queueing Theory
NEWELL:93 Gordon Frank Newell A Simplified Theory of Kinematic Waves in Highway Traffic, Part 1: General Theory
NEWELL:93b Gordon Frank Newell A Simplified Theory of Kinematic Waves in Highway Traffic, Part 2: Queueing at Freeway Bottlenecks
NEWELL:93c Gordon Frank Newell A Simplified Theory of Kinematic Waves in Highway Traffic, Part 3: Multi-Destination Flows
NEWELL:96 Gordon Frank Newell Theory of Highway Traffic Flow 1945-1965
NEWELL:98 Gordon Frank Newell A Moving Bottleneck
NEWELL:99 Gordon Frank Newell Delays caused by a queue at a freeway exit ramp
NGODUY:03 D. Ngoduy and S.P. Hoogendoorn and H.J. van Zuylen Cross-comparison of Numerical Schemes For Macroscopic Traffic Flow Models
NGODUY:04 D. Ngoduy and S.P. Hoogendoorn and H.J. Van Zuylen Modeling and Simulation of Multilane and Multiclass Traffic Flow at On and Off Ramps
NHTSA:94 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Right Turn On Red (RTOR)
NIHAN:87 Nancy L. Nihan and Gary A. Davis Recursive Estimation of Origin-Destination Matrices from Input-Output Counts
NILSSON:98 Nils J. Nilsson Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis
NILSSON:98b Nils J. Nilsson Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis
NISHIMURA:05 Yutaka Nishimura and Taksu Cheon and Petr Seba Metastable Congested States in Multisegment Traffic Cellular Automaton
NISHINARI:00 Katsuhiro Nishinari and Daisuke Takahashi A family of multi-valued cellular automaton model for traffic flow
NISHINARI:01 Katsuhiro Nishinari A Lagrange representation of cellular automaton models of traffic flow
NISHINARI:01b Katsuhiro Nishinari Euler and Lagrange representation of traffic models
NISHINARI:01c Katsuhiro Nishinari and Junta Matsukidaira and Daisuke Takahashi Two-dimensional Burgers Cellular Automaton
NISHINARI:03 Katsuhiro Nishinari and Debashish Chowdhury and Andreas Schadschneider Cluster formation and anomalous fundamental diagram in an ant trail model
NISHINARI:03b Katsuhiro Nishinari and Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing Interpreting the wide scattering of synchronized traffic data by time gap statistics
NISHINARI:03c Katsuhiro Nishinari and Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing Experimental time gap distributions and erratic scattering in heterogeneous flow
NISHINARI:04 Katsuhiro Nishinari and Minoru Fukui and Andreas Schadschneider A stochastic cellular automaton model for traffic flow with multiple metastable states
NISHINARI:99 Katsuhiro Nishinari and Daisuke Takahashi A new deterministic CA model for traffic flow with multiple states
NIST:02 SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods
NOBLE:02 James Noble and Robert Biddle Notes on Postmodern Programming
OAK:94 Unknown Oak Language Specification 0.2
OETIKER:00 Tobias Oetiker and Hubert Partl and Irene Hyna and Elisabeth Schlegl The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e
OFFERMAN Frank Offerman Fusion of Local Traffic Data and Floating Car Data for Travel Speed Estimation by a Neuro Fuzzy Approach
OGUT:04 Kemal Selçuk Öuüt An Alternative Regression Model of Speed-Occupancy Relation at the Congested Flow Level
OH:02 Jun-Seok Oh and R. Jayakrishnan and Will Recker Section Travel Time Estimation from Point Detection Data
OHTA:01 H. Ohta Probing a traffic congestion controversy: density and flow scrutinized
OHTA:01b H. Ohta Probing a traffic congestion controversy: response to comment
OKETCH:05 Timothy Oketch and Marzenna Carrick Calibration and Validation of a Micro-Simulation Model in Network Analysis
OLSTAM:04 Johan Janson Olstam and Andreas Tapani Comparison of car-following models
ORRICK:02 Phyllis Orrick Gordon Newell Memorialized at TRB
ORTUZAR:90 Juan de Dios Ortúzar and Luis G. Willumsen Modelling Transport
OT:77 V.E. Outram and E. Thompson Driver route choice-behavioural and motivational studies
OTC:94 The Optimization Technology Center Linear Programming
OUDSHOORN:99 Juri A. Oudshoorn Ray Tracing as the Future of Computer Games
OVERGAARD:67 K.R. Overgaard Urban Transportation Planning: Traffic Estimation
OWASP:07 OWASP Foundation The Ten Most Critical Web Application Security Vulnerabilities
PACKARD:80 N.H. Packard and J.P. Crutchfeld and J.D. Farmer and R.S. Shaw Geometry from a time series
PAHAUT:06 Serge Pahaut and Catharina Sikow History of thought and prospects for road pricing
PAKIN:01 Scott Pakin and David Carlisle and Alexander Holt The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List
PALLA:07 Gergely Palla and Albert-Laszlo Barabasi and Tamás Vicsek Quantifying social group evolution
PALUS:97 Milan Paluš Kolmogorov Entropy from Time Series using Information-Theoretic Functionals
PANWAI:05 S. Panwai and H. Dia Comparative evaluation of microscopic car-following behavior
PAPAGEORGIOU:00 Markos Papageorgiou and Apostolos Kotsialos Freeway Ramp Metering: An Overview
PAPAGEORGIOU:01 Markos Papageorgiou Short Course on Dynamic Traffic Flow Modelling and Control
PAPAGEORGIOU:03 Markos Papageorgiou and Christina Diakaki and Vaya Dinopoulou and Apostolos Kotsialos and Yibing Wang Review of Road Traffic Control Strategies
PAPAGEORGIOU:97 Markos Papageorgiou and H. Haj-Salem and F. Middelham ALINEA Local Ramp Metering: Summary of Field Results
PAPAGEORGIOU:98 Markos Papageorgiou Some Remarks on Macroscopic Traffic Flow Modelling
PAPELIS Yiannis E. Papelis and Shaheen Bahauddin Logical Modeling of Roadway Environment to Support Real-Time Simulation of Autonomous Traffic
PARK Jin-Young Park and Robert B. Noland and John W. Polak Analysis of Emissions Relationships Generated from VISSIM using the European MODEM Database
PARKER:99 Steven Parker and Michael Parker and Yarden Livnat and Peter-Pike Sloan and Charles Hansen and Peter Shirley Interactive Ray Tracing for Volume Visualization
PARLITZ:98 Ulrich Parlitz Nonlinear Time-Series Analysis
PAS:97 Eric I. Pas and Shari L. Principio Braeß' Paradox: Some New Insights
PATRIKSSON:03 Michael Patriksson Algorithms for computing traffic equilibria
PATRIKSSON:94 M. Patriksson The Traffic Assignment Problem: Models and Methods
PATRIKSSON:99 M. Patriksson Nonlinear programming and variational inequality problems: a unified approach
PATRIQUIN:03 Larry Patriquin Plagiarism, Citation, Quotation
PAVERIFONTANA:75 S.L. Paveri-Fontana On Boltzmann-like treatments of traffic flow: A critical review of the basic model and an alternative proposal for dilute traffic analysis
PAWASAUSKAS:97 John Pawasauskas Volume Visualization with Ray Casting
PAYNE:71 Harold J. Payne Models of Freeway Traffic and Control
PAYNE:76 H.J. Payne and E.D. Helfenbein and H.C. Knobel Development and testing of incident detection algorithms
PAYNE:78 Harold J. Payne FREFLO: A macroscopic simulation model of freeway traffic
PCGPE Unknown PC Games Programmers Encyclopedia v1.0
PEARLMUTTER Barak Pearlmutter Dec Wars
PEETA:01 Srinivas Peeta and Athanasios K. Ziliaskopoulos Foundations of Dynamic Traffic Assignment: The Past, the Present and the Future
PEETA:03 S. Peeta and T.-H. Yang Stability issues for dynamic traffic assignment
PEITGEN:86 Heinz-Otto Peitgen and Peter H. Richter The Beauty of Fractals - Images of Complex Dynamical Systems
PELCKMANS:02 K. Pelckmans and J.A.K. Suykens and T. Van Gestel and J. De Brabanter and L. Lukas and B. Hamers and B. De Moor and J. Vandewalle LS-SVMlab Toolbox User's Guide
PELCKMANS:05 Kristiaan Pelckmans Primal-dual kernel machines
PEMS:99 PeMS Freeway Performance Measures - Calculations with Loop Detectors
PEPLOW:04 Mark Peplow Traffic flow - Cruising through congestion
PERLIN Ken Perlin Perlin Noise
PETELIN:06 Andrej Petelin Simuliranje prometa
PETERSEN:05 Kaare Brandt Petersen and Michael Syskind Pedersen The Matrix Cookbook
PETKOVSEK:97 Marko Petkovšek and Herbert S. Wilf and Doron Zeilberger A = B
PETRI:62 Carl Adam Petri Kommunikation mit Automaten
PETROV:02 Plamen Petrov The Game (Introduction to Digital Physics)
PETTY Karl Petty Small Time Scale Analysis of the Loop Data
PETTY:98 Karl F. Petty and Peter Bickel and Michael Ostland and John Rice and Frederic Schoenberg and Jiming Jiang and Ya'acov Ritov Accurate estimation of travel times from single-loop detectors
PETTYb Karl Petty and Hisham Noeimi and Kumud Sanwal and Dan Rydzewski and Alexander Skabardonis and Pravin Varaiya The Freeway Service Patrol Evaluation Project: Database, Support Programs and Accessibility
PHILIPS:88 Philips Technical Reference Manual P3202/P3204
PHILIPSE:90 Pim Philipse Turbo Pascal 5 - Toepassingen
PHILLIPS:79 W.F. Phillips Kinetic Model for Traffic Flow with Continuum Implications
PIGOU:20 Arthur Cecil Pigou The Economics of Welfare
PIPES:53 L.A. Pipes An operational analysis of traffic dynamics
PIPES:64 L.A. Pipes Hydrodynamic Approaches
PLOTNIKOV:96 Anatoly D. Plotnikov Polynomial-Time Partition of a Graph into Cliques
PLUYMERS:06 Bert Pluymers Robust Model Based Predictive Control - An Invariant Set Approach
POCHET:06 Nathalie Pochet Microarray data analysis using support vector machines and kernel methods
POHL:09 Daniel Pohl Light It Up! Quake Wars Gets Ray Traced
POPKOV:01 V. Popkov and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and G. M. Schütz Empirical evidence for a boundary-induced nonequilibrium phase transition
POTTEL:03 Hans Pottel Statistical flaws in Excel
POTTER:96 Ben Potter and Jane Sinclair and David Till An Introduction to Format Specification and Z
POTTMEIER:03 A. Pottmeier and S.F. Hafstein and R. Chrobok and J. Wahle and M. Schreckenberg The Traffic State of the Autobahn Network of North Rhine-Westphalia: An Online Traffic Simulation
POTTMEIER:04 Andreas Pottmeier and Sigurdur F. Hafstein and Roland Chrobok and Michael Schreckenberg OLSIM: An Approved Traffic Information System
PRE:03 Unknown Physical Review E - Editiorial Policies and Practices
PREETHAM:99 A. J. Preetham and Peter Shirley and Brian E. Smits A Practical Analytic Model for Daylight
PREVEDOUROS:00 Panos D. Prevedouros and Honglong Li Comparison of Freeway Simulation with INTEGRATION, KRONOS and Kwaves
PRICE:05 James F. Price Lagrangian and Eulerian Representations of Fluid Flow
PRIGOGINE:60 Ilya Prigogine and Frank C. Andrews A Boltzmann like approach for traffic flow
PRIGOGINE:71 Ilya Prigogine and Robert Herman Kinetic Theory of Vehicular Traffic
PRINCIPE:99 Jose C. Principe and Dongxin Xu and John W. Fisher Information-Theoretic Learning
PRITCHARD Les Pritchard A guide to starting a JavaSpace
PTV PTV VISSIM Traffic Flow Simulation - Technical Description
PTV:05 PTV PTV Vision software suite (VISUM/VISEM/VISEVA/VISSIM)
PUGH:00 William Pugh The Java Memory Model is Fatally Flawed
PURCELL:97 Lee Purcell and Mary Jane Mara Werken met JavaScript
PURDUE:02 Purdue University Using Modern Language Association (MLA) Format
PURSULA:99 Matti Pursula Simulation of Traffic Systems - an Overview
PUSHKAR:94 A. Pushkar and F. Hall and J.A. Acha-Daza Estimation of speeds from single-loop freeway flow and occupancy data using cusp catastrophe theory model
RAJAMANI:01 R. Rajamani and C. Chen and A. Howell and J.K. Hedrick and M. Tomizuka A Complete Fault Diagnostic System for Automated Vehicles Operating in a Platoon
RAJEWSKY:96 N. Rajewsky and A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg The asymmetric exclusion model with sequential update
RAJEWSKY:98 N. Rajewsky and L. Santen and A. Schadschneider and M. Schreckenberg The Asymmetric Exclusion Process: Comparison of Update Procedures
RAKHA:05 Hesham Rakha and Wang Zhang Estimating Traffic Stream Space-mean Speed and Reliability from Dual and Single Loop Detectors
RAKHA:05b Hesham Rakha and Wang Zhang Consistency of Shock-wave and Queuing Theory Procedures for Analysis of Roadway Bottlenecks
RAKHA:96 H. Rakha and B. Hellinga and M. Van Aerde and W. Perez Systematic Verification, Validation and Calibration of Traffic Simulation Models
RAKHA:98 H. Rakha and M. Van Aerde and L. Bloomberg and X. Huang Construction and Calibration of a Large-Scale Micro-Simulation Model of the Salt Lake Area
RAMIREZ:01 Anthony Ramirez How to Avoid Being Attacked in the Shower
RAMSEY:04 Paul Ramsey The State of Open Source GIS
RAMSEY:27 Frank Plumpton Ramsey A contribution to the theory of taxation
RANEY:03 Bryan Raney and Nurhan Cetin and Andreas Völlmy and Milenko Vrtic and Kay Axhausen and Kai Nagel An agent-based microsimulation model of Swiss travel - First results
RAO:95 S. Rao Traffic Models for the OPNET Simulator of ALAX
RAO:98 Lei Rao and Larry Owen and David Goldsman Development and Application of a Validation Framework for Traffic Simulation Models
RASCLE:02 M. Rascle An Improved Macroscopic Model of Traffic Flow: Derivation and Links with the Lighthill-Whitham Model
RAYMOND:00 Eric Steven Raymond The Cathedral and the Bazaar
RECKDAHL:06 Keith Reckdahl Using Imported Graphics in LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
RECKER:86 W.W. Recker and M.G. McNally and G.S. Root A Model of Complex Travel Behavior: Part I - Theory
RECKER:86b W.W. Recker and M.G. McNally and G.S. Root A Model of Complex Travel Behavior: Part II - Operational Model
RECKER:95 W.W. Recker The Household Activity Pattern Problem: General Formulation and Solution
REDELMEIER:99 Donald A. Redelmeier and Robert J. Tibshirani Why cars in the next lane seem to go faster
REED:97 James B. Reed and Janet B. Goehring and Jeanne Mejeur Reducing Crashes, Casualties and Costs - Traffic Safety Challenges for State Legislatures
REEVES:83 William T. Reeves Particle Systems - A Technique for Modeling a Class of Fuzzy Objects
REILLY:29 W.J. Reilly Methods for the Study of Retail Relationships
REINHARD:96 Erik Reinhard and Frederik W. Jansen Rendering Large Scenes Using Parallel Ray Tracing
REINHARD:99 Erik Reinhard Scheduling and Data Management for Parallel Ray Tracing
REINIG:99 Gunter Reinig and Rainer Dittmar and Ortwin Göttmann Produkte im Bereich - Advanced Process Control
RENSON:04 Ine Renson De wet van Murphy op de E17
REURINGS:07 M.C.B. Reurings and S.T.M.C. Janssen De relatie tussen verkeersintensiteit en het aantal verkeersongevallen voor verschillende wegtypen
REUSCHEL:50 A. Reuschel Fahrzeugbewegungen in der Kolonne bei gleichfoermig beschleunigtem oder verzoegertem Leifahrzeug
REYNOLDS:87 Craig W. Reynolds Flocks, Herds and Schools: A Distributed Behavioral Model
REYNOLDS:99 Craig W. Reynolds Steering Behaviors for Autonomous Characters
RICHARDS:56 Paul I. Richards Shockwaves on the highway
RICHARDS:67 Martin Richards The BCPL Reference Manual
RICKERT:95 Marcus Rickert Outflow from traffic jam in a nondeterministic two lanes system
RICKERT:96 M. Rickert and K. Nagel and M. Schreckenberg and A. Latour Two Lane Traffic Simulations using Cellular Automata
RICKERT:96b M. Rickert and P. Wagner and Ch. Gawron Real-Time Traffic Simulation of the German Autobahn Network
RICKERT:96c Marcus Rickert and Peter Wagner Parallel Real-Time Implementation of Large-Scale, Route-Plan-Driven Traffic Simulation
RICKERT:97 Marcus Rickert Traffic Simulation on Distributed Memory Computers
RIEFFEL:00 Eleanor Rieffel and Wolfgang Polak An Introduction to Quantum Computing for Non-Physicists
RIGO:05 Luís O. Rigo and Valmir C. Barbosa Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata and the Analysis of Correlated Time Series
ROBINSON:08 John P. Robinson and Steven Martin What Do Happy People Do?
RODDEFIG Roddefig How to Use PHP Tables Instead of Frames
RODRIGUE:05 J.-P. Rodrigue and B. Slack and C. Comtois The Geography of Transport Systems
ROELANT:08 Ella Roelant Multivariate methods for robust estimation and inference
ROOSENS:07 Erik Roosens Studie nodig over effect inhaalverbod
ROSSWOG Stephan Rosswog and Peter Wagner and Nick Eissfeldt Microscopic traffic simulation tools and their use for emission calculations
ROSSWOG:00 Stephan Rosswog and Peter Wagner Car-SPH: A Lagrangian Particle Scheme for the Solution of the Macroscopic Traffic Flow Equations
ROSSWOG:01 S. Rosswog and C. Gawron and S. Hasselberg and R. Böning and P. Wagner Computational Aspects in Traffic Simulation Problems
ROTERS:00 L. Roters and S. Lübeck and K. D. Usadel Reply to Comment on ``Critical behavior of a traffic flow model''
ROTERS:98 L. Roters and S. Lübeck and K. D. Usadel The dynamical structure factor and critical behavior of a traffic flow model
ROTERS:99 L. Roters and S. Lübeck and K.D. Usadel Critical behavior of a traffic flow model
ROUGHGARDEN:02 Tim Roughgarden Selfish Routing
ROUGHGARDEN:02b Tim Roughgarden and Éva Tardos How Bad is Selfish Routing?
ROUGHGARDEN:03 Tim Roughgarden The price of anarchy is independent of the network topology
ROUSSEEUW:84 Peter J. Rousseeuw Least median of squares regression
ROUSSEEUW:87 P.J. Rousseeuw and A.M. Leroy Robust Regression and Outlier Detection
ROUSSEEUW:99 Peter J. Rousseeuw and Ida Ruts and John W. Tukey The Bagplot: A Bivariate Boxplot
ROUSSEEUW:99b Peter J. Rousseeuw and Katrien Van Driessen A fast algorithm for the minimum covariance determinant estimator
ROUWENDAL:02 Jan Rouwendal and Bruno de Borger and André de Palma and Robin Lindsey and Esko Niskanen and Eric Pels and Stef Proost and Erik Verhoef MC-ICAM: Relevant Optima and Constraints
ROUWENDAL:06 Jan Rouwendal and Erik T. Verhoef Basic economic principles of road pricing: From theory to applications
RUBIN:87 D.B. Rubin Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys
RUDZICK:96 Oliver Rudzick and Arkady Pikovsky Unidirectionally coupled map lattice as a model for open flow systems
RUWHOF:04 Sijmen Ruwhof Webprogrammer's Hacking Guide
SALDANA Rafael P. Saldaña and William Yu Cellular automata explorations on a Beowulf cluster computer
SALDANA:00 Rafael P. Saldaña and Winfer C. Tabares Traffic Modeling on High Performance Computing Systems
SANDHOLM:01 William H. Sandholm Potential Games with Continuous Player Sets
SANTEN Ludwig Santen CA models for traffic flow - Numerical results
SANTEN:99 Ludger Santen Numerical Investigations of Discrete Models for Traffic Flow
SARKAR:00 Palash Sarkar A Brief History of Cellular Automata
SARLE:98 Warren S. Sarle Prediction with Missing Inputs
SASVARI:97 Márton Sasvári and János Kertész On cellular automata models of single lane traffic
SAUER:93 Tim Sauer Time Series Prediction by Using Delay Coordinate Embedding
SAUVILLER:07 Raf Sauviller De files zullen blijven
SAVAT:03 Pieter-Jan Savat Vergelijkende studie van GigaSpaces en Tspaces
SCALADO:00 Scalado AB Real-Time Image Interpolation
SCHADSCHNEIDER Andreas Schadschneider Modelling Traffic Flow Using Cellular Automata
SCHADSCHNEIDER:00 Andreas Schadschneider Statistical Physics of Traffic Flow
SCHADSCHNEIDER:02 Andreas Schadschneider Traffic flow: A statistical physics point of view
SCHADSCHNEIDER:93 Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg Cellular automaton models and traffic flow
SCHADSCHNEIDER:97 Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg Car-oriented mean-field theory for traffic flow models
SCHADSCHNEIDER:97b Andreas Schadschneider Analytical approaches to CA for traffic flow: Approximations and exact solutions
SCHADSCHNEIDER:97c Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg Traffic flow models with `slow-to-start' rules
SCHADSCHNEIDER:98 Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg Garden of Eden states in traffic models
SCHADSCHNEIDER:99b Andreas Schadschneider The Nagel-Schreckenberg model revisited
SCHADSCHNEIDER:99c Andreas Schadschneider Diskrete stochastische Systeme in niedrigen Dimensionen - Die Physik des Straßenverkehrs
SCHAFER:02 J.L. Schafer and R.M. Yucel Missing data: our view of the state of the art
SCHAFER:99 J.L. Schafer Multiple imputation: a primer
SCHAMP:99 Niceas Schamp Mobiliteit - Hoofdtekst en samenvatting (Wetenschappelijke nota in opdracht van de Commissie ad hoc Mobiliteit van het Vlaams Parlement)
SCHATTSCHNEIDER:92 Doris Schattschneider and Wallace Walker M.C. Escher Caleidocycli
SCHLICK:94 Christophe Schlick An Inexpensive BRDF Model for Physically-based Rendering
SCHMITTLER Jörg Schmittler and Daniel Pohl and Tim Dahmen and Christian Vogelgesang and Philipp Slusallek Realtime Ray Tracing for Current and Future Game
SCHNEIDER:59 M. Schneider Gravity models and trip distribution theory
SCHONHOF:04 Martin Schönhof and Dirk Helbing Empirical features of congested traffic states and their implications for traffic modeling
SCHOUWENAARS:01 Tom Schouwenaars and Bart De Moor and Eric Feron and Jonathan How Mixed integer programming for multi-vehicle path planning
SCHRAUWEN:08 Benjamin Schrauwen Towards Applicable Spiking Neural Networks
SCHRECKENBERG:01 M. Schreckenberg and R.Barlović and W. Knospe and H. Klüpfel Statistical Physics of Cellular Automata Models for Traffic Flow
SCHRECKENBERG:95 M. Schreckenberg and A. Schadschneider and K. Nagel and N. Ito Discrete stochastic models for traffic flow
SCHRECKENBERG:95b Michael Schreckenberg and Kai Nagel Physical Modeling of Traffic with Stochastic Cellular Automata
SCHRECKENBERG:96 M. Schreckenberg and A. Schadschneider and K. Nagel Zellularautomaten simulieren Straßenverkehr
SCHUERMANS:06 Mieke Schuermans Weighted Low Rank Approximation: Algorithms and Applications
SCHULZ:03 Andreas S. Schulz and Nicolás Stier Moses On the Performance of User Equilibria in Traffic Networks
SCHULZE:97 Thomas Schulze and Thomas Fliess Urban Traffic Simulation with Psycho-Physical Vehicle-Following Models
SCHUTT:91 H. Schütt Entwicklung und Erprobung eines sehr schnellen, bitorientierten Verkehrssimulationssystems für Straßennetze
SEAHRA:03 Sanjeev S. Seahra Physics in Higher-Dimensional Manifolds
SEGAL:99 Mark Segal and Kurt Akeley The OpenGL Graphics System: A Specification (Version 1.2.1)
SEN:96 Ashish Sen and Siim Soot and Joseph Ligas and Xin Tian Arterial Link Travel Time Estimation: Probes, Detectors and Assignment-type Models
SESTOFT:03 Peter Sestoft Java Performance - Reducing time and space consumption
SEVRIN:01 Alexander Sevrin and Marc Henneaux A Brane New World
SHAHVERDIEV:98 Elman Shahverdiev and Shin-ichi Tadaki Chaos control in traffic flow models
SHAW:03 Terrel Shaw Performance Measures of Operational Effectiveness for Highway Segments and Systems
SHEFFI:85 Yosef Sheffi Urban Transportation Networks: Equilibrium Analysis with Mathematical Programming Methods
SHERALI:97 Hanif D. Sherali and Namita Arora and Antoine G. Hobeika Parameter Optimization Methods for Estimating Dynamic Origin-Destination Trip-Tables
SHI:95 Y. Shi Self-organization, ergodicity braking, phase transition and synchronization in two-dimensional traffic flow model
SHI:99 Y. Shi Self-organization in BML Traffic Flow Model: Analytical Approaches
SHIRAZI:03 Jack Shirazi Java Performance Tuning
SHIRLEY:00 Peter Shirley Realistic Ray Tracing
SHIRLEY:92 Peter Shirley and Changyaw Wang Distribution Ray Tracing: Theory and Practice
SHOR:97 Peter W. Shor Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms on a Quantum Computer
SHOR:99 Peter Shor Quantum Information Theory: Results and Open Problems
SHROUT:08 Ryan Shrout John Carmack on id Tech 6, Ray Tracing, Consoles, Physics and more
SHUM:07 H.-Y. Shum and S.-C. Chan and S.B. Kang Image-Based Rendering
SHUMWAY:03 Robert H. Shumway A Short Course in Applied Time Series Analysis
SHVETSOV:99 Vladimir Shvetsov and Dirk Helbing Macroscopic Dynamics of Multi-Lane Traffic
SIEBEL:05 Florian Siebel and Wolfram Mauser On the fundamental diagram of traffic flow
SIEBEL:05b Florian Siebel and Wolfram Mauser Synchronized flow and wide moving jams from balanced vehicular traffic
SIEGEL:06 Helge Siegel and Denis Belomestny Stochasticity of Road Traffic Dynamics: Comprehensive Linear and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis on High Resolution Freeway Traffic Records
SIEMENS Unknown Siemens Lusdetector LD4
SIEMENS:92 Siemens Voertuigtellingen - Functionele Analyse
SIMA:06 Diana Sima Regularization Techniques in Model Fitting and Parameter Estimation
SIMMONS:02 Nick Simmons and Gary Gates and Jonathan Burr Commercial Applications Arising from a Floating Vehicle Data System in Europe
SIMON:98 P.M. Simon and K. Nagel Simplified cellular automaton model for city traffic
SIMON:98b P.M. Simon and H.A. Gutowitz A Cellular Automaton Model for Bi-Directional Traffic
SIMON:99 Patrice M. Simon and Jörg Esser and Kai Nagel Simple queueing model applied to the city of Portland
SIMONSON:89 Itamar Simonson Choice Based on Reasons: The Case of Attraction and Compromise Effects
SINTES:00 Tony Sintes Java: Help with ints
SINTES:01 Tony Sintes Java: Abstract classes vs. interfaces
SKAGERSTAM:06 Bo-Sture K. Skagerstam and Alex Hansen Memory effects and scaling properties of traffic flows
SMALL:03 Kenneth A. Small and Xuehao Chu Hypercongestion
SMALL:05 Kenneth A. Small Road Pricing and Public Transit: Unnoticed Lessons from London
SMALL:82 K.A. Small The scheduling of consumer activities: work trips
SMALL:87 K.A. Small A discrete choice model for ordered alternatives
SMALL:92 Kenneth A. Small Using the Revenues from Congestion Pricing
SMARTEST:00 Smartest The Smartest Project Introduction
SMEED:67 R. Smeed Some circumstances in which vehicles will reach their destinations earlier by starting later
SMILOWITZ:99 Karen R. Smilowitz and Carlos F. Daganzo and Michael J. Cassidy and Robert L. Bertini Some Observations of Highway Traffic in Long Queues
SMITH:02 Brian L. Smith and Billy M. Williams and R. Keith Oswald Comparison of parametric and nonparametric models for traffic flow forecasting
SMITH:08 Reginald D. Smith The Dynamics of Internet Traffic: Self-Similarity, Self-Organization, and Complex Phenomena
SMITH:91 David M. Smith Algorithm 693 - A FORTRAN Package For Floating-Point Multiple-Precision Arithmetic
SMITH:96 LaRon Smith TRANSIMS Travelogue
SMITS:98 Brian Smits Efficiency Issues for Ray Tracing
SMOCK:62 R.J. Smock An interative assignment approach to capacity restraint on arterial networks
SMOCK:62b R.J. Smock An Iterative Assignment Approach to Capacity Restraint on Arterial Networks
SMULDERS:89 S.A. Smulders Control of Freeway Traffic Flow
SNIEDER:07 Roel Snieder and John Page Multiple scattering in evolving media
SOLTMAN:65 T.J. Soltman Effects of Alternate Loading Sequences on Results from Chicago Trip Distribution and Assignment Model
SOPASAKIS:03 Alexandros Sopasakis Formal Asymptotic Models of Vehicular Traffic: Model Closures
SOSNOKI:99 Dennis M. Sosnoski Java performance programming, Part 2 - The cost of casting
SPIEGEL:99 Murray R. Spiegel and John Liu Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables
SPIESS:90 H. Spiess Conical volume delay functions
SPIVEY:92 J.M. Spivey The Z Notation - A Reference Manual
SPRINGER:97 Unknown The European Physical Journal B Style Guide and Submission Guidelines
STADA:01 Jim Stada and Steven Logghe and Griet De Ceuster and Ben Immers Time-of-Day Modeling using a Quasi-Dynamic Equilibrium Assignment Approach
STADELMANN:96 H. Stadelmann and Thomas Riedel and M. Vollenweider Introduction to the Traffic Control Concept of the City of Zurich
STATSOFT:02 StatSoft, Inc. Time Series Analysis - Electronic Textbook
STEENBRINK:74 P.A. Steenbrink Optimistation of Transport Networks
STILL:00 G. Keith Still Crowd Dynamics
STONE John E. Stone Tachyon User's Guide
STONE:98 John Edward Stone An Efficient Library for Parallel Ray Tracing and Animation
STOUFFER:40 Samuel Andrew Stouffer Intervening Opportunities: A Theory Relating to Mobility and Distance
STOUFFER:60 Samuel Andrew Stouffer Intervening opportunities and competing migrants
STREINER:96 David L. Streiner Maintaining standards: differences between the standard deviation and standard error, and when to use each
STROEYKENS:01 Steven Stroeykens Belgische satelliet functioneert naar wens
STROEYKENS:04 Steven Stroeykens File op de E40, in de computer
STROOBANTS:01 Kristof Stroobants Grafisch modelleren van verkeer op snelwegen
STROUSTRUP:97 Bjarne Stroustrup The C++ Programming Language
STS:04 STS Enkele slimme auto's volstaan om files te voorkomen
STUBEN:06 Georg Stüben autobahn.NRW - Expansion for motorway network
STUER:04 Gunther Stuer and Kurt Vanmechelen and Jan Broeckhove and Tom Dhaene Sleeping in Java
SUENNEN:00 Mark D. Suennen A Traffic Detection Toolkit for Traveler Information Systems
SUKSAWAT Narinnat Suksawat and Yuen Poovarawan and Somchai Numprasertchai The Development of Scalable Traffic Simulation based on Java Technology
SUN Unknown How to Use Java Tables
SUN:00 Unknown Java: Frequently Asked Questions - RMI and Object Serialization
SUN:00b Unknown How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool
SUN:00c Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java Sound API - Programmer's Guide
SUN:02 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java Message Service API Specification v1.1
SUN:03 Unknown All About Java Sockets
SUN:99 Carlos Sun and Stephen G. Ritchie Individual Vehicle Speed Estimation Using Single Loop Inductive Waveforms
SUNDARAM:02 Srinivasan Sundaram Development of a Dynamic Traffic Assignment System for Short-Term Planning Operations
SUNDERAM:02 Vaidy Sunderam and Dawid Kurzyniec Lightweight self-organizing frameworks for metacomputing
SUTNER:03 K. Sutner Cellular automata and intermediate degrees
SUYKENS:00 Johan A.K. Suykens and Joos Vandewalle The K.U.Leuven Competition Data: a Challenge for Advanced Neural Network Techniques
SUYKENS:02 J.A.K. Suykens and T. Van Gestel and J. De Brabanter and B. De Moor and J. Vandewalle Least Squares Support Vector Machines
SWALES:94 John M. Swales and Christine B. Feak Academic Writing for Graduate Students - A Course for Nonnative Speakers of English
SWALES:94b John M. Swales and Christine B. Feak Academic Writing for Graduate Students - Commentary
SWEVERS:03 Jan Swevers and Christophe Lauwerys 22nd Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control
SZETO:04 W.Y. Szeto and Hong K. Lo A cell-based simultaneous route and departure time choice model with elastic demand
SZETO:05 W.Y. Szeto and Hong K. Lo Strategies for road network design over time: Robustness under uncertainty
SZETO:06 W.Y. Szeto and Hong K. Lo Dynamic traffic assignment: Properties and extensions
SZIRMAYKALOS:98 László Szirmay-Kalos Global Ray-bundle Tracing
TAALE:00 Henk Taale and Aad de Hoog and Stef Smulders and Onno Tool The Results of a Dutch Experiment with Floating Car Data
TADAKI:00 Shin-ichi Tadaki Can We Explain Traffic Congestion?
TAKAYASU:93 Misako Takayasu and Hideki Takayasu 1/$f$ Noise in a Traffic Model
TAKENS:81 Floris Takens Detecting strange attractors in turbulence
TALBOT:04 Nicola Talbot Using LaTeX to Write a PhD Thesis
TALIGENT:94 Taligent, Inc. Taligent's Guide to Designing Programs
TAMPERE Chris Tampère and Jim Stada and Ben Immers and Els Peetermans and Katia Organe Methodology for Identifying Vulnerable Sections in a National Road Network
TAMPERE:02 Chris M.J. Tampère Filevorming en file-ontwikkeling
TAMPERE:03 Chris M.J. Tampère and Serge P. Hoogendoorn and Bert van Arem Capacity funnel explained using the human-kinetic traffic flow model
TAMPERE:03b Chris M.J. Tampère Spelen met files: rijgedrag als basis van hogere orde verkeersstroom modellen
TAMPERE:04 Chris M.J. Tampère Human-Kinetic Multiclass Traffic Flow Theory and Modelling
TAMPERE:04b Chris M.J. Tampère and Bert van Arem and Serge P. Hoogendoorn Gas kinetic traffic flow modelling including continuous driver behaviour models
TAMPERE:05 C. Tampère and S. Hoogendoorn and B. van Arem A behavioural approach to instability, stop & go waves, wide jams and capacity drop
TAMPERE:06 Chris Tampère and Jim Stada and Ben Immers and Els Peetermans and Katia Organe Identifying vulnerable sections in a national road network - Application to the road network of Flanders
TAMPERE:10 Chris Tampère and Francesco Viti and Lambertus Immers New Developments in Transport Planning: Advances in Dynamic Traffic Assignment
TANNER:61 J.C. Tanner Factors affecting the amount of travel
TAPLIN John Taplin Simulation Models of Traffic Flow
TARINI:00 M. Tarini and P. Cignoni and C. Rocchini and R. Scopigno Real Time, Accurate, Multi-Featured Rendering of Bump Mapped Surfaces
TAYLOR:03 Nicholas B. Taylor The CONTRAM dynamic traffic assignment model
TECHNUM:98 Technum Sterkte-Zwakte Analyse van het Intermodaal Vervoer in Vlaanderen - Strategische Beleidsnota
TEGMARK:07 Max Tegmark The Mathematical Universe
TEPPOLA:01 P. Teppola and G. Krennrich and A. Schreieck Covariate Challenge in Multivariate Statistical Process Monitoring
TEPPOLA:98 P. Teppola and S.P. Mujunen and P. Minkkinen and T. Puijola and P. Pursiheimo Principal Components Analysis, Contribution Plots and Feature Weights in the Monitoring of Sequential Process Data from a Paper Machine's Wet End
TERPSTRA Frank P. Terpstra and Geleyn R. Meijer and Arnoud Visser Intelligent Adaptive Traffic Forecasting System using Data Assimilation for use in Traveler Information Systems
THAIN:04 Douglas Thain and Todd Tannenbaum and Miron Livny Distributed Computing in Practice: The Condor Experience
THYS:04 Kristof Thys Simulatie van natuurlijke fenomenen met behulp van cellulaire automaten
TIAN:00 Zong Z. Tian and Rod Troutbeck and Michael Kyte and Werner Brilon and Mark Vandehey and Wayne Kittelson and Bruce Robinson A Further Investigation on Critical Gap and Follow-Up Time
TIBAUT Andrej Tibaut Parallel Traffic Simulation with an Algorithm for Adaptive Load-Balancing
TIMMERMAN:00 Peter Timmerman Explosieve wiskunde, groene kikkers en wilde ideeën
TIMMERMANS:01 Harry Timmermans Models of activity scheduling behaviour
TIMMERMANS:03 Harry Timmermans The Saga of Integrated Land Use-Transport Modeling: How Many More Dreams Before We Wake Up?
TISSON:06 Greg Tisson Reconstruction from Transversely Truncated Cone Beam Projections in Micro-Tomography
TOINT:93 Philippe L. Toint Transportation modelling methods and advanced transport telematics
TOINT:96 Ph. Toint and L. Wynter Asymmetric Multiclass Traffic Assignment - a coherent formulation
TOKIHIRO:96 T. Tokihiro and D. Takahashi and J. Matsukidaira and J. Satsuma From Soliton Equations to Integrable Cellular Automata through a Limiting Procedure
TRAEST:01 Christophe Traest SIDMAR - Systemen en Modellen
TRAFFICWARE Trafficware Introducing SimTraffic - Fast, Easy Traffic Simulation
TRAISTER:94 Robert J. Traister Conquering C++ Pointers
TRC:66 Traffic Research Corporation Winnipeg Area Transportation Study
TREIBER:00 M. Treiber and A. Hennecke and D. Helbing Congested Traffic States in Empirical Observations and Microscopic Simulations
TREIBER:01 Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing Microsimulations of Freeway Traffic Including Control Measures
TREIBER:02 Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing An adaptive smoothing method for traffic state identification from incomplete information
TREIBER:02b Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing Reconstructing the Spatio-Temporal Traffic Dynamics from Stationary Detector Data
TREIBER:03 Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing Memory effects in microscopic traffic models and wide scattering in flow-density data
TREIBER:05 Martin Treiber and Arne Kesting and Dirk Helbing Delays, Inaccuracies and Anticipation in Microscopic Traffic Models
TREIBER:05b Martin Treiber and Arne Kesting and Dirk Helbing Understanding widely scattered traffic flows, the capacity drop, platoons, and times-to-collision as effects of variance-driven time gaps
TREIBER:99 Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing Explanation of Observed Features of Self-Organization in Traffic Flow
TREIBER:99b Martin Treiber and Dirk Helbing Microscopic simulation of widely scattered synchronized traffic states
TREITERER:69 Joseph Treiterer Investigation of traffic dynamics by aerial photogrammetry techniques
TREITERER:74 Joseph Treiterer and Jeffrey A. Myers The hysteresis phenomenon in traffic flow
TRITEL:95 Tritel Mobiliteitsplan voor de provincie Vlaams-Brabant en de arrondissementen Mechelen en Aalst
TU:08 Huizhao Tu Monitoring Travel Time Reliability on Freeways
TUCK:01 Mike Tuck The Real History of the GUI
TURCOTTE:99 Donald L. Turcotte Self-organized criticality
TURING:52 Alan Mathison Turing The chemical basis of morphogenesis
TURK:91 Greg Turk Generating Textures on Arbitrary Surfaces Using Reaction-Diffusion
TURNER:98 Shawn M. Turner and William L. Eisele and Robert J. Benz and Douglas J. Holdener Travel Time Data Collection Handbook
TWIGG:03 Christopher Twigg Catmull-Rom splines
TYLER Tim Tyler Cellular Automata - Optimisation
ULLMAN:88 Jeffrey D. Ullman Principles of Database and Knowledge-base Systems
ULLMAN:97 Jeffrey D. Ullman and Jennifer Widom A First Course in Database Systems
UMEKI:98 Hideo Umeki LaTeX - The geometry package
UNDERWOOD:61 R.T. Underwood Speed, Volume, and Density Relationships - Quality and Theory of Traffic Flow
UNKN:01 Unknown Ex-Fics-stichter Akkermans begint met Clear2Pay
UNKN:01b Unknown Verkeersbegeleidingssystemen - Hoofdstuk 6 - Detectoren
UNKN:01c Unknown Verkeersbegeleidingssystemen - Hoofdstuk 7 - Voertuigmetingen
UNKN:02 Unknown Carlos Daganzo New Chair of Symposium
UNKN:02c Unknown Departure-Time and Mode Choice; Time period choice modelling: A preliminary review
UNKN:02d Unknown Departure-Time and Mode Choice; Modelling peak spreading and trip re-timing
UNKN:03c Unknown Telematics Cluster trekt voertuigtelematica op gang
UNKN:04b Unknown Nieuwe technologie bestrijdt files
UNKN:04d Unknown Traffic jams - Adapting to road conditions
UNKN:06 Unknown Brussel, een laboratorium van mobiliteit?
UNKN:97 Unknown How to draw a boxplot
UNKN:99 Unknown Driving Simulator
UNKNb Unknown Inleidend hoofdstuk Quantummechanica
UNKNf Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation Traffic Management
UNKNg Unknown Bump Mapping
UNKNh Unknown Zware overtreding
UNKNi Unknown Mapping to Polygon Mesh Objects
UNKNj Unknown Ray-Polygon and Ray-Quadric Intersection Testing
UNKNk Unknown Texture Mapping
UNKNl Unknown Metric Conversion Tables
UNKNm Unknown Ray Tracing and Scan Line Rendering
UNKNn Unknown The multiple imputation FAQ page
UNKNo Unknown Time-of-Day Modeling Procedures Report
UNKNp Unknown Ray-Box Intersections
VAB:07 VAB VAB Dossiers: De huidige 8 knelpunten van de E313
VALCKENAERS:04 P. Valckenaers MACC - Multi-agent Coordination and Control
VALK:05 Jeroen Michiel Valk Coordination among Autonomous Planners
VANAERDE:96 M. Van Aerde and B. Hellinga and M. Baker and H. Rakha INTEGRATION: An Overview of Traffic Simulation Features
VANAMELSFORT:07 Dirk van Amelsfort Rekenen aan prijsbeleid
VANAMELSFORT:09 Dirk van Amelsfort Behavioural Responses and Network Effects of Time-varying Road Pricing
VANAREM:97 B. van Arem and A.P. de Vos and M.J.W.A. Vanderschuren The microscopic traffic simulation model MIXIC 1.3
VANAREM:97b Bart Van Arem and Howard R. Kirby and Martie J.M. Van Der Vlist and Joe C. Whittaker Recent advances and applications in the field of short-term traffic forecasting
VANAREM:97c Bart Van Arem and Martie J.M. Van Der Vlist and M. Rik Muste and Stef A. Smulders Travel time estimation in the GERDIEN project
VANASSCHE:94 Walter Van Assche Time Series
VANBAAL:94 Pierre van Baal In afwachting van het zesde quark
VANBENTHEM:94 J.F.A.K. van Benthem and H.P. van Ditmarsch and J. Ketting and W.P.M. Meyer-Viol Logica voor informatica
VANBREMPT Wim Van Brempt and Ton Backx and Jobert Ludlage and Peter Van Overschee and Bart De Moor and R. Tousain A High Performance Model Predictive Controller: Application on a Polyethylene Gas Phase Reactor
VANBREMPT:01 Wim Van Brempt and Ton Backx and Jobert Ludlage and Peter Van Overschee Optimal Trajectories for Grade Change Control : Application on a Polyethylene Gas Phase Reactor
VANDAELE:00 Nico Vandaele and Tom Van Woensel and Aviel Verbruggen A queueing based traffic flow model
VANDAM:02 Arthur van Dam TraFlowPACK software documentation
VANDAM:02b Arthur van Dam A Moving Mesh Finite Volume Solver for Macroscopic Traffic Flow Models
VANDAMME:07 Frederic Van Damme Kansen voor het openbaar vervoer in Vlaanderen
VANDENBOS:02 Mark van den Bos De verkeersafwikkeling op hellingen
VANDENBOSCH:03 Alexander Th. van den Bosch and Maarten R. Menken Multi-Agentsystemen en Verkeersbeheersing - De Ontwikkeling en Demonstratie van een Testbedomgeving
VANDENBOSCH:03b Alexander Th. van den Bosch and Maarten R. Menken and Martijn van Breukelen and Ronald T. van Katwijk A Test Bed for Multi-Agent Systems and Road Traffic Management
VANDENBRAEMBUSSCHE:01 Ontwerp, modelleren en regelen van mini-satellieten Pieter Van den Braembussche
VANDENBRANDEN:05 Karlien Vanden Branden Robust methods for high-dimensional data, and a theoretical study of depth-related estimators
VANDENBULCKE:09 Tim Van den Bulcke Robust Algorithms for Inferring Regulatory Networks based on Gene Expression Measurements and Biological Prior Information
VANDENHOF C. Van den Hof Sidmar
VANDENNEST:05 Maarten Van den Nest Local equivalence of stabilizer states and codes
VANDEPUTTE:01 Jo Vandeputte and Erik Nuyts and Eddy Peetermans Het Masterplan Antwerpen: ook voor Antwerpenaars?
VANDERAUWERAER:01 Herman Van der Auweraer Structural Dynamics Modelling : From Physical to Virtual Prototypes
VANDERAUWERAER:01b Herman Van der Auweraer Structural Dynamics Modeling using Modal Analysis: Applications, Trends and Challenges
VANDERHEIJDEN:96 Rob van der Heijden and Vicent Marchau Automatische voertuigbesturing in het verkeer
VANDERKROGT:05 Roman Petrus Johannes Van Der Krogt Plan Repair in Single-Agent and Multi-Agent Systems
VANDERMEERSCH:05 Olivier Vandermeersch Mobiliteit zoals ze zou moeten zijn
VANDERSCHOT J.J. van der Schot and R.L. Tousain and A.C.P.M. Backx and O.H. Bosgra SSQP for the solution of large-scale dynamic-economic optimization problems
VANDERSYPEN:01 Lieven M.K. Vandersypen and Matthias Steffen and Gregory Breyta and Costantino S. Yannoni and Mark H. Sherwood and Isaac L. Chuang Experimental realization of Shor's quantum factoring algorithm using nuclear magnetic resonance
VANDERVELDE:04 Daniel Vandervelde Emergent Phenomenon in Congested Traffic Flow
VANDERZIJPP:96 Nanne van der Zijpp Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation on Motorway Networks
VANEMDEN:96 Joan Van Emden and Jennifer Easteal Technical Writing and Speaking - An Introduction
VANGESTEL:02 Tony Van Gestel Modellering, scenario- en risico-analyse van de piekvermogens in het Belgische Hoogspanningsnet
VANHELSUWE:97 Laurence Vanhelsuwé Het complete boek Java
VANHERPE:08 Tom Van Herpe Blood glucose control in critically ill patients: Design of assessment procedures and a control system
VANHOVE:01 Filip Vanhove and Christophe Van Ginderachter Analyse en Ontwerp van de Zuid-Oost toegang (Parkpoort) tot de stad Leuven
VANHUMMELEN:01 Paul Van Hummelen MicroArrays en Bioinformatica
VANIMPE:01 Jan F.M. Van Impe (Bio-)Chemical reaction and reactor engineering: a multidisciplinary approach
VANKATWIJK:04 R.T. van Katwijk and P. van Koningsbruggen and B. De Schutter and J. Hellendoorn A test bed for multi-agent control systems in road traffic management
VANLINT:04 J.W.C. van Lint Reliable travel time prediction for freeways
VANLOOCK:03 Robin Van Loock Vergelijkende studie van JavaSpaces en Tspaces
VANLUYTEN:08 Bart Vanluyten Realization, Identification and Filtering for Hidden Markov Models using Matrix Factorization Techniques
VANNES:02 Rob van Nes Design of multimodal transport networks - A hierarchical approach
VANOOSTRUM:04 Piet Van Oostrum LaTeX - Page Layout in LaTeX
VANOOSTRUM:97 Piet van Oostrum Handleiding LaTeX
VANROOY:08 Johan Van Rooy Gebruikers zijn oorzaak van fijn stof, niet het Oosterweelproject
VANVLIERDEN:99 Guy Van Vlierden Niet opgelost, wel uitgelegd: file! file! file!
VANVUREN:02 Tom Van Vuren Using HADES to Model Departure Time Choice in Continuous Time: Good Practice Guide
VANWIJNENDAELE:05 Tom Van Wijnendaele Analyse en interpretatie van verkeersdata: een tijdsreeksanalyse
VANWOENSEL Tom Van Woensel and Ruth Creten and Nico Vandaele Estimating Traffic Flow Emissions
VANWOENSEL:00 Tom Van Woensel and Nico Vandaele TRAQ - Traffic Analysis and Queueing Theory: An Integrated Approach
VANWOENSEL:03 Tom Van Woensel Models for uninterrupted traffic flows - A queueing approach
VANWOERKOM:93 Maarten van Woerkom Fundamentele deeltjes en elementaire wisselwerkingen
VANZANDT:93 Timothy van Zandt A LaTeX style for slides and notes - User's Guide
VANZUYLEN:00 H.J. van Zuylen Traffic control for intersections - Design and Evaluation
VANZUYLEN:99 Henk J. van Zuylen Het spel van de regels; Het richting geven aan chaotische maatschappelijke processen
VANZWET:03 Erik van Zwet and Chao Chen and Zhangfeng Jia and Jaimyoung Kwon A statistical method for estimating speed from single loop detectors
VANZWET:04 John Rice and Erik van Zwet A Simple and Effective Method for Predicting Travel Times on Freeways
VARAIYA:05 Pravin Varaiya Reducing Highway Congestion: An Empirical Approach
VARAIYA:97 Pravin Varaiya How to measure transportation system performance
VDBM:13 Gitte Van Den Bergh and Sven Maerivoet D3.2 Evaluation and validation framework
VELAN:02 Shane Velan and Michael Florian A Note on the Entropy Solutions of the Hydrodynamic Model of Traffic Flow
VENKEN:03 Karla Venken Files bestrijden met wiskunde
VENTER:98 Christoffel Jacobus Venter The Timing of Activity and Travel Planning Decisions
VERBEKE:04 Geert Verbeke Goochelen met statistiek
VERBERT:01 Stijn Verbert Geïntegreerde procescontrole en datamining in de chemische industrie
VERBOVEN:05 Sabine Verboven and Mia Hubert LIBRA: a MATLAB Library for Robust Analysis
VERBRAKEN:07 Thomas Verbraken Verkeersstroomtheorie in het wielerpeleton
VERHOEF:01 Erik T. Verhoef and Jan Rouwendal A Structural Model of Traffic Congestion
VERHOEF:01b E.T. Verhoef Probing a traffic congestion controversy: a comment
VERHOEF:05 Erik T. Verhoef Speed-flow relations and cost functions for congested traffic: Theory and empirical analysis
VERHOEF:98 Erik T. Verhoef Time, Speeds, Flows and Densities in Static Models of Road Traffic Congestion and Congestion Pricing
VERMEER:99 H.J. Vermeer and J. Kloosterman 't Hoofd breken over kleinste deeltjes
VERMEIREN:06 Jan Vermeiren Let's Connect
VERMEULEN:01 Frank Vermeulen Data-analyse en modellen bij Elia
VERRELST:01 Herman Verrelst Data4s: Profiling and Modeling
VERSTEEGT:03 H.H. Versteegt and K.M. Malone and A.I. Martins and R.J. Castenmiller and M.C.J. Bliemer Follow-up study on testing INDY for use as a Dynamic Traffic Assignment model in the Dutch National Model
VERSTEEGT:03b H.H. Versteegt and C.M.J. Tampère PredicTime: State of the art and functional architecture
VERVLOET:00 Johan Vervloet Waarom de poolvoorstelling van complexe getallen beter is dan de cartesiaanse (met het oog op speciale gevallen en exception handling)
VICKREY:63 William S. Vickrey Pricing in Urban and Suburban Transport
VICKREY:69 William S. Vickrey Congestion Theory and Transport Investment
VLAAMSEGEMEENSCHAP Administratie Wegen en Verkeer Multimodaal verkeers- en vervoersmodel Vlaanderen
VLAAMSEGEMEENSCHAP:98 Administratie Planning en Statistiek Vlaamse Regionale Indicatoren
VOELLMY:01 Andreas Voellmy and Milenko Vrtic and Bryan Raney and Kay Axhausen and Kai Nagel Status of a TRANSIMS implementation for Switzerland
VOGE:08 Tom Voge Automated Transport Systems for Sustainable Urban Mobility
VOGEL:05 Arnd Vogel and Kai Nagel Multi-agent-based Simulation of individual traffic in Berlin
VONDERLINDEN:05 W. von der Linden and E. Schachinger Computer Simulations
VONNEUMANN:48 John von Neumann The General and Logical Theory of Automata
VONTHUNEN:26 Johann Heinrich von Thünen Der isolirte Staat in Beziehung auf Landwirthschaft und Nationalökonomie
VOORHEES:55 Alan M. Voorhees A General Theory of Traffic Movement
VOORHEES:56 Alan M. Voorhees A General Theory of Traffic Movement
VOS:01 Herbert Voß LaTeX - Lines in Tables
W3C:97 W3C HTML 4.0 Specification
WADDELL:03 Paul Waddell and Alan Borning and Michael Noth and Nathan Freier and Michael Becke and Gudmundur Ulfarsson Microsimulation of Urban Development and Location Choices: Design and Implementation of UrbanSim
WADDELL:05 Paul Waddell Integrating Land use and Transportation Modeling and Planning: An Evolving Research Agenda
WADELL:02 Paul Waddell UrbanSim: Modeling Urban Development for Land Use, Transportation and Environmental Planning. Preprint
WADELL:04 Paul Waddell and Gudmundur F. Ulfarsson Introduction to Urban Simulation: Design and Development of Operational Models
WAGNER:04 Peter Wagner Modelling traffic flow fluctuations
WAGNER:95 P. Wagner Traffic Simulations using Cellular Automata: Comparison with Reality
WAGNER:97 Peter Wagner and Kai Nagel and Dietrich E. Wolf Realistic multi-lane traffic rules for cellular automata
WAHLE:02 Joachim Wahle and Roland Chrobok and Andreas Pottmeier and Michael Schreckenberg A Microscopic Simulator for Freeway Traffic
WAHLE:99 J. Wahle and L. Neubert and M. Schreckenberg Modeling and simulation of traffic flow
WAKASA Y. Wakasa and K. Iwaoka and K. Tanaka Modelling and Robust Control of Traffic Signal Systems
WALD:01 Ingo Wald and Philipp Slusallek State of the Art in Interactive Ray Tracing
WALDEER:04 K.T. Waldeer A vehicular traffic flow model based on a stochastic acceleration process
WALDEER:04b K.T. Waldeer Numerical Investigation of a Mesoscopic Vehicular Traffic Flow Model Based on a Stochastic Acceleration Process
WALDRON:93 Anne Waldron and Peggy Judd and Valerie Miller Physical Review - Style and Notation Guide
WALKER:04 John Walker Watch the birdie
WALTERS:61 A.A. Walters The theory and measurement of private and social cost of highway congestion
WANG:01 Lei Wang and Bing-Hong Wang and Bambi Hu A cellular automaton traffic flow model between the Fukui-Ishibashi and Nagel-Schreckenberg models
WANG:02 Xiubin Wang and Feghuan Wang A Driver's Utility Function and its Properties
WANG:03 Yibing Wang and Markos Papageorgiou and Albert Messmer Motorway Traffic State Estimation based on Extended Kalman Filter
WANG:08 Fa Wang and Li Li and Jianming Hu and Yan Ji and Danya Yao A Markov Process Inspired Cellular Automata Model of Departure Headways
WANG:96 B.H. Wang and Y.F. Woo and P.M. Hui Improved mean-field theory of two-dimensional traffic flow models
WANG:97 Ruey-Min Wang An Activity-Based Trip Generation Model
WANG:98 Bing-Hong Wang and Yvonne-Roamy Kwong and Pak-Ming Hui Statistical mechanical approach to Fukui-Ishibashi traffic flow models
WANG:98b Bing-Hong Wang and Lei Wang and P.M. Hui and Bambi Hu Analytical results for the steady state of traffic flow models with stochastic delay
WARD:91 Colin Ward Freedom to go: after the motor age
WARDROP:52 J.G. Wardrop Some Theoretical Aspects of Road Traffic Research
WARDROP:54 J.G. Wardrop and G. Charlesworth A method of estimating speed and flow of traffic from a moving vehicle
WARDROP:68 J.G. Wardrop Journey Speed and Flow in Central London
WARFFEMIUS:05 Pim Warffemius Using the standard deviation of the travel time distribution as an indicator for valuing the reliability of travel time
WEBBER:94 C.L. Webber and J.P. Zbilut Dynamical assessment of physiological systems and states using recurrence plot strategies
WEGENER:96 Raimund Wegener and Axel Klar A Kinetic Model for Vehicular Traffic Derived from a Stochastic Microscopic Model
WEINERT:00 Antje Weinert Estimation of Critical Gaps and Follow-Up Times at Rural Unsignalized Intersections in Germany
WEISS:99 Peter Weiss Stop-and-Go Science
WELCH:02 Greg Welch and Gary Bishop An Introduction to the Kalman Filter
WERMUTH:00 Manfred Wermuth and Carsten Sommer and Sven Wulff TeleTravel Systems (TTS) - Telematic System for the Automatic Survey of Travel Behaviour
WERTH:98 J. Werth Galilei-invariante Fahrzeugwechselwirkungen im Straßenverkehr
WESTERMAN:95 Marcel Westerman Real-Time Traffic Data Collection for Transportation Telematics
WHITHAM:74 Gerald Beresford Whitham Linear and Nonlinear Waves
WHITMAN:94 Scott Whitman Dynamic Load Balancing for Parallel Polygon Rendering
WHITWORTH:07 Brian Whitworth The Physical World as a Virtual Reality
WIEDEMANN:74 R. Wiedemann Simulation des Straßenverkehrsflusses
WIEDIJK:08 Freek Wiedijk Formal Proof - Getting Started
WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia Fluid Dynamics
WILD:97 Dieter Wild Short-term forecasting based on a transformation and classification of traffic volume time series
WILDBERGER:05 N.J. Wildberger Overview (to Divine Proportions)
WILHELM:95 Reinhard Wilhelm and Dieter Maurer Compiler Design
WILLEKENS:07 Jan Willekens Photoelectric properties of disordered semiconductors at constant photocurrent
WILLIAMS:97 James C. Williams Two-Fluid Theory
WILSON:67 A.G. Wilson A Statistical Theory of Spatial Distribution Models
WINDOVER:01 John R. Windover and Michael J. Cassidy Some observed details of freeway traffic evolution
WINTERS:98 Philip L. Winters Transportation Demand Management Papers Presented
WLOKA:96 Matthias M. Wloka and Robert C. Zeleznik Interactive Real-Time Motion Blur
WOLF:99 Dietrich E. Wolf Cellular automata for traffic simulations
WOLFE Joe Wolfe How to Write a PhD Thesis
WOLFRAM:02 Stephen Wolfram A New Kind of Science
WOLFRAM:83 Stephen Wolfram Statistical Mechanics of Cellular Automata
WOLFRAM:84 Stephen Wolfram Universality and Complexity in Cellular Automata
WOLFRAM:84b S. Wolfram and O. Martin and A.M. Odlyzko Algebraic Properties of Cellular Automata
WOLKI:05 Marko Wölki and Andreas Schadschneider and Michael Schreckenberg Asymmetric exclusion processes with shuffled dynamics
WOLLRATH:03 Ann Wollrath and Jim Waldo Trail - RMI
WOLPERT:02 David Wolpert and Kagan Tumer Avoiding Braeß' Paradox through Collective Intelligence
WONG:02 S.C. Wong and G.C.K. Wong An analytical shock-fitting algorithm for LWR kinematic wave model embedded with linear speed-density relationship
WONG:98 S.C. Wong and C.O. Tong Estimation of Time-Dependent Origin-Destination Matrices for Transit Networks
WONG:98b S.C. Wong Multi-commodity traffic assignment by continuum approximation of network flow with variable demand
WOUTERS:08 Kristien Wouters Classification Methods for Multi-Class Multivariate Longitudinal Data
WPM:06 Yibing Wang and Markos Papageorgiou and A. Messmer RENAISSANCE: a real-time freeway network traffic surveillance tool
WU:04 Chun-Hsin Wu and Jan-Ming Ho and D.T. Lee Travel Time Prediction with Support Vector Regression
WU:97 Jifeng Wu A Real-Time Origin-Destination Matrix Updating Algorithm for On-Line Applications
WU:98 J.H. Wu and Y. Chen and M. Florian The continuous dynamic network loading problem: A mathematical formulation and solution method
WUENSCHE:99 Andrew Wuensche Classifying Cellular Automata Automatically
XU:05 Rui Xu and Donald Wunsch Survey of Clustering Algorithms
YAMAMOTO:99 Yoshiharu Yamamoto Detection of Chaos and Fractals from Experimental Time Series
YANG:52 C.N. Yang and T.D. Lee Statistical theory of equations of state and phase transitions: I. Theory of condensation
YANG:97 Qi Yang A Simulation Laboratory for Evaluation of Dynamic Traffic Management Systems
YANG:98 Hai Yang and Hai-Jun Huang Principle of marginal-cost pricing: How does it work in a general road network?
YANG:98b Hai Yang and Qiang Meng Departure time, route choice and congestion toll in a queueing network with elastic demand
YELLA:10 Gilbert Yella Emissions Modelling: An Analysis of the Average Speed Emission Function with Copert Emission Factors in a Spreadsheet
YI:03 J. Yi and H. Lin and L. Alvarez and R. Horowitz Stability of Macroscopic Traffic Flow Modeling through Wavefront Expansion
YOU Jinsoo You and Tschangho John Kim Toward Developing an Expert GIS-Based Travel Time Forecasting Model with Congestion Pattern Analysis
YOUNG:06 Petey Young Writing and Presenting in English - The Rosetta Stone of Science
YPERMAN:03 Isaak Yperman and Jim Stada and Ben Immers Punctuele logistiek dankzij een robuust netwerk
YPERMAN:03b Isaak Yperman and Ben Immers Capacity of a Turbo-Roundabout Determined by Micro-Simulation
YPERMAN:05 Isaak Yperman and Steven Logghe and Ben Immers Strictly Pareto-improving congestion pricing in a multi-destination network
YPERMAN:05b Isaak Yperman and Steven Logghe and Chris Tampère and Ben Immers The Multi-Commodity Link Transmission Model for Dynamic Network Loading
YPERMAN:07 Isaak Yperman The Link Transmission Model for Dynamic Network Loading
YSEBAERT:07 Tom Ysebaert Rijgedrag versus verzadiging
YSEBAERT:07b Tom Ysebaert Alleen rekeningrijden haalt iets uit
YUKAWA:94 Satoshi Yukawa and Macoto Kikuchi and Shin-Ichi Tadaki Dynamical Phase Transition in One Dimensional Traffic Flow Model with Blockage
ZAHAVI:72 Y. Zahavi Traffic Performance Evaluation of Road Networks by the $&aslash;lpha$-Relationship
ZARNS:06 Kris Zarns and Ronald Marsh RAYGL: An OpenGL to POVRAY API
ZBILUT:92 J.P. Zbilut and C.L. Webber Embeddings and delays as derived from quantification of recurrence plots
ZBILUT:98 Joseph P. Zbilut and Alessandro Giuliani and Charles L. Webber Recurrence Quantification Analysis and Principal Components in the Detection of Short Complex Signals
ZEID:03 Maya Abou Zeid Models and Algorithms for the Optimization of Traffic Flows and Emissions Using Dynamic Routing and Pricing
ZHANG:00 H.M. Zhang Structural properties of solutions arising from a nonequilibrium traffic flow theory
ZHANG:01 Michael Zhang and Taewan Kim and Xiaojian Nie and Wenlong Jin and Lianyu Chu and Will Recker Evaluation of On-ramp Control Algorithms
ZHANG:01b H.M. Zhang A note on highway capacity
ZHANG:01c H.M. Zhang A finite difference approximation of a non-equilibrium traffic flow model
ZHANG:02 H.M. Zhang A non-equilibrium traffic model devoid of gas-like behavior
ZHANG:03 H.M. Zhang Anisotropic property revisited - does it hold in multi-lane traffic?
ZHANG:03b Lei Zhang and David Levinson Some Properties of Flows at Freeway Bottlenecks
ZHANG:03c H.M. Zhang Driver memory, traffic viscosity and a viscous vehicular traffic flow model
ZHANG:03d H.M. Zhang On the consistency of a class of traffic flow models
ZHANG:03e Xiaoyan Zhang and John A. Rice Short-term travel time prediction
ZHANG:04 Lei Zhang and David Levinson Some Properties of Flows at Freeway Bottlenecks
ZHANG:04b Lei Zhang and David Levinson A Model of the Rise and Fall of Roads
ZHANG:05 H.M. Zhang and T. Kim A car-following theory for multiphase vehicular traffic flow
ZHANG:05b H. Michael Zhang What causes traffic jams and how does a jam spread (kinematic wave traffic model)?
ZHANG:97 Xiaoyan Zhang and David F. Jarrett Stability Analysis of the Classical Car-Following Model
ZHANG:98 H.M. Zhang A theory of nonequilibrium traffic flow
ZHANG:99 Xiaoyan Zhang and John Rice Visualizing Loop Detector Data
ZHANG:99b H.M. Zhang A mathematical theory of traffic hysteresis
ZILIASKOPOULOS:01 Thanasis Ziliaskopoulos Traffic Equilibrium Models - the Past, the Present and the Future
ZILIASKOPOULOS:97 Athanasios Ziliaskopoulos and Sungjoon Lee A Cell Transmission Based Assignment-Simulation Model for Integrated Freeway-Surface Street Systems
ZIMMERMAN:99 Paul Zimmerman Karatsuba Square Root
ZIPF:49 G.K. Zipf Human Behavior and the Principle of Least Effort
ZMD:08 Michael Zhang and Jingtao Ma and Hu Dong Developing Calibration Tools for Microscopic Traffic Simulation Final Report Part II
ZONDAG:07 Barry Zondag Joint modeling of land-use, transport and economy
ZUSE:67 Konrad Zuse Rechnender Raum
ZUSE:69 Konrad Zuse Rechnender Raum